to help anyone with the black hole thingy (having 3 controllers, 2 ppl, w/e)
me and my brother did it w/ 3 controllers, and 2 ppl. also note that i done wanna take full credit for this, i made it based off of a bunch of other ways to do it.
-training mode. USER as any character, and CP as peach.
-go to..pretty much any level, except for things like pokefloats, rainbow cruise and such, i found FD the easiest.
-make 3 peaches, and human. leave CP4 alone if u have 3 controllers.
-make 2 infinite superscopes, and give them to 2 of the peaches
-(if you have only 3 controllers, move P1 to the very edge of the level where he/she downt get in the way of anything, and plug the P1 controller into P4 slot LOL)
-put the 2 peaches on one end, next to each other. give 2 controllers to one person, and have that person position it so that his/her 2 thumbs are on A.
-the peach w/out superscope, is on the other end of stage, or facing toward superscope peaches somewhat away.
-have the 2 peaches rapid-fire, and keep trying until you have a good even beam (not shots next to eachother)
-have the non-scope peach throw turnips into the shots (if it helps, hold down and keep pushing b :D)
-if it falls out, just keep throwing until you have one that is stationary in the shots.
-throw like, 15-17 turnips into that one. if you throw too much, the game will start freezing up
-stop rapidfiring, and (put controller P4 into P1 again lol)
-you have your black hole! have fun.
note- if you want the peaches to get hit as well, just make superscopes (they dont have to be infinite) and then grab one, jump pver the black hole, and down throw it directly in. it will bounce for a while, but it will land in, and will stay -- FOR A WHILE. throw as many as u like :D
edit- double post? O_O