Yo, guys. Haven't posted here in a while, great to see it's as active as ever! I'm still missing out on Smash Wii U due to being broke, but it looks great and I'm super hyped to play it even though it might not be til next year.
In the meantime, I did a second playthrough of Awakening, this time as a male Avatar that I made look somewhat like myself. It was much more successful this time, as I didn't have a single unit die, save for Libra before I could recruit him (lol dumb ai), but I never used him anyway. My team was a bit different this time, with Gaius, Kellam, and Cherche being mainstays who I didn't ever use in the first run. I had a better understanding of the overall mechanics, so it made for a much more enjoyable playthrough. I got married to Anna as soon as I could recruit her since she's my favorite character personality-wise, and her and I made a great team when paired up! Her support convos were honestly just adorable and I loved seeing the way her and MU interacted in event tiles. Just like last time, I learned a lot of new things and made more observations:
Other pairings I made were Chrom/Maribelle, Tharja/Vaike, Virion/Cherche, and Henry/Nowi. I liked the way they interacted and thought they fit well together. I think it was my better understanding of the pair-up system that made this playthrough more successful. S-supported pairs were basically super-units, and you almost never needed to grind too much if you just brought in units that needed training while you were building support.
Like someone in this thread pointed out to me, the children characters can be quite powerful! I ended up really liking Gerome, Brady, Nah, and Anna's Morgan. Plus they added a lot of personality to the group.
People take their OTPs and whatnot very seriously in the FE:A community, especially when it comes to Chrom/FemRobin. Well screw them, I wanna play as a male and marry mai waifu Anna. Lol.
Last boss is super easy if you just rush in with Chrom and his wife, usually kills in one turn. Yay for breather bosses!
Up until this playthrough I thought the SpotPass chapters were a limited offer and not available anymore, but I got them and my favorites were the Aversa and Priam chapters. Priam's in particular had such an "epic" feel to it due to how large-scale the battle was!
Anyways, I also picked up the Scramble and Champions DLC packs, which I really had a lot of fun with! My favorite convos were the ones Henry had with Kellam and Gaius and it was awesome that we got to see Anna in a swimsuit despite her not winning the popularity poll. *Ahem* yes, but I'm certainly open to any more DLC recommendations!
Currently I'm having my friend do a playthrough and he's loving it so far. He married Miriel and I also got him Shadow Dragon, which I plan on borrowing for myself once he's done. Yay for more FE!