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TwilightKirby's video thread (updated 8/17)

Tomato Kirby

Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Wow, that R.O.B. match ending was awesome. D-air-cide (Dare to Kirbycide)?

My criticisms:
1. Use b-air out of shield more. This is something I do not see much from Kirby players. This is Kirby's (weaker) version of the Whirling Fortress. U-tilt is OK, but I prefer this better.
2. Your above stage to stage recovery needs to change. This is especially true with your main use of Final Cutter. I recommend b-air, or f-air towards your opponent on the c-stick as you DI away. Above stage, I recommend a d-air and appropriate self-DI.
3. You should use dash attacks a bit closer. The ending weak damage and knockback is not good. Although you were not punished much, all it takes is a dodge/jump. Especially against other b-air happy characters like the ones you were facing.
4. You used Swallow while standing. Set-ups help make it more more successful. When you did go for set-ups with R.O.B., it worked. Standing is giving the opponent a free opportunity for a short-hopped aerial. You got punished several times.
5. R.O.B. is a character, due to his great recovery, is worth going for a Swallowcide.
6. Use Final Cutter less. Your opponents are going to predict your moves (the definition of "mind-game"), when they predict your Final Cutters.

I must say, I was surprised several times, even when I tried to predict your reactions from Blitz's point of view. Keep these improvements in mind and you will have a great Kirby.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
Wow, that R.O.B. match ending was awesome. D-air-cide (Dare to Kirbycide)?

My criticisms:
1. Use b-air out of shield more. This is something I do not see much from Kirby players. This is Kirby's (weaker) version of the Whirling Fortress. U-tilt is OK, but I prefer this better.
2. Your above stage to stage recovery needs to change. This is especially true with your main use of Final Cutter. I recommend b-air, or f-air towards your opponent on the c-stick as you DI away. Above stage, I recommend a d-air and appropriate self-DI.
3. You should use dash attacks a bit closer. The ending weak damage and knockback is not good. Although you were not punished much, all it takes is a dodge/jump. Especially against other b-air happy characters like the ones you were facing.
4. You used Swallow while standing. Set-ups help make it more more successful. When you did go for set-ups with R.O.B., it worked. Standing is giving the opponent a free opportunity for a short-hopped aerial. You got punished several times.
5. R.O.B. is a character, due to his great recovery, is worth going for a Swallowcide.
6. Use Final Cutter less. Your opponents are going to predict your moves (the definition of "mind-game"), when they predict your Final Cutters.

I must say, I was surprised several times, even when I tried to predict your reactions from Blitz's point of view. Keep these improvements in mind and you will have a great Kirby.
1. Well I use utilt when they are behind me because I wont get to use that move as often as bair and I'd rather make that stale than bair, plus utilt will launch them into the air which is where i have the advantage generally.

2. I was doing a lot of these things but he was constantly outprioritizing me so I was experimenting... actually I was trying to do quite a few of these in that ROB match but you can't tell cause of him outprioritizing me. If you notice the luigi match I barely use final cutter... lol I don't know what works on ROB so I was sorta experimenting but I was also playing in a mind set that he was going to win so... I kinda wasn't thinking about what I was doing at some points :(

3. Umm I'm not sure but I think I'm mostly hitting with the last couple of hits cause he was spot dodging? not sure... generally I just use a dash attack when I think they will spot dodge and I start it early in case they roll towards me so they will get hit by it still. I'll keep that in mind though.

4. Hey I only used inhale once while standing lol... the others were short hopped XD I was trying to counter the aerial I thought he was going to do but he didn't, though you are right and I should use it less.

5. Blitz is too good to swallowcide o.o well on ROB he knows to start a nair just before the inhale hits him to counter me and usually kill me while luigi he just stays away lol you'll notice I try to scare him from edgeguarding me by inhaling while hes at the ledge.

6. I only spammed it in the ROB fight =/ lol again I was playing under the mindset that I couldn't win cause its someone I've played before and lost to... the luigi fight I started to play more normally cause I started to think maybe I have a chance lols... but yeah I'll remember that my natural reaction when I'm not thinking is to spam final cutter and watch for that.

Nope the ROB ending was just a dair but I was inside of him dairing so we both died at the same time... had I been slightly higher he would have died and I could have lived... oh well =/
unless you just meant the dair as a new kirbycide? lol

but again the luigi match is when I was playing smarter lol... grr at ending he hit me with a dsmash just before my hammer hit him... lol I was expecting him to spotdodge

Tomato Kirby

Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Great to have my criticisms criticized.:)...my comments in yellow.

1. Well I use utilt when they are behind me because I wont get to use that move as often as bair and I'd rather make that stale than bair, plus utilt will launch them into the air which is where i have the advantage generally.I would not worry about the staling, as it is highly likely you will use another move. At higher percent-opportunities like in the Luigi match, b-air would be great for sending him off the stage, and off-stage, a slightly stale b-air should not matter. Luigi is NOT the character for u-tilts, and I do not see Kirby having an advantage in the air. At lower percents on heavier characters, then I would say yes for u-tilt.

2. I was doing a lot of these things but he was constantly outprioritizing me so I was experimenting... actually I was trying to do quite a few of these in that ROB match but you can't tell cause of him outprioritizing me. If you notice the luigi match I barely use final cutter... lol I don't know what works on ROB so I was sorta experimenting but I was also playing in a mind set that he was going to win so... I kinda wasn't thinking about what I was doing at some points :(Do not worry, I knew that both characters had higher priority. I did notice you trying other methods, although your main return to stage was still Final Cutter. I also did note Final Cutter being used less in the Luigi match. This part was more for the R.O.B. part. Maybe a bit of air-dodging could be tried as well?

3. Umm I'm not sure but I think I'm mostly hitting with the last couple of hits cause he was spot dodging? not sure... generally I just use a dash attack when I think they will spot dodge and I start it early in case they roll towards me so they will get hit by it still. I'll keep that in mind though.No, you seemed to start too far away.

4. Hey I only used inhale once while standing lol... the others were short hopped XD I was trying to counter the aerial I thought he was going to do but he didn't, though you are right and I should use it less.You used it several times (I think I counted 2-3) while standing. I noticed one short-hopped Inhale. I watched each match about three times, and this is something that I look for while criticizing.

5. Blitz is too good to swallowcide o.o well on ROB he knows to start a nair just before the inhale hits him to counter me My comment was for when R.O.B. was already inside Kirby and usually kill me while luigi he just stays away lol you'll notice I try to scare him from edgeguarding me by inhaling while hes at the ledge.

6. I only spammed it in the ROB fight =/ lol again I was playing under the mindset that I couldn't winNovice/Intermediate/Pro Tip: Never think about losing. Instead, think about how you will improve. cause its someone I've played before and lost to... the luigi fight I started to play more normally cause I started to think maybe I have a chance lols... but yeah I'll remember that my natural reaction when I'm not thinking is to spam final cutter and watch for that.

Nope the ROB ending was just a dair but I was inside of him dairing so we both died at the same time... had I been slightly higher he would have died and I could have lived... oh well =/
unless you just meant the dair as a new kirbycide? lol

but again the luigi match is when I was playing smarter lol... grr at ending he hit me with a dsmash just before my hammer hit him... lol I was expecting him to spotdodge


Smash Journeyman
Mar 17, 2008
Florida; I consider myself a decent brawl player.
Overall I think you should take your game in the air a little bit more, especially against that Luigi. He loved dropping aerials on top of you. Also against ROB, take his power! Kirbyciding doesn't work very well against ROB. I find that ROB's power helps with spacing against him.

Tomato Kirby

Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
^I disagree: R.O.B. is a hard charcter to KO. Although R.O.B.'s power is great, I would rather take ourselves down a stock.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 17, 2008
Florida; I consider myself a decent brawl player.
You ever tried Kirbyciding a ROB? It doesn't really happen, they'll usually get out right before they hit the bottom of the screen and just fly back up like it's nobody's business.

Then you might say, well Kirby can just stage spike him. Not even, ROB will most likely out range you with a forward air or a back air.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 17, 2008
Florida; I consider myself a decent brawl player.
He probably could have air dodged that combo you did, but then he probably would have been vulnerable as he landed.

I wish I could use the hammer as well as you do, you always seem to get that 2nd hit right before you hit the ground with it. I could pretty much see you were going both to win both rounds after seeing the first minute of the first round. You just had more control over the battle compared to him. Good stuff.

Tomato Kirby

Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
^Same thoughts.

Wow, I forgot about R.O.B.'s recovery on my other post...x.x...I guess I need to edit my other post.

Aside from using a couple of special moves (Stone) at the wrong time, I like this Kirby a lot better (and not just because it is no longer against super-priority characters) than your previous one. Good job!


May 16, 2008
Louisville, KY
I really liked your use of Kirby's special moves. You mixed them all in nicely, especially the aerial hammers. Your D-Airs while on the stage seemed to be effective as well. A lot of people only think of the move as a spike, and often overlook its usefulness SHFF'd on stage.

That combo was interesting. I think if he would have air dodged the second F-Air he may have been hit by the last kick.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
^Same thoughts.

Wow, I forgot about R.O.B.'s recovery on my other post...x.x...I guess I need to edit my other post.

Aside from using a couple of special moves (Stone) at the wrong time, I like this Kirby a lot better (and not just because it is no longer against super-priority characters) than your previous one. Good job!
lol this is how I play when I'm not nervous XD she didn't even tell me I was being recorded lol


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
So I started using aerial hammer the way you have, I had no idea how useful it can sometimes be. I don't know why, but people don't expect that second swing, and if they block, they go way to far back to punish the landing lag.
Yeah the hammer pushes shielders wayyyy back unless they perfect shield but nobody goes for that fearing the danger of death lol.

Oh another trick I like is timing the aerial hammer when the opponent is in the air so that both hits would hit them if they continue on their momentum( so if they airdodge the second swing will hit them) lol man blitz i played again towards the end of that tourney and as luigi he individually air dodge both hits o.o lol he admitted that he was surprised too XD

and another hammer trick(easier on larger characters) is to randomly mix it in with your bair, or rather if they tend to airdodge your bair do a reverse aerial hammer instead. They will aerial dodge as soon as you are close enough to bair and the hammer has just enough lag to hit them at the end of their airdodge.

lol yeah for some reason if you time it so the second hit just barely comes out before you hit the ground people tend to unshield. I suppose its good practice to do single hit aerial hammers though so that they won't start predicting it.

andddd at 2:26 in round one I dodge his pk fire by using the aerial hammer lol (when you land after aerial hammer kirby is slightly shorter) I'll pretend I did that on purpose :)

I still need to bair out of shield more XD any other criticism on how i can get better? lol


Smash Master
Oct 13, 2003
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I don't see many Kirby's beating R.O.B. It seemed like you knew how to fight R.O.B. really well, but you still lost. It's my most dreaded match up, I rather fight against a MK or Snake anyday as long as its not R.O.B.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
lol i hear ya on that one, though i'd take ROB over Snake just cuz i wont get KO'd by the same move every time COUGH uptilt COUGH


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
CH3? Not sure... haven't heard of it before now do you have a page with info?

it might be too far away o.o I would probably like to go though... haha if you are going too we could have the most awesome kirby doubles team ever XD (then watch out enemy team be marth/snake)

Usually I do better against his rob... lol we were having a fairly even fight on jungle japes last weekend (counterpicked it for super high ceiling) then the **** fish ate me =/ lol o.o I wish he would play dk against me lol its his favorite character but he never uses him against me XD

edit: CH3 I just looked up.... lol thats way too far i live in california O.o


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
**** to bad, i know that some Cali ROB player is coming but i forgot his name. Its to bad there is a lot of money on the line and lol i still need a partner for doubles. Sure u can't make it? Still time to get a bus or plane or train or something lol


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
haha well if I knew for sure I was going to win that money I'd go but I'm sure all the best people are going to be there o.o lol and i cant exactly pay for a plane and hotel o.o

you couldve just pmed me XD
Here I was thinking you were posting advice for me lol

good luck with that tourney though... represent kirby =P


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
lol i watched all the matches, i think u play a little defensive w/ ur kirby against luigi. U can afford to be aggressive against him forward tilts and neutral airs are a great way to disrupt Luigi's game. In the first stock he misses his upB but u just upair'd him instead of brick or hammer Kirby needs to take advantage of easy KO opportunities like that b/c he has the firepower to kill at low percentages. Otherwise good **** dude. There really isnt much i can say we otherwise play alike except i play more aggressive. (which is not always good :p)


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
Hmm your probably right cause I had a hard time beating a lucario user because I wasn't being agressive enough o.o

at the same time though being defensive helps me a lot against snake and marth... lol I actually generally win those matchups XD

probably the main reason I tend to play defensive is because those two characters are the majority of my practice lol... hmm I suppose what I'll try to improve on is being able to switch between an agressive and defensive style and recognizing situations for which kind of playstyle is better. Kirby can play both well so I think I should abuse that XD

Edit: lol I see the uair you're talking about... o.o I think I was actually trying to do a dashing upsmash but he move too far left and I went off the platform and when I hit the cstick up it just did an uair XD but it looked cool at least =P lol


Smash Cadet
May 25, 2008
i like the videos not quite sure what i want to say about them quite yet.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I wish I was lucky enough to know people nearby who were good at this game :(

Though I'd probably get distracted by all the "ohhh!" "oh!" in the audience while I'm playing at a tournament like that.. :p


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
Updated OP

only the second round got recorded but I won the first one and the last one lol... so yes only the round I lost in was recorded. Second stock was painful =/ and I could've killed him at 1% on the second stock if it wasn't for the stage lol XD oh well he did a good job counterpicking.
so what you guys like and don't like XD


Smash Apprentice
Aug 23, 2006
Alhambra, CA
i wouldve tried to fight more on the sides of the stage to get earlier side kills, or try to spike him on the left side more. but what do i know, lol. dont worry dillon im sure that lose was due to that unlucky moment at 2:50 :p. psst, should i post my videos for critiques?


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
lol I did DI =/ notice the upleft angle i flew at? o.o
though I should've mashed like crazy when he knocked me in the ground... lol


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I agree. I only watched the donkey kong one and 1.5 matches against Marth, but you're very good ^_^

The only problem I see is that you play blue. It seems like most Kirbys play blue or pink...maybe I should switch to yellow or something o_O


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Twilight if we ever team up i get the dark color kirby
Gonzo if we ever team up I guess I can go silver. After all, I played silver almost exclusively in Melee, but in Brawl, I remembered my blue n64 roots and went back.

By the way Twilight, I forgot to mention that you need more "Hi!" taunt. Seriously -_-


Jul 6, 2005
i didn't watch any of these but i just want to point out this guy ***** my pokemon trainer, good **** hahaha


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
lol champ charoozard is too good =P

and Gonzo I say whoever gets to the TV first gets dibs on the port they want =P though I usually go for 4th player so sure lol you can be dark kirby.

Man all the matches I lost were from not being patient =/

Lol and my DI got better =D except for the end of the ness match where I DI into the attack for the lose lols.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 21, 2007
Toilet Town, MI
Wow, those are some really good vids! You're a really good kirby!
Btw, at about 2:11 in the first match vs wario, couldnt you;'ve done upthrow kirbycide? or were you not in the right spot on the ship?


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2008
Twilight, are ya going to AXIS?
If so we should work out a ride thing, it looks awesome and is as close as we're going to get to something like CH.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
Prince uthrow kirbycides don't work anymore =/ at best I could land on the platform right after getting back to the ship, but he still needs to be damaged for it to kill.

And storm if you have a ride I could go depends where/when etc.
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