Deleted member
Kinda like this but FE and not a board game?So how Double Duel works is:
Each player picks three characters to take
Each player chooses a team of AI opponents (each with unique rewards); If the choices are different, it is random.
Each player chooses one character from their team to field, like Pokemon
The two players fight together as a Pair. Not in a map, but just a battle (everything is treated as if it has a range of 1)
Host is the primary character and second player is the supporting, then they switch places for each turn
Clear the enemy team, and you win your prize
I can understand why they don't have a real VS mode (even though Shadow Dragon did), though I wish we could at least fight on a map, taking turns controlling our units. I hope online multiplayer is back in FE14. I wouldn't mind a mode where, instead of using your own characters, one player controls an army from the east while another controls an army from the west. A mode where it's not "who has grinded the most wins" kind of thing.

I'd be
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