I did. Everything I expressed about him was a lie to save face, and I'm going to continue to do so every game where I feel the same. For a non-me example, I don't think YOLO ever felt comfortable with a Laundry townread. Of course, you're going to say these examples don't matter, but you being scum, I can certainly say the same.
There's certainly a comparison to be made between me and Laundry. We both subbed in for inactive slots. He quickly proceeded to make a page of single-response posts, which helps immensely towards gaining a townread, because posting breeds townreads. Meanwhile, Joey remained inactive nullscum. When I subbed in later in the Day, Laundry immediately and demoralizingly got on my case for my single acknowledgment post -- an opinion which got a lot of travel due to the time zone difference, and gave him town points for snarking on a slot no one else liked to begin with. Ultimately, I don't think he made an impact, and I remember many of his posts being unclear on a direction. When I made my posts in D3, they were generally regarded as good, and my only vocal detractor was your slot, after I pegged you as scum. No one quite knew what to make of me moving forward after your claim; I still had Laundry's stigma, but I was never in danger of being lynched, and by the end of D3 I was consistently affecting the game through my interactions, as remarked upon by several people. As for Laundry, I didn't stop looking at him until he was shot, and you would have been better off shooting Ryu.