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TvC:UAS, GG:AC, Samuri Showdown 6


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
Soooo basically this thread is saying, "Smashboards should get interested in more games."

I'm going to try to get more interest by hosting a Smash/SF IV/BB/T6 tourny. Maybe some people from Shoryuken will like Smash and vice versa.
Not really. I am saying that I feel like smash kids do not have it as easy as say a Guilty Gear kid when trying to move over to SF4 (more from the scene than the inputs, as I feel with good guidance those who want to learn maybe will) and if they wanted to get into other fighting games I know how hard it is to start an account on srk and actually get something out of it in the first 2 years.

So, I will bring the games to the tourney I go to. If I see people holding tourneys for games that I play, then I will show up to support and of course bring my setup. Some others on srk do this as well but most give up quick.

Throw TvC: UAS in one of those tourneys and I will bring my crew, but I myself would show up for tekken 6 and still bring my setup.

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
I agree with the surveying of smash players clearly focus on smash and put little focus on other fighters. while communities vary, select players would have the capability to switch gears playing both sets of games (2D/3D and Smash) at the competitive level (memorizing their characters, abilities, tactics) without losing any memory of either. I could juggle from Rockband/ guitar hero/ ddr/ beatmania iidx/ pop'n/ w/e music game, to SF, and smash without a hassle (exception of melee cuz i lost all my memory on it lol, well sorta), just decay kicks hard and whatnot, but a quick warmup round should set gears straight.

I also agree about community aspects and the smack talk in between, I myself is neutral and don't give a **** about it, i just freaking play whatever game i feel like getting better in. and the commentary is pretty unfun... but it does bother me to listen to people who are one sided often and just defend **** like it's their balls to the wall on the berlin wall

as for the FPS scene.... mmmm carpel tunnel syndrome and irritating eyes, use clear eyes, it gets the red out
oh, of course, there are exceptions to the example i gave, but yeah, i wanted to find a way to remedy that.

Street Fighter players hate any other game than Street Fighter. It sounds crazy, but it can be really true at times. If its not SF, or CAp Versus Blank, its done to some of them.

Melty Blood? They say Trash
Guilty Gear? They say Trash
Blazblue? They say Trash.

Of course, this is not all the SF community at all, but I've seen a large amount of SF players exhibit this behavior, though not as large in Smash.
sadly enough, this is all too true. i wish it weren't like this for some people. a lot of the GA SF4 scene is interested in BlazBlue, though. lol, they HATE Melty Blood with a passion, though.


Ok how about I try it like this.

I apologize. I was trying to get you to type more and it worked a little to well. If any of the personal shots I took offended you, I sincerely apologize. I wanted to invoke long posts out of someone because when poeple see arguements then tend to stay away and let the thread be. At first it was a little fun but as it went on it became more and more senseless and I could see that what I was saying you were taking to heart. while I did want to get a negative response out of you with my personal shots, I did not mean to hurt you, and if I did, sorry and ****!! My bad kid on the real ok?

Now know I mean none of this as a personal shot or anything it is just the facts stated by both. Why would I need to "save face?" You are an out of work college grad that has no appeal to me at all. I am a married work from home/parent all day father of 3 who holds no appeal to you at all. Who would I save face for? The facts are plain in front of us, we walk to different paths, other than this thread, we, as I see it, should never talk. Who carse if you or all of smashworld fourms believe's what I say or what you say. Really? If anything needs to save face it is that last long posts you gave this thread. Just kidding!

Let my post be the last. If you had fun cool. If you got hurt, again I apologize, I really do.
i didn't take anything personally or to heart in this thread, i just don't think you can grasp basic concepts that well, and that was made obvious by your responses, as your counter-points were mediocre at best. it was obvious you went to personal shots because you are extremely bad at debating and getting your points across. your sentences and structure make almost no sense entirely. plus, i even said i wanted to make the long posts to get other people's opinions on the matter, another basic concept that flew over your head. also, i am not out of work, i just rather be doing something else, but jobs are hard to find in this day and age. you have achieved something no other man has, though, and i congratulate you on it. you are the first person i feel dumb enough to go on my ignore list.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
^ Man I know you do not honestly think people will read all this stuff we have typed and if they do most of it is really not for them to respond to. You can not start any kind of open discussion with these kinds of post, it will put poeple off not bring them in.

Again I apologize, I was very wrong. If you are not to accept it fine but it is there.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
So.... The ok for winterfest came through and now I am good to go on sunday. The only prob I see is that with gigs gone what is like the state monthly tourney? Are SFL tourneys getting more people to travel to them? I guess I will see over the next 4 weeks or so.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2008
Orange Park, Fl
"you are the first person i feel dumb enough to go on my ignore list."

What is wrong with this sentence? Just asking because I just saw it. Maybe it is one incomplete thought that got interrupted about half way through for a complete thought...


And something will kick in after gigs. I still hold my breath that gigs will come back. Who knows...

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
"you are the first person i feel dumb enough to go on my ignore list."

What is wrong with this sentence? Just asking because I just saw it. Maybe it is one incomplete thought that got interrupted about half way through for a complete thought...


And something will kick in after gigs. I still hold my breath that gigs will come back. Who knows...

...? i don't THINK there's anything wrong with that sentence. i guess, if anything, i could have written that "you are the first person i feel that's dumb enough to go on my ignore list" or "you are the first person, i feel, dumb enough to go on my ignore list." the original way still works in conjunction with the sentences before it, but i could have written it better, i suppose.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
Great, we made it to a new page. Lets go with a new idea. For the next 2 pages, or until after winterfest. Lets have videos of good match play you have seen in Wii fighters. That does include GG: AC tho I really might give it up at smash tourneys with so many other fighting games on the wii to play and seeing as that game really seems to throw most smash kids off.

I am going to be posting mainly for Sam Sho 6 and TvC: CGoH but I will throw in some melty blood seeing as the next melty blood is almost a garentee for the wii unless they do a next gen revamp which I really do not see in melty bloods future.

So I will leave you all with these two vids and ask that you just post up vids of wii fighters that you enjoy, all except Ga Peache as he has me on ingnore so he will post as he sees fit as he does not know what I am saying here.

Sam Sho 6: Nothing helps you learn your fav in the game, better than a ditto that goes all three rounds. I have seen this vid like 25time in the past 3 days. It is fire.

TvC: This is my normal vid that I show all the people that have not seen hight level play that have been told the game is broken because of karas. Enjoy. They will only get better from here.

More vids to come, and BTW, they took off join dates on SrK so.... come join and talk TvC with me...



Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
Should of posted this one in the start with the other TvC: CGoH vid. This shows that game is balanced as well as good.


And I will throw in an extra Sam Show 6 Vid as well: Another great match showing the great poking and spacing in the game. The Rimururu (player 1, the gir with the ice floating next to her) player is better than the Shizumaru player but the Shizumaru player makes sure that he shows it as he takes the second round by out poking and spacing the Rimururu player. Enjoy the 3rd round and watch player 1 adapt!!.



Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
No one cares to post up vids.... I will post up two more today and see if they get any response.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
^Ok while that does fit what I asked for, could you explain the vid for some that are not into MvC2. Like tell them that Cykes Dragon Punch(SRK motion 623 punch) is........... so that is why he keeps hitting them with DP (Dragon punch) into into 236 two attack.

While this is good. Actual full vids with a small "here is why I choose this vid" is much better. Thanks for the add.

Super edit: Actually I did ask for fighters on the wii, or would be coming to the wii. MvC2 on wii? it could happen but not likely.

C. Hill

Smash Rookie
Jul 25, 2008
No one cares to post up vids.... I will post up two more today and see if they get any response.
Here's a good GGXXAC match from around the time when American hype was at its peak, before BlazBad came out and V-13 ushered in a whole new era of "hit one button to win". That match is from winner's finals of FR 2008 in GA and features arguably the two best American players.

Just to illustrate the balance of this game, here are Shounen and BLEED, arguably the best Testament and Johnny respectively. These characters are basically at opposite ends of the "tier list", and basically the lesson here is that you can play as anybody in GGAC and still have a good shot at winning. There are no "unwinnable" match-ups in this game.

Also speaking of balanced, fun games:
This is a match from the latest installment in the Melty Blood series featuring two japanese players in some tournament. The Satsuki player maximizes her pressure tools, resets, and gimmicks to take the match from the Ciel player, despite Satsuki being widely considered the worst character in the game at the time. The Ciel player is no pushover, either, and utilizes her zoning, reversal, and punishing tools very well.

You'll also notice if you watch more videos of this game that the same character will have several different movesets. In this newest installment, each character has 3 "grooves" they can be played in which alter the way they gain/use meter and in many cases alter their movesets as well. This allows for an incredible variety throughout the cast, and almost every character/groove combination is viable at a high level (with the possible exception of the Necos, who are joke characters after all).

Somebody in SFL play melty blood with me. D:


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
^ Thank you for the input. Again I think I am going to cap the talk of GG in here as it seems to put off most of the smash community, it seems like it is a double edge blade like MvC2. Once people get into it they are in love with it but, if you never become in love with it, you tend to base all 1v1 fighters off of this one game.

If you notice, you explain the GG vids but do not xplain the Melty blood vid. While these games (MvC2 and GG) have been out for a while, people have seen vids but they really do not understand all of what is in the game.

As long as the GG vids do not start a Theory Fighter thread then I am cool with it as I do like GG a lot. But lets not bog it down with them as I know it will only bring certain people in to talk the game.

Again thank you for the input.

C. Hill

Smash Rookie
Jul 25, 2008
Ah word, I'll edit my last post with some explanation regarding the MB video.

I see where you're coming from with regard to GG, but to be honest, I'd really like to destroy whatever notion anyone has that the game is limited to "the elite, the few" or anything of that sort (which I'm guessing is why a lot of people are put off at the idea of taking the plunge and just learning/playing the game). The game's learning curve is steep, probably even steeper than Melee at some levels (that is saying something), but it's nothing that can't be overcome, and it's incredibly rewarding not just at the end, but the entire way.

The execution factor is there, but that comes with time. For anyone reading, THE GREATEST REAL DIFFICULTY OF GUILTY GEAR TO OVERCOME IS UNDERSTANDING YOUR MYRIAD OF OPTIONS AT OFFENSE, DEFENSE, AND NEUTRAL AND LEARNING THROUGH EXPERIENCE HOW AND WHEN BEST TO APPLY THEM. Some of them are universal, a good many will be specific to your character. Sound familiar? If you played Melee, it should.

God, I feel like a ****head going the Caps-Lock route, but it really is that important for anyone the slightest bit interested in the game to understand. I'm hardly an adept at fighting games, and in my last GG tournament, I was able to take Flash's Jam to the last round of the last match of our set. If I can get that far, anyone--and I mean anyone--else here could go that far or even further.

Eh, that's my rant for the day, no disrespect since I understand where you're coming from. Just wanted to get some of that off my chest.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
That is what I am talkig about. Nice stuff from that guy there. Melty Blood for Wii comming soon so get on that stuff people!!


TvC: CGoH vid
These vids I will be showing over the next couple of days are not to high level because I wanted to open the game up and then open up discussion.

First Match, Karas/Morrigan Vs Batst/Polymar. This is an ok match with nothing to great going on. You will notice that Batsu does a re-jump combo on karas twice in the corner, from 1:30-1:45, good stuff.

Second match, Casshern/Ryu vs Yatterman/Megaman, nothing in this match at all just people playing the game trying to get better, watch it.

Third match. Megaman/Roll Vs Karas/Yatterman, shows that if you do not know how to play the game then karas can be a pain. This karas is really bad at the game actually but it shows how user friendly he is. The person playing him does not know the infinite or the un-blockable setup but still has no hard time beating the other team with an OCV. Learn the game and he is nothing.

Forth and Fifth match: Casshern/Ryu Vs Batsu/Polymar. A lot of good stuff here but mainly the fact that at the end of the first match the Ryu player show that Ryu's Light Attack Dragon Punch (Foward, Down , Foward motion) is so good in this game, it really does beat out mostly everything as you are invincable on start-up and some of the actual move. Other than that, good use of bar managment and ok runaway game by Batsu, the air reset super by Polymar is just as broke and easy as it looks.

Good stuff TvC: CGoH

Samuri Showdown 6:
Vid for my bro because he love nak!! Mina is one of the best in the game because of her zoning, while nak is mid at best with her low health and poor ranged game. I would break down the vid for everyone but my bro need to do that as he needs to lvl up and to understand that video his way will help him to lvl up faster!! Love yah bro.

Keep the vids comming I am loving how this thread is working out. No spam and little talk of guilty gear, this makes me happy all over.

Edit: C Hill I agree with you on so many levels. Please do not leave my thread as you are the kind of positive vibe I need around when nay sayers say na!!! Get some popcorn because over time this thread will get great with people playing games all over, and welcome to this thread.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
No one posting again......

Well I will edit this one with two or more vids in a little bit!!

I see that people are reading this thread but no one has anything to say?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
^ Yah know what? Some input is better than none so I will leave it at this. If it helps you get interested in any fighting game that is out or will come out for the "Wii" then please post it in here. Naruto, GG we will try to keep to less than other non talked about fighters as I know there are other threads for these games already and I do not want to beat a dead horse . SF4 really does not fall into this but again I thank you for any input to try to spark an interest in this thread.

Do you guys really not know about any other fighters on the wii?


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Oh, they have to be on the Wii? Huh, didn't know, thought this was just about getting Smashers into other fighters in general. I'm afraid I don't know of any other than those you had already named.

Does virtual console count?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
Yes sir, they do count. I do not play very many VC fighters so it would be nice to know how they stack up becuase I think they have what SF2? They should put Alpha2 on VC that would be the hit.

There are alot of fighters out there on the Wii.

The reason why I am keeping it to Wii only is a simple logic, how many Wii's are at a smash tourney? Well for Winterfest, (which is nt the usual tourney but it is a smash and other fighter tourney so I will use that tourney) there has got to be at least 25-30 setups right? Now how many XBOX260 and PS3 will be there? Like 11 on one day "MAYBE!!" It will just be eaiser to just setup a Wii (which most smash players have or have some kind of close access for it) and show them other games for their system to help bring down how hard it is to "enter into 2d fighters."

I know gamefqas has a list of games for the Wii, you guys should check them out and see if there are any games you would like to play at a smash tourney.
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