Pretty sure I remember reading that Robin was actually more wanted than Chrom, even before his/her confirmation. Most of expected that Chrom would get in, but that Robin was considered the more interesting choice by the fans who followed Fire Emblem.
Still, I get what you're saying.
No, you misunderstand what I meant.
Chrom is easily the more popular character in general. For Smash vs. Not for Smash aside.
But he was not included.
But many Robin fans, and I'm sure one of you who is unsatisfied with the roster thinks this, think Chrom fans should look on the bright side.
Look on the bright side - we got Robin! Robin's so intersting and unique!
I'll be one of thouasands to say it: it sucks Ridley isn't playable.
But, look on the bright side, Mega Man, the most wanted newcomer worldwide and one of the most popular character in the gaming industry, is playable! That's pretty cool, right?
I think it was a pretty stupid move to not include Mewtwo, but, hey, look on the bright side, we got Rosalina and Villager! They're also pretty cool, right? They're so unique, and while Rosalina isn't
that popular, Animal Crossing has been one of the best selling series there are, and it finally got a playable character!
I'm not saying that we got Mega Man "instead" of Ridley. That's not my point, even if the comparison I'm making would imply that. My point is that I think that if you're able to (tell people to) "look on the bright side" with regards to Robin, the Less Popular Character vs. Chrom, the More Popular Character, then you could also be able to "look on the bright side" with regards to Ridley, Mewtwo, etc. vs. The Entire Roster. At least to some extent.
My statement wasn't meant to completely shoot anything down, so there's no need for sarcastic quips @

It's more of an observation.
Or, more accurately, an observable detail that I think should be taken into consideration more.
EDIT: My internet died in the middle of posting this. Now that I finally did, the discussion has moved on. ;_;