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Tricks and Glitches FAQ with Pictures (47 min. video included)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2005
Houston and Galveston
just a quick update.....

none of this is AR or computer altered

no videos or major changes just small fixes here and there. keep sending your info.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2004
I believe you can ground mario or dr mario using mew2 disable while using marios up b.
I haven't confirmed this yet, but came really close. I'd really appreciate help.


Smash Rookie
Jan 17, 2005
Sugar Land, TX
ive found a new glitch... i think. i was on mush kingdom ii and i got hit ( while at 178 %) by a thrown birdos egg, a fullycharged samus blast, and dr. marios cape at the same time. i dont know what happened but i had 179% and didnt move anywhere...it was the wierdest thing, b/c all the sound effects of me getting hit happened, but i just sat their like nohing happened. at first i thought that the cape kept me alive,but then i realized my % only changed by 1(WTF) and i should have been at 210 ish
anyway was it just a game malfunction or what ... ive been trying to duplicate it but it is hard when ppl dont want to sit and ty glitches for an hour os so instead of dueling.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2004
sofakingsheik, that takes incrediably bad luck and timing. Are you sure Mario's cape didn't reflect the egg/plazma? Were you being ganged up on or something?

Also: JRI, can you count up the number of glitches/tricks/easter eggs and post a table of the count somewhere in your first post?


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Also to add to dumb characters list choose the dk level with the house in the foreground (cant remember the name right now sorry)also play with a level 9 roy. stand just left of the centre of the right hand platform roy will just keep jumping off the level


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2004
wow, it has been a while but BAME has another glitch.
Here is his post:
get any 2 characters and go to poke` stadium wait for the level to change then have one guy stand at the edge of where one of the two original stadium platforms will rise back up. when the level is about to change again have the other guy grab the one that is in platform position. the platform will rise and the character will go up with it while u still have a hold of them but there above u on the platform. IM not sure if u can still throw them

ipreferpi also said nana's glitch doesn't depend on nana grabing the opponent. It has something to do with nana and hammer squall. Here is his post:
The freeze glitch is cause by Hammer squall hitting the opponnent, once, I was fighting a ganon, he up+B'd my nana, and I did Hammer squall (not hitting him), and he froze.

this one could actually be useful. Posted by Wesley Wicked:
-throw a hammer- (can sometimes kill in one hit)
1. pick samus
2. go near a hammer
3. lay a bomb
4. before the bomb explodes pick up the hammer

Easter Egg Founded BY: MattDotZeb, Andrewg and takun
1-Go to event #39
2-Wait until the big screen in the background focuses on you
3- When this happens, Use Sing (up+b)
4-All Jiggs that are not airborne will fall asleep no matter where they are in the stage
5-Also they sleep for longer than they normally would w/o the trick

I gotta test these. They are from Bakaneko:
The first glitch basically makes G&W hold onto an item that he wouldn't normally be able to hold onto, like a metal box, or a warp star. It seems to occur when G&W is hit during a certain frame of animation of him picking up the item, where he is holding the item, but has not yet used it. After he's holding the item, you can throw it like you would any other item, although it won't cause any damage. You can also do the glitch with carriers, like barrels and party balls, to make G&W hold the carrier like a small item. He'll be able to jump and run around unhindered, as he would with a small item. You can also throw the carrier like a small item, and it'll do it's normal damage.

The second glitch causes an item to float in place without moving after being thrown, but still cause damage if touched. It seems to occur if G&W gets hit in a certain frame of his item throwing animation (I reasoned that, since the glitch occurred mainly when I was attempting to throw an item, but being hit with weak attacks repeatedly). If the glitch works, G&W's throw will be interrupted, and the next time you throw the item, it'll float in place. You can grab the floating item as you would a normal item, although I'm unsure what happens if a player other then the G&W who bugged the item grabs it. Also, grabbing the item after you throw it won't fix it, as it'll still float in place when you throw it again. It seemed to occur with items that can be used multiple times (Like fire flowers, ray guns, and home run bats).


Smash Cadet
Jan 31, 2006
Worcester MA
ok heres a trick really...
i did it with Link and Fox

1)go to Hyrule and have the Fox stand on the lowest platform and use his down+B
2)have link pull a bomb and mave him position himself that the bomb will hit fox's down+B
3)when the bomb gets to fox and bounces back to link, have link press A at the exact right time so that he catches it
4)immediatly throw it back at the fox

basically it just keeps bouncing back and forth never blowing up until link messed up
it might explode after, only tried it one


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2005
Houston and Galveston
WOW amazing i am going to have to try those, (to be honest with you the frozen item glitch was partially the reason i started this thread to figure that one out!!!)

as for the samus hammer throw... i know that technique already but thanks.

Jiggs easter egg sing, NEW TO ME. thanks!!

pokemon level change grapple, knew about that one but didn't look into it extensively. ( also works on peaches castle (platforms with propellers and the blue switch block hit) , fountain of dreams (platforms under the water jets), and rainbow cruiser (magic carpet)). thanks

Thanks again i have been working a lot recently so i haven't had a chance to update. but i will soon thanks again.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2004
odd, the hammer toss glitch isn't stated in your first post.

Easiest way to check this is to get mozilla fire fox (www.firefox.com) press control-f and type "hammer" or "toss" or "throw"

You should add it as glitch 102.

Same with the other glitches mentioned above.


Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2006
Glitch_____9. Real radish Glitch/ Black Hole Glitch -- (one of the coolest glitches by far) Set up a Black Hole of Radishes that instantly cause 999% damage

1. Select your characters. Fox and any other character (Ness in this example) on the red team (team attack off), Falco on the blue team, and Peach on the green team
2. Select items on very low. Superscope only (you can experiment with others later) sock to at least 10 (just for fun)
3. Go to Hyrule temple, Battlefield, Kirby 64, Yoshis Island. (A level with two platforms that are on the same level with space under for a character to jump) (In this example, Hyrule.)
4. Have the optional character find a Superscope and do the infinite combo (2 full blasts and 5 short blasts of three then be hit as you are charging again)
5. Place Fox on the left part of the gap, Ness behind him, Falco on the opposite ledge, and Peach underneath the two.
6. Have both Fox and Falco hold their reflectors.
7. Have Ness begin to fire the Superscope (you should see one green ball form near Falco.
8. Have Peach jump into this ball. (Ness should keep firing) and three green balls should form. Keep jumping into the balls, more should form until you have a steady bar of green balls that look like they are not moving. (If the reflectors break, vary the distance between Fox and Falco until they maintain their reflectors)
9. Stop firing the Superscope and stand there. (Fox and Falco should be stuck in their shines.)
10. Have Peach begin to throw radishes into the green bar. (Most should be stuck, some fly through (like ditto, the super radish (Col. Mustard) and Mr. Saturn) do not count them.
11. You should throw 15 radishes into the same general area of the beam on number 15 have the extra character (Ness) roll into the beam to destroy it. It should hit Ness for about 70% damage and the radishes should stay hovering in the same spot.
12. To destroy the black hole or free any frozen characters simply walk close to the black hole and slowly pull radishes from it. After about two or three pulls the black hole should fly away.
(My method that sometimes speeds the game up)

By doing this you can do the glitch by yourself with no help, but you need at least three controllers to make it happen. By the way, I tried throwing 14 vegetables and they did not stay stuck together. They kept rising up and up and then disappeared. You should throw about 15 or 16 in there before destroying the beam. Peach will not be affected by the vegetables at all, but if you get Falco (or Fox) stuck in there with a shine, then he will be able to reflect the damage of the vegetables on anyone. So yeah, those with at least three controllers can do it by themselves if they have no help. In addition, in order to escape the horror you need to DI out of it.

Edit: Here is an image of me doing the glitch with no help.

I froze Fox and Falco in there so Peach could get hurt. Fox and Falco take no damage. The hits from Falco’s reflector seem to hurt more than Fox’s and kill easily, whereas the hits from Fox aren’t as powerful and they don’t seem to be capable of killing Peach. I also threw a couple of super scopes in there for kicks, but they disappeared.

(Thanks Lord HDL and SuperDoodleMan)(Thanks Cap'n Crunch)

Note: When doing this you can have, anyone for a fourth characters some side glitches are as follows. To disable the black hole have the peach that threw the radishes into the mix carefully start to remove them then the black hole should fly off screen

1. Perform the IC Freeze Glitch and DI a character into the Black Hole then DI out and they will continue to be frozen. (Just don’t throw or turn them into an ice block unless you have Screw Attacks turned on or they will be stuck in the ice block)
2. Yoshi can swallow a character and push the egg into the Black Hole this is another freeze. He can also freeze himself if you try to eat a character from the black hole (doesn't work for Kirby although some of his throws can trap both characters)
3. Ness can use his up B to fly past the hole.
4. If Fox or Falco fall into the hole while holding their Reflector (shine) they will be frozen and do additional damage to another player. If it is Foxes reflector frozen giving the damage the character will never fly off screen they will simply fall as though they were just shined.
5. If the timing is correct, the game will actually speed up and not be lagging. It will be as if you are playing Lightning Melee.
6. Ness can use his Forward B and trap PK fires into the black hole that never disappear.
7. Sheiks needles will always freeze the game. (From what we've tried)
8. Most characters sex kicks or back kicks can freeze them in the black hole
(Thanks SofakingSheik)

i have a question for this section of the glitch part. i tryed doing it but everytime i shoot between the fox in front of me it shoot backs at me, and im doing this on hyrule. Is this not work on the recent smash version or is it the old smash version it works on, because ive seen where the falco would just shoot straight threw he shield and it starts reflecting and the peach keeps jumping up and down.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2004
Why haven't you added the new glitches/tricks such as quadruple power sheild or the ones mentioned above? I believe I sent you the video of the quadruple power shield trick.
when you power shield a missle 4 times, it won't do any damage (if it hits an opponent) or it will go through a character's sheild (if he is blocking).


Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2006
dragonsshadows said:
Why haven't you added the new glitches/tricks such as quadruple power sheild or the ones mentioned above? I believe I sent you the video of the quadruple power shield trick.
when you power shield a missle 4 times, it won't do any damage (if it hits an opponent) or it will go through a character's sheild (if he is blocking).
Are you talking to me?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2005
Houston and Galveston
Thanks all Sorry I have work and i am kinda busy...... i am adding them now ............. I have also used this time to test the legitimacy of these glitches.

give me some time to imput them, thanks

thanks you are correct in explaining and welcome back

Calm down it is eaiser then you think.... first check the videos in the archive on the first page and watch them to see the timing and such , next make sure team attack is OFF because you need to shoot THROUGH THE FIRST REFLECTOR , once it hits the other teams reflector then the first fox can re-reflect it, causing the chain.

Ok glitches are comming along well and i appreciate everyones help and contributions.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2005
I downloaded a video (Glitch 1.5) and every time I open it up it just says: Connecting... in media player.
Also I cant download Temple Jump. Please fix it.


Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2006
JRI3102 said:
Thanks all Sorry I have work and i am kinda busy...... i am adding them now ............. I have also used this time to test the legitimacy of these glitches.

give me some time to imput them, thanks

thanks you are correct in explaining and welcome back

Calm down it is eaiser then you think.... first check the videos in the archive on the first page and watch them to see the timing and such , next make sure team attack is OFF because you need to shoot THROUGH THE FIRST REFLECTOR , once it hits the other teams reflector then the first fox can re-reflect it, causing the chain.

Ok glitches are comming along well and i appreciate everyones help and contributions.
i am calm lol its just its hard because the reflector keeps hitting me back when i shoot scope :(


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2006
When i try to view the Hyrule jump video in WMP i get the message

"Windows Media Player cannot play the file. This can occur when another program or operating system component encounters a problem but does not communicate the nature of the problem to the Player."

whats up? i have WMP11 with updated codecs..whats going on? Also, in Winamp, i just get the pic of a LLama and nothing happens..


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2006
Corneria Grab Glitch

Level: Corneria
Players: Anyone(Maybe)
1. Have someone stand on the bottom part of the fin(represneted by the figure with a circle head in the first pic)

2. Have another person( x head in second pic) run at you(running maybe not necesary) and try to grab you.

3. They shouldn't be able to and you should teleport a good 4-5 feet up the fin, ended up like this( % is the persong who "grabs")

4: Heres the pic:

my friend Ryan (RyanX34), is really the one who found it out, i was just kinda the one getting grabbed. This makes for a good place to camp, maybe shoot from, if your against a grabber like sheik. sry if this is old

EDIT: OK, ASCII art got owned, gimme a sec ill find a pic

EDIT: Done, and sry bout the double post


Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Performing aerial bombing raids on the Marth forum
There are three other glitches that you haven't added. If its possible I could try to make pictures. But seriously, they do work. If they are already known, I'm sorry if its repeated.

1. Soul Breaker - Barrel Cannon Glitch
Have Mewtwo perform the Soul Break, then have him grab another opponent and throw them so they freeze. Next bring out a barrel cannon and throw it at the frozen character. The barrel will barely move along, its pretty much in on spot with the other character trapped inside. Anyone who touches the barrel will be hit multiple times. Its possible to push them off the ledge.

2. Bowser stuck in air
This glitch is hard to perform. Have Bowser use his d-air attack and hit all of the opponents at the same time. Sometimes this will cause a slowdown. The more that is happeneing in the level, the slower he becomes. Its almost impossible to do this with the three other characters. But with an action replay you can make multiple enemies appear.

So heres the easy way to do it. Choose Hyrule Temple, because its fairly large. and unleash a ton of Redeads into one spot. Make it a free for all and have the other characters spread out and fight. When Bowser uses d-air on all of the Redeads he will br frozen in place constantly using the attack. Any character who touches him will be sucked into him. Its actually similar to the black hole glitch. Its pretty neat.

3. Unbreakable Chansey Egg

Go to Hyrule and get a Chansey egg. Go to the bottom of the level and throw it at the ceiling or wall. It won't break. It can slide along the wall or float for a few seconds.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2004
Some more glitches pulled from the stupid un-organized form:

This is a reallly funny glitch, and is easy 2 do w\ 2 ppl (i used my toes^_^)

1.Go to training mode.
2.Pick Peach as you, and bowser as opponent.
3.Press start and change settings so bowser has %999 and is human.
4. Now make bowser and peach face each other
5.Make Bowser f-smash, and have peach use toad to reflect

Now bowser will fly up, then mysteriously come back down at his NORMAL speed!
(From HousecallDoc)

DJ Kirby

Smash Rookie
Mar 22, 2006
Did you guys already noticed peach has a jump cancel? Try pressing jump very fast.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2005
Houston and Galveston
Thanks all it has been a while because of work and school i really appreciate Dragonshadows for keeping this updated for me... thanks all and i will add those once i have a little time to spare

also thanks for the unbreakable egg but the frozen bowser wont do i don't use AR or have one for that matter.

What do you want to call the bowser fly cancel


Smash Apprentice
Aug 26, 2006
Just wanted to pop in and say that this thread is so awesome, and I wanted to mention that if you freeze someone with the IC glitch in training mode on Corneria, and they get taken away on an Arwing, the same thing happens with the Big Blue glitch; they never respawn. Haven't tried it on a non-training mode, but I will if I can.

Oh, and I don't know if it's documented here already, but here are a few more things with the IC freeze glitch;
If they die by way of the other two glitches (Big Blue, Corneria), the marker will still show where they'd be hovering if they hadn't dissappeared.
If you throw them, it will unfreeze them.
A Screw Attack item will only make them spin for a second, and if you freeze them with a Freezie, the only way to get them out is with a Screw Attack (Haven't tried throwing, I'd really appriciate it if someone tested it out), and if you put them into a Barrel Cannon, they'll never come out. Also, I don't remember if they really die or not if they fall down in a barrel cannon...well, hope I helped. XD

Keep it up!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2005
Houston and Galveston
I just want to thank everyone for your help with this list and all of its amendments i have been in school and working all summer long.

thanks again for all your support i am not giving up on this but i think that after 100+ glitches that this should have more "credit" then it has been given.

thanks again for the hard work in submitting all the glitches i am going to try to update this when i can but until now i am just going to let it be.
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