Sorry man, School takes priority. I could get started on it but by the time I finished...
ah, what the hell. I'll do it.
It was the third day since he had been captured by the Plegians. Robin cursed as he struggled against the ropes that tied him to the chair in the dungeon.
He was not caught by clever tactics or by overwhelming force but by the simplest tactic of all. Ambush.
Unlike what Chrom probably thought, he did not have a plan for everything all the time. He was observant, yes, capable of improvising to the highest degree, yes, but he was not able to see directly behind him and certainly not able to a sharp blow to the back of his head without passing out.
He had been fed once, and given water twice in the entire time he was imprisoned. The guards were looking at him the entire time he was eating so he had no opportunity to slip anything up his sleeves. A shame, Robin mused, the bread he was given probably was hard enough to cut his ropes with. Despite that, because his arms were tied behind his back and the lack of times he was freed to feed himself, he had plenty of time to loosen the ropes that bound him without suspicion. They were just loose enough for him to free himself, and just tight enough so he'doesn't evade suspicion.
Footsteps clattered on the stone floor. It was too early for the guards to change shifts, so Robin expected an interrogators.
What he got instead was a hooded man, who was strangely wearing the exact same cloak that he himself wore.
"Master Morgan." One of the guards said. "Has the Hierophant left her room?"
"Perhaps." Morgan said. "Perhaps not. But now, please leave this one. I would like to speak with the Ylissian personally."
"As you wish, Master Morgan." The guards echoed as they left the Cell.
Robin stared at the hooded man, this Morgan opened the door to his cell and shut it behind him.
"Hello... Robin." Morgan said. "They say you're the finest tactician in the world. From what the rumors say, your talents match those of even my mother."
"I see." Robin asked. "Do you ever take off that hood?"
"I don't understand why that matters."
"Well, if we're to have civil conversation, I would like to see at least your eyes." Robin said. "If it's like anything the last one I had with that coat, I would like to experience the shocks sooner rather than later."
"Perhaps I shall do that, just to amuse you." Morgan said, shifting his spell tome aside to pull off his hood.
Robin's eyes narrowed. "Morgan" looked almost exactly like him, just a few years younger and with slightly longer hair. While it wasn't nearly as shocking as it on Carrion isle, where a female version of himself had appeared out of nowhere, it was still a bit jarring to see someone exactly like him. At the same time, though, he wasn't fazed at all. Robin's brow knit together, as he wondered when exactly his life became so surreal that finding copies of himself became nearly commonplace. Then he grinned; he could use this.
"Wow," Robin chuckled. "Its like looking into a mirror."
"I'd like to say I resemble my mother more than I resemble you." Morgan spat.
"So... Master Morgan... do you have anyone else in here who has my face? If so, please bring them in. I'll start something nasty and the guards will be too perplexed to do anything."
"As if the guards will listen to anything you say; they've been trained to ignore anything a prisoner could say. Their own mother could be in that cell, and they wouldn't bat an eye. As long as I'm around, they'll know who's who."
"I suppose so." Robin said. "As long as there I'm in here there is no escape right?"
"That's right." Morgan smirked. "My mother thought you might come up with some tricky plan."
"While tied up here?" Robin saId. "What could I possibly do?"
"Nothing. While the guards are in here, they can see every little twitch you make. The cell walls have sealed spells so if you try to force the doors open, you'll be hit by five thunder spells. There isn't single scrap o materal you can use in here Robin. It's a perfect prison."
"I see. So why isn't the other Robin in here to gloat alongside you?" Robin said. "If she spent this much time setting this whole thing up, I'd say she would like to see the results too."
"Huh? That's because my mother is busy gathering information on your Shepherds. Your precious friend Chrom. When the time comes, they'll never expect what's coming. Master Validar will be so pleased when we surprise him with our findings... And the Fire Emblem."
"How wonderful." Robin said dryly, as he mentally cataloged what Morgan had told him.
"False bravado will not save you," Morgan said, leaning forward just a little bit closer.
"Just as playing evil won't scare me. I've seen better villains in Owain's stage plays." Robin yawned. "And trust me, I've seen the lowest of the low. When you're worse then Cynthia at acting dastardly, you know you're terrible at-"
"So what can you do?" Morgan asked. "Show me, tactician of Ylisse? What master plan do you have?"
"My name isn't tactician of Ylisse." Robin said. "My name is Robin. Avatar Robin. And I eat monologues for supper and afternoon tea."
With a single sweep of his foot, he knocked Morgan off balance. Pulling his arms out of the ropes he lifted the thin man up, and threw him against the cell wall. Three thunder spells silently activated, leaving him spasming on the floor. As quickly as he could, Robin heaved Morgan back where he was originally tied too. After putting on Morgan's coat and scruffling up Morgan's hair and face with some dirt left on his shoes, the scene looked almost identical. One disheveled prisoner, and one evil magician with a tendency to wear his hood down low. After shocking Morgan with an Elthunder one last time, just to ensure he stayed unconciousness for a little bit longer, Robin knocked on the door.
The guards rushed into the prison cell, each of them staring up at him in a form of eerie reverance as they looked upon the still twitching prisonee.
"My lord Morgan. Are you finished with the prisoner?"
"I am. Do not fear for Validar's wishes. He is alive." Robin said, in a distubingly accurate imitaton of Morgan's voice. "Let him stew for a little while."
"What did he say My lord?"
"He insulted my mother." Robin said. "Make sure he's kept alive. I may want to come back and see if he does it again."
"As you wish my lord."
As Robin turned to leave, he mildly considered escaping directly to Ylisse. He chose not to. If the other Robin was nearly as skilled as Morgan had said, and nearly as petty as he had implied she wouldn't let anyone die. She'd see it as a test of skill, if she failed to maintain his perfect record, the other Robin would know that she wasn't half as good as he was. And he knew full well that the other Robin was only a little bit less skilled as he was. No, he'd let her deal with the headache that were Chrom's prebattle anxiety issues.
He had bigger fish to fry. The Hierophant was the other Robin. Morgan said that his mother was gathering information on the Shepherds In response to his question about the other Robin, and he told the guard that the Hierophant was his mother. Now it also seemed that the Hierophant was also doing that as a secret mission, judging by how Morgan wanted to surprise Validar, and was pretending to be a shut in to cover it up.
He could go back to Ylisse. Robin mused. But despite how much fun busting his female counterpart would be, causing mayhem in Plegia seemed far more suited to his talents.
There. First part. Finished. Dammit, I had things to do today other than start a new fanfic. Ah whatever, let's see what I can do with this.