Added tbtechwiz's charming and pleasant
THP GUI Batch Renamer to the Sony Vegas tutorial path.
Edit: Gah, I haven't been getting email notifications that you guys have posted. Nyeh. Time to address some of the things y'all have posted.
First of all, @MikeYoshi:
Thanks for all the information that you have been contributing! I really appreciate it. However, I honestly haven't touched brawl hacking in a while, and so I'm struggling to interpret your post and modify my OP to incorporate it. This goes out to anyone else who wants to contribute information, too (I'm gonna add this to the top of the OP in a spoiler box to be safe):
Please do the following to ensure that your contributions are recognized and utilized:
1) Format the information exactly as how you would like it to appear on the tutorial. Keep your information condensed and informative, clear and relevant. Submit the post either to me by PM or just straight into this thread, either in code tags so that I can easily copy it, or clearly indicated in your post so that I can pull it into the OP with the quote function.
2) Tell me where I should insert your post in the OP. Reference specific locations, like section numbers and titles and whatnot, or just a snatch of text following or preceeding the spot where your post would make the most sense contextually.
Your program THP Tool could use some SERIOUS improvement. By having left out one data field you made a SIGNIFICANT FAILURE of your program. You needed to include the Base JPEG File Name field. You see while your program can only signal ***** (number of asterisks signaled based on the number in the field that says how many asterisks it should have) it is missing the whole possibility of the file name having a base name. That is it could just as easilly say myvideo***** for the file name, and that's because the actual work-horse (thpconv.exe) actually takes file names which have a base name before the asterisks as a valid input. Your probram THPtool is just a front-end to thpconv, and unfortunately you overlooked this VERY IMPORTANT functionality of having a base file name before the asterisks. It's VERY IMPORTANT because using your THPtool program, I'm VERY LIMITED in the file names it will accept for the JPEG, SO LIMITED in fact that I will depend on using Super Converter for the converter (as in your tutorial). Yet I know of a better technique for generating numbered JPG files than using Super (a crappy program that takes 5 minutes just to start up!).
Unfortunately the technique I use uses a different software that does NOT generate a pure number for the file name, instead it generates a file name that has a base (which is based on the name of the original video file) followed by a number. So I'll be forced to use the command line THPconv for this, and NOT use your GUI. Yet that is ALSO a problem for me as I FREAKING HATE having to type in a command line to run stuff, it's so stupid and tedious!
So I need YOU to finally make a DECENT copy of THPtool that actually has added a data field for the sole purpose of holding the base file name.
Your language mechanics could use some SERIOUS improvement. By NEEDLESSLY CAPITALIZING a ton of ARBITRARY PHRASES, your tone is HIGHLY COMBATIVE and OVER-EMPHASIZED. You need (present tense, need) to
italicize words for EMPHASIS, and only VERY SPARINGLY, or else it looks like you are
As of the moment, I'm kind of REALLY BUSY, and I haven't been hacking brawl SINCE MOTHER****ING CTHULHU was born.
Feel free to tell me of your SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME BETTER TECHNIQUE, so that I may ADD IT TO MY OP. I'm so sorry that YOU have TO inconvenience YOURSELF and USE super BECAUSE you ARE so ADVERSE to IT. ALSO i Am SoRrY tHaT yOu HaVe To SpEnD aLl THAT GODDAMN EFFORT tO sTaRt uP a CoMmAnD pRoMpT aNd JuSt TyPe In ThE cOmMaNd. MaY mY aPoLoGy SoOtHe YoUr RAGING KIDNEY STONES THAT FLARE UP wHeN yOu HaVe To eVeN tHiNk oF a CoMmAnD pRoMpT!!11!!11!111!!!!!
In TRUTH i WON'T get TO revising THE thptool ANYTIME soon, so if you really want the functionality, I SUGGEST you learn A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE and spin up a USEFUL GUI. tHaNkS!11!iIi1ii1i111i!!!ii1III!1