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TvC:UAS, GG:AC, Samuri Showdown 6


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
Come Back:
I know I have been gone for like ever, but on my return I see that SF4 has died out over the smash tourney scene and I got to thinking, "Do smashers really do not like 1v1 2d/3d fighters?" I really think that the answer is no but I do not know so I am making this thread to see what the response is.

Back Story:
Now, for a good little while there, (4 months worth of Gigabits Tourneys) We was bringing 2 Wii's setup for 1v1/2v2 2d fighters like TvC: CGoH and GG:AC. It did alot in my eyes. A Tally tourney tride to host a TvC: CGoH tourney just because their crew saw the game at a gigs and loved it. Mr F.T.W. was all about the game! I miss thoses guys as well. Afro always wanted to play me in GG: AC and actually turned out to have a Faust that took me for supries. Good **** Fro!!

My Idea:
All I am saying is that all of the "Smashers" have to atleast like 2d/3d fighters, because they have a that fire to win at a game where you beat someone up, they just do it a little different, but with how big your scene is there is no way you guys could not put out great 2d/3d fighting game players.

My Proposal:
Now that my life is a little more out of contro, (Wife being enrolled in oline school and about to give birth to our thrid child, I need to be gone at least once a month. LOL) I need vacations more, which means more tourneys. I know I am going to be play Guility Gear: Accent Core until my life ends, and I know I will take TvC: UAS serious as well. The Samuri Shouwdown Anathology comes with SS6 for the first time in the states and is a great game that should get some play.

I do not really know which Tourney we are going to make "Our monthly tourney for 2010" now that Gigs is gone, but one in orlando or close to central florida is where I am looking at. We will bring 2 nice setups with 3 Wii sticks and classics and converters for ps2/xbox sticks (not the 360 sticks) and ps2/xbox pads (not the 360 pads) Show and and play casuals with us and if you got it like that MM's and small side tourneys, but the real reason why I am doing this is because.............

SRK, Dustloop, Gamefaqs, SmashBoards are all split up and none of them really cross paths, so good games get lost/never get a good scene when they could. TvC: UAS is going to be a great game and since it is on the Wii most other sites will blow it over but this site knows the power of the Wii to make a console to have a "Great Fighter" so lets play them!!!!

Post here to show that you what us to bring it and you what to try these games or any other Wii fighter. I know we have the Kof series also. We will play it all!! The Last tourney of this year we are going to is WinterFest on Sunday I am checking with frames to makes sure we will have room to setup, If we can only bring one Tv setup that is fine but I really want to do this up.


Edit: I will post up before tourney and after tourney to let people know where to find any info on any games they were intersted in. See you all at some Central Florida Tourney or any TvC: UAS florida Tourney

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
in my experience, it's not that Smashers don't like 2D/3D fighters, but that most can not play them very well, so they don't play them at all. since the commands are more complex than Up+B or Down+B, and the way Smash works, a lot of players lack the basic fundamentals to be able to execute moves or apply spacing, etc.

not to say that they couldn't learn those things, but it leads to point number two. they don't want to do anything else but play Smash Bros. i tried what you are now, and i don't know how it is in other states. but in GA, the community is straight addicted, and will think of little else. you should check out shoryuken.com, though. you'll find plenty of competition on there.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Getting people into Guilty Gear is incredibly hard. Even people who enjoy watching it I have a hard time because of the immense technical skill that it takes, they just don't see themselves ever putting in the intense amount of work it takes.


Smash Cadet
Dec 30, 2001
Hey I'm getting into Guilty Gear.

May and Bridget<3


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
in my experience, it's not that Smashers don't like 2D/3D fighters, but that most can not play them very well, so they don't play them at all. since the commands are more complex than Up+B or Down+B, and the way Smash works, a lot of players lack the basic fundamentals to be able to execute moves or apply spacing, etc.

not to say that they couldn't learn those things, but it leads to point number two. they don't want to do anything else but play Smash Bros. i tried what you are now, and i don't know how it is in other states. but in GA, the community is straight addicted, and will think of little else. you should check out shoryuken.com, though. you'll find plenty of competition on there.
While I should care I do not. Negative comments are from one purpose. I am trying to start something not stop it.

While I should say nothing about your skill, I will say this, Walking foward and doing a reverse U-tilt is the same number of inputs as Tiger Kneeing a Hyper viper Beam. They just do not know that. Ask Afro how smooth his walf foward reverse U-tilt used to look. That means he was sliding his control stick. Fluid motion.

SRk=http://forums.shoryuken.com, read my post it says these forums are split and to get good at the respective games you have to be there and only there. Meaning that I already frequent all thoses sites and a couple more to talk thoses games.

In Ga as anywhere else, if they wanted to play nothing else then they will not play. But I have not seen that and I have actually seen the exact opposite. The more stuff I bring and the more I take it to places, the more they respond.

I am saying that if the smashers were showed how to do it they already have the drive to be the best, so it is up to someone to help show them, are you going to do it or are you going to do nothing again like you did before?

Getting people into Guilty Gear is incredibly hard. Even people who enjoy watching it I have a hard time because of the immense technical skill that it takes, they just don't see themselves ever putting in the intense amount of work it takes.
It is more of the exposure to the game at high levels and the way high leve players play. How many smashers know about this game on Wii? Or how many smashers know of smoeone with a Hori Wii fighting stick? What about a TvC fighting stick. Not very many. It is more of exposure to the games. There are smashers that want to get good at these games but do not know where to start. I am making a place for them now. A small place but a place.

Hey I'm getting into Guilty Gear.

May and Bridget<3

Good hope to see you at winterfest and we should play casuals!!


Smash Cadet
Dec 30, 2001
lol Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to make it to Winterfest. :|


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2008
Orange Park, Fl
I will be at winterfest, and we can play mad, "friendlies" until you pwn me so hard I want to quit playing the game.

No mention of Naruto, one of the most technical fighting games for any system right now? And the 2v2's...

Ahhh, I will be bringing that too, most likely.

And you do not want to see me in Samurai Shodown VI.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
No mention of Naruto, one of the most technical fighting games for any system right now? And the 2v2's...
Lamo. I demand an explanation. I mean, more technical than Guilty Gear Accent Core?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
I will be at winterfest, and we can play mad, "friendlies" until you pwn me so hard I want to quit playing the game.

No mention of Naruto, one of the most technical fighting games for any system right now? And the 2v2's...

Ahhh, I will be bringing that too, most likely.

And you do not want to see me in Samurai Shodown VI.
Naruto has a following with the "Smashers" already. There is a thread here and tourney for that game are up in the tourney section. The games I am bringing are not that into the scene and I feel like they could use some exposure.

See you at winterfest and mad casuals will be had!!

Lamo. I demand an explanation. I mean, more technical than Guilty Gear Accent Core?
Stop Trolling my thread!! No where in his post does it say more technical than this game or that game. He says one of the most technical fighters out there. If he would have included the words "If not the most technical" then I could see some reason other than trolling to be the base of your post. But he did not and you are trolling so please stop.

You must be someone that does not play the Naruto series. Do NOT let the name fool you, Naruto is 100% tournament fighter. Ignorant...
Don't feed trolls!!!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
I don't mean that, its just, well,
Guilty Gear is outstandingly technical.
See and this is why trolling is stupid. Trying to say something is outstandingly technical and then referring to a 2 minute combo vid. Not a 2 minute match vid of slayer on the mad **** spree. But instead you try to show the technical side of GG: AC with a 07/08 combo vid.

Really? Stop please I would like this thread to be helpful to this community.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Naurto isn't incredibly technical at all. In fact, its technical skill level is incredibly low compared to a lot of other fighters. Matches showcase depth more than technical skill. Yeah they have to do the crazy **** on top of the depth of fighting an opponent, but if I was going to make a case for technical skill, and technical skill alone, then a combo video will suffice. And it doesn't matter from 2008 because this guy still gets accused of these combos being tool assisted, and with good reason. Naruto Revolution , when compared to its competition, is really easy (not that that is a bad thing at all) and claiming it to be 'one of the most technical fighters' puts it up there with GG:AC, SF2 HD Remix, Melty Blood, SF4, Tekken 6, Soul Calibur, and Blazblue. In terms of technical skill, Naurto doesn't really come anywhere close to these games. I could mention the very easy inputs, the easy natural combos, the ease of canceling moves and comboing into your super move, its just not as technical as any of these games from what I have seen. I asked for an explanation, I received "You are ignorant."


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2008
Orange Park, Fl
Naurto isn't incredibly technical at all. In fact, its technical skill level is incredibly low compared to a lot of other fighters. Matches showcase depth more than technical skill. Yeah they have to do the crazy **** on top of the depth of fighting an opponent, but if I was going to make a case for technical skill, and technical skill alone, then a combo video will suffice. And it doesn't matter from 2008 because this guy still gets accused of these combos being tool assisted, and with good reason. Naruto Revolution , when compared to its competition, is really easy (not that that is a bad thing at all) and claiming it to be 'one of the most technical fighters' puts it up there with GG:AC, SF2 HD Remix, Melty Blood, SF4, Tekken 6, Soul Calibur, and Blazblue. In terms of technical skill, Naurto doesn't really come anywhere close to these games. I could mention the very easy inputs, the easy natural combos, the ease of canceling moves and comboing into your super move, its just not as technical as any of these games from what I have seen. I asked for an explanation, I received "You are ignorant."
Oh wait, you are absolutely correct. My bad homie...


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Nah its good. Doesn't mean the game's bad at all. Technical skill to me doesn't mean very much and doesn't invalidate Naurto as a fighter at all. So its good on both sides man. When you said that, I was thinking that there must be something massive I didn't know about, like a glitch or combo or technique I didn't know about that made the game incredibly difficult, sort of like when you first play Melee, and then you come onto Smashboards and all of a sudden you find out about all this L cancel stuff and wavedashing and you are like WOAH, so that's what I meant by my early statement, and I apologize if it came off as anything else. No hate was meant to you or the game at all.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2008
Orange Park, Fl
Nah its good. Doesn't mean the game's bad at all. Technical skill to me doesn't mean very much and doesn't invalidate Naurto as a fighter at all. So its good on both sides man. When you said that, I was thinking that there must be something massive I didn't know about, like a glitch or combo or technique I didn't know about that made the game incredibly difficult, sort of like when you first play Melee, and then you come onto Smashboards and all of a sudden you find out about all this L cancel stuff and wavedashing and you are like WOAH, so that's what I meant by my early statement, and I apologize if it came off as anything else. No hate was meant to you or the game at all.
Just let it go, Muhammad... let it go.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
Just let it go, Muhammad... let it go.

I have seen many a man go down this road boy, you know where that road ends?


Grab me keys over there, the one with the lucky rabbits foot!!!

On the real tho, One whole page and only one person saying that they are going to winterfest and would like to play casuals. Meh..... Too much trolling in here. I guess I will not bring GG:AC as I can see that a good amount of "Smashers" have tried the game and have gotten no where...... NOT... Give the kids a chance to play like the higher level palyers and make the decision on weather or not they would want to invest the time.

Please stop with all the negative points and senseless posts. If you are going to a tourney that we will be at and would like to play some 2d fighters post up and such.

Edit: Just ordered Two more stick yesterday and hopefully they should be here by the 20th so I will have another throw aways stick to bring only to tourneys for people to play test ****. Oh happy days!


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
lol you guys just need to start playing smash again and chill at UNF


GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
While I should care I do not. Negative comments are from one purpose. I am trying to start something not stop it.

While I should say nothing about your skill, I will say this, Walking foward and doing a reverse U-tilt is the same number of inputs as Tiger Kneeing a Hyper viper Beam. They just do not know that. Ask Afro how smooth his walf foward reverse U-tilt used to look. That means he was sliding his control stick. Fluid motion.

SRk=http://forums.shoryuken.com, read my post it says these forums are split and to get good at the respective games you have to be there and only there. Meaning that I already frequent all thoses sites and a couple more to talk thoses games.

In Ga as anywhere else, if they wanted to play nothing else then they will not play. But I have not seen that and I have actually seen the exact opposite. The more stuff I bring and the more I take it to places, the more they respond.

I am saying that if the smashers were showed how to do it they already have the drive to be the best, so it is up to someone to help show them, are you going to do it or are you going to do nothing again like you did before?
...huh? did you even READ my post? i wasn't being negative at all. i was telling you the truth about what happened when i tried the SAME THING you are trying. i was just trying to warn you so you wouldn't be shocked if you didn't get the results you wanted. even so, to address what you are talking about later in your post, i even stated that i DON'T KNOW how it is in other states, but just gave my situation as an example as to what COULD happen. this also makes the end of your post make NO sense whatsoever. how could i have done NOTHING when i was JUST EXPLAINING to you what happened when i WAS trying what you're doing?

going back to the part about inputs, i stated that MOST have trouble with inputs, and that the players could learn it if they wanted to. also, in general, controls and motions are more complex in 2d/3d than in Smash. that is a truth, especially in comparing MvC2 to Smash.

if you have more people respond than i do when you bring other games to a tournament, more power to you, man. i was just explaining what happened when I did that in MY OWN STATE. reading comprehension = :urg:

on Naruto - i thought the GCN Naruto was a lot of fun. i played around with Neji a lot in that game. Too many unblockable setups for my tastes, though, lol.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
^What was your setup like? How mant sticks how many different games. How good were you at those games. It might not be that smash kids are deadlocked in, rather that they need a scene as big as their own to find room to grow. Why did you stop?

I think my reading is fine and I surely comprehended all of what you said and it looked to me like you were saying "I tried something like that and it failed so don't be suprised if you fail as well" That is pure negative. Call it what you will but it holds no value in this topic, mostly because I clearly stated that what I was doing was working but I had other things come up and stopped going to tourney. Even went on to say that my wife and I are expecting our 3rd child so I need to be out of the house more. CAN YOU READ? CAN YOU COMPREHEND?

Why would I need more people to respond than you did to be successful? One person is enough to warrant me bringing the setup. People build hype and hype builds a scene. You have got to start somewhere. If people start comming into this thread and telling me not to bring the setups then I would call that the fail on my part, but as long as when I bring the setups and people (one is enough) play it and think about it, I have done my part for the community.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
the gameroom is now in the new student union


(building 58 on this map; it's on the first floor in the EAST section which is closest to parking garage 38)

a lot of us are getting together on weds. this week to practice for wato

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
^What was your setup like? How mant sticks how many different games. How good were you at those games. It might not be that smash kids are deadlocked in, rather that they need a scene as big as their own to find room to grow. Why did you stop?

I think my reading is fine and I surely comprehended all of what you said and it looked to me like you were saying "I tried something like that and it failed so don't be suprised if you fail as well" That is pure negative. Call it what you will but it holds no value in this topic, mostly because I clearly stated that what I was doing was working but I had other things come up and stopped going to tourney. Even went on to say that my wife and I are expecting our 3rd child so I need to be out of the house more. CAN YOU READ? CAN YOU COMPREHEND?

Why would I need more people to respond than you did to be successful? One person is enough to warrant me bringing the setup. People build hype and hype builds a scene. You have got to start somewhere. If people start comming into this thread and telling me not to bring the setups then I would call that the fail on my part, but as long as when I bring the setups and people (one is enough) play it and think about it, I have done my part for the community.
...i am going to make a long post here. i mainly want to do it because i want other people's input on this subject as well. being a player that originated in SRK, but participates in both Smash and SRK, and having tons of friends in both communities, this subject has been very important to me for quite some time. well, *deep breath* here goes...

to answer your questions, in most of the games i introduced, i was intermediate to advanced tournament level, such as in GGXX and SF4, to name a couple. there were plenty of sticks/controllers for people, and there were many different games. the reason i stopped was that they had no drive to do anything but Smash. for them to care about a game takes more than my optimism. they have to have a drive to compete and get better, and a drive to practice execution of commands. these kids, in particular the Brawl side of the community, had no such unction. they would not be able to do a command, or lose a match, immediately get frustrated and go back to playing Smash. also, my experience went not only in my own community, but i tried to get some other people from outside of GA into other fighting games with infinitesimally small success.

i'm being realistic. it's not negative to tell the truth, period. the Smash community is a community where the larger part of it only plays Smash for various reasons(i.e. Smash is very unique, they only like Smash, virtually all techniques and strategies learned in Smash do not carry over or apply to any other fighting game, 2d or 3d, etc.). i was doing you a favor by trying to warn you so you would know what a very likely outcome would be, but if you want to delude yourself, i won't stop you. not to say you will automatically fail in making a scene, and i hope you make this a success, but blind optimism is dangerous and mildly ignorant.

also, yes, i read and fully understood your post. we have VERY variant definitions on what a "success" is. you even said in your post that some people tried to run a tournament for TvC, keyword tried. judging from the context of your post, it seems that it didn't turn out well. and, i know personally that the "Smash/GGXX" community is small at best, though it's probably a little larger in Florida than in GA. a "success" in my eyes would be getting at least a handful of people passionate about the game to where they actually want to get better in whatever game, much like they do with Smash. a "success" in your eyes seems to be sparking mild interest and hoping that people will continue play. the main difference is that you have a slightly lower of view of what "success" would be on this topic, so it has nothing to do with reading comprehension on my end, just my different definition of "success".

also, you can't be but so active or researching on SRK but so much if you don't know about Final Round, one of the largest tournaments in the nation and held in GA every year. people from all over come to this tournament, and it holds tournaments for just about anything that people play, including Smash. ShinBlanka, the man that runs the tourney, tries to get Smash to be incorporated with the rest of the community, but there are issues out of his control. one major issue is time. Smash, in particular Brawl, takes CONSIDERABLY longer to run that any other tournament due to the style of the game. another thing is the communities are RADICALLY different from each other in terms of personality. SRK guys are, for the most part, grown men who act fairly to extremely street/ghetto, and things tend to get ridiculously hyped. The Smash community, for the most part, is made up of reserved, suburban children who are, in many cases, socially awkward. of course, there are exceptions to both groups, but these facts leave the two communities with very little common ground. in fact, reading on SRK and talking to many people in the community, the number one complaint about accepting Smash wholly is the community issue.

these are the issues i have had in trying to mix the two communities. if you or anyone else has any ideas to help the process, i would whole-heartedly love to hear them, but i still think that you should not be surprised if you don't see too much of a change. whew, done...


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
If it is any kind of shinning light, the entire ZSS board plays other fighting games. We all play some kind of other fighter outside of Smash and actively work to improve at it, some enter tournaments. In fact, if you've ever been over to the ZSS boards, and you see some of the discussion being done their as opposed to other places on Smashboards, it becomes very obvious that the place just reaks of SRK.

Also, were you picking the average player, or the most common extreme personality type when talking about the communities?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008

First, your fifth paragraph is so much stupid dribble. What does FR have to do with me knowing about SRK and having an account since 2007? None of that has anything to do with anything, but if it makes you feel all that better...... Top eight from FR XI had a kid named Jeff Boone in it, he lost to alex garvin vids up on preppy site just gotta search Jeff Boone for them. Jeff is my hommie and got me into srk in early 06. I train in GG,MvC2,VS,and some random fighters with him for about 2 years then I found out the same thing you have stated, SRK is a bunch of *****es/bullies!!!!! Smash kid are way cooler in the fact that they are "usually" in college and will make something of them selves. Outside of SoCal I really do not see that in the srk crowd. It is a assumption but it is what I have seen.

This is why I am doing what I am doing. I still wanna go to tourneys with my brother but he will not go to srk tourney because of their attitude. So we play smash semi-competitively. I still take some fighters seriously so I have to say on SRK and Dustloop and Neo. My account for those site are older than this but that does not matter.


Your 4th paragraph is a stupid contradiction, you tell me that your view of "success" would be doing exactly what I did. I got a whole crew (tally) to like a non smash fighter and try to hold a tourney for it. So I showed up and yes it did not happen, but I did spark the interest of a handful (five people right? well count up the tally crew and you will have five people there) of people. The fact that they even tried to run the tourney tells me that you gave up to early. The fact that they did not hold the tourney is somehow a reason why I failed to achieve your level of "success?" some things fall through. You are weak and that shows it. Face facts kid, you are negative and act like a cancer to those who try to be positive. You will not consume me, sorry!!

Very likely outcome? I already told you that I had great success with it. How is that being real at all? Again it seems like you are trying to be negative because you are weak and soft and could not make a scene where people are interested. Just how it looks kid!!!

Smash kids have all the drive in the world. THEY ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO BE SOMEONE EVEN IF THEY NEVER WIN AT SMASH MOST OF THEM WILL WIN AT LIFE!!!! That is drive man. I know it I have it. SRK'ers have nothing but games most of the time. They have a different kind of drive, they have the drive that this game will make me someone. That kind of "blind optimism is dangerous and mildly ignorant." To quote you.

Telling me **** like you do is only the driving force for me to continue. For every Ga Peach there will be 11 smash kids I get to "try" a new game. Of those 11 if 1 stays around then he will be able to drive me to find more Ga Peaches, and shove their face in the sweet smell of success. Keep being soft and keep telling people that there is an outcome that they can not avoid and I will keep telling you that you are negative. But stay around because I do not want to hunt you down to tell you "WHAT NOW GET ME *****"

BTW: Where is Evo being held this year? What are the games being played? What are they trying to do new there? TvC sub fourm oh you going to see my posts there. USA on par with japan? Posts in any of these threads so I know I am wasting my time on you ok. I will wait to see you there. I really want you to post in the Usa on par with Japan thread. Please do that!!!! Let me know when ok. I will look for you there.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
^That question was not for you sir! lol

post in the Usa on par with Japan thread please!

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
If it is any kind of shinning light, the entire ZSS board plays other fighting games. We all play some kind of other fighter outside of Smash and actively work to improve at it, some enter tournaments. In fact, if you've ever been over to the ZSS boards, and you see some of the discussion being done their as opposed to other places on Smashboards, it becomes very obvious that the place just reaks of SRK.

Also, were you picking the average player, or the most common extreme personality type when talking about the communities?
i don't keep up with Brawl very much, so i don't go to the ZSS boards very much. it's cool that you guys discuss that stuff, though. and, it's cool you guys are trying to improve in other stuff along with Smash. as for my examples of personality types, it wasn't specific. it was collected from going to large Smash tournaments and large tournaments for other fighters, but you can particularly look at the higher echelon of players for those same examples. i find it rather interesting myself, if you compare.


First, your fifth paragraph is so much stupid dribble. What does FR have to do with me knowing about SRK and having an account since 2007? None of that has anything to do with anything, but if it makes you feel all that better...... Top eight from FR XI had a kid named Jeff Boone in it, he lost to alex garvin vids up on preppy site just gotta search Jeff Boone for them. Jeff is my hommie and got me into srk in early 06. I train in GG,MvC2,VS,and some random fighters with him for about 2 years then I found out the same thing you have stated, SRK is a bunch of *****es/bullies!!!!! Smash kid are way cooler in the fact that they are "usually" in college and will make something of them selves. Outside of SoCal I really do not see that in the srk crowd. It is a assumption but it is what I have seen.

This is why I am doing what I am doing. I still wanna go to tourneys with my brother but he will not go to srk tourney because of their attitude. So we play smash semi-competitively. I still take some fighters seriously so I have to say on SRK and Dustloop and Neo. My account for those site are older than this but that does not matter.


Your 4th paragraph is a stupid contradiction, you tell me that your view of "success" would be doing exactly what I did. I got a whole crew (tally) to like a non smash fighter and try to hold a tourney for it. So I showed up and yes it did not happen, but I did spark the interest of a handful (five people right? well count up the tally crew and you will have five people there) of people. The fact that they even tried to run the tourney tells me that you gave up to early. The fact that they did not hold the tourney is somehow a reason why I failed to achieve your level of "success?" some things fall through. You are weak and that shows it. Face facts kid, you are negative and act like a cancer to those who try to be positive. You will not consume me, sorry!!

Very likely outcome? I already told you that I had great success with it. How is that being real at all? Again it seems like you are trying to be negative because you are weak and soft and could not make a scene where people are interested. Just how it looks kid!!!

Smash kids have all the drive in the world. THEY ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO BE SOMEONE EVEN IF THEY NEVER WIN AT SMASH MOST OF THEM WILL WIN AT LIFE!!!! That is drive man. I know it I have it. SRK'ers have nothing but games most of the time. They have a different kind of drive, they have the drive that this game will make me someone. That kind of "blind optimism is dangerous and mildly ignorant." To quote you.

Telling me **** like you do is only the driving force for me to continue. For every Ga Peach there will be 11 smash kids I get to "try" a new game. Of those 11 if 1 stays around then he will be able to drive me to find more Ga Peaches, and shove their face in the sweet smell of success. Keep being soft and keep telling people that there is an outcome that they can not avoid and I will keep telling you that you are negative. But stay around because I do not want to hunt you down to tell you "WHAT NOW GET ME *****"

BTW: Where is Evo being held this year? What are the games being played? What are they trying to do new there? TvC sub fourm oh you going to see my posts there. USA on par with japan? Posts in any of these threads so I know I am wasting my time on you ok. I will wait to see you there. I really want you to post in the Usa on par with Japan thread. Please do that!!!! Let me know when ok. I will look for you there.
now, as for you. you have completely missed the point of any of the conversation we have had in this thread, and have lowered yourself to insults due to not being able to articulate yourself well/lack of knowledge. for the sake of conversation, and hopefully to get everyone else's input, i will attempt one more time to make you understand some things...in another long post...i wish people's ignorance and stupidity didn't bother me so much. i could just ignore this guy, if that were the case... :urg:

first point - the reason I brought up FR is because you made a point earlier saying SRK and SWF never crossed paths. you said this in your OP, and that is incorrect. GA alone has had MANY tournaments to include both Smash and SRK tournaments, with FR being nationally known as one of the largest tournaments every year. so, putting two and two together, you made that statement about the two communities never crossing paths when they do at one of the largest tournaments in the nation. obviously, that makes me question if you know what you are talking about. also, i NEVER said that SRK people were a bunch of "bullies/*****es" as you have put. do NOT put YOUR ignorant words into MY mouth. i'm not insulting any party in the points i am making, unlike you. all i said was that they can act kind of ghetto and stuff can get extremely hype/loud. also, your post about only Smash kids making something of themselves is ridiculously insulting and, once again, ignorant. in GA ALONE, not to mention other states, a large part of the community has either finished college, like myself, or is currently in college. Or, they are holding down a good job and making their own life. also, how long you have had your account anywhere doesn't mean anything. you could have your account on SRK or SWF since the forum opened and still be the most ignorant person about subjects regarding the matters at hand. people prove that kind of thing every day.

second point - if you would actually read and understand what i posted before, you would not have even posted this paragraph. i said i think it is successful if you got a handful of people PASSIONATE about the game, not just interested to run a tournament one day. i don't know them personally, but if they still play and try to perfect themselves in TvC the way that they play or played Smash, then you succeeded in my eyes. if not, you have more work to do. simple as that. you need to understand that there is a very distinct difference between being interested in something and being passionate about something. there are many things i am interested in, but will probably never persue. for example, forensics. i love watching shows about forensic studies and whatnot, but will i ever participate in forensics? no, because i am not passionate about it, thus i will never study this in school and become a forensics officer. instead, i am going to write and work for a networking company, because those are things that i AM passionate about. there's nothing wrong with this mentality. it's actually quite natural. after all, people can't do everything at once. me pointing to the fact that the tournament fell through does not even point to the possibility that i am weak. way to fail on insulting me there, buddy. also, i am not being negative towards you. i even WISHED you success, but was letting you know about a very real possibility that could occur. also, you are wrong AGAIN about me not being able to start a scene in a place where people were interested. i SPECIFICALLY stated that my problem was actually getting them into something that wasn't Smash in my area. and, again, it comes down to what is considered "success", which i don't consider that a great success. maybe you do. we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one. plus, you added a completely off-subject insult. way to be bad at debating a point, dood. and, i am not a kid. i am a 25 year old college grad who is suffering from the economy/bad job market. so, i am going back to school for something else. AND, i am part of the SRK community. imagine that...

third point - this is just ridiculous at best. i never said Smash players didn't have the drive to do ANYTHING AT ALL. get your head out of your ***, dood. the context was OBVIOUSLY that they did not have the drive to get better and compete IN THE GAME THAT I PRESENTED TO THEM. and, once again, you come with this ridiculously ignorant generalization that all Smash players are gonna automatically succeed in life, and that anyone from SRK is going to fail in life. as stated before, MANY people from BOTH communities are very successful people, just as many from both need to get their lives together. again, get your head OUT of your ***, man. seriously. ignorance like this is akin to social elitism. also, to inform you, it isn't exactly quoting someone correctly when you take the original quote and use it in a way that is completely out of its original context, thus making it not even applicable to the situation. congrats, you have achieved this feat. blind optimism in anything is dangerous and mildly ignorant. it is important to always know the pros and cons as much as you can in life's situations, no matter what you do. that is commonly referred to as "wisdom". which leads nicely into the next part of this point. what "crap" am i telling you? i have said MULTIPLE times that i HOPE you succeed in getting a scene going and i HOPE you get out of it what you want. again, i was just WARNING you of what very well COULD happen. i was just giving you a heads-up, as i had prior experience in trying to start a mass scene and sharing with you my perspective. of course, just like everything else i have said, you misinterpreted that. i never said that you couldn't AVOID the situation, i just warned you of its possibility. also, using me as an example, as you did above, makes no sense. i CAME from 2d/3d, as i stated before, and i now play Smash and 2d/3d. so, what you are saying is that for every one person you meet that plays 2d/3d and Smash, which is what you want, you will meet 11 kids that will try to play 2d/3d. see how that doesn't make sense? i said that i WANT you to succeed in your venture, so trying to shove my face in your success may not work out the way you want it to. just throwing that out there.

and, i already knew that Evo was being held at Caesar's Palace, and that they changed the weekend so that it is earlier in the month of July, which is unfortunate for me, as i might not be back from Japan yet, so i might not get to go. one guy was even talking about how he is a promoter for Star Trak Entertainment, and was talking to N.E.R.D. about performing at the tournament, which they replied as it being a "cool idea" he said. i also think it would be cool to have some celebs in the building. i know it may shock you, as according to you, SRK guys can not be successful, but he seems to have a decent career. as for the lineup, as far as i know, it is not finalized. but, bringing up Evo is another half-point against you, as they tried to cross paths with the Smash community, but did not want to use rules they were used to, so it's not a full point, only half. i will give you the benefit of the point doubt for that one. also, you probably won't see me post in the TvC threads at all, as i only played that game lightly when the Japanese release came out. i also don't know how the US players stack up against the Japanese players, as I never followed that game specifically. again, you're trying too hard to reflect my points back at me. i don't know much about TvC, so unlike some, i'm not gonna try to post about things i don't know about.

cool, finished the post. :)


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
Kid for me= dood for you. I use the term loosely as my bro is older than me and I call him kid. At 25 I feel like everyone is a kid to me, older, younger it does not matter. None of us are "men" so "Kid"works for me.

Again you are negative and do not see it as negative. Look at it this way, you tried and failed, so you quit. That is weak, maybe it is not weak, but you wishing me "luck" means you still want to see it happen but you are to weak to face the adversity in front of you. That has given you a negative outlook on this whole thing. Again you will argue and I will say it again in a different way. No worries, I have not faced the wall yet so I still feel as though I can overcome it.

Please quote my post..... Ok I will "Outside of SoCal I really do not see that in the srk crowd. It is an assumption but it is what I have seen." Saying "I know I could be wrong but from what I have seen this is my truth." Jeff is a good friend of mine and he is going through college right now. I know there are others in the srk community who have done this as well but not by the masses. Put it this way "I have found what is in my eyes a higher level of human being at smash tourneys" This is not to say that I do not have friends that post on srk but I did know them before Srk and have made no irl "friends" at tourney I have found on srk. I say clearly that it my opinion based off of my facts. They could be wrong , because I said they could be. Read kid.

Your point about smash at srk posted tourneys is a little weird to me because we all know that smash kids and kids from srk are not into each other, or at least on the average, they will not kick it with one another. I could be wrong but hey I really never see any people on both sites. Just because they have tried to put smash at non smash only tourneys means that the tourney host knows about the smash scene and knows that it is a good turnout to have. This does not mean that the two worlds cross at all. Melee was at evo brawl also but none have stuck and it is always some kind of crazyness (save the year melee was there, that was real hype)There are some from Gfaqs on both sites (srk and smashboard) but that is a very little number but they are there. I never see smash kids on Neo and I think I have noticed like 4 people from here on Dustloop. That could be wrong also as I spend so much time on all of them but never really look to see who is saying what as i am not normally talking to anyone.

I am lost in the rest of your post because I am working also so I am sorry for not responding to it now but I will double post when I have time to actually read all of it as I am just now to the middle of the second point you are trying to get across and am lost as to how this turned it "lets talk about C.S.I." I mean I see where you are going but......... really. That is where you have taken this...... cool I am bored as well and calls are not comming in that fast at all.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
One more supre long post and we will be at 4 pages...... Yesssssssss. Most people read the first and then the last or middle no one will ever see what we are talking bout, which is nothng really.

I really hope you work from home or go to school from home or something that keeps you at home a lot. I really am only doing this as something to do. I am attacking you where you are weak, in hopes of getting long posts out of you so people will not come in here and spam it up. It looks to be working. I really did not like your first post but could of responded with a simple

"I have already done this with good results so I am good to go kthnxbai!!"

But I wanted more and got more. Now it is more than I can handle. I would never read posts like we have typed and can not even finsh your posts to respond to it. though I thank you for your assistance I really need to stop this because it looks... well it looks like.... yeah my bad kid!!

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
as i can see from your last 2 posts, my posts clearly went over your head. as you can't comprehend, i am done with you.
by the way, i like your cop-out post at the end. good job trying to "save face".

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
*sigh* and this thread had so much more potential too...

yeah...I'm just gonna get into the FPS scene..I'm pretty sure now lol


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
in my experience, it's not that Smashers don't like 2D/3D fighters, but that most can not play them very well, so they don't play them at all. since the commands are more complex than Up+B or Down+B, and the way Smash works, a lot of players lack the basic fundamentals to be able to execute moves or apply spacing, etc.

not to say that they couldn't learn those things, but it leads to point number two. they don't want to do anything else but play Smash Bros. i tried what you are now, and i don't know how it is in other states. but in GA, the community is straight addicted, and will think of little else. you should check out shoryuken.com, though. you'll find plenty of competition on there.
I agree with the surveying of smash players clearly focus on smash and put little focus on other fighters. while communities vary, select players would have the capability to switch gears playing both sets of games (2D/3D and Smash) at the competitive level (memorizing their characters, abilities, tactics) without losing any memory of either. I could juggle from Rockband/ guitar hero/ ddr/ beatmania iidx/ pop'n/ w/e music game, to SF, and smash without a hassle (exception of melee cuz i lost all my memory on it lol, well sorta), just decay kicks hard and whatnot, but a quick warmup round should set gears straight.

I also agree about community aspects and the smack talk in between, I myself is neutral and don't give a **** about it, i just freaking play whatever game i feel like getting better in. and the commentary is pretty unfun... but it does bother me to listen to people who are one sided often and just defend **** like it's their balls to the wall on the berlin wall

as for the FPS scene.... mmmm carpel tunnel syndrome and irritating eyes, use clear eyes, it gets the red out


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
*sigh* and this thread had so much more potential too...

yeah...I'm just gonna get into the FPS scene..I'm pretty sure now lol

FPS is the worst genre ever, don't do it! Every game you buy will play exactly the same!!!!


Smash Master
May 13, 2008
Reidsville, NC (Not anywhere)
Soooo basically this thread is saying, "Smashboards should get interested in more games."

I'm going to try to get more interest by hosting a Smash/SF IV/BB/T6 tourny. Maybe some people from Shoryuken will like Smash and vice versa.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Street Fighter players hate any other game than Street Fighter. It sounds crazy, but it can be really true at times. If its not SF, or CAp Versus Blank, its done to some of them.

Melty Blood? They say Trash
Guilty Gear? They say Trash
Blazblue? They say Trash.

Of course, this is not all the SF community at all, but I've seen a large amount of SF players exhibit this behavior, though not as large in Smash.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
as i can see from your last 2 posts, my posts clearly went over your head. as you can't comprehend, i am done with you.
by the way, i like your cop-out post at the end. good job trying to "save face".

Ok how about I try it like this.

I apologize. I was trying to get you to type more and it worked a little to well. If any of the personal shots I took offended you, I sincerely apologize. I wanted to invoke long posts out of someone because when poeple see arguements then tend to stay away and let the thread be. At first it was a little fun but as it went on it became more and more senseless and I could see that what I was saying you were taking to heart. while I did want to get a negative response out of you with my personal shots, I did not mean to hurt you, and if I did, sorry and ****!! My bad kid on the real ok?

Now know I mean none of this as a personal shot or anything it is just the facts stated by both. Why would I need to "save face?" You are an out of work college grad that has no appeal to me at all. I am a married work from home/parent all day father of 3 who holds no appeal to you at all. Who would I save face for? The facts are plain in front of us, we walk to different paths, other than this thread, we, as I see it, should never talk. Who carse if you or all of smashworld fourms believe's what I say or what you say. Really? If anything needs to save face it is that last long posts you gave this thread. Just kidding!

Let my post be the last. If you had fun cool. If you got hurt, again I apologize, I really do.
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