Arc "ArcThunder" Thunder?
How about Arc "The Thunder" Thunder?
And can do on Canadian.
As for the rest of you (@
, @
, @
r_greening1, @
Space Stranger, @
SpiralGalaxies, @
Ultimastrike @
The Merc
, @
BindingShield, @
) (Yes, I did that to get your attention and so I could have all of your names in one easy to find spot)
Here are the rules:
1. I save scum. Get used to it.
2. Because I save scum, no one will die (at least not permanently).
3. Because no one will die permanently, but because people want to see death, I will keep a death tally; anytime someone dies, I make a note (not mental) of how many times each person dies. After I beat the game, I will post the final death tallies.
4. I promise not to intentionally kill anyone (thought it may look like that from time to time).
5. Please
watch the stream! I will be reluctant to put you in if you aren't watching!
6. Please be active in the stream! Sign up for twitch! That way, you can chat!
7. We will be raiding. Be ready!
8. All skills, base building, research, building and outfitting is my call. So yes, one of the supports WILL be The Medic.
Here's how this is going to work out:
I'm going to do my best to set everything up. This will probably involve me starting and restarting a new game in XCOM
many, many, many a few times. Once I have everything set up, I will post the first stream date and time. During that first stream, we will go over everyone's appearance (again, more reason to be there watching and to sign up for twitch to chat!).
If you aren't able to chat for appearance set up, I make no guarantees on how your solder will look. If that means hot pink hair and armor, you better believe you will be that soldier. Once everyone is looking suitably bad ***, we'll start doing stuff. After that, it's just a "smooth" ride to total victory. Which is odd because in XCOM 2, XCOM actually fails in the first game. Oh well! We'll do it again for XCOM 2 anyways! Count on it!