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Top 10 Characters you'd like in Brawl, but you know would never EVER make it.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2005
Cary, NC
Mine is going to be long out and picturey, yours can be too or simply a list, I don't care.
Warning: You will probably not know who half these people are.
I'm just doing B-specials for move sets since A's will just be attack with weapon/body, also I will not be doing final smashes for some because I don't know if a final smash is supposed to be an almost gauranteed kill or just a really high-damaging shot
10. King Leoniadas (300)
This is madness...
This is blasphemy...

King Leoniadas would be a great character. Remember how spears beat swords in Fire Emblem? Exactly, say goodbye to the annoying Marths. He would be amazing at edgegaurding of course as well as spiking.
B - Kick straight in front of him, shouts "SPARTA!"
B-side - throws his spear. uses his sword until he gets his spear back (can be stolen by other characters and used as a regular striking weapon)
B-up - Generic third jump strike
B-down - Stomp on the ground, not a lot of damage but decent knockback to anyone very close to him
Special: Shield can block projectiles

9. Pyramid Head (Silent Hill)

I know that Silent Hill was made by Konami, but Pyramid Head is just too violent to be in Brawl. Pyramid Head rips the skin off people alive, that would make SSBB rated M pretty much instantly. Granted, Pyramid Head still is extremely cool, and just look at that sword!
B - Headbutts opponent with pyramid thing. Pretty much guaranteed knockdown if it hits
B-side - A straight forward dashing slash with the range of Sheik's side-a, except with a huge slash at the end
B-up - Upward spinning attack, about the vertical distance of Marth except he spins in a circle twice while he's going up then a third slower time when he's in between rising and falling.
B-down - Slashes upward with sword, causes earthquake effect like the fire effect of Sol Badguy

8. Suiseiseki (Rozen Maiden)

Suiseiseki has no attacks. She is a punching bag character. If you know who she is, she is the most god**** annoying thing EVER. You really just want to falcon punch her over and over again.

7. Dio Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
This image may be um... a little offensive
Dio Brando can throw knives, punch faster than you can think, control time, and summon a stand to block hits. If you don't think he would be awesome, then you're either lame or don't know who he is. That gray thing behind him is his "stand". He can control it but he can't really move while he does so. I didn't read enough of the comic to really know what his limitations are.

B - Dagger throw. Not much to be said there
B-side - His stand charges ahead and does a punch if it hits an opponent. Only charges for a few seconds
B-up - Just a third jump, doesn't do any damage. Dio can fly so I don't know what he would really do for a jump
B-down - His stand jumps a foot in front of him and blocks. He can't move at all while doing this. The stand takes a second to get up too.
Final Smash: The Mudah.swf combo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0xxgT2nj7k
Taunt: That WRYYYYYYY sound.

6. V (V for Vandetta)

With his multiple rhymes and alliterations, and his overall cool, but friendly demeanor, I can't see why anyone wouldn't want to play as V. Plus, he has that awesome mask, not to mention he can fight hard.

B - Like Sheik's, stores up daggers but throws them, except he can only charge to 6, but his daggers have very long range
B-side - Quick forward stab with his dagger
B-up - Explosion of white doves fly around him as he gets his generic third jump, BUT IT DOES DAMAGE OOOH
B-down - sets an explosive. It's not a remote mine, it's visible.
Taunt: Bows down and says "but you may call me, V"
Can walljump

5. Moot (4chan City)

* I don't have a pic of him with his weapon, I'm really sorry. Just think Kirby's hammer except much larger and pink... and made of steel.
With a permanent-banhammer in one hand a dragon statue in the other, Moot is everyone's favorite pink t-shirt cat uh... thing. He may be small but his speed and range could make up for it.

B - Swing with hammer directly in front, can turn around projectiles like Mario's cape
B-side - Ripoff of Ice Climber's. Running spinning smack.
B-up - An upward circular hammer spin. Like when you jump in a Kirby game with the hammer effect and hit attack
B-down - Downward smack, does damage to opponents closeby
Final Smash: An instant short dash in front of him. The first person to get hit by it is instantly KO'd with 999% and can't respawn to 10 seconds, hence the "ban"hammer.

4. Alucard (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
“What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!”

I know Alucard was in Castlevania III, but he wasn’t the main character and he’s different than the one in Symphony of the Night. If they were to include a Castlevania character in Brawl, it would probably be Simon Belmont anyway. Alucard is cool, agile, and can transform, because he’s a vampire. He could use his shield to block things like Link and he can use projectiles, too. And it would be only more awesome if they made his voice actor from SOTN do his voice again, because it’s so bad it’s awesome :laugh:.

B - Dagger throw. Boy am I original.
B-side - Turns into a wolf and charges forward until it hits someone. Tackles them to the ground and bites at them until they get out of it. You can turn around while charging
B-up - Turns into a bat for a few seconds and charges at wherever you're pointing
B-down - Fireball. If you never played SOTN (you should, it's the best Castlevania game), When Alucard uses a spell, a light shines down on him, and he vanishes, then for a second or two you can move the light and he'll appear under it and shoot towards where he was. So if you made him go left he's turn right and vice-versa.
Special: Has a shield, can block with it.
Special: His air dodges turn him into a mist. This is just a visual effect it still works like a regular airdash, but it has the mist noise from SOTN
Taunt: "Die monster, you don't belong in this world!", yes I know Richter says it, but it's such a great line!
Can walljump

3. Guts (Berserk)

Berserk is the manliest show in existence. Brutal battles, heads rolling everywhere, it was really quite the show. As you can see, Gut’s sword brings both Cloud and Ike to shame. It was hard to find a pic of his sword that isn’t covered in blood, so sorry if you can’t see his face well. The show’s problem is that it was too short, only 25 episodes. The comic goes on for longer, but the animators couldn’t find the budget to keep it going. For shame

B- Steps forward and lunges his sword at full length.
B-side - Basically Marth/Roy's fsmash
B-up - Generic Swordy third jump.
B-down - Ducks low to the ground and puts his sword in front of him at a 45 degree angle. Projectiles will shoot straight up when the hit it.

2. Thrall (Warcraft III)

King Thrall would be an interesting character. He uses a two-handed mace shown in picture as his wepaon. Plus Frostshock could slow down Foxes and Captain Falcons, and Chain Lightning would produce desirable effects in 2v2 an FFA. His taunt would obviously be “Lok'Tar Ogar!” (Victory or Death)

B - Frost Shock! A quick blue beam flies out of Thrall's hands. Whoever gets hit by it is slowed down for a short period of time
B-side - Stormstrike. A powerful swing in front.
B-up - Jumps up with his arms open, if he catches anyone, he dives forward and takes them to the ground. If he hits a wall he gets to attack again
B-down - chain lightning. A medium speed lightning bolt comes out of his hands. If it hits an opponent, nearby opponents will also get zapped.

1. Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star)

Fist of the North Star is the manliest movie of all time. It makes 300 look like Cheetah Girls. Once Kenshiro punches you, you are already dead, he's just cool that way.

B - Rapid punching
B-side - Grabs opponent and brings them to the ground, hitting them with his knee every few seconds until they get out
B-up - A fiery aura grows around him and he flies up. Like FireFox except no charging time.
B-down - Mule kick. You thought I was going to do an earthquake thing again, didn't you?
Final Smash: Hokuto Hyakuretsu-Ken. If you don’t know what that looks like, please use this video as a reference. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mz3jYkZMqqA
Special: Every attack he does (A and B) does an addition 1 damage per second after it for 5 seconds. In the cartoon, their heads explode, but I don't think I could put that in ;)


Smash Rookie
Jul 31, 2007
Louisville, Kentucky.
1.) Flint (Mother 3/The sequel to Earthbound)

Who he is: Well, he's a cowboy... and he wields a 2x4. That concludes the explanation.

Why he'll never make it:
You know what? I don't really know! He actually has sort of a shot. Sort of. Not so much as his sons whose names I forget.

2.) Adol (Wanderers from Ys series)


Who he is:
In days of Yore, Link had competition for the king of 2D action rpg. His name was Adol, and his games were extremely hard. That didn't stop him from being a badass though, and at least Adol had a freakin' personality apart from Link's strange 'Waaaah!'s" and "Hiiiieeee!'s" and let us not forget: "HURK!"
The point is, he never left the NES or SNES, and I for one wouldn't mind seeing Link's rival once again, although he was dispatched (by the fans) long long ago.

Why he'll never make it:
No one knows who he is anymore, obviously. It'd be like Elvis trying to relate to todays kids.

2.) Orsted (Live-A-Live)


Who he is: [Rant alert]
Responsible for one of the first great twists in early rpg history, Orsted was a cliche' stalwart hero out to save the girl and slay the demon-- that is, of course, until Orsted's best friend orchestrated events so that Orsted's hero and idol (a Knight named Hash) was killed, then tricked Orsted in murdering the king (father of the girl/princess) thus making Orsted a hated and hunted outcast-- forced to kill humans instead of monsters in order to stay alive. With nowhere to go, Orsted eventually turns himself in for execution, but is saved by a benevolent priest who then... dies. Orsted finally faces off against his traitorous friend, who, it turns out... did all this because Orsted was always better than he was... using his "hero" status to push his friend into the shadows. They fight, Orsted wins, and the friend curses him bitterly with a rueful death grin, recognizing the irony of it all. The princess appears---- and confesses her love for the friend! Promptly killing herself right after, leaving Orsted on a mountain top, alone, with the two most important people in his life dead at his feet.

Then, it started to rain.

Orsted goes crazy, seizes some demonic power, bing bang boom... the hero Orsted is actually the games last boss. What a twist! :D

Why he'll never make it:
Because most people are uncultured swine who never played Live-A-Live. Which is just a crime, really.

4.) Kefka Palazzo (Final Fantasy 6 [3j])


Who he is:
If you've never heard of Kefka, shame on you. SHAME! Kefka is not only the greatest final fantasy villain of all time by virtue of his successes (He actually destroyed a lot of the world, and ruled over it for a time. Yeah, really. He got away with it) but he steals every scene that he's in with his nefariously hilarious antics, ghetto fabulous evil laugh track, and generally engaging in acts of dastardly not-niceness such as: Poisoning water supplies so that an entire kingdom dies a slow throat clutching death, destroying whole villages with giant death lasers, enslaving a scantily clad magic-user with a mind control crown, ***** smacking soldiers, setting fire to STONE, shoving old men off floating islands, sucking the souls out of magical beings, and finally... giving the player the middle finger. A lot. I'm not joking.

Why he won't make it:
For starters it'd be really hard to get the rights to him, and secondly... it wouldn't make any sense for him to be there. A malevolent bloodthirsty clown god wizard standing next to the likes of Kirby and Mario? I'm not seeing it.

5.) Ark (Terranigma)


Who he is: [Bigger rant alert]
Another obscure hero delivered unto us through the wonders of emulation. Regardless of his lack of popularity, however, Ark can only be described as "The cool Link." What do I mean, you ask? Isn't Link already cool? I suppose so. Yes, he is, but Ark's game (The third in the Soul Blazer series) blew "A link to the past" out of the freakin' water. Ark wielded staffs and spears all kenpo style, he had a multitude of moves... he could JUMP, he had magical powers, he had everything. Link was just a stumpy dwarf of a single slash nerd compared to Ark back on the SNES.
As a massive spoiler, let me tell you what the story of Terranigma is about in a nutshell. Ark is a doppleganger of the real hero created by the forces of darkness (Yes, the one you play as) who is let loose into the world (under surreal circumstances) in order to ressurrect life. Why would the evil powers that be do that? So they can kill it all again, apparently. Whatever, anyway, as you progress through the game... Ark slowly unravels the mystery of his origins, how he was meant to fool the forces of good into thinking everything was groovy with the restoration of the world... while in truth, the devil was pulling the strings. Predictably, Ark was made too well. He fights back against his destiny, and with the help of a child psychic, a skateboard wizard, a swordsman & swordswoman, a seer, and christopher colombus (ya, rly srsly) he manages to thwart evil, save the world from becoming a bloody, pointless harvest for some dark superbeing. In doing so of course, he destroys himself, because he was a creation of that evil being. For his efforts however, he was granted a soul of his own... and is reborn as a bird.

The end.

What a rip. Still, great game.

Why he'll never make it:
Same reason as most of the other guys I've listed. Nobody really knows or cares who they are anymore.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
I don't have 10 exactly, but i thought it would be awesome and funny if Crash Bandicoot made it. His spin could make an awesome B or Bleft and Bright.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
50 cent

parappa aint got nothin' on this rappa

it would be beyond awesome if fiddy was included in brawl. he would utilize explosives, like snake. he would be heavy and slow, but very strong.

B: pistols-fiddy would bring out a pair of pistols and start shooting them like fox's blaster. it would have no knockback
B>: grenade-fiddy brings out a grenade and throws it while running away. the grenade has about as much power as a fully charged flare blade, but takes a long time to explode
B^: fiddy gets all his hoes and they carry fiddy up
BV: tackles the opponent. if this lands, fiddy sits on top of the victim and blasts away at his/her face

final smash: fiddy gets the G-unit gang and they all start rappin' like there's no tomarrow. this causes everything around fiddy to get burned to a crisp by fiddy's hot lyrics.

why he cant make it: his game never appeared on a nintendo console.....oh, and the fact that he's a real world rappa >_>.

9: Magikarp

Go magikarp, use hyper beam....wait, WTF do you mean you dont know hyper beam? Use splash attack!

if you dont think magikarp wouldn't be awesome to play as, you have no soul. seriously. he would flop around the ground, and in the water, he can swim.
his A attacks would be variations on "tackle"

B: splash attack
B>: splash attack
B^: splash attack upwards
BV: splash attack

final smash: gyarados evolution- magikarp evolves into gyarados and can be controlled for a while, like giga bowser. gyarados would cause the entire stage to become a storm apon the sea. it would have massive strength and is completely invincible. after a while, the gyarados swims away, and another pokeball comes in and sends in another magikarp, reverting everything back to normal.

why he cant make it: because it is obvious that magikarp would be far too overpowered, and cannot be included.

8: usopp

not make me playable in jump ultimate stars, will they!!?

seriously, franky and robin get to be playble, but not usopp? thats just cruel.
anyway, usopp is the gunman for one piece's mugiwara pirates. he could utilize a bunch of gadgets. however, he would be very light.

B: boshi slingshot- usopp would fire a random star from his slingshot, most having different effects, such as shuriken, salsa, powder, etc.

B>:wine bottle- usopp throws a bottle at an opponent, leaving them stunned. he can then fire his slingshot to light them on fire.
BV: 5-ton hammer- usopp takes out his 5-ton hammer, spins it around, and pounds the ground multiple times. this is a very strong move if used accurately.
B^: mishap- usopp accidentally squirts hot scauce in his eyes, causing him to run up the air in pain. even though usopp can cover good hight with this move, it would also damage him a bit.
final smash: sogeking transformation- usopp puts on his sogeking outfit while singing his famous song. he then fires a bird shaped flame that engulfs most of the stage.

why he cant make it: is an anime character, and is also a side character.

7: ClarkJables

oh god, I'm gonna get sued D:

clarkjables would be a sword user who also utilizes weapons, like link. he would be heavy, due to all his armour.

B: bomb toss-clark would toss a bomb, like bomberman. he can make the bomb grow in size by charging it. once he throws the bomb, he can aslo kick it.
B>: blaster-clark uses ray-01's blaster, that works like a lazer cannon. this can also be charged.
B^: shooting star- clark shoots up like stafy, with his distance depending on how long it he charges. works like luigis B>, but upwards.
BV: pikmin- clark pulls pikmin out of the ground and makes them fight by his side.

final smash: attack of the fanboys-clark yells "Bomberman>megaman" out loud, incurring the wrath of many megman fanboys, but then clark hops out of the way, causing the angry mob to run over everyone else.

why he cant get in: once again, WAAAAAY to overpowered.

6: giant enemy crab

and you attack it's weak point....for massive damage

it's ridge racer! RIIIIIIIIDGE racer!
giant enemy crab would be a large character, and as a result, would be very heavy and strong. thing about this character is that he constantly has a japanese army surrounding him, so they do most of the attacks

B: real time weapon change- a soldier uses real time weapon change in order to generate a random weapon, and stabs the opponent with it.
B>: 599 USD- kaz hirai comes out of the crab and sucks up all of the opponents money. this is especially useful for coin matches.
B^: flip over- the japanese soldiers flip over the crab, causing him to propell upwards. he takes a while to get back on his feet.
BV: massive damage-a japanese solder jumps up and hits the ground. this has the same chance of hitting as rest does. if it does, the victim will sustain massive damage and will be heavily damages

final smash: ridge racer-a bunch of cars come and run over all opponents. this includes the japanese army, but they are later replaced.

why he cant get in: never appeared on a nintendo console.

5: the king of hyrule

MAH BOI. this peace is what all true warriors strive phoar.

if there was anything good that came out of those CD-i zelda games, it was most certainly the king. with his hilarious facial expressions, akward lines, and rediculous look, this guy is perhaps the greatest videogame king of all time. he would most likely use a sword, and would make tons of random and unessecary gestures while he fights.

I'm too lazy to make up a moveset :/

why he cant get in: never appeared on a nintendo console, and is too obscure. sure, you could use the actual king of hyrule, from the canon games, but it just wouldn't be the same.

4: kinniku suguru, aka, kinnikuman.


Unlike most smashers, kinnikuman would be a wrestler, and would work like he does in ultimate stars. he would be well-rounded, and mostly uses grappling moves.

once again, too tired/lazy to think up a moveset :/

final smash- throws opponent up in the air, while the rest of the choujins do one super combo on the victim.

why he cant get in: because america wouldn't be able to handle his awesomeness.

3: travis touchdown

a kickass anime otaku with a lightsaber. what more can you ask for?

from the genius behind killer 7 and contact, comes no more heroes, a pretty sweet looking game for the wii. Travis touchdown is a simple otaku who lives in santa destroy, california.
Somehow, he manages to win a beam katana in an internet auction. Soon thereafter he becomes a hitman and kills Helter Skelter, which earns him rank 11 by the UAA, the governing body of assassins.
frankly, I would give ANYTHING to have this guy in brawl, since he's just that cool.

why he cant get in: actually, he does have a chance, but a relatively small one since he really isn't major enough to get in as a third party character.


If you actually know who this guy is, I'll give you a million cookies

as one of the ten people who played the incredibly underrated classic, gotcha force, I say G-red would be an awesome addition to the brawl roster. He has a blaster and a sword, making him obviously pwnage. believe it or not, he actually made sakurai's list, which may be a good sign, though he'll most likely end up as an AT.

why he cant make it in: megaman, only 10 people know who he is.

1:.........actually, I cant think of one >_>........well......just make it my top 9 then.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I second King Leonidas.

2. Jack Bower (24)

Top-tier character...infact...he should just be invincible. His final smash is a deadly interrogation.

3. Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)

Big weapon. Piss offed attitude. Widely known Japanese character.

4. Krabby

Another top-tier character.

5. Sandbag (SSBM)

He is tired of being hit now he is after you!

6. Naru Narusegawa (Love Hina)

A combat specialist. Her final smash is a extreme "Naru Punch".

7. Boogerman

You can guess how his moveset would be.

8. Iceman (1080 Snowboarding)
[no pic]
A rep from a great nintendo sports game. Ice attacks would be very intresting.

9. Freakazoid

A great kickass character. I would main him.

10. Joanna Dark (Perfect Dark)

I personally have always wanted this character in Smash. Snake fits that style fine though.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
Inky Blinky Pinky and... the other one
Snakes from a snakes and ladders board game
the msn logo guy
Soap (bar of Soap with wicked wavedashes[cause he's sop] and one big Upsmash move)
Leaf (leaf that looks like mr. towly)
Me and Catherine Zeta Jones tag team
Me and Jessica Alba tag team

that'd be great
- druel -


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007

King Ganonidas Boss(sorry Crom, it ain't gonna happen).


Jack.... Just, Jack.


I see YOU!


Blargh i'm naked.


King Leonidas. This IS SPARTA!.


Lord Vader.


Arthas... he's cool... you can't deny that.


Kane... TIBERIUM!!!.




Cell! Kamehameha!.


You asked for it.

Deleted member

LMAO at Kane and Ganonidas. Seconded to King of Hyrule too.
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
10. Bold Leonidas and the other 299 lol (300)
Final Smash: Yells "STELIOS!!!" and his army attacks (Meteor Smash: THIS IS SPARTA!!! Kick)

9. Marcus Fenix (Gears of War)
Final Smash: Chainsaw Glitch lol

8. Master Chief (Halo series)/Donut (Red vs Blue)
Final Smash: BXR hahaha (Donut says, "Its not pink, its lightish red!" during the process)

7. DDR Arrows? (DDR)
Final Smash: Speed 8x, Dark on Heavy/Challenge/Expert :p eh bad pic w/e

6. Kilik (Soul Calibur series)
Final Smash: Valley of the D***ed? Yeah let's go with that.

5. Vegeta (DBZ)
Final Smash: Yells "ITS OVER 9000!!!" and explodes like in his attempt to kill Buu

4. Elric Bros Ed/Al (FMA)
Final Smash: Lut. Roy joins up with Ed and Al, *clap* *BOOM* ATs: Winry and Hawkeye:p

3. Uchiha Itachi/Sasuke (Naruto)
Final Smash:Mangekyu Sharingan Amaterasu/Level 2 Cursed Seal Chidori

2. Dante (Devil May Cry)
Final Smash: Demon Form?

1. Leon/Jill/Chris (Resident Evil)
Final Smash: ...Rocket Launcher?



Smash Master
May 17, 2002

Gray Fox


Terra Branford


Master Chief






Ivy Valentine






Ryu Hayabusa



Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007

7: ClarkJables

oh god, I'm gonna get sued D:

clarkjables would be a sword user who also utilizes weapons, like link. he would be heavy, due to all his armour.

B: bomb toss-clark would toss a bomb, like bomberman. he can make the bomb grow in size by charging it. once he throws the bomb, he can aslo kick it.
B>: blaster-clark uses ray-01's blaster, that works like a lazer cannon. this can also be charged.
B^: shooting star- clark shoots up like stafy, with his distance depending on how long it he charges. works like luigis B>, but upwards.
BV: pikmin- clark pulls pikmin out of the ground and makes them fight by his side.

final smash: attack of the fanboys-clark yells "Bomberman>megaman" out loud, incurring the wrath of many megman fanboys, but then clark hops out of the way, causing the angry mob to run over everyone else.

why he cant get in: once again, WAAAAAY to overpowered.
this guy needs a cookie, hell he needs a truck full of cookies and brownies and pot, lots of pot


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2007
10. Zora
9. Knuckles
8. Diddy and Dixie team
7. Banjo Kazooie
6. Rayman
5. Crash Bandicoot
4. Lanky Kong
3. Jak and Daxter
2. Ratchet and Clank
1. Vaati

Demon King

Smash Rookie
May 28, 2007
Europe, the Netherlands
Great idea for a threat. ;)

10) Shishio Makoto

The bandaged bad-*** From Rurouni Kenshin. :D He would completely own people like Link, Marth or Ike in swordplay. His final smash would be his Kagezuchi, a storm of flames around his katana setting any opponent on fire and causing 999% damage.

9) Emperor Palpatine

He owned Mace Windu and Yoda in 'Revenge of the Sith' and his mad laughter would be classic for a taunt. Then again, with a lightsaber, any opponent becomes laughably pathetic. Of course, the final smash would be his Sith lightning.

8) Darth Maul

Do I even need to explain why he should be in Brawl?

7) Alucard

The most indestructable vampire in any piece of fiction. One shot from the Jackal (one of his two, enormous hand guns) would be enough to send any normal Smash Bros. character to their death.

6) Spike

Awesome Jeet Kun Do skills, a pilot and great with guns. What more could you want?

5) Teal'C

From Stargate SG-1. If his muscles and blasts from his staff weapon aren't enough, his stare would annhiliate all mere mortals - Teal'C stares into your soul.

4) Albert Wesker

Final smash - Thrust Punch. 'Nough said.

3) Vash the Stampede

Another gun-wielding, red-coated anime character. One shot from his Angel Arm put a crater in the frickin' moon.

2) Sarge from Red VS Blue

Great with a shotgun, comes up with crazy scientific schemes, hates one of his own soldiers as much as the enemy and only drinks the blood of his enemies. Although he does enjoy a Piña Colada.

1) Chuck Norris

One round-house kick deletes anyone from the space-time continuum.

Smile Guy

Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
1. Jedi Knight

Lightsaber fighting FTW! Happy slashing has never been easier...

2. Leon Kennedy

Leon Kennedy has fought off armies of the undead, he can deal with an overweight plumber, right?

3. Shigeru Miyamoto

Caught red-handed, Shigsy! As the God of videogaming I think he can handle his own creations and off-springs.

4. Harry Potter

Magic is magical and I want to expelliarmus Kirby's pink butt cheeks out of here!

5. Homer Simpson

Everyone's favourite cartoon character. If it were possible...

And that's my five that I randomly came up with.

Lobelia Boy

Smash Rookie
Jun 17, 2007
New Orleans, LA
Ric Flair.

B>: Flair Chops: He can do up to five.
B^: A stomp, but he can go farther up even if it doesn't hit.
BV: The Flair Flop: A mostly evasive maneuver, but can be used to simplify Flair's wavedash.

Final Smash: Figure-Four Leg Lock
Grabbing one opponent, Ric dances and shouts WHOOOOOOOOOOO! over and over and over. The WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO damages other opponents, but the one Ric grabbed gets the Figure-Four, aka instant 250% damage. To finish, he throws his enemy aside with one more ear-splitting WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 28, 2006
Some of these actually have a slight chance of making it into the game, so I remain slightly optimistic about their chances.

1. The Prince (Prince of Persia Series)
2. Solidus Snake (Metal Gear Series)
3. Gray Fox (Metal Gear Series)
4. Ash (Evil Dead Series)
5. The Vault Dweller (Fallout 1/BOS)
6. Diablo (Diablo Series)
7. Spiderman (Spiderman Series)
8. Scorpion (Mortal Kombat Series)
9. Twin Shot (Team like Ice Climbers...Metal Gear for NES)
10. Frank Horrigan (Fallout 2)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2007
The Sinnoh Underground

5. Jackface. All of his moves involve Jack making pained expressions and screaming something similar but not restricted to: "WHERE ARE THE GUNS, KATE!? WHERE ARE THE GUNS!?" His final smash would be that he grows facial hair and transforms into Jackbeard. All other characters are defeated by his emo alcoholism and his cool Jeep.

4. Aliens from Plan 9 From Outer Space. They create a horde of zombies to fight for them (Only 3 zombies possible per fight.) Final Smash is deadly sun weapon thing.

3. Mick Jagger.

2. Duke Nukem. Loses all of his fights because instead of actually having a moveset, Duke just goes into a strip club and looks at all the nekkid womenz for the entire fight.

1. Jar Jar Binks. More hated than Tingle, kills his opponents childhood. Profits.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007

Master Cheif
Jackie (The Darkness)
Toucan Sam


Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2006
2)Captain Olimar
5)Stick Man
7)Wolf Link
8)Skull Kid(TP attire-with Puppet)
9)Paper Mario


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
Ok here is my list

1. Diablo (Diablo, HellKnight, Diablo 2, Diablo 2 LOD)

2. Baal (Diablo 2 LOD)

3. Mephisto (Diablo 2)

4. Conan (Conan)

5. Beastmaster

6. Xena

7. Lui Kang (Mortal Combat)

8. Kung Lao (Mortal Combat 2)

9. Subzero (Mortal Combat)

10. Riddick (Chronicles of Riddick)


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2001
10.Duke Nukem

9.Bruce Campbell

8.Homer Simpson

7.Malcolm(Unreal Tournament)


5.Frank West(from the 360's best game, Dead Rising)

4.Fei Long

3.Revolver Ocelot

2.Ryu(Although he has a chance)

1.Gordon Freeman


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
"Pikmen" Forever!
Don't really feel like scoungering up the pictures so I'll give my list.

1. Knuckles
2. Vivi
3. Sora
4. Trunks
5. Optimus Prime
6. Cubone
7. Cloude
8. The Flash
9. Subzero
10. King Leonidus


Smash Rookie
Aug 31, 2007
US and A. Very Nice!
Im far too lazy to get pictures for the characters i want.
In no particular order.
-Master Chief
-ROB (hes there, just not playable)
-Shadow the hedgehog
-E Gadd
-Fludd Mario
-Paper Mario
-The announcer guy in Mario Party 8
-Someone from Star Wars (NOT JAR JAR BINKS)


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
I don't have a Top 10... Just a few.

Cubone (Pokemon).

The most awesome Pokemon ever created. He'd be the best choice for Pokemon I'd say, but he's overshadowed by that stupid overrated Pikachu. Cubone doesn't need the stupid anime to separate himself from the other Pokemon.

Why he has no chance? Well... Gee. He's first generation, and I doubt we'll be getting anymore first generation Pokemon.

Alex (Golden Sun).

I get the terrible feeling that having one Golden Sun character is asking for to much. Alex is just so awesome. Attacking with ice, nothing beats that!

Why does he have no chance? Simple... As I stated above having one Golden Sun character maybe asking for to much. :(

Roxas (Kingdom Hearts):
Do I even need a picture? XD I've always liked him better then Sora. He is more awesome then Sora. =P

Why does he have no chance? Well gee, he didn't appear on a single Nintendo console.

Roy Mustang(Fullmetal Alchemist):

The element of fire is a bit overdone in Brawl, but Roy Mustang is just awesome and would have his own way of using fire in his movesets. Not the boring "shoot flames out of mouth" that the other characters do.

Why he couldn't be in: Well, he's an anime character, but really I think it's just that he's too awesome to be in Brawl. That's it.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2007
No particular order.

01. Quote (Cave Story)
02. U-3 (Gitaroo Man)
03. Garcian (Killer7)
04. Shantae (Shantae)
05. Ada Wong (Resident Evil)
06. Raidou Kuzunoha (Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner)
07. Ico & Yorda (ICO)
08. Wander (Shadow of the Colossus)
09. Traveling Child (Forest of Origin)
10. Jr. (Xenosaga)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2005
Glendale, CA
man i would love for Rundas from MP3 to be included, hes so fricken awesome. ( For more info check out my thread on him and the other MP3 hunters )


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
1. Octillery.
It's an octopus!!!
B<>-Fire Blast (firebreathing octopus!!!)
B^-Aurora Beam (fires a mystical rainbow beam at the ground, propelling it upwards)
BV-Psybeam (psychic energy blasts!!!)
Yes, it's immature. But...it's my dream.

2. James Bond

3. L-Block (Tetris)
You know Sakurai could make it work. Besides, it IS the most addicting game of all time.
Isn't it time it deserved representation?

4. Trogdor the Burninator.

5. Bender (Futurama)
Best animated character ever.

6. Hiro Nakamura (Heroes)
Bend time and space! Wield a Japanese katana! Quote Star Trek!

7. The Juggernaut.
Don't you know who he is? He's the Juggernaut, b*tch!

8. Eggplant Wizard.

9. Pachirisu.

10. Captain Picard.
Make it so, Number One.

Xaron Fisk

Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2004
Little Mac
Mike Jones
Ice Hockey fat player
Billy/Jimmy Lee from Double Dragon
Excite biker
Blue Urban Champion
Star Man pro wrestling
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