To every Super Paper Mario (SPM) fans, you have to read this and you'll love me for this post maybe.
It feels like Sal time where I wait for the thread to be on second page to reply for visibility, but that's how dark time goes. Keep hoping guys! We aren't alone to live this, but we have what we need to get rough this.
So, yesterday, I did beat the pit of 100 trials and so, got a 100% file for the first time as weird as it sounds. I have never beaten the pit before so now I can stop to be ashamed for it
But you know what it means?

And I beat the first chapter which was enough to be familiar with the gameplay and get where the game is going from a design perspective and so far...the game is underrated as heck.
Ok, I know it's first impressions, but so far, this should not change unless there's something that doesn't make sense with the gameplay which should not happen with what I got. I didn't find anything to hate the mechanics so far and I'm actually confused on why it's hated.
First, let me just tell you right away: I SUCK at 2D mario platformer. Tried smw, loved the design, but I sucked so much that I couldn't even appreciate it and so, didn't beat it. So, I will admit that I was hesitant on spm and also for not being in 3D all the time which should be the way to appreciate the artstyle like in TTYD. By beating ch1, I realised that those was baseless concerns.
The graphics are made to be so simple that when you flip in 3D, you only need seconds to appreciate them and it was designed to work with flipping mechanics. The thing is, EVERYTHING is made to make flipping and 2D as main dimension work. The core of the game is the flipping and from what I got so far, it's genius.
The game isn't a platformer nor it is an RPG. It's both bridged together by the flipping mechanics. It acts like a mutual bridges where one helps the other to work which is then helping the first one to work in return. By having to constantly use the flipping, it creates a circle when it mixes both genre together pretty well. So, saying that the game isn't good because it doesn't follow RPG is technically inaccurate and from the series context, it's totally false.
Let me tell you why flipping mechanics does all that. In platforming, your goal is to go from point a to point b without dying and revolves around using platforms to reach the destination which is the end of the level. The 2D mode reflects mostly this genre since it's the most simple way to represent that you have a starting point and you try to reach the end. That is pure platforming with enemies and obstacle, I can't deny that.
Where it gets interesting is where RPG elements comes. The enemies are under an HP system and you have multiples ways to drop the HP like the usual jump, Pixl ability, items, etc... Of course, with the jump, that's where it gets like platformer where you decide the way you jump and the angle. This jumps actually has a very free control with a lot of possible height so it helps in that regard.
I named Pixil and items. Kind of reminds me like I don't know THE FREAKING SAME AS FIRST 2 GAMES!!!
Now this is where I don't get it. There's so much assets from TTYD in this game that it almost feels like it. Even sounds effects got copy pasted and other things is slightly altered all over the place. Graphics are under the same conventions as well as sounds, but it gets really further: humor, text style, design consistencies and even traditions from the series are kept. The shop system, inn system, game over jokes on refusing a dialog choice, 4th wall jokes, tattle as help system, hint system, items system, an exp system, hp system, text style, tattle log system, partners system and it goes on and on...
Now, how does this game broke any conventions? It kept most of them and even better: the ONLY modifications I saw was SLIGHT and was only done for DESIGN CONSISTENCIES with the CORE GAMEPLAY!!!
Really, everything is kept as RPG and it's just slightly altered to make RPG works with platforming, but this platforming part is also helping the RPG side.
And that's where the flipping comes. The flipping changes completely the platforming philosophy of just getting to to end of the level by following the path of the level. The flipping is not permanent and you cannot use it indefinitely because there's hidden stuff in 3D so it makes no sense to spot them all right away, there has to be time restrictions to prevent that. But this forces you to check if there's something odd in 2D or a place that when you project the geometry in your head that it could have stuff hidden. You have no choice but to check the environment and when you flip, you're not following the path, but trying to figure it out by USING the level.
Yes, you use the level to get where to go, not following the path. This creates a lot of puzzles possibilities that guess what? It matches what you would do in RPG context. By flipping in 3D, you use the level to find clues and to figure out the path which is RPG side and by flipping back in 2D after, you go back to the first goal of getting to the end of the level by following the path you just found so it's back to platforming.
Now I think you got it why it's not JUST a platformer nor it is JUST an RPG, but it's both bridged together. With how the score, normally useless in platformer acts like the exp system, it's clear that it forces you to fight enemies instead of doing the equivalent of "Run away". Because it's in real time, platform mechanics, you have no reasons to not get exp since it's quick and not annoying to farm, RPG mechanics.
See? It's constantly mixing both genre via a mutual bridges and that does 2 things: 1: it's really innovative and brings up interesting possibilities and 2: you only need to like one genre to even enjoy the game at all.
Yeah, I said I suck at 2D mario platformer, I don't here. Why? I love RPG and having the RPG side helping the platformer so that the side I suck is better in RPG context which I love. Then, this platforming side help the RPG side by having to figure out the path before following it in a platformer. Result: I enjoy the platforming in this case because not only it works in RPG context, but it also makes the side I love better for plattforming which makes me LIKE the platforming in the game!!!
Really, now, back to my view: because this was apparently ignored by most people who hated the game, I think it's a severe case of underrated game.
I don't get it. I see 2 major complains on the game: 1: being a platformer and so, too different from first 2 games of the series to worth the try and second, breaking RPG elements.
The first ignores how the platforming is in RPG context which should, in series context, makes it better, but the second is just ugh... I didn't even started the chapter 2 and this game is raining RPG elements and even better, TTYD assets. How is this breaking RPG consistencies? I'm serious there's partners and items how is that breaking anything? Most of the series consistencies are KEPT with the slight modification of working better with platforming which in the end DOES NOT CHANGES ANY CONSISTENCIES ATV ALL and so, DOESN'T BREAK ANY OF THEM!!!
Like, I just don't get how it was that much ignored. I was even impressed to see most of the series consistencies in the game right at the beginning that it's just too obvious.
My rant is done.
So, for impressions, I like lireland road, flipping seems fun to do, the segmented chapter doesn't break RPG context, dialogs are funny as ever with 4th wall jokes, but fracktail text was...
How can I say it appropriately? THE FREAKING BEST 4TH WALL TEXT EVER???
No really, that was way too hilarious for me to take those jokes. This is a rain of computer and Windows jokes that are just so hilarious that it's just amazing that they pushed it THAT FAR. It's even referencing an obscure name from zelda 2 (yeah, you probably know what it is). Like, it's further than TTYD here and may even reach Earthbound level which was completely unrestricted to anything related to IRL. I can't wait to see other text in that much quality now.
So, that pretty much means that so far, love the game and don't understand why it's hated. I may eventually do a complete review like I did for TTYD after I beat the game because for a game that seems underrated, it deserves my complete takes on it.
With that in mind, now that I got thoreau, I want it so much to be his grabs now. Especially if it has the rectangle animation around the enemies. I actually want moves from spm because Paper Mario deserves them. I actually wouldn't even mind if TTYD and spm are used equally in his set, but as long as sticker star stays a minority, I'm good.
Btw, spm makes sticker star looks even worst by not making RPG works while spm did with another genre. Hope if the james leak is Paper Mario related that this one will follow the series consistencies like every game did until sticker star which broke most of them.
Hope you like this wall of texts if you're an spm fan