wow, it has been a while but BAME has another glitch.
Here is his post:
get any 2 characters and go to poke` stadium wait for the level to change then have one guy stand at the edge of where one of the two original stadium platforms will rise back up. when the level is about to change again have the other guy grab the one that is in platform position. the platform will rise and the character will go up with it while u still have a hold of them but there above u on the platform. IM not sure if u can still throw them
ipreferpi also said nana's glitch doesn't depend on nana grabing the opponent. It has something to do with nana and hammer squall. Here is his post:
The freeze glitch is cause by Hammer squall hitting the opponnent, once, I was fighting a ganon, he up+B'd my nana, and I did Hammer squall (not hitting him), and he froze.
this one could actually be useful. Posted by Wesley Wicked:
-throw a hammer- (can sometimes kill in one hit)
1. pick samus
2. go near a hammer
3. lay a bomb
4. before the bomb explodes pick up the hammer
Easter Egg Founded BY: MattDotZeb, Andrewg and takun
1-Go to event #39
2-Wait until the big screen in the background focuses on you
3- When this happens, Use Sing (up+b)
4-All Jiggs that are not airborne will fall asleep no matter where they are in the stage
5-Also they sleep for longer than they normally would w/o the trick
I gotta test these. They are from Bakaneko:
The first glitch basically makes G&W hold onto an item that he wouldn't normally be able to hold onto, like a metal box, or a warp star. It seems to occur when G&W is hit during a certain frame of animation of him picking up the item, where he is holding the item, but has not yet used it. After he's holding the item, you can throw it like you would any other item, although it won't cause any damage. You can also do the glitch with carriers, like barrels and party balls, to make G&W hold the carrier like a small item. He'll be able to jump and run around unhindered, as he would with a small item. You can also throw the carrier like a small item, and it'll do it's normal damage.
The second glitch causes an item to float in place without moving after being thrown, but still cause damage if touched. It seems to occur if G&W gets hit in a certain frame of his item throwing animation (I reasoned that, since the glitch occurred mainly when I was attempting to throw an item, but being hit with weak attacks repeatedly). If the glitch works, G&W's throw will be interrupted, and the next time you throw the item, it'll float in place. You can grab the floating item as you would a normal item, although I'm unsure what happens if a player other then the G&W who bugged the item grabs it. Also, grabbing the item after you throw it won't fix it, as it'll still float in place when you throw it again. It seemed to occur with items that can be used multiple times (Like fire flowers, ray guns, and home run bats).