So here's an example of something I was thinking I could move forward to, it may take a while though.
1. vs ____
2. vs ____
3. vs ____
4. vs ____
5. vs ____
1. vs ____
2. vs ____
3. vs ____
4. vs ____
5. vs ____
Mr. R
1. vs ____
2. vs ____
3. vs ____
4. vs ____
5. vs ____
1. vs ____
2. vs ____
3. vs ____
4. vs ____
5. vs ____
Now the question is, should I increase the amount of players and decrease the amount of videos per player? IE have 5 per player and limit the amount of players, or have 3 per player and increase the amount of players?
I was thinking either 5 per player for 3-5 players, or 3 per player for 5-8 players. What would be the most efficient with the least clutter?
OR should I just keep it the same as it is right now. Any feedback appreciated