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Total trouble fighting Wolf.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2007
New York
I'm amazed somebody hasn't posted this yet. I main Ike, I wouldn't call myself a great player, but I'm definitely not the worst. I have the regular problems against MK, Pit, ROB, etc, but I at least can do SOMETHING to them. I can't touch Wolf. I can even do more against Dededes and Snakes.

Most of you know the problem I'm having the second you read the topic title. Every match against Wolf, they'll spam his blaster, forcing me to approach, and before I'd come into range, they fsmash me and start the process all over again. Could somebody please help me out, and list some tips about fighting against Wolf?

Please don't post:

Neither are an answer.

Jester Kirby

Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
Memphis, TN
I have the same problem kirby vs wolf. What I do with kirby is try to do is jump and back him him in the face. What I like to do with Ike vs campers, is double jump towards him and start the quick draw. Time it right after he blsts and smack him in the face. You'll be a bit vulnerable if he's not damaged though. You could alsop try roll dodgeing in and then jump, jump, B+Up. Then have your way with him. I don't know any advanced Ike techniques so someone else probably has a better solution.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
do not jump low otherwise he'll side-b you and that really is a pain. Your best bet is to roll just watch for the forward smash. You know it's coming if he stops blasting while you are rolling. If you see it coming keep your shield up. As long as you are in wolf's face you have the advantage. Wolf's blaster is the ONLY thing that is killing you.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2008
Moxee, WA
Ussi, his side B is nothing, unless it hit you on the end where the spike is. Jump in front of his blaster, and counter. It works most of the time unless online, in which you have to do it ahead of time. After that just mix it up, because they might choose to grab instead. Another thing I like to do is tap Eruption when getting close from the air. You either get the hit in, or take damage and still get the hit in. But thats really all I can help with, your on your own after the approach.


Smash Rookie
Oct 19, 2007
I've had that same problem... i play against a friend who plays wolf who i first found this problem (not because he was good, just because he does that with wolf entirely). tonight i finally found an ok idea, but its really hard, and takes timing. you have to be able to do a lto fo dodgding or jumping realy, and avoid his blaster, when he has you in range, he'll use his usual fsmash. if you can predict and time, you can roll behind him, and be facing him, all while he's still following through. because of the way brawl is, you can almost immediately come out with Ike's 1,2,3 Nuetral A, and he's still in his attack. granted, it'll take a lot of dodging and avoiding, but i found it worked on him, and i bet it'll work on any person playing wolf with the assumption he'll keep doing that and kill you,


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
I would say if you know he is going to f-smash you then time the counter just right so you
counter the f-smash
I mean if he does this over and over again then it should't be to hard to predict his actions


Smash Rookie
Oct 19, 2007
true, you ahve a point on that one, but if anyone's smart enough, they'll know you can counter, so they'll be wary... i just began to use te roll and A because it wasn't expected and it come out fast. but yes, if it work, teh counter is nice... my only problem is it takes more timing, because its comes out slower.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
I know I'm not being very helpful here, but you'll find that even when you do get around his blasters and Fsmashes, you'll still have to deal with his awesome awesome reflector...

It has frikkin invincibility frames. Loads of them.

But seriously, you should try shorthopping over his lasers and then air dodging towards him, and holding your shield. Wolf's attacks are all very unsafe on block. You should be able to get a jab combo in on him if you block his attack right.

The Ocho

Smash Cadet
Feb 8, 2008
Lancaster, PA
The problem with Ike is he's definately not quick enough an attacker to really be offensive on Wolf. You're gonna have to think alittle defensively, looking for like, openings and lag time in his attacks. Use your jab combo, and if need be, get close and shield grab him. Then if not for a brief moment he's yours to attack.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Ussi, his side B is nothing, unless it hit you on the end where the spike is. Jump in front of his blaster, and counter. It works most of the time unless online, in which you have to do it ahead of time. After that just mix it up, because they might choose to grab instead. Another thing I like to do is tap Eruption when getting close from the air. You either get the hit in, or take damage and still get the hit in. But thats really all I can help with, your on your own after the approach.
when i said jump low i meant don't short hop over the lasers. THEN he'll side b you if he's a GOOD wolf and KNOWS the sweet spot distance of it.

DuB 22

Smash Cadet
Dec 12, 2007
North Carolina
It's probably common sense here but, get him on platforms whenever you can. Ike's a terrefic punisher from there.

If you're playing on Phinal D or another flat stage, I'd just do what these guys have listed but mix it up. The counter should wreck his F-smash, QD could get you in for a quick AAA, i don't know about a falling Eruption but if your desperate, why not?


Smash Cadet
Dec 23, 2007
I fight Wolf alot (at least 50% of my matches have been vs wolf players, and I've clocked in over 60 hours of Brawls), and the only things I've noticed that are problematic are wolf's short recovery time from his attacks and his blaster on occasion. Wolf isn't hard to KO, especially with Ike's strong moveset.

His blaster isn't that bad though, your best bet is to dash+dodge through blaster shots if he's grounded, then follow up with whatever you want. There's a good window of opportunity to attack once you avoid a blaster shot (AAA combo or grab are most reliable).

If you're good at RARs, Ike's bair trumps most of wolf's approaches. Keep in mind that wolf's nair is quick with little recovery lag, but you can attack through it while getting hit (I realized this after messing with Wolf vs the computer, Bowser would use his forward special or even fsmash after taking one or two hits from Wolf's nair). Also, if you spot wolf using his fair, you have another window of opportunity to get a quick hit in (ftilt works wonders, though use it too late and wolf will be able to dodge/roll/shield it etc.)

Also worthy of note: Ike's ftilt and short hop bair are good for edgeguarding against Wolf (fair is good for this too, but you're likely to be spamming this move elsewhere so it will lose effectiveness). Wolf tends to slide forward slightly while activating his up special, trapping him below level platforms and the like if he's trying to recover vertically. Most wolf players won't recover that way as to avoid suicides, so it's not uncommon for a wolf to try to recover straight onto a stage or straight into a ledge, or using their recovery as a way to attack if they're close enough. You have the advantage if you anticipate it. Landing an ftilt on a Wolf at 60% usually means a KO if you're at the edge.

Oh and dsmash is nice for a roll happy wolf player.

I'll shut up now.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2007
Don't be sad, everyone has trouble fighting Wolf.
Also mindgames.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2006
New York
Spam jabs. Anticipate rolls. Retreating fairs work wonders.

Wolf's aerial game besides his bair is mediocre. His fair is laggy on land, upair is good but easily airdodged out of, his dair is a semi-usable spike, nair has hitstun only at start-up (I think). His dsmash is the smash to watch out for because it sends Ike in a horrible angle. His fsmash is fast but can't really kill, it's also punishable on block with jabs, his upsmash is ok (just watch out for the dashattack cancel ones). His ftilt is two hits and has really good range, his uptilt is fast and really good, his dtilt is ok.

His blasters are his only annoying parts, but then again, Falco+Pit's projectiles are probably better.


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2007
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands (it ain't much, if it
do not jump low otherwise he'll side-b you and that really is a pain. Your best bet is to roll just watch for the forward smash. You know it's coming if he stops blasting while you are rolling. If you see it coming keep your shield up. As long as you are in wolf's face you have the advantage. Wolf's blaster is the ONLY thing that is killing you.

Wolf has nothing on Ike. He's too slow and his range is just too short. This is great for you. Simply annoy him with the tip of your sword and lure him out. Most Wolf players right now will go for the smash hit against Ike when approached, either counter it with your counter, or shield the hit and use A, jab cancel, AAA.


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York

Wolf has nothing on Ike. He's too slow and his range is just too short. This is great for you. Simply annoy him with the tip of your sword and lure him out. Most Wolf players right now will go for the smash hit against Ike when approached, either counter it with your counter, or shield the hit and use A, jab cancel, AAA.
Lulz easier said than done


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2008
Lancaster CA
You have to use the counter a few times. Not because the counter is effective(the counter sucks and is horribly slow to start) rather the use of counter is more of a mind game than an effective counter. Once your opponent starts thinking about your counter, you have the upper hand since they won't be able to play their comfortable style and you can discard the counter and play your own dominating style.
Sometimes simple approaches like rolling past the lasers, then doing a dash dodge followed with an ftilt can really throw a wolf off their game. They will hesitate using their prized fsmash and then your open to do all kinds of approaches. Basically to beat wolf, you'll have to be able to outthink him causing him to do all the wrong moves, and you to do all the right ones.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2007
New York
Thank you, all of you for your advice.

I really like the idea of using counter as a mindgame rather than intending for it to work. I've seen it happen from time to time. Counter makes people start second-guessing themselves.


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2007
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands (it ain't much, if it
Lulz easier said than done
True, but so is everything else. Basically, if you can't break through the laser spamming, your gonna have a real hard time against any projectile char. It takes a lot of practice, but it's worth it I guess.

Thank you, all of you for your advice.

I really like the idea of using counter as a mindgame rather than intending for it to work. I've seen it happen from time to time. Counter makes people start second-guessing themselves.
True, however, the more you use counter, the less useful it becomes. So I'ld advice countering a hit you can predict first, this works best because your oponent thinks you'll actually be able to harm them with it. If you use counter too carelessly, a good oponent will pick up on it.
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