I think the thing with the Xenoblade Chronicles X ost is the noticeably higher use of vocal tracks than in most games. It's not that vocal tracks are uncommon in general in games, just that when they get used each tracks gets used only like once or twice in the game. In Xenosaga 3, Godsibb, Fatal Fight, Hepatica, and Promised Pain are all vocal tracks (and I still can't tell if it's gibberish or an actual language), but they're all only used once each, for a specific boss fight. In XBCX it's common stuff like the NLA themes, the tyrant theme, the main battle theme, Wir Fliegen, etc, that's vocals.
I also have yet to hear a vocal track in Japanese....which is odd since in Japanese-made games, vocal tracks tend to be, y'know, in Japanese.
Don't mean to say that vocal tracks are bad (most of my favorites are vocal ones), just that it probably takes some getting used to how much they're used for some people.