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TOASTYYYYYYYYY! Scorpion for Smash!


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2012
Yeah, thanks to recent developments, my hype for MK content finally getting in has soared. Scorpion has been one of my "Never Ever" picks, but now he legitimately has a shot. Not counting legacy, of which everyone is aware of the impact Mortal Kombat has had on the gaming medium, we have the new game coming to the Switch and the focus on surprise, but exciting, picks for DLC. It's good to see the ones we used to see as frontrunners/fan favorites now having to contend with some out-there dark horses (though I do still want Steve and Tails/Eggman quite a bit).
And people will call us crazy to support Scorpion and Agumon.
At least they both share a part of his names.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2017
I'm interested in Scorpion. He has realism and a legitimate pick. I have more of a bias for Sub Zero but I'll easily take Scorpion.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
And people will call us crazy to support Scorpion and Agumon.
At least they both share a part of his names.
Oddball characters are pretty fun, I know some people complain about them not fitting in, but that's part of the charm. Where else can Solid Snake throw on the raccoon ears and tail from Super Mario Bros 3? Seeing Scorpion flail about after eating curry, ironically, too hot for him to handle will be glorious. And it just dawned on me how funny/cute it'd be with him and Isabelle trying to snag the other with their long-distance grabs.

As for Digimon, while it's not one of my personal wants, he's alright. I kinda forgot the series was still alive, I haven't seen it since the late 90's (I did have one of those original pet toys for it).


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
Mario vs Sonic
Link vs Cloud
Simon vs Pit vs Mega Man

The dream crossovers are already amazing in this game, now we just need Ryu vs Scorpion to make a 90's kid dream come true.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2012
Mario vs Sonic
Link vs Cloud
Simon vs Pit vs Mega Man

The dream crossovers are already amazing in this game, now we just need Ryu vs Scorpion to make a 90's kid dream come true.
Agumon vs Pikachu pls

And yes , Digmon is strong as hell right now


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2012
That's good for it then. I thought it got completely overshadowed by Yokai Watch as Pokemon's rival these days.
Digimon have a new game for the Switch in 2019, a big one
And no , Yokai Watch is losing hard

And there is a Eevee X Tamagotchi crossover
Digimon is a tamagotchi so...
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
I think i will support Scorpion even harder.
MK 11 on the Switch , its the first game on Nintendo in 13 years.
And they got back the classic style as well.

A question , if not Scorpion, would you be happy with Sub-Zero or Liu Kang?
Scorpion is the face of MK more than anyone in the series at this point (sorry Sub-Zero), the most iconic, and consistently the posterboy and character whose the first promoted in any MK debut reveal nowadays on account of being NRS’ and Ed Boon’s favorite. If we ever got an MK character as DLC, it’s hard to see it being anyone other than Scorpion.

My thing with Sub-Zero is, no way would Smash have like his spine rip or ice shatter related finishing moves, whereas Scorpion’s toasty you wouldn’t have to really alter or tone down at all. Some would still like another ice character though, so mostly comes down to preference, but Scorpion I think has the edge in being more doable for Smash without having to compromise his arsenal as much.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
I could see Sub-Zero as an AT, though honestly, I rather Raiden gets that role. The could do a Sub-Zero spirit over Scorpion with ice-elements added, the battle would be good on Summit Ω.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Just realized, human Smoke could be a fitting suitable echo fighter for Scorpion, since in his first game appearances, he borrowed Scorpion’s specials. Echo wouldn’t do Sub-Zero justice the more I think about it, so yeah.

Or perhaps better yet, you could have Reptile as an echo, as a reference to MK1 Reptile who borrowed the other ninja’s moves before he was fleshed out in MK2 and onward. Said Reptile was even in the heavily censored SNES version of MK1, who was always satisfying to fight and beat regardless with how rare and fast he was.

Of course, the ninja palette swap colors alone would be enough if Scorpion was included, but just thinking outside the box a little.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
Just realized, human Smoke could be a fitting suitable echo fighter for Scorpion, since in his first game appearances, he borrowed Scorpion’s specials. Echo wouldn’t do Sub-Zero justice the more I think about it, so yeah.

Or perhaps better yet, you could have Reptile as an echo, as a reference to MK1 Reptile who borrowed the other ninja’s moves before he was fleshed out in MK2 and onward. Said Reptile was even in the heavily censored SNES version of MK1, who was always satisfying to fight and beat regardless with how rare and fast he was.

Of course, the ninja palette swap colors alone would be enough if Scorpion was included, but just thinking outside the box a little.
With how far the term Echo is stretched in this game, I could see it happening. We already have Echoes with different stats (Ken), different properties (Lucina), different normals (Ken again), different special (Chrom) and even different Final Smash (Dark Pit, Chrom and, yet again, Ken). I could see a slightly retooled Scorpion with ice properties and a freeze projectile instead of the tether being potential Echo fighter for Sub-Zero. Though honestly, an Isabelle-style semiclone would probably work best for him.

Sean Wheeler

Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2013
And yet Lucas isn't considered an Echo even though he's qualified for Ness. And Roy has his own Echo even though he's close enough to Marth. And besides, didn't Sakurai say there's no DLC Echoes? Sub-Zero should definitely be a unique fighter.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Lucas has very different moves and stats. So of course he doesn't qualify for an Echo.

Chrom only has a few different animations, but otherwise pretty much has the same stats and body type. Roy isn't very close to Marth anymore. He's a semi-clone of him.

No, Sakurai said that Echoes won't be part of the Fighter's Pass. Sub-Zero actually could go either way, but he'd have to have some different moves to some slight degree. He can't use the Spear. But that also means he's more likely as a regular or semi-clone. It's an Isabelle situation in the way that the moveset doesn't work when pasted over the other due to a lack of personality/abilities. Smoke or even Noob Saibot, who both were clones of Scorpion in the past, would work as actual Echoes.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2012
I wanted to bring something for your guys to see
About Mortal Kombat and Smash.

Ed Boon made some posts about "Smash Bros"
All posts from 2015




I would say "This means nothing"
But to think this guy is the face of Mortal Kombat


This realy makes me think about the chances of MK in Smash this time
And i think its VERY good

>Ed Boon Tweeted about Smash
>2015, at the beginning of the development of Smash Ultimate
>Today we have Mortal Kombat 11 on the Nintendo Switch
>This is the first MK Japan will get to buy in 10 years
>This is the first MK game on a Nintendo console in 13 years
>Classic Scorpion is the Face of Mortal Kombat 11

The facts are adding up
Maybe its realy time to think about Scorpion in Smash Brothers my friends
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Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
And yet Lucas isn't considered an Echo even though he's qualified for Ness. And Roy has his own Echo even though he's close enough to Marth. And besides, didn't Sakurai say there's no DLC Echoes? Sub-Zero should definitely be a unique fighter.
I understand, it doesn't help that Echoes have been so inconsistent ranging from literal pallet swaps (Daisy) to practically as unique as non-echoes like Roy (Ken). Obviously, it'd be best to get a fully unique Sub-Zero included, but I can't see MK getting two of the spots in the fighter's pass. A Ken-level echo could be feasible as an extra tacked on to Scorpion, he didn't say Echoes couldn't be included as a bonus, just that the 5 characters in the pass are no Echoes. It's still not likely in the slightest, but it's the only way I can see Sub-Zero realistically making it into Ultimate since there's now way he'd be picked of the mascot of the series (and NetherRealm Sudios).


Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2018
I will be equally happy for either Scorpion or Sub-Zero altho I'm more biased towards sub-zero + he is the easiest to "tone down" as shown in games like Injustice, plus i feel like his moveset would be more interesting with all he can do with the ice and stuff.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
If it were to happen, I’d love to hear how the supposed meeting of Ed Boon and Sakurai went down. Would be interesting to say the least.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Scorpion in Smash? Hell to the yeah! I support!

I’m down for support despite never playing

And again I definately wouldn’t be surprised if it happen scorpion might end up with the bowser jr treatment which is different characters for alts and change the animations just ever so slightly and changing elements of attacks

I mean there’s even 8 literally

Noob sailbot
Alternatively, his alts change his colors to those ninjas as a callback to all of them being literal palette swaps of each other back in the earlier games.

Also, altering animations and elements can likely be too much for just an alt, especially when Pikmin exist and have specific elemental strengths and weakness, so 8 alts with different elements would effectively become a bunch of Echo Fighters confined to a single character slot rather than actual alts.
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Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
Scorpion in Smash? Hell to the yeah! I support!

Alternatively, his alts change his colors to those ninjas as a callback to all of them being literal palette swaps of each other back in the earlier games.

Also, altering animations and elements can likely be too much for just an alt, especially when Pikmin exist and have specific elemental strengths and weakness, so 8 alts with different elements would effectively become a bunch of Echo Fighters confined to a single character slot rather than actual alts.
I agree, at that point, you might as well make them echoes.

Should he get in, I wonder if his colors would be treated more like Pac-Man or Sonic where he remains yellow (albeit with varying hues) and instead have the other colors as highlights/accessories. After all, in mirror matches in his own series, he never was not yellow despite how confusing it could be.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2018
I think that Scorpion, Sub Zero and Reptile deserve to be in.

Three ninjas to represent the first game, and three ninjas to represent the MKX variation system. All three would have generally the same normal attacks, just that their special moves and Final Smash are completely different.

In that sense;

B - Spear
Scorpion throws a long spear. When it comes in contact with a grounded enemy, Scorpion will pull them towards himself and the enemy will be stunned for a bit, leading into follow ups. Pressing B again when the move hits will make Scorpion uppercut them away, like in Injustice.

Side B - Teleport Punch
Scorpion teleports a short distance behind the enemy and punches them. Functions similarly to Greninja's Shadow Sneak.

Up B - Upward Spear
Functions similar to his Neutral Special, except it serves as an anti air move and a tether. When it comes in contact with someone an enemy, Scorpion pulls the enemy towards him and knocks them away with a flaming uppercut.

Down B - Hellfire (Hell Hawk is in the game, sue me!)
Scorpion summons a small area of fire on the ground, holding the button down changes how far it travels on the stage.

Final Smash - Toasty!
Scorpion removes his mask revealing his skull and breathes fire across the stage. Enemies hit by this Final Smash that are above 100% will explode. Based on Toasty! from Mortal Kombat 2

Sub Zero
B - Ice Ball
Sub Zero fires a projectile, which freezes the enemy. When Ice Ball is used on a enemy that is frozen, it will in return freeze Sub Zero

Side B - Frost Slide
Sub Zero slides across the ground, knocking enemies into the air. When used in the air, Sub Zero slides at an angle downward.

Up B - Ice Clone
Sub Zero hops backwards and creates a clone, coming in contact with the clone will freeze the enemy. When used in the air, Sub Zero jumps off of the ice clone, sending it downward.

Down B - Ice Puddle
Sub Zero freezes the ground creating a puddle which will cause enemies to trip.

Final Smash - Polar Blast
Sub Zero focuses all of his energy into his hands and freezes all enemies on the screen. Based on Polar Blast from Sub Zero Mythologies.

B - Acid Spit
Reptile removes his mask and spits a quick but weak projectile similar to Fox's lasers.

Side B - Force Ball
Reptile crouches down and fires a slow traveling projectile across the stage. When it hits the enemy, the enemy will be knocked towards Reptile, giving him the opportunity to follow up after with an attack.

Up B - Klaw Pounce
Reptile jumps while curling himself into a ball, before slashing the enemy away. When used on the ground, Reptile will always land on the ground

Down B - Invisibility
Reptile becomes invisible, leaving only his outline slightly visible. Reptile will reappear after a short period of time or when hit by a strong enough move.

Final Smash - Chameleon

Reptile cloaks himself completely and gains the ability to KO with a single attack. Based on the Hidden Chomp Fatality from Mortal Kombat

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
I agree, at that point, you might as well make them echoes.

Should he get in, I wonder if his colors would be treated more like Pac-Man or Sonic where he remains yellow (albeit with varying hues) and instead have the other colors as highlights/accessories. After all, in mirror matches in his own series, he never was not yellow despite how confusing it could be.
Better yet, why not both? There are enough spots to represent all the classic ninjas and that one mirror match palette.

Color 1 - Yellow (Default)
Color 2 - Blue (Sub-Zero)
Color 3 - Black (Noob Saibot)
Color 4 - Green (Reptile)
Color 5 - Red (Ermac)
Color 6 - Purple (Rain)
Color 7 - Gray (Human Smoke)
Color 8 - A more orangish shade of yellow (Mirror Match)

Not to mention they did a similar thing in Injustice 2 with Sub-Zero.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
Better yet, why not both? There are enough spots to represent all the classic ninjas and that one mirror match palette.

Color 1 - Yellow (Default)
Color 2 - Blue (Sub-Zero)
Color 3 - Black (Noob Saibot)
Color 4 - Green (Reptile)
Color 5 - Red (Ermac)
Color 6 - Purple (Rain)
Color 7 - Gray (Human Smoke)
Color 8 - A more orangish shade of yellow (Mirror Match)

Not to mention they did a similar thing in Injustice 2 with Sub-Zero.
Sounds good to me. I'm all for including pallets meant to emulate those who didn't quite make it playable. I do kinda wish Sonic/Pac-Man would get that treatment so they'd be more visually different from each color scheme which was what my concern was about.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
They kinda overdid it with the sweat physics in MKX didn’t they? Not that I mind, as it’s good attention to detail. Would actually make sense for his hellfire punch or something to have that kind of effect though.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2018
Switch FC
SW 7459 3215 2216
So there's a rumor going around that a remaster or remake of the classic era of MK is being made for a Collection. If the rumor is true then I'm hoping MK Trilogy gets added to the list because it had a bigger roster than UMK3. It would be great if we got a Collection for the Switch with online as well.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
I was actually referencing the censorship they did for the SNES version of the first Mortal Kombat :p
My misunderstanding aside, while I will admit the SNES version of MK1 is inferior to the Genesis one just for the censorship, I don't think it's as bad a port as typically made out to be. I guess the music unique to that version kinda grew on me and some of the fatality changes were reasonable, tho helps in Scorpion's case that nothing about his moves or fatality was compromised for that version. Now for a really bad port, there's the Game Boy version. It taught me what bad framerate for a game meant which made it nigh unplayable, and the altered fatalities for it were even worse. At least the Game Boy and SNES versions of MK2 and onward were better.

So there's a rumor going around that a remaster or remake of the classic era of MK is being made for a Collection. If the rumor is true then I'm hoping MK Trilogy gets added to the list because it had a bigger roster than UMK3. It would be great if we got a Collection for the Switch with online as well.
Interesting. As for MK Trilogy, I used to want a remaster of it a lot, though now I'm just indifferent, but if it happens, then cool. Doesn't help I guess that I don't look back on it as fondly anymore when I remember all the bugs and glitches the N64 version had, and if said Trilogy remaster were to have online, they would have to remove the ability to play as the bosses like Motaro and Shao Kahn, or you'd see no one but them. On that note, I remember being salty that Goro and Kintaro were missing from the 64 version because of the cartridge's limited space, fun as it was at first to just blow through everyone as the other bosses. I'm not sure that Trilogy was really made with balance in mind with that said though, which may be why they've re-released UMK3 in the past digitally but not Trilogy. Shame, since putting its flaws aside, it has a bigger/better roster like you said, without even counting the bosses.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2007
So there's a rumor going around that a remaster or remake of the classic era of MK is being made for a Collection. If the rumor is true then I'm hoping MK Trilogy gets added to the list because it had a bigger roster than UMK3. It would be great if we got a Collection for the Switch with online as well.
You mean like Street Fighter Anniversary Collection?


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
Scorpion DLC.png

Hell Yes. Scorpion in Smash would be bloody epic!

So, I've just heard the announcement of MK11, and going on predictions for the roster made me realize how much of an MK fan I was.
I got almost every game, but as a fighter, it comes behind the likes of Tekken and Street Fighter, a tie between DoA perhaps, but as fighters are my favourite genre, I think MK means a lot.

First encounter with Mortal Kombat was MK Trilogy on the N64. (Nintendo console whoop!)
And, I was partly terrified, and partly curious. (Think I was about 5 or 6 at the time.)
Scorpion always had something cool and mysterious with him, having a skull, and breathed fire. The iconic "GET OVER HERE", and it was just the start of me following the MK games. The next time the series came up on my radar I had grown a bit more up, and bought both Deceptions and Deadly Alliance on the PS2. Followed by Armagedon.

MK 2011 aka 9 was fantastic, probobly my favourite MK game to date.
MKX did not satisfy however ... I got it, but it's only passable. MK11 however, I can't wait.

Hoping for Kabal and Motaro to make a comback. Kabal for the unique gameplay, and Motaro for my nostalgia for Trilogy which was the start for me onto the series.

Fast Forward, MK 11 coming on the Switch makes me hopeful that Scorpion got a decent shot at becoming a playable character, and while it's either him or Sub-Zero (perhaps more family friendly), I think Scorpion represents the series as a whole better than our ice cold warrior.

Therefore, I really hope that Scorpion could make it. Mortal Kombat is undeniably an important piece within Video Game History.
So, don't know why it has not happened earlier, but add me to the support list, sir.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2012
This makes too much sense for it NOT to happen...which probably means it won't.

-Mortal Kombat and/or Injustice has seen release on nearly every Nintendo console since Game Boy/SNES.
-Mortal Kombat was HUGE in the 90s, and it's still popular.
-Mortal Kombat 11 coming to Switch.
-The alt. costumes write themselves.
-Could open up to a new audience of Smash players.
-Moves that for the most part would translat well to Smash.
-The only time we're ever going to see a legitimate video game fight between Scorpion and Ryu.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Speaking of Motaro, I'm either the only one or one of the few who found the Minotaur idea interesting. I still want to keep the Centaur, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to add a Minotaur to the roster as well.

That said, Scorpion is easily my top pick.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
The thought just occurred to me after looking in the Doomguy thread, but since lack of popularity in Japan compared to the West is what people typically use as a gatekeeper against guys like Scorpion and such being in Smash or DLC, I decided to look up what existing presence MK has in Japan, and based on the ads which were mostly for MK2, I guess they would be most aware of of that game (pretty much the most popular of the classic 2D's), so if we got like MK2 Scorpion as a default, I'd be okay with that.

Interesting too how some of it's live action, just like the old days.


Smash Rookie
Dec 31, 2018
Switch FC
SW 7677 1915 7484
Scorpion has a slim chance, but still has a chance to get into Smash. I think his B should be his Klassic fatality, kind of like Bowser or Charizard's fire breath.

What would be his Final Smash, though? Would he do a mix of Fatalities from the MK games?
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