Obviously, the ability to heal one another at will should be our greatest asset (assuming we can get both opponents incapacitated for a moment to do so,) but I'd like to know some other tips and tricks a MOTHER team can do.
There are better teams for healing, and it's something to only break out when it's 2 kids against 1 dude.
When opponent is at 100%
1. Grab with Lucas. Use grab attack until they release. Should hit 5 or more times.
2. Grab with Ness as soon as they are released. Use grab attack 4 times. Backthrow.
Try it. Lucas can deal a lot of damage with his pummel(grab attack.) 5 hits does around 15% damage. This will bring them into the KO range of backthrow.
Ness pummel release into lucas usmash KOs earlier. However, this is 2 v 1 strat, just as the healing thing is. Actually, the healing thing is more like a 2 v 0 strat.
well... here's one thing i always wanted to try, but i dont know anyone good enough with Ness or Lucas to team with... it should work (in theory that is)... i've never tried it out but maybe you could practice this:
When your opponent is offstage use Ness to jump off and PKT2 offstage and hit opponent away from stage... at the same time, use Lucas' PKT and follow Ness... when Ness goes into special fall, revive his PKT by hitting him with Lucas' PKT...
i suppose the best way for Lucas' PKT to follow Ness would be to use it RIGHT AFTER Ness initiates his PKT, then follow as if you were going to juggle him (loops would probably be the best)... PLEASE TRY IT AND TELL ME IF THIS IS A GOOD STRATEGY
2 v 1 strat. Also, if they have a dude that's not being edgeguarded while you do this, all they have to do is jab/grab/whatever the guy on PKT rescue duty, and the ness is dead. For that matter, you're lining up the lucas for a fully charged fsmash. This would work best with a Ness pit team, and it's a really risky idea even then.
Don't do it. They would have to not be looking at the screen to fall for that. If you want to spam something in teams, spam autocancelled nairs on the opponents' shields. And that's also not a really great idea most of the time. It does keep one opponent occupied for a while though, and is good for giving your teammate some time to edgeguard.
I'm not sure but isn't team friendly fire on during tournament team matches??? That vid showed matches that didn't have friendly fire.
Friendly fire should always be on, but I'm sure you've realized that by now.
hmm yeah i didnt even notice that in all honesty - still im sure there's some stuff in there that might be of use. (ie: release grabs to u smash).
You beat me to it. The optimal 2 v 1 combo is grab release to other player grab release (alternating infinite) ending with a lucas charged usmash (or a ness bthrow, but usmash kills sooner)
Haha, hey Neon. Its me Snarf, the Lucas player.
I would say that keeping focus of each character's strengths is important in this team. Lucas has a great ground game with fast tilts, and Ness has amazing aerials. Also, Ness can sometimes trail opponents off the ledge with fair and lucas can follow behind wit ha PK Freeze when Ness jumps back.
Lucas's ground game isn't where he's best
The Ness thing to Lucas pk freeze, like so many quoted strats in this post, is a 2 v 1 strat.
Guys, you posted a list of win-more conditions. Maybe it'd be good to give the guy some advice for catching up when he's behind, or pulling ahead from an even standpoint?