Sorry for my absence yesterday. Let's see if I can catch up...
Or we can get a Vanilluxe Mega Evoltion with three scoops of ice cream!
Despite all the hate Vanilluxe seems to get, I actually like it. Granted yes, it does have a laughable design, it's a pretty decent Pokemon and a Mega for it would be amusing to see. Klinklang would be cool since I thought it was an interesting looking addition.
Another Mega I would love to see would be Mega Bisharp or Meinshao. Those were some of my favorite Pokemon from B/W and they practically carried my team during the later portion of my game.
Me too. Same with Garbodor, actually. I can't think of any Pokémon I flat-out hate (though Golbat and anything with Sturdy have tested my patience).
Interesting, and great suggestions. I'd love to see Mega Chandelure as it's one of my favorites. What would it be like though? All I can think of now is "i'm gonna swing from the chandelier" crap now i need to go listen to that
I think Grass and Water types have a lot of potential for Megas too since there's so many interesting species and variations of plants and aquatic creatures that they can draw from! For example, maybe Mantine could become Electric/Water to resemble an electric ray since they're closely related to manta rays (what Mantine is based off) so it'd actually make sense. Tbh I'm just thirsty for some new Pokemon based off species that have weird features or abilities.
Chandelure is probably among my favorites for gen 5. Lampent is my favorite design-wise, though.
Yeah! Pokespeculation! I'm pulling for a mega Swellow with gale wings, flying/fighting reclass, and close combat (somehow; any good fighting STAB, actually). And a mega Bisharp X and Y. Or omega and alpha. Or whatever. Basically, two megas for the king and queen in chess (queen is fast and frail, king is slow and tanky). And mega Samurott with serene grace. Seriously, it has so much it could do with serene grace. And a more awesome water samurai vibe (give it more armor, maybe make the two swords one giant one.)
Also, a mega Probopass with an Aegislash-stance-change-esque ability. Not a huge fan of Probopass, but they could work off of it being a magnet and "switching polarities" or something to make it cool. Though if we're basing it off of magnets, we could always just go mega Magnezone. But as it's already pretty solid, I think that Probopass needs it more.
And of course I throw my vote in for (most likely water/fairy) mega Milotic. Maybe with multiscale. Ooh! Alliteration!
Water/Fairy Milotic? NEED! NEED SO MUCH!
By the way, what's everyone here's favorite mega (that actually exists)? I'm personally a big fan of Mega Gyrados. Runner up would probably be Mega Pinsir, followed by Mega Kangaskhan or Mega Lucario.
Mawile. It makes it so much more useful and gives it a cool design. Others I love are Absol, Audino, Swampert, Charizard Y, Lucario, Kangaskhan, Rayquaza, Ampharos, Pidgeot, Banette, Prima Groudon (if it counts) and Gallade. Latios has grown on me too after using it.
The true ultimate Pokémon. Even a Master Ball can't contain it.
is it bad that picture made me wonder how it'd look if it took parts from different Sonic characters instead of legendary Pokemon?
Someone make this, please.
now I won't be able to be reminded of the Little Lulu series when I see those two together. I kinda wish GF would give Megas less to already powerful pokemon like Salamence, Garchomp or Tyranitar and more to the bunch that have been shunned to the lowest depths of NU, just to kinda reduce the amount of useless Pokes in the game.
This was my wish when the megas were first announced. I get things like Lucario to help hype the megas, but I can count on one hand the underrated/underpowered Pokémon that got them. And did Charizard and Mewtwo REALLY need two?
Speaking of Awakening- you know what really annoys me?
Why didn't they bother putting in Robin's "bowing" animation from his source game?
I always considered this a missing, but important and memorable part of the the character that should been in some form in the Sm4sh. But hey, perhaps more OOC cockiness was needed more than respect in this game series.
Since I went with a Sage for my original Robin, this bugs me even more. I wanted that as a victory pose or taunt or even idle animation.
In all honestly i'm starting to think that the Megas were a pretty bad idea, like a lot of them overshadow the actual Pokémon, and it makes everyone want a mega of everything.
I think they should have limited the Mega Evolutions only to Pokémon that really needed them, and maybe legendaries for the visual flare.
I don't mind the idea of megas, especially for underpowered Pokémon, but it irks me how X and Y's new Pokémon likely were cut short for the concept and are totally overshadowed by mega hype. Even in OR/AS, while there's a lot of cool new things like Dex Nav, 90% of the hype is "MEGA MEGA MEGA." X and Y have some of my favorite Pokémon, too, like the Fennekin line, Flabebe line, Xerneas, Diancie, Fufrou, and Phantump line, among others.
Hah, thanks. I was only kidding though. And by the last joke do you mean this one:
The joke is that in FEA, the character Lon'qu is scared of girls and won't go anywhere near them, while the character Panne (a girl) won't go anywhere near humans (she isn't one, but Lon'qu is), and you can make them marry eachother, which is kind of cruel but funny.
Since some of you guys are talking about Pokemon, I have to bring up what I found in Alpha Sapphire a few minutes ago:
DELINQUENT MILEY. Help, I practically died. I wonder if Gamefreak actually did this on purpose. It would've been absolutely perfect if the Pokemon she used was a Lickitung
They also have a couple named Lois and Hal. I think they were in the original, too, but I always laugh when I see them, especially since they're a YOUNG couple. Oh boy, when they get older, their hands will be full...
On difficulty- I turned off the Exp Share so I didn't have another X and Y situation and only turned it on to speed along grinding at certain points. It's harder than X/Y, but easier than the originals, in my opinion. Then again, I've beaten the Hoenn games so many times that I can sleepwalk them, so of course they're not hard for me.
I played some SSB with my brother, and I discovered new characters who has main potential for me alongside Robin and ZSS. One was Greninja, but the other... Guys, I don't think you're ready, really...
And since I'm mad I missed most of the Pokémon talk due to family, I'll mention my own dream megas (not sure how they'd be gameplay-wise, just for fun).
*Ground/Flying Farfetch'd, based off a roadrunner. Speed Boost ability.
*Grass/Fairy Cherrim, Sweet Veil ability.
*Grass/Ghost Tangrowth, Unnerve ability.
*Water/Psychic or Water/Fairy Alomomola, Serene Grace ability.
*Water/Dragon Relicanth, basically a more powerful primal version, Pure Power ability.
I'll put more later as I think of them (plus Milotic, but the ideas here were better). I tried to go for more obscure Pokémon, though I admit bias to Relicanth and Alomomola because they were my first shinies.
Okay, one more-
*Dark/Ghost Kecleon, now blends into the shadows, Shadow Tag ability.