Have a staff in his left hand and his right is empty, uses it mostly for magic and punshes. Is between light and normal weight and has powerful attacks with moderate to fast speed. Only dubble jump (plus B^) and has good long range. normal floatiness.
A,A,A: Right back hand hit, stab with the 'foot' of the staff and kick with his right leg.
<A>: An overhead staff swipe
A^: Thrusts his right palm upwards does a small Aero a bit above his hand that damages pushes away the enemy.
A\/: Creates a explotion on the ground with his middle and index finger.
ADash: Electrifies his hand and does a sideways swipe with his hand and then stops. (If this is Chidori, Marios smash forward is rasengan)
nair: Swipes his staff in a circle around him.
fair: veritcal staff swipe.
bair: Backward backhand strike, turns araound.
dair: Gravity, just before thrusting right palm downwards he charges a gravity ball in his palm that works as the downforce. Does damage relative (1/4 or 1/8) to the enemys % (like demi did in FF games) (works as a normal meteor)
<A>: His staff head lighs up in flames and in his other hand an ice sword is formed and he does a fast and strong cross slash.
A^: An lighning charged sumersult kick
A\/: Hovers a bit over the ground (pretty low still) and spins aroung with his staff (I dunno how to explain... a bit like Samuse's down smash)
B: Fireball: Extends and claws his right hand, a fire ball is created and grows bigger and stronger the more you charge it. Can be saved like Mewtos Shadow Ball. Quite powerful as fully charged and traves at a moderate to fast speed depending on size.
<B>: Lighning, Creates and lightning ball that homes in on the target. Can be smashed for a straight path and is more powerfull.
B^: Areo jump: Makes a small tronado that BM jumps from. Quite high both horisontally and vertycally (makes up for beeing a lighter wheight character). Can use andy mova evept B^ afterwards.
B\/: Ice spikes, Chargable, BM punches the ground and ice spikes come up (fom one center of gravity, like half a spike ball). Spikes get larger as you charge but has a limit. Can hit multiple times with diffrent spikes. Can be used in the air. Then it´s a spike ball.
Grab:Holds with right hand. and kneekicks the opponent.
>T: Lets go for an instant to use the staff head to bang the opponent away
<T: Kicks the opponent backwards
T^: Normal up trow, usig a small wind blast.
T\/: Mashes the enemy to the ground followed by a fire ball
1. Hits the staff in the ground and a fire blast comer out moves quickly abound BM as he strikes a pose.
2. Lets go of his staff (floats beside him) and crasses his arms and laughes (maniac).
3. Twirles his staff around him., Leaves a small fire track after it as it moves.
1. Claps hands while having his hat cover hs eyes (leaning head forward).