Today I reveal what is in this chest.
No sacred relic or treasure. Nothing of a day long ago. No riches, no coin.
Rather, within this chest is something else...
@Weeman's innocence. Forseeing the corruption of
@Weeman in prophecy, I have seen to securing
@Weeman's innocence in its most purest form. To open this chest would envelop the world in a blinding light, most beautiful and pure... luminescence beyond your wildest dreams.
I will see that this is planted in a sacred grove, uncontaminated by sin. Over time, it will grow. Grow into a tree that will reach the highest heavens and pierce the pall of shadow that will one day swallow this world whole. There is no hope for
@Weeman now. Every time he is sent to the shadow realm he only returns, stronger than what we could have ever imagined. If I cannot see to today, I can see to tomorrow... And should I fall,
will see my mission's success.