I understand that WC is a gigantic region. What I suggest doing is going to smashfests and tournaments in your state, regardless of what games are being played. Show up with an n64 and some controllers and offer to teach people the game. Your local scene already has a TO that hosts 64 events (gimpyfish) so that makes it easier to maintain interest among the people you play with.
I also suggest making a facebook group. How can the scene keep in touch otherwise? The EC facebook group has over 100 people in it. Less than half go to tournaments, but for the rest of them that facebook group is there to keep them in the loop about smashfests and tournaments going on. The more people in the group, more people that will invite their friends. It's a great way to just get the word out in general.
Lastly, reach out to online players and find a way to integrate them into the console scene. I'm sure there are other online players in the Pac NW. Recently, EC has seen a boost from experienced veterans like A$, Fireblaster, and LD attending tournaments for the first time. At Apex we saw people like I Love Smash, Combo Blaze, etc. come out.
The process of growing a scene is self-perpetuating. The more people that are active, the more stuff just sort of happens on its own. The key is to just getting the ball rolling some how and to start small. You live in Washington, so don't even worry about Cali and the Southwest. Just see what kind of activity you can get going locally.