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"Thinner character, bigger appeal!" Paper Mario for SSB4; Thread migration soon!


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)


Click on the image to vote for him if you wish in your heart to a see Paper Mario be playable in SSB4 as downloadable content
  • Name: Paper Mario
  • Games: Paper Mario, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Paper Mario and Paper Mario: Sticker Star
  • Reasons: Please, be careful when you write this, include as much as you can in the 500 characters limits. A well written vote is better than a rushed one and remember that it might not be entirely based on the numbers of votes, but the idea itself.

Paper Mario is an incarnation of Mario made of paper. He's the protagonist of the Paper Mario series which is an RPG series from the main platforming series. With four games released starting on the Nintendo 64 in 2000 and the last one being released in 2012 on the 3DS, he's still relevant today. He also appears as a playable character in Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam which is a crossover of the Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario series (although, the game is an installment of the former).

His series mostly consist of being in an RPG world made of paper which gives its staple artstyle of having bright and lively animation as well as silly humor. His abilities are the use of an hammer and jump which he can wear badges to have different effects on such attacks, doing figure called STYLISH!, having its partners and Pixls from his games to assist him and some paper abilities such as folding himself into an airplane to reach longer distances.

In smash, he would have a playstyle that focus on versatility in its tactics choices while requiring a bit of thinking to use the right moves since it would be harder to change them to adapt to the fighting situation.

For those who are unfamiliar with the series, this video explains a really good TL;DR of him and his situation for ssb4 as well as telling some neat movesets ideas :)

Credits goes to @FalconSoup

Credits to @Nat Perry

First and foremost, he would represent the paper subset of the Mario series which is currently one of the most deserving subset to be represented in the Mario series. Rosalina represents the galaxy subset, Bowser Jr and the Kooplalings represent the castle and mini boss subset as well as a bit of Mario kart subset and finally Dr Mario represent the puzzle subset of Mario.

All of these subsets makes a great representation, but smash is just getting broader than this. This has been made clear with the recent DLC and other series representation; it's getting broader. His representation is already acknowledged by a stage and a music which would already add to the fact that out of all existing subset of the Mario series, the paper one is important enough to consider a representation in the roster. Many subset fans would wish to get a stage with a music and he already has these which shows how important this subset is for Nintendo.

He also got recognition from Nintendo 3 times on social medias since the announcement of SSB4. The first time was to ask fans what was their favorite paper Mario game. The second time being a reference to Mario as being "The Great Gonzales" which is a name only Paper Mario got on the chapter 3 of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door which is the most appreciated chapter of the most appreciated game of the series. The third time was a post referencing Bombette, a Paper Mario (N64) partner. All these references are a proof that Nintendo think that this subset of Mario is important enough to talk about it like we know about it which is another reason to deserve an inclusion in the roster with such importance.

Also, let's not forget that recent poll in Japan and America have shown that he's requested enough to believe that it would deserve an inclusion.

But its biggest recognition outside of its series is the role he has in Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam. This game shows that Paper Mario is very different from Mario to the point of being two separate characters. he has his official name and the game tries to reflect how different he is as a character. Not only that, but his series is also viewed the same way like the enemies from Paper Mario differs from the Mario & Luigi one. The Paper Mario series is viewed as its own world and the character Paper Mario is viewed as a separate entity from Mario giving the series love and recognition which shows that Nintendo still care a lot about the series.

This subset is very unique and very deep in the Mario series. By having 4 games, some of them being highly praised by its fans from the Nintendo 64 to the Nintendo 3DS, he's a character who went through a lot and has proved to be loved by many. This is why his potential in smash would bring a breeze of fresh air to the roster with how much he would bring from quirky hammer moves to his partners aiding him in a wide variety of situations.

Not to mention the fact that his origins are from Mario making him very recognizable, familiar and acknowledged. Pretty much anyone would know him if people have heard of it, but since he's representing a subset not represented in the current roster, he sure would bring a lot of variety to the roster. As a last proof, his series is one of the most sold one from the Mario series that has yet to see representation in SSB4.

TL;DR, he's a deserving character to be in the roster due to the importance of his subset in the series as well as how much this subset could bring to the roster.

His chance are what would most call decent. As said above, he's popular and important enough to consider him, he already got acknowledged in smash by a lot and with Nintendo on social medias and finally, despite his series not having a game since 2-3 years, he's still mentioned quite a bit. Not to mention that he got a huge role for him and its series in Paper Jam.

It is however important to mention that his last game got by far the least amount of appreciation due to several changes in the core gameplay of the series. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing because even today, the first games are still appreciated so even though he would have moves from its latest game, it doesn't mean all of his moves will be from the latest one. However, it does hinder a bit his chances and this wouldn't matter much if a new back to root Paper Mario game is announced, which could happen and become more likely with Paper Jam coming.

Since the release of SSB4, his situation actually improved even if we have yet to see any sign of a new Paper Mario game. The only sign we have was a leak from an Intelligent System employee that is proved to be reliable, but it might just not even be related to the series.

And most importantly, his series got the prestigious outcome to have a stage featuring elements from 3 of the 4 games int he series. There's more trophies and even a music, but the stage alone is actually a very big deal. As said above, it's a special consideration to end up with a stage for its subset.

So, his chances are not the best out there, but they are big enough to realistically think he could appear as DLC in the future.

This image is a printscreen of a video footage of Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam:

The video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JziVhTVwuI

The point is this game has shown one thing clear to anyone: he's PAPER Mario, not Mario and yes it matters because we see Paper Mario and Mario in the same game and there is a lot that shows how distinctive of a character Paper Mario is. Basically, you can't claim he's Mario anymore, his origins are from Mario sure, but how does it matter?

Even his series is seen as very different in the game with the enemies and even world design. It shows that Nintendo doesn't view him as another Mario, but they see him as being a separate entity.

This argument no longer holds water, to show so much distinction in a game that doesn't even belong to his own series means that in smash, this would be reflected as not being Mario.

TL;DR: He's no longer Mario, but Paper Mario, only his origins are from Mario which doesn't matter much.

Because the rep that this arguments refers to still don't change the lack of the paper subset repping.

You could even go as far to say that Mario, Luigi, Peach and Bowser would be enough because they are alone defining the core Mario series. However, it's clear that SSB4 doesn't want to stop there. Which is why Rosalina is there, the galaxy subset was important enough to deserve a subset rep and because that subset is distinctive of the core characters, her playstyle (or her abstraction of her) would reflect it in a distinctive way to. That's exactly what happened with her unique playstyle that is reflecting her subset on its own.

You could explain the same for Dr Mario being the rep of the puzzle subset and Bowser Jr/the Koopalings as they are both the castle/mini boss subset and a bit of the Mario kart one. Of course, you could say that these combined makes a great representation and it's not false, but it doesn't mean it is enough for what kind of broadness SSB4 aims to have.

With how much this game tries to expand the broadness of its repping, by lacking the paper subset is something that is important enough to make Paper Mario worthy as an addition. To prove its importance, the game Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam is an M&L game featuring a crossover with the Paper Mario series, this wouldn't be done if Nintendo didn't care much of the Paper subset.

Since it would fulfill the repping of a series not repped now, it is an addition, not redundancy like any other Mario series rep on the roster.

TL;DR: It is not enough because smash tries to expand its broadness and variety in repping and while the Paper Mario subset isn't repped yet with its importance, it would be more an addition then redundancy.

But, there's still one thing that needs to be told about him, something that is discussed quite often...

This question has been asked many times:

Would Paper Mario rep his own series or be part of the Mario series?

Short answer: It wouldn't matter because no matter which series he's referred, he still is repping the Paper Mario subset and no matter if that subset is on its own or not, it doesn't change that subset.

Long answer: it depends how you see him. He could be, his abilities differs him enough to just be considered apart, but at the same time, SSB4 more treats him as being part of the Mario series with the stage music and trophies. If you think he's series is important enough, then yes it could be his own series rep. If you think it should be logically better to treat him as a Mario series with how its series is a branch, then he wouldn't.

The end result wouldn't matter, but it is to say that if he gets its own series, that would mean he would have gotten more importance as a Mario subset representative.

As for what would be his series icon, I tough of his wooden hammer, his trademark weapon:

Since so much movesets has been made throughout the life of this thread, they have been moved to the second post here:


This has been done to make editing posts easier.

Bright Red: Original
Green: PM:TTYD Luigi Emblem
Yellow: PM:TTYD Wario Emblem
Purple: PM:TTYD Wario & Luigi Emblem
Blue: PM:SS Ice Flower
White: PM:SS Fire Flower
Dark red: PM64 design
Dark red with overall: 8 Bit design

Also, these are good one too:

TTYD L Emblem
TTYD W Emblem
TTYD L+W Emblem
Fire Mario
Ice Mario
Paper Mario 64
Super Mario NES

The theater from Paper Mario the Thousand-year Door
This is the battle stage you see in Paper Mario the Thousand-year Door when fighting any
enemies. Because there's so much stuff that happens in this stage, it has, like Paper Mario a huge potential especially in the hazard department. Here's a list:
  • The audience can throw good (healing items) or bad (damaging items like bones, rocks, cans and hammer)
  • A boo can appear to make a player invisible
  • A shy guy may appear to go offstage and make a projector fall on the player for damage
  • The audience can leave or come randomly. They can also make the audience sleepy and make people run away
  • There's decor in the background and they can fall on the player randomly for damage
  • Fog may appear. It could act like a smoke ball, but on the lower part of the stage (and it takes the whole scene)
  • Fireworks may damage player randomly
  • This stage appears with many backgrounds in the game depending on the environment you trigger the battle. This can be translated by having the curtains closing and opening to change the layout of the stage and the background. This can also be a way for boss hazard to appear and damage the player.
And if that doesn't make this stage awesome enough, I made an entry on the stage contest that was decently received (minus his playability since my goal was to put as much hazard as possible and let the reader implement them however he would want).

Name of Stage: The Theater

Game of Origin: Paper Mario The Thousand-year Door

Description: It is a theater for watching fights. There's some chair in front for the audience to watch the fight. Players will fight on the scene and it has walk-off blast zone on both sides. In the original game, this is where all the fights against any opponents occur.

Gimmicks/Hazards: However, this isn't just a stage with a flat platform. In the original game, A LOT of stuff could happen most of them being random. It would be an hazard-fest due to how big the potential of this stage has in the hazard department.

First, let's talk about the audience. The audience are characters from the Paper Mario series. They leave, come or cheers depending how intense the fight is. Some of them can throw items at the fighters for instance, a dry bone can throw a bone and a hammer bros may throw a hammer while others might throw cans. These items harms the fighters, but they can also throw items that helps them like healing items or any attacking items like the fire flower. If a fighter taunts, the audience will cheers and so, more people can come here. Since the audience can help you by giving you useful items, it might be a good strategy to taunt when you can.

Some of them however, does more than that. A shy guy may come on the scene and go behind the scene to make a projector falls which can do some damage if anyone is hurt by it. A boo may go on stage and if he touches a player, this one will become invisible like the cloaking device.

The stage itself also provides some hazard here. These are, having fog covering the bottom part of the scene which hinders the sight of the players or some decor in the background failing randomly and doing damage. Fireworks may also appear in the foreground which damage and may burn the fighters.

Speaking of the decor, it will change to another location in the original game after a set amount of time. Depending on the location, the audience might change and even boss can make appearance! When a switch comes, the curtain will fall and every player will freeze before the curtain opens with the new area. Here's all the layout possible (in order that they switch):

Petal Meadows

This is the starting area. Not much is going here. Koopa troopas might come from a shell which will make the players trip. Help items are more likely to be thrown by the audience.

Keelhaul Key

A jungle so, the decor might annoy the sight of the player because of how dense it is. Piranha plants may come from the ground and bites the fighters which might poison them. Fuzzies may also come and suck life to the characters.

Glitz Pit

Just a battle ring with a screen behind almost like the punch out stage. What is special about this is that, Rawk Hawk is an hazard here. He will jump on the corner to body slam brutally the players. He can also jump kick them which does deadly damage.

Rogueport Sewers

This area is from underground where harmful audience is more likely to appear. Enemies also appear (magikoopa firing magic projectile, bandit running into you and steals any items you had and rarely, a big blooper will come to spit black ink).

X-Naut Fortress

This is a fortress made by the X-Naut, an evil organisation in the original game, on the moon. Because of that, the X-Naut are more likely to appear in the audience where they may throw rocks at the fighters all at the same time. They also appear on stage where they may body slam and throws potions that burn, poison or makes dizzy depending on the colour of it (red is burn, green is poison and blue is dizzy).

Cortez's ship

This area is inside a pirate ship full of treasures. But the owner of this treasure, Cortez, will protect it by fighting the players. He can uses one of his weapon which are a hook, a rapier, a sword, and a sabre. This skeleton is stationary due to the pile of bones that fixes him.
And then you go back to Petal Meadows and the cycle repeats.

Unlockable?: Yes it is unlockable and to unlock it, you would have to unlock Paper Mario as a playable character.

Extra: All the enemies and the audience are the same model from TTYD which means that they are papers. If Paper Mario uses 5 side taunts in quick succession while having Goombella has his partner, she will give a description in a text bubble like TTYD of the other fighter. Also, luigi may appear in the audience.

As you can see, for a simple walk off stage, you can do A LOT it's crazy. So, why not for ssb4? (but of course, the hazards would need be to reasonable...)

As an easter egg, there could be codec on his stage like snake and fox in brawl. In TTYD, the first partner you get is Gombella who has the main purpose of telling you useful informations. In a battle, she has an ability called "tattle" which would tell you basic informations on the enemy (how he attacks and general statistic).

What is special about those texts is that she has a very special way to tell those info and some of them are very funny. She could pay attention to the reason that Hammer Bros has infinite hammer or she could complain how not creative any enemy name can be. Along with her complaining about lots of stuff that she could find awkward or scary and it could even be 4th wall jokes.

As a nice refference to this humour, Paper Mario could have a special taunt on his stage where you would see in the original text bubble the text of the enemy tattle scroll automatically. Here are some ideas:


That's Sonic the Hedgehog, his ATTACK and DEFENSE aren't really high but he makes that up with his incredible SPEED! However, if he collects all the Chaos Emeralds, He can transform into a stronger form called, "Super Sonic." While in this form, his ATTACK, DEFENSE, and SPEED go off the charts! Yikes!

I've studied diamonds and all kinds of other gems while attending University of Goom, but I've never seen anything like the Chaos Emeralds! We should totally look for some in the near future!

Little Mac:

That's Little Mac, he seems to be a very balanced fighter with more power to spare! I feel sorry for anyone that comes in contact with his fists. I mean, did'ja see those muscles?! He's such an amazing ground fighter but as soon as he's in the air, it's anyone's game. That's when you attack!

He may train to be a great boxer but you're no slouch in the ring either, Mr. Gonzales! Don't forgot, we've taken down things that he wishes he could! . . . But, would you get me an autograph? Pretty please!

Olimar & Pikmin:

That’s Captain Olimar! By himself, he doesn’t have much attack power or defense. However, he discovered the ability to command these cute little creatures called Pikmin. Each Pikmin has a unique ability so watch out for that, especially the Purple Pikmin!

This reminds me of our visit to The Great Boggly Tree. Remember the Punies? So yeah, you should definitely know what this guy is up to before he even gets the chance! Just don’t hurt the Pikmin, I don’t think my poor little heart could take it.


You're fighting Kirby! Why's he wearing a mask? Oh wait, that's Meta-Knight! His defense is poor, but his attack and speed are above average. He's very quick with his sword and he can fly around the stage. I remember hearing how well he fought in Brawl, some even claimed that he was the best! Pfft, fanboys obviously.

I hear he has a flying ship called the Halberd. Flying or not, I bet Cortez's ship would take it down in no time!


Wow! You're up against Ryu! Orphaned as a child, Ryu has trained day and night to become the best fighter. He wanders the world looking for strong opponents to test his strength. I wonder how often he has to change his gi, that thing has to totally stink! Anyway, I wish I could help you, but I'm having a hard time finding a weak point. Don't let that scare you, I believe in you! Show him your strength!
Tattle for :gw:

"Look, it's Nintendo's very first character. You must be honoured to be fighting such a historical figure. Nobody has appeared in more games than Mr. Game and Watch and who knows, he might even be older than you, not you Mario, they know who I mean.

He's also 2D just like you, but don't let that make you think he's weak. Game and Watch packs a punch and his aerial game is very good."

Tattle for :mario:

"Wait, who is that!? Mario, why are you over there? Wait! I know who this is, you remember Twilight Town? Doopliss fooled us all and made us think he was you! This time his disguise isn't as good, he's so much chubbier than you Mario. Time for us to get our revenge!"

Tattle for :toonlink:

"That's link, but he's smaller, lighter and looks like he's stepped straight from a cartoon. I wonder what I should call him...

Wait, how about Toon Link? I'm not just a pretty face you know that Mario? I also know how to name things.

Anyway, he's lighter and weaker than Link but don't let him come from above and drop that sword from above. You might get a paper cut."

Tattle for :4bowser:

"Mario, look! It's your arch nemesis, Bowser. He looks a bit different to usual, I wonder what poorly defended object he's stolen to gain more power this time…

Anyway, I checked the rumour board and read that after two mediocre appearances in the last two Smash games, Bowser has been training hard. Watch out for his new move, Bowser Bomb. If he catches you with it in the air or on the edge, he's gonna take you down with him. Try not to get burnt by his fiery breath now!"

Tattle for :4myfriends:

"That's Ike. Hp is 50, Attack is 9 and Defence is… wait. Sorry, wrong game.

That's Ike, he carries Ragnell, the two handed sword, with one hand. His strength is unparalleled. However, due to the weight of his sword, he is quite slow. His sword also produces flames, reminds me of another, forgotten, swordsman…"

Tattle for :4lucina:

"Lucina joins the brawl!? Wait, why is that a question…

Anyway, Lucina is the daughter of Chrom, the king of Elyse. An expert swordswoman, she represented the West Khan in the Arena Ferox. Lucina traveled in time to save her kingdom. An inspiring story indeed. Her father is highly protective of her, however, strangely, is nowhere to be found right now. Where do you think he ended up Mario?"

Tattle for :4pacman:

"Is… Is that Pac-man!? Wow, one of the most iconic video game characters in the world. He's slightly older than you, Mario, but don't let that stop you whupping his butt. Pac is strong but his hitbox is quite large so you can probably combo and punish him fairly easily.

His strength is in his fire hydrant. He can use it as a projectile or as a barrier, pushing away anyone that is trying to attack him. He also turns into his arcade version in his dash attack. That's so cool! Wagga wagga"

Tattle for :4megaman:

"Wow Megaman has made it to the biggest gaming celebration in the world. Megaman's strength is in his projectile game. His buster shots aren't high ranged, but get hit by a charged one and it's lethal. His Leaf Shield acts a barrier too. Pretty sure you had something like that once upon a time…

But, what makes him so Mega, Mario? Pretty sure you're a lot stronger than he is. Show him who's boss!"
Tattle for Peach

Omigosh! That our beloved Princess Peach! Or rather a weird, 3D version of her. That's kinda disturbing...
Wait... You're going to FIGHT her? Why? You always try to RESCUE her! Talk about inconsistency...
Anyways, if that clash is necessary, be extra careful of her Turnips. If she's Lucky she can pull out a special one that could do, like, up to 35 DAMAGE! That's whopping. And scary. Oh, and she can also float.
But are you sure you want to fight her? Really?
Charizard's Tattle Log:

"Woah! That's Charizard! THE COOLEST FIRE TYPE POKEMON EVER!...Sorry.
It has a super weird mix of heavy weight and surprising speed on the ground while having a similar weird mix of hard-hitting and quick attacks! Also watch out for his Mega Evolution! He turns into a Fire/Dragon Type!
You know what? Why don't you try playing cricket sounds when it- oh wait...sorry it reminded me of another dragon we fought before...actually several dragons we fought before."

Yoshi's Tattle Log:

"Hey! Is that our little Yoshi we hatched in Glitzville?!...Oh I don't think he is our Yoshi...awkward...
This Yoshi has an average weight and possesses similar Flutter Jump, Egg Throw, and Gulp Attacks. When he gets the Smash Ball he...TURNS INTO A DRAGON?! How can something soooooo cute be super terrifying?!
Ugh I hate these kinds of surprises! Sorta like the time we were tricked into- whoops! Don't want to spoil anything for these nice players out there!...Whaddya mean you don't know who I'm talking to?

From Paper Mario
Normal Battle
Toad town
Tubba Blubba
Crystal king
King of the Koopas
A Kingdom in Chaos
Huffin' and Puffin'
Sad Sun
Petunia Under Attack!
Over Shiver Mountain

From Paper Mario The thousand-year door
Title theme
Rogueport, Town of Thieves

It's Battle Time
The Breeze of Petal Meadows
Rawk Hawk Rock
Fight Against Mario... No, Doopliss
Ship Battle with Cortez
Fire up the Cannon and Blast to the Moon!
Storm the X-Naut's Fortress
Big Bowser Koopa Krush
We believe in You, Mario!
Shadow Queen Final Battle

From Super Paper Mario
Title Screen
Lineland Road
Fracktail Battle
A Powerful Enemy Emerges
Francis Battle
Floro Sapien Caverns
Battle Time
The Underwhere
Underchomp Battle
Castle Bleck
The Ultimate Show

From Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Normal Battle
Kamek Battle
Tower Power Pokey
Final Boss(Phase two)

Link appears walking into a dungeon. It is a dark underground area with ruins all about. Jail cells with bars can be seen, and darkness plagues the background. Somewhat resembling a sewer.

Link heads in deeper. Water droplets fall from overhanging pipes. As he heads in deeper he notices a weird star door in front of him. Curious he steps on through it. He enters out of the door on top of some sort of tower! Confused, he's looking around for answers and is a bit reluctant. However, he sees a giant wooden chest further out on the tower. Delighted, he rubs his hands together and he waltz over to the chest. He goes forward to opening it. As it opens, the traditional music plays:

BUT on the last note, the music gets interrupted and cuts like a record. It appears to be a map rolled up.

As this happens, the map rustles and Link steps back drawing his sword and this song plays as the paper unravels. It stands before Link


(Still in CG, but moved to Paper Marios stage, Flipside Tower, ala the Little Mac trailer) Link standa looking confused. He eventually snaps out of it and goes forward to attack him. Paper Mario transforms paper thin to dodge Link with ease. He then gently floats to the ground. Link is slashing everywhere to no avail. Paper Mario transforms into the cylindrical paper roll behind Link, and moves forward to make Link trip and fall to the floor.

Link tries to sit up, shaking his head. He looks left and right for Paper Mario but is greeted by a beep.

Beep (He's frantically looking)
Beep (He turns around . Paper Mario is holding a hammer over him)
.... BEEP (Paper Mario brings down the hammer and Link is launched in the air for a star KO)

The trailer begins with this music , but a more fast paced fighting theme.

He's shown flying in on his paper airplane to Battlefield. He goes into a idle animation where it appears he's choosing what to do like in his games. The first scene shows him attacking several characters with his Hammer attack. His dash is his spinning run from the first Paper Mario. A few funny situations show his special move where he goes completely thin and can move around nearly invisibly. A scene occurs where Bowser is in the middle of the real Mario and Paper Mario. He looks at PM, then at Mario, then at Paper Mario, who then retracts into his flat form. This causes Bowser to Smash Attack Mario and send him flying off. A few scenes show him roll dodging with his paper roll, him running unsuccessfully as Kirby is trying to suck him up and him laying completely flat on the ground after being hit . He then shows his final smash where he summons show stopper and tears through the screen with the Crystal Stars and KO's his opponents.

The trailer ends with Mario running to save Peach and randomly getting hit by a bomb. Paper Mario unravels out of his flat form beside Peach as she taunts.

The usual Logo comes up with release date and all that jazz.

At the very end it shows Luigi on a stage with PM appearing. Luigi looks at him and he looks at Luigi. Luigi dash attacks away in fear and PM looks at the screen gesturing "I dunno ...."

Ahhh if only if only.
First, The logo slashes through the screen and burns as always. Then, the screen goes white, and the Mario Paint Title Screen shows up.
Cue a more energetic and modernized version of the Mario Paint Main Theme

There's just one thing, it's all in a 3D and CG! A fly starts buzzing and the iconic hand shows up to swat it (The hand looks strangely like Master Hand...). It proceeds to pull down the Mario Paint UI over the title screen and then taps it's fingers, as if it was pondering what to draw.
Suddenly, the hand snaps it's fingers! It had an idea! It grabs a paintbrush and the camera shows several shots of the hand making brush strokes, but the full screen is never shown.
The camera pans out to show that it was never Mario Paint at all! It was all simply the hand in an artist's room drawing on paper and the UI was his tools! The hand gives a thumbs up and the camera focuses on the drawing...
Suddenly, the music stops and the room begins to rumble! The hand "runs away" as Paper Mario peels off of the paper. He stretches and jumps into the air as the Splash Screen says:
*cue the rock remix of TTYD Main Theme
The screen tears in half to show Paper Mario's entrance animation, which is him flying in as a paper airplane.
The real Mario shows up and does his Down Taunt (The Donkey Kong death animation)
Peach and Luigi both crouch, Luigi shows fear and Peach shows curiousity
Bowser looks back and forth between Mario and Paper Mario and Side Smashes Mario right as the music gets energetic!!
Bowser does a FAir against Paper Mario and PM airdodges (which is a STYLISH! pose) and then uses his BAir on Bowser which is Parakarry's Sky Dive.
Cut to Paper Mario using his Neutral B to hold and throw Bombette, Admiral Bobbery, and Boomer.
Next scene shows Paper Mario using his Spin Dash from Paper Mario 64 as his Dash Attack against Mega Man's Top Spin and out-prioritizes it.
Paper Mario then uses his FAir, which is Lady Bow, against Luigi, ironically.
Yoshi is shown running away from Paper Mario as he uses Thoreau, his ranged grab, on him and uses his FThrow, the Baby Yoshi from TTYD using Gulp.
Paper Mario then uses Koops on Greninja in front of him and Kooper on Diddy Kong behind showing off his Side B.
PM then uses Barry, his Down B Counter, and uses his Superguard animation against Lucina's Side Smash.
Paper Mario then taunts by wagging his finger at the screen with his cap slightly tipped down.
He then uses Vivian as his FTilt to hit Pit in front of him, causing a fiery hit!
Villager goes after PM with his Net as PM spot dodges, folding towards the screen like in TTYD and SPM, and Side Smashes with Ultra Hammer.
Paper Mario then taunts with Toon Link and Samus as they all use their taunts that involve looking around, PM's being putting his hand to his forehead and "searching".
PM then uses his Final Smash to call upon all the Star Spirits, Crystal Stars, and Pure Hearts to entrap Mario and release Peach Beam (Star Spirits), Supernova (Crystal Stars) and finish the move off with the Pure Hearts "breaking" a section of the screen off!!
PM shows off his final taunt, being holding up either a Star Spirit, Crystal Star, or Pure Heart, while this plays:
The Super Smash Bros for Wii U/3DS logo shows up and, like most of the trailers, shows off one final cutscene.
The Final Scene shows Master Hand painting, the camera pans up to show Popo and Nana posing for the picture as a drawing of Paper Mario floats in front of the camera.
Shot of Dreamland from space before cutting into Kirby fighting Bowser. Watching the fight is a lone figure who is heard gasping. The figure is then revealed to be a nervous looking Adeleine in front of a canvas. She has an idea and hurriedly starts painting. Close up shots of reds, blues and browns before Adeleine steps back and looks at the painting, pleased with herself. The painting comes to life and Bowser, now distracted looks over in horror. Cut away to Paper Mario putting his patented wooden hammer on his shoulder.

"Paper Mario Tears in!"

This starts playing as Paper Mario strolls across a stage. Goombella then starts tattling;

"You've finally made it! The Great Gonzales has made it to the biggest fighting stage in the world. The foes here are quite tough though"

Paper Mario starts hitting foes with his hammer, using a variety of moves;

"Your patented hammer, use it to your advantage, whether you're throwing it, or smashing enemies to Underwhere with it, you'll always be remembered for your hammer."

Paper Mario shoots Koops/Kooper out into an enemy, grabs a foe with Thoreau before using Watt to zap them away, finally, in a counter style move, Vivian ducks with Mario before using shade fist and burning the enemy:

"Don't forget about us Mario, we've always been here to help you and Smash Brothers is exactly the same."

Paper Mario is Donkey Kong Punched off the stage and KO'd

"Don't forget you're made from paper and as such you're very light, try not to take too much punishment."

Some more gameplay of Paper Mario is shown before cutting back to Dreamland where Bowser lay defeated. Paper Mario spots something in the distance and runs off. Kirby and Adeleine watch on, confused. Paper Mario is then shown with Mr. Game and Watch, the two start taunting as they are both pleased to find out they aren't the only flat character in the game.
My second trailer idea

Cut to an entirely black screen which slowly lights up with various different coloured spot-lights. A mysterious arena (to some) is shown and a female toad announcer calling the fighters.

"For our next battle we have the Tiny Terra-firma Terror, yes it's Little Mac against the Golden Hawk, the champion, yes it's a Championship match with the RAWK HAWK."

Rawk Hawk and Little Mac begin to fight with Little Mac appearing to have the upper hand before Rawk Hawk jumps up to the top of the arena, hangs off it and drops down on LM, KOing him. Rawk Hawk begins celebrating when all of a sudden his expression changes to one of dismay. The camera pans over to the Great Gonzales with the crowd going wild before the announcer says that this is the true championship battle. Splash art of the Great Gonzales "The Great Gonzales joins the fold". The Great Gonzales' gameplay is then shown with the Glitz Pit stage being confirmed for Wii U. The Glitz Pit stage uses Aldelaro's theater ideas but puts into the Glitz Pit location. Final cut back to the Glitz Pit where a defeated Rawk Hawk laments his lack of appearance in this game before being shown as an AT.
Smash logo appears in flames, as always. Suddenly, the scene from the first reveal with the Animal Crossing Villager appears on the screen. He opens his letter, and runs off exactly as he did in the original trailer. This should confuse many people watching the reveal, making them think that Nintendo accidentally showed off the wrong trailer, possibly causing them to leave. (Ha, just like when you mess up in battle causing the audience to leave :p) Suddenly, something new happens. Along with the Smash Bros. invitation that the Villager got, another piece of paper slips out. It transforms into a paper tube and begins rolling down one of the village's many paths. Then, the screen cuts to all of the previous newcomer reveals (in very short clips) going along with the offbeat parts of the main theme in the first trailer, while you-know-who's movements are on the jumpier beats. Villager! (Forms into paper tube) MegaMan! (Rolls along path) Wii Fit Trainer! (Rolls off cliff into paper airplane) Rosalina! Little Mac! Greninja! (Lands into water and turns into a paper boat) Palutena! (Boat sailing in day) Pac-Man! (Boat sailing at night) Robin! (Boat in day again) Once the buildup of the song is over, the song continues to the main tune, with gameplay on Tortimer Island. After the first 2 parts of the song, the music suddenly stops as if it were a screeching record player. The fighters have stopped what they were doing and are looking toward the edge of the island where they see a paper boat floating toward shore. One of the fighters, Mario, is peering over the dock at the flimsy boat. Suddenly, it jumps up out of the water and knocks Mario back toward the island, and as it unfolds... Paper Mario Folds into Battle!! The screen transitions to the S.S. Flavion where Paper Mario is simply jumping around, avoiding other fighters' attacks. When he slams his hammer into another player, the screen transforms into the WiiU stage, The Theater! Paper Mario is now ready to battle, and uses his many abilities and partners to aid him against the other enemies he faces. These scenes also show off the remaining 2 transformations on the 3DS stage, from both Paper Mario and Super Paper Mario, as well as a majority of his moves. Once Paper Mario defeats his enemies, his victory screen shows up with the Battle Victory fanfare music in the background. Fade into Paper Mario checking his Mailbox SP in Hither Thither Hill. A sausage hits him from the back of the head, interrupting his E-Mail checking. As he looks behind him, Mr. Game and Watch appears on screen and waves his flag above his head, while Paper Mario gives a thumbs up to the camera. Fade to black as they walk offscreen.

Thanks to @SuperLittleTY for this "What if?" video featuring Paper Mario


@ aldelaro5 aldelaro5

@MegaMarioMan9, @ultimatekoopa, @Vickand, @Staarih, @Peterawr, @BridgesWithTurtles, @Rockaphin, @KenithTheGatherer, @Louie G., @Themagnificentmoldy, @Kevandre, @Gingerbread Man, @SpaceJell0, @TewnLeenk, @ZeldaMaster, @Shalashaska, @mini paincakes, @Leafeon523, @Ultinarok, @darksamus77, @Takehiko, @Relax Alax, @Simensis, @JohnathanACE, @Rew, @Chandelure, @Lizardon, @LeeYawshee, @ToasterBrains, @Stalkos, @King Sonnn DeDeDoo, @XLIFE, @The21stSmasher , @Skyfox2000, @HugoBoss, @EgeDal, @ Zzuxon Zzuxon , @StrangeTamer, @Snipe, @SmashRiver64, @~Krystal~, @CliffJumper, @FalconSoup, @SolarKirby, @SuperBoshi, @AuraWielder, @ImaClubYou, @oGr33n, @Cobalsh, @Sonicguy726, @Oblivion129, @Zero Suit Wario, @UnicornDemon, @Con0rrrr, @Diddy Kong, @God Robert's Cousin, @Ghirahilda, @Patwhit01, @Jubileus57, @StarLight42, @domokl, @Paper Maribro, @Shog, @Captain Soviet, @Bendezium Dweevil , @Bassoonist, @ThatWasPeachy, @KingofZeroX, @TechPowah, @Mr. KoopaTurtle, @Wazygoose, @Smashoperatingbuddy123, @Azure Warrior , @fogbadge, @TaichiYaegashi, @★Star™Kid★, @Ben Holt, @ Bowserlick Bowserlick , @Wizela, @TCT~Phantom, @KiraYoshikage, @FinalStarmen, @Duck$mash, @sboles, @Flaxr XIII, @SA-Y, @Connery, @False Sense, @AEM, @tsvlink25, @Cpt. , @strawhatninja, @Ultra*HappyCharge, @Lucimar, @-Coco-, @LaughingLuigi, @SmashingObjection, @Squishyfrog, @Nintendotard, @GmanSir, @TheFearsomeRyan, @WayfaringElf, @Jeanne, @SS-bros14, @Crap-Zapper , @Pikablu Pikachu, @C3CC, @Gene, @Craxian, @Skides, @Geoffrey Druyts, @Jellybat, @Superyoshiom, @08skidoosh80, @RetroJake, @SchAlternate, @xzx, @Alex Night, @HyrulesLegend, @WritersBlah, @PikaSamus, @BandanaDee, @DukeNapoleon, @Kyro172, @Takebacker, @HyperiorV, @MazinroboX2, @CheckmateChuck , @BluePikmin11 , @JayTheUnseen, @Golden Sun, @MacSmitty , @MemoriesOfAChocobo , @FreddyOnDrugs, @Creativion, @rabbit.soaring, @Cenizas, @Zodiacx10, @Kirbyfan391, @random rendum, @ZeldaFan01 , @Vino_ , @DJDave189, @Zero Soul, @SimonBarSinister, @Smallgenie549, @XStarWarriorX, @Berrial, @ Starphoenix Starphoenix , @Ristar94, @73V3N. @ThePenguinGamer0,
@Jdaster64, @flames7pardy, @FooltheFlames, @WeirdChillFever, @Equin0x, @Asian_Charizard, @SMX, @FancySmash, @sogeki, @Cloud_Dreamer, @JackerX, @Mao644, @HyperFalcon, @Awesomedude4444, @jpkurihara, @Royvolution Ream, @ŞĀ★Allen♪$, @Das Koopa, @KR_G, @UNiC0RN 0F SM4SH ♫, @Speedwagon, @Sari, @Clokk, @Nat Perry, @MasterOfZoroark, @RhymesWithEmpty, @Crimson23, @DDatomica94, @Alph Aran, @Wintropy, @Haydossy, @LousyTactician, @Super Fawful

Want to join him? Just asks in this thread!

Put those in your signatures if you support Paper Mario and spread the word!

Credits to @Creativion for this one:

@N30N for this one:

@TheRealHeroOfWinds made 3 variation of a full banner if you are into that and actually has a thread with more of them here

Those are just stuff from the series for your personal use.
The font of the series is called "hey gorgeous" and it's publicly available to download here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9oe9592v4yycv3t/HeyGorgeous.ttf?dl=0 it has most characters needed.
Those are templates to use with the font above to write text on them. They were directly ripped from Paper Mario The Thousand-year Door so that they have the original feel like in the game.

If you see transparency in your window, that's where you should put the text. All the window that has them are made of one color so you just had to fill the rectangle with the box color (eyedropper tool). If not, you could still open a normal one, put your text on the zone and switch the normal to the one you desired. All the window are the exact dimensions and the zone is at the same place except for the small one for obvious reasons. If you don't like that, tell me and I'll remove the transparency if necessary. Don't hesitate to play with the font size and spacing for a clean effect.

Also, even though it's optional, here are the triangles used to point the person talking:

Normal widow:
(grey should be the layer under the window while the white one should be over it).

And the shadow queen window:
(same as the normal one but the black one is under and purple is ovner)

Both triangles for the window are on the same dimensions so just align them with tools and put them at the appropriate layer and link them to move both of the triangles wherever you want. Rotate if necessary.
Those are some very colorful and lovely texts images to use with your posts like positive comments or just for fun:

Those are icons to express buttons inputs. Could be useful for moveset presentation and the are cleaner than the one on the forums with more icons. Use the hold icons as hold inputs.

Unfortunately, the Dpad can't be used for all directions so I'll give the Dpad only:

I'm open to any suggestion about the OP just post your ideas in this thread.
Last edited:


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)

I made a very complete moveset on him which includes several animations:
Normal moves

: Paper Mario swings his hammer horizontally from behind (he folds a little).
: Then, he swings his hammer horizontally on the other side.
: Finally, he swings his hammer with more power on the ground (he uses the super hammer in the combo).

: Using a tail sticker, he sweeps his tail in front of him doing a little damage.
: Using a spike helmet sticker, he puts it on his head and do a little hop at the same time damaging enemies above.
: Paper Mario summons Barry who appears instantly and makes a barrier surrounding Paper Mario which will spin and do damage.
Dash: Paper Mario spins on one foot while moving in front which will do only one hit, but it does quite some damage.

Smash moves

: Paper Mario uses a grey hammer with power smash (big starting lag, but very strong).
: Paper Mario uses an orange hammer which he will throw afterwards (little starting lag, but do quite a bit of damage and the hammer will only disappear after an enemy is hurt or if it touches the ground).
: Paper Mario uses a purple hammer with quake hammer attacking all enemies on the ground within 1 battlefield platform of range (little lag, but do little damage to each enemy).

Aerial moves

: Paper Mario puts his feet together trying to land on an enemy. You cannot double jump nor use any other aerial move in this state and you can only press left and right to control your landing. If he fails, he fell on the floor, laying down and being vulnerable before getting up. If he succeed, he jumps on him and gain another jump while the enemy is frozen in his damage animation for a tiny amount of time. This jumps acts like a second jump so you can't jump again in this one. You can use neutral A however you want, but it will be hard to do this multiple time and also tha neutral air only does a little damage so it's best to use on multiple enemies or using another aerial after.
: Paper Mario does his belly stylish moves hitting some opponents in his animation and does a little damage.
: Paper Mario does some back flip while moving behind like his stylish move and doing some damage. Because he moves behind, it can't be used well after a neutral air.
: Paper Mario spins while hoping above him doing some little hits to the enemies. Again, this one doesn't go well after a neutral air.
: Paper Mario ground pound and do quite a bit of damages, but it has some starting lag. It's best to use after a neutral air to do even more damage and since the enemy will be frozen, you have just enough time to do it.

Grab moves

: Paper Mario summons Thoreau which will try to grab in front of Paper Mario and has practically no lag, but has a low range. He will then bring the foe to Paper Mario.
: When used, Paper Mario won't be able to throw, but he will jump on the enemies head repeatedly and you will need to press A every time he stomps on him while Thoreau is still holding his foe. The pummel and the grab finish if either the foes escape (which is more difficult after every stomps) or if you miss your timing, which is again more difficult every time. As you jump, the damage given increases.
: Paper Mario uses an ultra hammer which he will charge for a short time to then smack the opponent. This opponent will then receive some knock back and if he comes into contact of another enemies, this one will receive little damage too.
: Paper Mario picks the foe as if he was a sticker and tries to "peel" him. This will throw the foe with some knock back behind.
: While Thoreau brings the foe a little higher, Paper Mario uses a thunder bolt that he will raise above him and after it, the enemy will be struck by a thunder which will do decent damage.
: Paper Mario folds into himself as Thoreau prevents the foe from escaping the grab by pushing him on the ground. Then, Paper Mario jumps and land on the enemy with great force doing good damage.

Special moves

: Paper Mario enters unto a thinking state where he looks thoughtful while being vulnerable. An horizontal scroll bar appears where his feet are with a little stick tilting from left to right under it. While still holding B, you will have to select the partner with your stick and releasing B once you're done (this includes menu sound effects from TTYD). If you are hit, you will have more lag than usual and instantly cancelling the switch. If you manage to get the switch, the icon will go near his HUD spot switching the one that was there before while you're exiting this state (very quick). By default, you always start with Gombella, the weakest partner and if you lose a stock, your partner will be switched to Goombella again. You will have to use this move while you're away from your opponents because it can become very risky otherwise, but the reward you get is a new special move. When the partner is attacking, Paper Mario can do whatever he wants, but some moves has some summons lag which only affects the partner. Every partner are all set to counter different situations. They are on the background of the stage, but doesn't move. You only see them after you use his attack. These are the partner with their respective actions:

She will jump in front of Paper Mario and tries to land on an enemy. She will only be able to bonk one time and it does little damage, but she's also your default partner which means that you can use her right away without switching. This attack is really quick however. Works on ground and in the air.
This one has a little starting lag since Paper Mario has to hop a little when his shell appears and after he stomps on it, Koops will go forward hitting all the enemy with decent damages, but little knock back. It won't work in the air, but you can use it and wait for Paper Mario to fall down (because the shell will fall if you do this above the ground).
Admiral Bobbery
He will walk a little before stopping and charges before exploding with great force that can damage greatly enemies near him. However, it takes a lot of summons lag due to him charging, but if no enemies move, the reward is great damage to enemies with decent knock back. In the air, Paper Mario will throw it until he reaches the ground and then proceed to charge.
Lady Bow
With a fan, she will go forward and try to smack a foe multiple time with her fan. It has decent lag for her to charge, but you get a multi hit that do decent damages in total. It can be used in the air, but because of the lag, it's better to use it near platform and the stage.
He will go forward and tries to electrify and opponent which will paralyse him. Little damage, but only little lag. You can also use it in the air and since there's not much lag, it works pretty well for preventing the foe to recover.

: Paper Mario's partner uses his moves.
: Paper Mario transforms into an airplane which allow him to glide for a short time. The tip of the airplane does little damage and it has a little start lag so it's best as recovery, but not as an attack.
: Paper Mario holds his fist with an angry face for a tiny amount of time. If any foes attack him while in this state, he will spin with his fist up and the enemy receives strong damage. This is basically a counter, but it has good ending lag so this is risky to use, but the damage it gives worth the try.

Final Smash

Paper Mario summons the ruby stars and goes above on it out of sight. The camera will be centred and fixed and the text at the bottom in TTYD font will say: "Draw around the enemy as many times as you can!" and a little ruby star appears in the centre of the screen. This acts like a cursor and you need to do circles around the enemies, but the trick is if they touch your line, it will break, but the cursor has a fast speed. You can do this for multiple enemies at once and doing will make the text "nice" or such appears. The damage is strong and has a lot of knock back that has a high chance of KO on decent percentage. After 30 seconds, the final smash ends.

Situations moves

Get up: little jump which acts like an uppercut.
Edge: While getting on the edge, he smack his wooden hammer on the ground near.

Dodge moves

Shield: Paper Mario duck and cover in a ball.
Rolling Dodge: He folds himself into a tube to roll.
Sidestep Dodge: He turns himself from his side and dodge which makes him almost invisible.
Air dodge: Paper Mario goes slightly into the background while moving slowly in the direction pressed (in a paper fashion).


Entrance: He enters on the stage by flipping into the dimension.
Stance: Practically no movement and the eyes blink from times to time.
Idle: Yawn followed by snoring while looking asleep.
Walk: Only his feet move in walking speed.
Run: Same as walk, but his feet move 2x faster with a white smoke trail behind.
Crouch: Folds slightly into himself.
Jump: Exactly like Mario, but the second involves him folding a little while spinning.
Hurts: On one foot and his face behind looks like he's hurt.
Lying down: On his belly, face on the ground.
Swimming: He transforms into a boat and comes back to normal after jumping.


Side Taunt: Paper Mario makes a thumbs up and face the camera.
Up Taunt: He wags his finger from left to right.
Down Taunt: He wags his hand and a heart comes near him (appeal from TTYD).

Victory and defeat

Victory Theme: Battle Victory from TTYD
Victory 1: While giving a thumbs up, and his partner being happy, the text "You got 50 star points!" appears and then, they walk in place.
Victory 2: He and his partner appeal to the crowd and we could hear cheers from the crowd.
Victory 3: Paper Mario raises the diamond star with all his partners surrounding him and cheering him.
Defeat: He and his partner run in place to run away, but they fell on the ground head first after trying.


Codec: If you press on the D pad left and right several times while Goombella is your partner on the Paper Mario stage with one opponent, Goombella makes a bubble of text appears and she describes the opponent while still having some humour. She will also tell the percentage the foe has.
Footstool: if Paper Mario footstool someone, he will receive a tiny amount of damage (even less than his neutral aerial). It's just a little reference not designed to be one of his main attacks.
As I said earlier, he has a big moveset potential and the moveset above is just an example of it. More are listed below to give you an idea of his potential.

This moveset made by @MegaMarioMan9 is really representative of the character, maybe even more than the one above, really reccomended to read it for any supporter and those who want to know more what he can really do in smash:

He is a very light fighter; just as light as Mr. Game and Watch, in fact! He shares the same two-dimensional trait, so he doesn't have much in terms of weight, though he does fall at an average speed. However, he more than makes up for this through his power and special tricks. With all this insane potential, there has to be a gimmick, right? ...Were you expecting me to say there's not?

FP stands for Flower Points. They are a concept found in the Paper Mario games that serve an equivalent purpose to Magic Points or Mana Points used in a majority of other RPGs. They limit the use of specific attacks characters can use, as do Flower Points. I would like to translate this idea into Smash as a way to make Paper Mario a more strategic character. He starts at a base of 25 FP, and certain attacks that he performs will use up a predetermined amount of FP. The moves I explain below will include an amount of FP that is needed to use them, if any is needed at all. It will be displayed beside the name of the move. If there isn't an amount of FP present, that means it requires no FP.

If a move that requires FP is attempted while you have 0 FP, Paper Mario will make his "Wah!" sound that he makes when he is attacked unexpectedly. He will trip and fall on his face like any ol' Shyguy. This will essentially act as a trip, only self induced. You have the limited movement options that you normally would while tripped. While it can be a very bad thing, it could also be used as a makeshift fake out tool.

There is also a way to get around this gimmick, which will be later explained...

<< Smash Attacks! >>
Forward Smash -
Power Smash : 2 FP / 8, 11, 14, 20 Damage
C'mon, it has the word SMASH in it's name! This attack will have Paper Mario pull a spiked, silver colored hammer out and SMASH his opponents with it. It has an slightly slow start up time, but it takes very little time to charge compared to most smash attacks. A small hammer meter will appear about Paper Mario's head and count up to four. When released on each point, it will do the amount of damage corresponding to the amounts above, respectively. Charge it for too long though, and it will only do a measly 6 damage if it connects. It goes by quite quickly, so time it well. Has great knockback.
Also, right as this attack is performed, you can press the A button to do a backflip and land out of harms way. A small text saying STYLISH! will appear above Paper Mario. This is especially useful for when you miss the smash attack and want to avoid getting punished.
Up Smash -
Hammer Throw : 1 FP / 5, 7, 9, 12 Damage
This attack works in the same way as Power Smash with it's timing. This attack has Paper Mario grab an orange hammer and throw it at the opponent. It's still quite big, still being the same size as his normal hammers. It is controlled in a similar way to Yoshi's Egg Throw, except doesn't go quite as high and is much slower. However, it has a good damage output if charged a bit and has a large hitbox. Has a few frames of cool-down time to prevent the player from spamming low charged hammers.
Down Smash -
Quake Hammer : 3 FP / 7/5, 10/7, 14/10, 18/14 Damage
This attack uses up more FP than the other attacks, and there's a reason for that. This move has nice range. Same timing as previous smash attacks, with a small addition. If this purple hammer hits the opponent directly, the damage is the first number in each sequence shown above, and when hit with shockwave produced it does the second shown number. The range is just over a roll's distance away, so it's great for punishing them. If the opponent is caught by this attack's shockwave (not hammer hit) in the air or on a ledge, they are hit with a meteor effect. As the shockwave effect extends into the air (though the distance is cut short), it is a useful edgeguarding tactic against many opponents.
--Physical Attacks!--
Neutral A -
4 Damage
During this attack, Paper Mario "peels" off a section of the screen. It acts just like Mario's cape where it has the ability to reflect projectiles, but it can only be used on the ground. It deals less damage, but it has a much bigger hitbox and has the same activation speed.

Forward Tilt -
6 Damage
Paper Mario swings his trusty wooden hammer in front of him. Unlike his smash attacks, this hammer acts like his hammer when he's running around on the map instead of in a battle, so it has no charge. While it doesn't do much damage, it's quite quick and has fair range. It also requires no FP, so you can use it at any time.
Up Tilt -
8 Damage
Paper Mario instantly ducks and a spike helmet appears on top of his head. As only the spike on top does anything, it is very hard to hit but very rewarding. Only works on opponents coming from above. If the opponent is hit by this, it has KO potential at somewhat high percents. This move only stays out for a split second though, and you have to wait until it peels off to use it again.
Down Tilt - Slip Up : 2 Damage
The only move on this list that isn't 100% based off of anything in any of his games. It is similar to Sticker Peel, except you pull off a small section of the floor which causes your opponents to trip, letting you possibly follow up with an extra move. Remember that it doesn't do much damage.
Dash Attack -
2 Damage (Per Hit)
Paper Mario performs a spin dash that sends him spinning forward. This attack acts similarly to Luigi's dash attack, except it is faster, but does not trap enemies as well. At about the end of the spinning animation, you can jump to prevent yourself from having ending lag. The attack normally deals out 2-4 hits, depending on how low your opponent is on damage (the lower it is the more hits). He can be easily hit out of this attack though, so be careful to make sure it connects.
==Aerial Attacks!==
Neutral Aerial -
Barry / Spike Barrier : 6 Damage
Paper Mario is suddenly surrounded by a spiked shield created by none other than Barry the Pixl! This move makes him invincible for about a second, but has incredible landing lag. It should only be used when you're sure it will hit, because you will likely be punished if it doesn't. However, it has a set knockback just far enough away so that when it DOES hit, you won't be punished for it. About a second of invincibility, and just under a couple of seconds of vulnerability.
Forward Aerial -
Watt / Power Shock : 4 Damage (Per Hit)
Strange how two partners from very different games can look alike, huh? Anyways, Watt is an electrical being that Paper Mario holds out in front of him to zap his foes. She has a bit of a delay to appear, but she also mildly stuns foes, so it may be possible to hit them twice with the same attack, since it has very little knockback. A decent damage racker, if you can get used to the timing of it.
Back Aerial -
Lady Bow / Fan Smack : 1 Damage (Per Hit)
Lady Bow has the uncanny ability to smack unsuspecting victims in their faces. This has a slightly small hitbox as the opponent has to be hit by her fan, AND it also has a small time frame to hit, but when it does hit, it locks the enemy in place and smacks them 5 times, dealing 1 damage each time. At the end of the attack, the enemy is knocked back a very nice distance on the last smack. Feel free to feel bad for all those Little Macs out there. May Grambi help them in their struggles...
Up Aerial -
Hopslipper : 5 Damage
This small green slipper "thing" gives Paper Mario a little bit of instant yet somewhat short vertical distance, damaging any enemies that come in contact with his noggin. It is more useful as a recovery move, and can only be used once after becoming airborne, so be careful not to try using it again before landing on the ground.
Down Aerial -
Thudley / Ground Pound : 7 Damage
Thudley the Pixl appears next to Paper Mario and gives him the ability to ground pound. It has a bit of start up, but when you sweetspot it with your butt, the attack acts as a meteor. Otherwise it acts as a weakened version of a footstool jump. He also gains a bit of height when it connects. It doesn't doom him to fall off the stage if it misses, but he does fall down a ways and it may be difficult to recover if you used it very low. Also, if you press the A button right as it connects, you'll jump up even higher than normal and the infamous STYLISH! will appear here as well.
Grab -
Thoreau / Grab
Thoreau is a tether type of grab that allows Paper Mario to grab his enemies from a distance. It is laggy like most tether recoveries, but of course has plenty of range to make up for it.
Pummel -
Power Bounce : 2 Damage (Per Hit)
While Thoreau is holding the opponent in place, Paper Mario is jumping on top of the enemy performing power bounces. He repeatedly jumps on the enemy for 2 damage per jump. Be warned that when you are fighting more than one opponent, you will be vulnerable to attacks while you are jumping.
Forward Throw - Toss : 5 Damage
Thoreau tosses the opponent forward dealing minor damage. This attack has fair knockback and may be used to KO at high percents.
Back Throw - Shoulder Toss : 5 Damage
Acts exactly the same as the forward throw, but sends the opponent backwards. "Over the shoulder", if you will.
Down Throw -
Vivian / Fiery Jinx : 9 Damage
This attack has the same properties as Ness' down throw attack; but for visuals, Vivian quickly takes Thoreau's place and snaps her finger. This causes the opponent to burst into flames, dealing 9 damage and sending the opponent forward. Paper Mario suffers a bit more lag than Ness in this situation, however.
Up Throw -
Sushie / Squirt : 3 Damage
This move should mostly be used to either push an opponent off the top of the screen at high percents, or to make them more vulnerable if they don't have many options to land on the ground. Sushie appears and squirts water from underneath the opponent, causing them to start flying upwards. This doesn't make them enter free fall, so they may still have a chance to attack you on their way down. This attack sends opponents farther the more damage they already have.
**Special Attacks!**
Neutral Special -
Honey Syrup
This is the most important move that Paper Mario has access to. It doesn't do any damage to his enemies, but it HEALS HIS FP BY 5 POINTS. However, this move takes time to use. He holds the honey syrup above his head and then eats it (using PM64's eating animation). This process takes about 3 seconds, plus an extra second of ending lag as he gives a thumbs up to the camera. It is useful to use it after knocking an opponent offstage where you should be able to finish off one. If you manage to KO an opponent off the top of the screen, you may be lucky enough to get 2 honey syrups down. It is extremely important to remember that this move is NON-CANCELABLE. Once you start to use it, you are going to either finish it or get hit and gain no benefits.
Neutral Special (Custom 2) -
Maple Syrup
This move works the same way as a honey syrup, but takes 6 seconds (+ the extra second of vulnerability) and heals 15 FP. Yes, I know they only heal 10 FP in game, but this keeps it balanced as you would be vulnerable for a much longer period of time, giving the opponent a chance to attack you. It's harder to pull off, but the rewards are much more beneficial. You still can't cancel this attack, however, so be careful.
Neutral Special (Custom 3) -
Gradual Syrup
This move also acts the same as the last two, but this time with a twist. It only takes about a second and a half to activate (without the extra laggy pose), and it heals 5 FP over time. You can do other things while it heals you, but this takes time and you may need the FP right away. Plus, you can't use another one until the effects wear off. It takes about 15 seconds to heal the total 5 FP, 3 seconds per point. Used more as a during battle item rather than a free time item.
Forward Special -
Kooper / Powershell : 3 FP / 14 Damage
Paper Mario performs a quick jump as he sends Kooper flying out in front of him. It takes him a second to send him out, and he is a bit of a slow mover, but he does good damage and here's the catch; as long as you hold in the B button, he will stay in place until you let go or get KO'd. You can surprise opponents by letting go of the button while they least expect it. It deals a fair amount of knockback and can go through multiple opponents, but beware the amount of FP it costs. Also remember that you can't use any other special moves while holding in the button, so try to get him to attack an opponent as quickly as possible.
Forward Special (Custom 2) -
Koops / Shell Toss :2 FP / 8 Damage
Koops is also jumped on and kicked forward, but the difference is that he is faster, weaker, covers more range, doesn't go through opponents, and doesn't cost as much FP. That's pretty much all there is to it.
Forward Special (Custom 3) -
Shell Sticker : 4 Damage
Paper Mario doesn't have to jump on this shell, but instead just kicks it quickly. It travels as fast as Koops, but cannot be held in to keep it in place, and will keep moving forward for a couple seconds. It will also fall in an arc if it falls off a ledge. It's benefit is the extra range and that it costs 0 FP, but remember that it's much weaker and can't be held.
Down Special -
Admiral Bobbery / Bob-ombast : 4 FP / 26 Damage
Admiral Bobbery does tons of damage, knockback, and has a big hitbox, but can be very predictable if used incorrectly. Paper Mario has to set him down slowly, and he walks forward slowly, but can be activated at any time... slowly. It is very effective when you knock an opponent into the explosion, but that can be hard to do. You also can't activate him while he's in the air, so no ridiculous edgeguarding is possible. Very useful for becoming an excellent combo finisher. Remember that you can use your other B moves while using any down special, but you will detonate them right as you press another button.
Down Special (Custom 2) -
Bombette / Power Bomb : 2 FP / 14 Damage
Acts similarly to Bobbery, only faster in both movement speed and activation, moves a bit farther, deals less damage and knockback, and costs less FP. That's all.
Down Special (Custom 3) -
Boomer / Explosion : 8 Damage
Boomer is a stationary bomb Pixl that Paper Mario places down. He can be activated almost instantaneously, but has a smaller damage output and less knockback. However, he costs 0 FP, which could attract some players.
Up Special -
Plane Mode : 6 Damage
This move is mostly used for recovery, but if the tip of the plane hits, then the opponent receives 6 damage. This move has excellent horizontal recovery, and a tiny bit of vertical recovery. Paper Mario jumps about the same height as a Hopslipper makes him and he transforms into a paper plane after folding for a bit under a second. you can control the up and down movement and cancel at any time, but you will enter free fall when you do. He can be hit out of this move.
Up Special (Custom 2) -
Parakarry / Air Lift
Parakarry lifts Paper Mario and carries him a short distance. You can control which way he will carry you, but he doesn't carry you far. It does no damage, but while you are being carried you are completely unflinchable. You will take half damage from attacks, and you can cancel to enter free fall at any time.
Up Special (Custom 3) -
Carrie creates a platform for Paper Mario to ride. It provides no vertical distance, but carries him horizontally for a short while. You have the ability to jump off of her at any time at the same height as another jump, and you can attack after jumping off. You have more options, but you are still vulnerable and do no damage.
Final Smash -
Art Attack : 3 Damage (Per Hit)
This Final Smash gives Paper Mario the ability of the Ruby Star; the power to draw very stylish lines around your opponents! It even freezes your opponents in place! You control the cursor with the analog stick, enabling you to draw circles with ease. This move is much faster than in the original game, so you can deal a lot more damage. If you're skillful, you can draw around your opponent about 15 times! Each circle does 3 damage, so that could equal up to 45 damage if you do well. This move tallies up the damage dealt and displays it right above your opponent, until the move finishes and sends your opponent flying, dealing the damage all at once. The opponent will have to be around at least 35-50% to be KO'd, so try not to use it too early.
If there's more than one opponent, it may be wise to wait until at least a couple of foes are near each other to use it. You can then easily draw around both opponents at the same time, dealing massive amounts of damage to multiple players.
(Extra Animations!)
Dodges -
Paper Mario shields like any other fighter, but his dodges are where it gets interesting. When he sidesteps, he turns paper thin by using his Paper Mode. He makes himself practically invisible to the screen by flipping sideways (SURE turning himself to the side would technically make him easier to hit as he's facing his opponents, but we won't pay attention to that.). When he rolls out of the way of an attack, he uses his Tube Mode to transform into a tube and roll onto the other side of or away from his opponents.
Water -
Since there is apparently at least 1 stage in the Wii U version of Smash that supports swimming in the water, there is need for an animation for it. Paper Mario would obviously transform into his Boat Mode, allowing him to float on water.
Idle Animation -
While Paper Mario is standing still, he will only bob up and down a bit and blink. If he waits long enough though, he will yawn and fall asleep. Tippi the Pixl will appear and rest upon his nose.
Down Taunt -

Paper Mario will pull out his Mailbox SP and begin looking at his E-mails for a couple seconds before putting it away.
Side Taunt -

Paper Mario leans forward with his hand above his eyes. He looks around to see if there's anyone to either side of him, making "Hmm?" noises in the process. After a second he stops.
Up Taunt -

Paper Mario looks and waves at the camera, appealing to the crowd. A cheer of applause is heard, but he of course doesn't gain any SP, because that would be 2 gimmicks; we only need one, right?
Codec -

If you are on the Paper Mario stage on either Smash version, you can use your Down Taunt and Goombella will appear beside you after you finish. She will give you information about your opponent in the form of text boxes, with the humor of the Paper Mario games still intact.
Victory Animation 1 -
Paper Mario is in the middle of the screen. He looks at the camera and waves his finger back and forth, in homage to the victory animation of Paper Mario (N64). He then walks off of the screen.
Victory Animation 2 -
Paper Mario starts running in place, then starts to dash off screen. However, he ends up tripping on the way and falls flat on his face. Text appears on the screen saying, "Can't flee this fight!".
Victory Animation 3 -
Paper Luigi, Peach, and Bowser are all standing around silently talking with each other. Paper Mario walks on screen and waves at them, joining in on the conversations being had.
Victory Music -
Even if Paper Mario isn't part of his own series but instead the Mario series, he can still have a different victory tune, as indicated by Bowser, Bowser Jr., and Rosalina. This is the song that will play.

That's all for this moveset. Thanks for reading this insanely looooong idea of mine, it means a lot! I hope you enjoyed it!
Make your move - moveset made by @SkylerOcon
(VERY complete and elaborated one but it does bring up cool ideas)

Speed | Same as in Super Paper Mario
Jump Height | Same as in Super Paper Mario
Grab Range | GREAT!
Weight | One of, if not the lightest for obvious reasons :smirk:
Crawl? | Nope.
Wall Jump? | Nope.

Sidestep | http://i.imgur.com/BiuT8vI.gif but much, much faster.
Forward Roll | He folds himself into a tube to roll.
Back Roll | http://i.imgur.com/XyCil4E.gif The gif basically show how it looks like when spammed.
Air Dodge | http://www.mariomayhem.com/consoles/cube/paper_mario-6.jpg

Neutral Attack | Swings hammer x2 -> spins with the hammer.
Side Tilt | Lady Bow suddenly appears out of nowhere and Smacks, then disappears.
Up tilt | http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t447/Matt_Laurencelle/Sans titre_zps7m9z3tqw.png
Down Tilt | Peels off the ground in front of him, as if it was a simple sticker (and will indeed peel off a semi-transparent sticker for the sake of visuals). Can make opponents trip.
Dash Attack | Trips.

Neutral Aerial | http://i.imgur.com/ltmDuZL.gif but no hammer in the first frames. Great for starting and exteding aerial combos.
Forward Aerial | http://i.imgur.com/YoAeVT6.png Amazing combo tool.
Back Aerial | http://www.mariowiki.com/images/6/61/SpinHammer.png Can KO at very high damages.
Up Aerial | http://i.imgur.com/RYpmyxZ.png Amazing for juggling.
Down Aerial | Ground pounds. Is a stall-then-fall move that can meteor enemies.

Side Smash | http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2..._animated_gif_by_creepypasta81691-d5bjq0v.gif - No, it cannot reflect projectiles. It has priority over ALL projectiles though.
Up Smash | Puts on the Spike Helmet, then short hops. The spike is a sweetspot that can reliably KO at high damages.
Down Smash | A tanooki tail appears on him as he spins. Great for combos when uncharged and amazing for edgegurading.

Grab | Uses Thoreau to extend his grab range.
Pummel | Carries the opponent with Thoreau, kinda like DK's Forward "Throw". Can obviously be done only once, making it easier for the opponent to escape grabs. You can't jump, but you'll still carry the opponent if you fall from a platform.

Forward and Back Throws | Thoreau throws the opponent at the chosen direction (Mario turns around for Back Throw). Due to the pummel, can be done in the air too.
Up Throw | Thoreau slams the opponent to the ground, making it bounce back. Then, Mario swings his hammer upwards to knock the enemy vertically. Cannot be done while airborne (see Pummel to find out why I said airborne).
Down Throw | Thoreau puts the opponent on the ground, then http://i.imgur.com/vr7CBV5.gif Vivian will deals damage and spit out the opponent from the portal. Cannot be done while airborne (see Pummel to find out why I said airborne).

Neutral Special 1 - Hammer Throw | Throws his hammer. The longer he charges, the further it is thrown.
Neutral Special 2 - Quake Hammer | Uses the Quake Hammer. Deals no damage, but creates a shockwave that paralyzes anyone on the ground caught in it until the shockwave's gone and meteor smashes any airborne opponent hit by the hammer (although the meteor isn't that strong).
Neutral Special 3 - Power Smash | Slams his hammer. The attack is very powerful, but has a disgustingly long ending lag.

Side Special 1 - Spin Dash | Spins around while dashing forward. Multi-hit properties makes it great for combos and can be jump-cancelled right before the ending lag to cancel it completely, allowing for more combos. For the sake of game balance, it will NOT reflect projectiles. Cannot be performed twice when airborne.
Side Special 2 - Speedy Spin | A faster version that goes farther, but doesn't deal nearly as much damage as Spin Dash, making it more useful for recoveries than offense. Also has a windbox that pushes foes towards him. Renders helpless afterwards when performed airborne.
Side Special 3 - Barrier | Spins around as Barry creates a barrier. Can reflect projectiles. Keeps movement momentum (if he was running, he will "slide" in that direction).

Up Special 1 - Spring Jump | Paper Mario flattens, then performs mighty jump. Can be charged to increase height.
Up Special 2 - Air Lift | Parakarry quickly grabs Mario's hand and flies upwards.
Up Special 3 - Cloud 9 | A Lakitu's could, presumably created by Lakilester, appears below Mario, allowing him to fully control where he goes.

Down Special 1 - Shell Toss | Koops appears by spinning, as if he was in 2D the whole time (Slim from SPM also appears, which explains why that happened), then dashed forward from within his shell. Slow startup and Koops has no invincibilty before entering his shell.
Down Special 2 - Bomb Walk | Bobbery appears instead of Koops and she performs her walks forward, exploding either remotely by pressing Down Special again, when she touches an enemy, when she's attacked by literally anything or after 5 seconds.
Down Special 3 - Gale Force | Madame Flurrie appears and blows a gust of wind. Amazing for edgeguards and gimps.

Final Smash - Time Out! | Is essentially the Clock Out attack from TTYD (despite being named after a PM64 attack), but with a few changes. A bomb will appear in Paper Mario's hands and a gauge will appear along with a button you must mash, which will change twice within the 5 seconds of mashing or until you filled up the gauge, depending on which happen sooner, at which point the bomb will be thrown and eventually explodes. The bomb's strength is dependant on the how full the gauge is.

Side Taunt | Looks at the stickers he's collected so far his album.
Up Taunt | Tips his hat.
Down Taunt | Thumbs Up!

Entrance Animation | Lands on the stage in Paper Plane form, then jumps after unfolding.
Win Animation 1 | The Yoshi Kid from TTYD flutters around Paper Mario, who looks rather surprised of that, then grows tired and falls on the ground. Paper Mario then tips his hat.
Win Animation 2 | Paper Mario and Tippy run together, Paper Mario trips and Tippi lands on P. Mario's cap, slowly fluttering her wings.
Win Animation 3 | Sleeps while standing up, wakes up surprised when the announcer says his name, then sleeps again.
Lose Animation | http://media.giphy.com/media/104SwzX5ADulZC/giphy.gif

This one was posted in his moveset thread so, while you're there, you should check his other movesets.

(Ultra Boots)

Here's a brief summary of each:
Parakarry, grabs Paper Mario and pulls hauls him. Not a good vertical recovery move but excellent horizontal recovery.
Ultra Boots, a chargeable spring jump. While charging, Paper Mario folds down and launches himself up. This would cause excellent vertical recovery and a high damaging move if Paper Mario makes contact with anyone while springing up. Horizontal recovery would be below average.

Kooper/Koops, Both would do the same thing. Paper Mario jumps on their shell shooting them to which ever direction he's facing. While out, the shell can pick up items and bring them back to Paper Mario. This also does some damage with relatively low knockback.

Lady Bow/Vivian, they could make Paper Mario "disappear" avoiding all damage for an amount of time.

Bombette/Admiral Bobbery, Paper Mario places them down. He could hold them in his hand while walking around to cook off the time to explode.
Flurrie, while holding the special button, Flurrie could cause a gust of wind. This would push characters back and blow items away.

Now the Flower Point System could be implemented into his special moves as well. In the games, his partners also have special attributes that could be used. For example: using some FP points for Paper Mario's Side-Special could result in Kooper's "Dizzy Shell" ability. Upon contact with another player, this could cause them to go into a dizzy state like when your shield breaks.

Here's a list of potential abilities that his partners could have via Mario Wiki(NOTE, these aren't all his partners either, just the ones I mentioned above):
Kooper - Joins Mario after he and Goombario recover his shell for him.
Shell Toss - Shoots Kooper's Shell at the closest ground enemy (0 FP)
Power Shell - Strikes all ground enemies with Kooper's Shell (3 FP)
Dizzy Shell - Makes all ground enemies dizzy (4 FP, Super Rank)
Fire Shell - Strikes all ground enemies with Kooper's Shell on fire (5 FP, Ultra Rank)

Bombette - After he frees her from the cage in Koopa Bros. Fortress, she joins Mario.
Body Slam - Body Slams the closest ground Enemy (0 FP)
Bomb - Bombs the closest ground enemy (3 FP)
Power Bomb - Bombs all ground enemies (6 FP, Super Rank)
Mega Bomb - Bombs all enemies (8 FP, Ultra Rank)

Parakarry - After Mario finds and returns some of the letters he's lost, Parakarry decides to ally with him and collect letters along the way.
Sky Dive - Parakarry, while airborne, kicks any enemy (0 FP)
Shell Shot - Parakarry, uses his shell for a more powerful attack against any enemy (3 FP)
Air Lift - Can lift any enemies out of Battle (3 FP, Super Rank)
Air Raid - Flies around at a hyper pace damaging all enemies (6 FP, Ultra Rank)

Lady Bow - Forces Mario to take a deal; if she and Mario defeat Tubba Blubba, she'll release the 3rd Star Spirit, Skolar.
Smack - Hits any enemy 1-6 times for 1 damage each (0 FP)
Outta Sight - Makes Mario invisible, making him unable too take damage (skips Bow's next turn, 2 FP)
Spook - Scares enemies away (3 FP, Super Rank)
Fan Smack - Hits any enemy 5 times with more power than Smack (5 FP, Ultra Rank)

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Partners

Koops - Koops's father hadn't been seen since he'd gone off to challenge the ferocious dragon Hooktail. After hearing that Mario and Goombella planned to launch a fresh assault, he decided that he wanted to join them to prove to everyone (particularly his girlfriend Koopie Koo) that he could be tough like his dad. Koops has a Defence of 1, but can be knocked on his back like enemy Koopas. He has 10 HP initially, 15 at Super Rank, and 25 at Ultra Rank.
Shell Toss - Shoots Koops's Shell at the closest ground enemy (0 FP)
Power Shell - Strikes all ground enemies with Koops's Shell (3 FP)
Shell Shield - Provides a temporary shell to defend Mario (4 FP, Super Rank)
Shell Slam - Attacks all ground enemies and penetrate their defence (6 FP, Ultra Rank)

Flurrie - Madame Flurrie was a retired actress, just dreaming of coming out of retirement when Mario and friends asked for her help with a small task. She found their stories of adventure alluring, and decided that she would come with them to help as much as she could. Flurrie has 15 HP initially, 25 at Super Rank, and 35 at Ultra Rank.
Body Slam - A heavy attack on any enemy (0 FP)
Gale Force - Attempts to blow all enemies out of battle (4 FP)
Lip Lock - Flurrie kisses any enemy, dealing damage that penetrates Defense and healing herself the same amount (3 FP, Super Rank)
Dodgy Fog - Makes Mario Dodgy for a few turns so that he may evade enemy attacks (4 FP, Ultra Rank)

Vivian - Once a member of the villainous Shadow Sirens, Vivian decides that Mario is much more deserving of her help than her sister Beldam is. She has 15 HP initially, 20 at Super Rank, and 30 at Ultra Rank.
Shade Fist - Punches any enemy and also burns the target (0 FP)
Veil - Vivian and Mario disappear into the shadows and can't be hit by attacks (1 FP)
Fiery Jinx - Blasts all enemies with fire damage that penetrates Defence and leaves them burned (6 FP, Super Rank)
Infatuate - Confuses all enemies (4 FP, Ultra Rank)

Admiral Bobbery - Admiral Bobbery had refused to go out to sea after a tragedy in his past. Mario must learn his secret to convince him to serve as navigator on a journey to Keelhaul Key, and he joins Mario's party shortly after the ship's crash. He has 20 HP initially, 30 at Super Rank, and 40 at Ultra Rank.
Bomb - Damages the closest ground enemy (0 FP)
Bomb Squad - Tosses three time bombs that explode later (3 FP)
Hold Fast - Damages enemies that attack Bobbery directly for a few turns (4 FP, Super Rank)
Bob-ombast - Deals serious damage to all enemies (9 FP, Ultra Rank)
I figured that the Paper Airplane would be used as a gliding mechanic and the boat would be used for his swimming animation and the roll form would be used when he dodges left or right.
That's one of the most basic movesets Paper Mario could have. As you can see, there are a TON of options.
The Great Gonzales joins the battle

General overview
Paper Mario is obviously very different from his counterpart Mario. For starters, he's slower, and his normal jumps are shorter. Another difference from Mario is that his moveset his a lot more complicated and needs more time to master. Also, he's only in part skill-based, since some of his moves are luck-related, similar to Mr. Game & Watch playstyle.
For example, one of his more interesting ability revolves around meteor jumps. Paper Mario is the only character capable of damaging the opponent with this move, but that's not all. He's also the only one which is capable of doing more meteor jumps on a single opponent one after another. If the player is able to get three consecutive meteor (one causes more damage than the previous, with 2%, 5% and finally 10% with the last one) jumps on one or more opponents, a special ability is triggered. A roulette will pop out on the screen, like it happened in The Thousand Year Door. Three icons will appear randomly, trigging different effects if they're all the same. For example, three mushrooms will heal Paper Mario completely, three poison mushrooms though will boost is damage to 300%. The most rare effect will arrive with three Stars: Paper Mario will become invincible for 15 seconds.
Paper Mario is also able to glide, transforming into Paper Plane. He's not very easy to control in this form, but he can cover a big distance.
When he swims, he transforms into Paper Boat. This doesn't cause much, it's just a funny feature.

Special Moves

Neutral B move: Fire Hammer. From Thousand-Year Door. You can see it in action at 3:00 here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s68brsIljVU
Paper Mario gets his Hammer and gets in position to hit a little flame which will appear over him and will slowly fall to the floor. The damage from this move depends on when you'll release the B button. In fact, if you simply push the B button once, Paper Mario will hit the opponent with a swing, causing little damage (6-7%). If you hold B, you have the chance to hit the flame, which will spin till the end of the platform in which you stand, causing more damage every opponent it touches (10% the first, 20% the second and 30% the third).

Up B recovery move: Spring Jump. From Thousand-Year Door. You can see it in action at 0:20 here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s68brsIljVU
This recovery move it's incredibly useful when you have to come back vertically, but it doesn't move much to left or right. It's similar to Luigi's Up B in that way, but it can reach a much higher position. It can be triggered simply pressing the buttons, and in that case the jump won't be very high and fast, or by holding the buttons for max 4 seconds. If you do this, Paper Mario's Up B is absolutely the move that can get you higher in the entire game. If you hold B as much as you can though, it has side effects. For example, if jumping this way Paper Mario hits a platform which stands over him, he will crash against it damaging himself (5%). When this happens, he simply floats down flat and hopeless: he can't move till he touches the ground again. Funny thing though, if some opponent is on the platform in the moment in which Paper Mario does this move, the opponent will trip and get a damage of 3%. Also, Bo-bombs on the platform will explode and some other items will be activated this way.

Side B move: Party Help. This is probably the most random move in the game, since it has 8 different results. In fact, when you press it, a random party member from all Paper Mario instalments (2 for each game, including Sticker Star) will appear, all with a different move. Since Sticker Star is not out for now, I'll be able to explain the moves of only six of them, but I'll eventually edit the topic when I'll have the fourth game. Paper Mario can obviously use one member at a time.
Here are the members:

Kooper from the original Paper Mario. When he pops out, Paper Mario will jump on his shell and he'll move along the platform hitting the opponents. His damage is slightly lower than the normal green shell item, and he doesn't throw the opponents that far.

Bombette from the original Paper Mario. When she's thrown by Paper Mario, she does a few steps and then explodes. The damage is the higher from all the party members, but she's also the easier to avoid. If thrown off a ledge, she explodes only if she hits an opponent: this strategy could turn out pretty useful.

Yoshi Kid from Thousand-Year Door. Yoshi Kid can gulp an opponent like the normal playable Yoshi. When he's out, he'll run to the nearest opponent and try to gulp him (max twice, if he fails both he'll just disappear). After this, if there's another opponent on the ground, he'll spit the first towards the other. If he hits, the damage is pretty high for both opponents. The damage is double if one of the opponent is wearing a Metal Box. Also, the bigger the first opponent is, the higher the damage will be (for example, Ness causes 10%, King Dedede causes 17%).

Ms. Mowz from Thousand-Year Door. She acts like Yoshi Kid, pretty much. She'll run to the next opponent and kiss him. This does little damage (2-3%), but it will confuse the opponent, making him unable to move for 3/4 seconds. Also, if the opponent has an item, Ms. Mowz will steal the item and give it to Paper Mario. This can't happen with items like Bunny Hood or Metal Box though, but could be pretty funny to steal a Poké Ball, for example.

Barry from Super Paper Mario. When he comes out, he'll surround Paper Mario with a spike shield for 5 seconds. When in this situation, Paper Mario can still be hit by items or long-ranged attacks, but if an opponent tries to reach him he will be damaged (4%). Basically this party member gives Paper Mario the opportunity to quickly grap some item or simply stand still. He's the only party member which can be substituted in any moment: if you don't need him, just press side-B again and Paper Mario will use another member.

Thudley from Super Paper Mario. With this Pixl, Mario makes a ground pound vertically. When he touches the ground, a little earthquake will happen causing damage, similar to Bowser's or King Dedede's bomb but not that strong.

Down B move: Recovery / Level-Up. This is a special and complicate move. Basically, with this ability Paper Mario is able either to recover some health or increase his attack/defence stats. It can't be done every time though. To do this Paper Mario must obviously damage the opponents or kill them if possible. Also you can do this by taunting, like in the original games, winking to the audience. After doing this for a bit, he'll start to glow like Samus or Donkey Kong when they have charged their attacks. It's impossible to decide the effects, but essentially if Paper Mario has high damage (say 70%), he'll most likely heal (max 15%, the number is random but basically the more damaged you are, the more you recover). In that case, you'd probably prefer to wait after getting knocked-out, and when you'll come back to the stage with 0% damage, you'll use it obtaining a boost in attack/defence (always of 1% at a time for both). This effect it's endless. If you boost your stats of, for example, 3%, they'll stay this way till the end of the match. Anyway you can boost your attack maximum of 8% (reaching "level 8" max), same goes with the defence (max of 4%, reaching "level 4"). It's a move that requires strategy. If you boost your defence stat at max, and an opponent's move causes 3% damage, you actually won't get any damage. In this case, Paper Mario will simply stand still and vibrate a little bit, like the animation from the original games.

Final Smash

Paper Mario's final smash is NES Mario, from Super Paper Mario. He'll become bigger and invulnerable, destroying everything that touches. It lasts 10 seconds. You can see it at 0:38 here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mm_gg-mhnM&feature=relmfu
Stats and Attributes
I'm envisioning a character who's really light, and the attacks don't pack a huge punch. Paper Mario, instead, relies on combos to go places. To show off the Action Commands, each of his attacks can be cancelled into another upon landing them (like Lucario in Project M). This makes up for his lack of overall strength because he's now a combo savvy character.

Weight: 78 - He's a 2D character like Mr. Game and Watch, so he should weigh around the same.
Walk Speed: 1.3 - A little faster than Mr. Game and Watch since he doesn't walk frame by frame.
Dash Speed: 1.6 - Same reason as above
Run Speed: 1.7 - Again, same as above
Air Speed - 1.35 - Faster than Yoshi. It makes sense since he's literally a piece of paper.
Falling Speed - 1.35 - A little faster than Jigglypuff, due to being a piece of paper.

Jab - Paper Mario sticks out his hand. A one hit jab that comes out very fast.

Dash Attack - Paper Mario runs and spins his hammer around him while doing so

UTilt: Spike Helmet Sticker - Paper Mario applies a Spike Helmet sticker to himself, and spins once
FTilt: Sombrero Sticker - Paper Mario pulls out a sombrero and sticks it in front of him
DTilt: Tail Sticker - Paper Mario applies a tail sticker to himself, and attacks with a sweeping tail strike around him before the sticker falls off

USmash: Hammer Throw - Paper Mario charges and throws his hammer skyward
FSmash: Power Smash - Paper Mario charges for a hammer smash. Has a 50% of having no added effect, a 25% chance of burn, 15% chance of freeze and 10% chance of causing sleep
DSmash: Quake Hammer - Similar animation to the FSmash, but anyone in the immediate range of the attack will trip 50% of the time.

Neutral Special: Charge - Paper Mario charges for an attack. His next attack will deal more damage and will have more range.
Side Special: Paper Tube - Paper Mario rolls into a tube and slides in the direction he's facing. Can be used for recovery purposes.
Up Special: Spring Jump - Paper Mario crunches down and springs upwards. Has a lot of range. Opponents hit on the upward portion of the move will be spiked.
Down Special: Dimension Flip - The box appears around Paper Mario and he flips dimensions. He can't move while in the dimension and the move only lasts for a shorter time than Dimensional Cape.

Grabs: Paper Mario pulls out Thoreau who he throws to grab.
UThrow: Very similar to DK's Cargo Throw. He does something like this in Super Paper Mario.
FThrow: Paper Mario throws the opponent forward
BThrow: Paper Mario throws the opponent downward
DThrow: Paper Mario throws the opponent downward and smacks them with his hammer

We can also call the Spot Dodge "Close Call".

On the Paper Mario stage, Paper Mario's partners from the first two games will be sitting in the audience. They can be activated with a codec call.
PAPER MARIO(I shall refer to him as PMario to save myself some time.)

-PMario's signature hammer attack followed by rapid spins(Super Hammer tech) and a strong finisher with PMario facing the screen giving us a thumbs up.

-PMario performs a simple Hammer swing. It pops opponents at an upward angle setting up for Combo's.

-PMario performs his Super Guard from the TTYD series. It has multi hit properties and a strong ending hit.

-PMario performs Koops stylish move after the Shell Slam(spinning hand stand). Holding A will have PMario spin indefinitely. Pops opponents up for a next attack.

-Super Hammer spin. PMario performs the hammer spin while moving forward a moderate distance. Safe on shield as it passes your opponent.

-Bow's Fan Fury. Bow brings out her fan and destroys anyone in front of her.

-Koopa Slide. Kooper or Koops will slide around Mario in a full circle. Strong knock back.

-Goomba Bash. Goombario or Gombella will jump from the ground Superman style while spinning. Similar to Olimar's Up Smash.

-Barry(Pixl). PMario spins rapidly with a circular spiked barrier. Single hit move. Invicibility on start up.

-Watt Shock. PMario holds onto Watt for a long time(Link's Dair) at a downward angle. Opponents caught in the attack are paralyzed for a moment. Pressing A while Watt is out will cause her to discharge hitting a little farther but weaker.

-PMario slams his hammer behind him(Ike Back Air). Kill move.

-Ground Pound. Mario flips in the air and propels downward at lightning speed. Connecting hits will pop him back up ready for an attack.

-Flare Hammer. Mario ***** back his hammer while a flame drops above him. Timing the shot will have PMario hit the flame lobbing it in front of him. Because of the difficulty and time it takes to perform and have the move connect, this is definitely a strong kill move. This move is a reference from TTYD.

-Thoreau(Pixl). Mid Ranged command grab. If Thoreau connects with an opponent he will bring him/her to PMario's hands and Mario will be able to carry opponents DK style. Mario's movement will be restricted and will be limited to one jump. This move cannot be used as a tether.

-Bombs Away! PMario will lay down either Bombette or Bobbery. For 1 minute they will walk slowly where they were set before exploding. Pressing Down B again will have them explode immediately.

-Shell Shot. Parakarry appears and assist PMario in recovery. He holds PMario while hiding in his shell charging energy for a momentum boost forward and upwards similar to Wolf's Side B but at a sharper angle. Kill move.


Mario uses Flurrie to grab his opponents.
Flurrie kisses the enemy restoring PMario's HP by 1 point as a pummel.
Forward throw: PMario decks you with his hammer.
Back throw: Ms. Mowz throws you via back flip.
Up throw: PMario throws you up via hammer and Vivian finishes with a Fiery Jinx.
Down Throw: Baby Yoshi Ground Pounds. Holding down B will have Yoshi perform up to 5 extra Ground Pounds.

Idle stance: PMario's signature death stare. No movement at all and no wait animations.

Shield: PMario raises his fist with an angry expression.

Air dodge and Spot dodge: PMario becomes slim for a split second.

Walk: Only PMario's feet are animated.

Dash: Same as walk except clouds of 2D dust trail behind.

Fall: PMario's hat flows in the wind.

Special Fall: PMario spins very slowly.


Up Taunt: PMario looks to us, eyes closed, wagging his finger.
Down Taunt: Mario does a small hop and falls down VERY slowly.
Side Taunt: Mario performs the "item get!" animation. Both hands up.
Up Special - Parakarry or Spike quickly flit out of Mario's pocket and carry him up by a solid enough distance and then jump back into his pocket.
Side Special - Mario bounces on Kooper or Koops's shell and sends them forward. If Koops, Mario can hold Koops in place for a little bit before sending him back.
Down Special - Bow (Air) or Vivian (Ground) grab Mario and make him intangible/Underground for a bit to avoid an attack.
Paper Mario is the master of hammers, so naturally most of his moves reflect that.
Jab: Hammer ~ Paper Mario attacks by thrusting his hammer forward. Does 6%.
Forward Tilt: Hammer Throw ~ Paper Mario tosses his hammer; arcs in a similar way to Yoshi's egg. Does 9% if it hits.
Up Tilt: Hammer Upper ~ Paper Mario swings his hammer upwards, knocking foes upwards. Does 7%.
Down Tilt: Hammer Thump ~ Paper Mario swings the hammer and slams the ground - his most iconic move from the game. Does 8%.
Dash Attack: Spin Attack ~ Paper Mario twirls around like he does in Paper Mario 64. This doesn't deal much damage, but has surprisingly nice knock-back. Does 3%.

Up Smash: Spring Jump ~ Paper Mario takes a few seconds to coil into a spring (he is vulnerable while doing this), and then launches himself upwards. It is much like the Super Dedede Jump, but instead of attack foes on the way down, Paper Mario's highest damage is on the way up. If a foe is struck by Paper Mario as he is launched upwards, they will be dealt 10% damage and are quickly whisked into the air. Note that this move does not function as a recovery, as it can only be initiated if Paper Mario is on the ground.
Side Smash: Power Smash ~ Paper Mario slams the ground with great power. This deals a nice amount of damage and will occasionally stun opponents. Does 11%.
Down Smash: Quake Hammer ~ Paper Mario turns to face the camera and pounds the ground with his hammer, causing tremors around where he stands. Anybody near him at the time will take damage and will trip. 10% if directly under the hammer, 5% from just the tremor.

Neutral Aerial: Twirl ~ Paper Mario spins around in the air, dealing low damage but good knock-back. Does 4%.
Up Aerial: Tornado Spin ~ Paper Mario spins quite rapidly, lifting himself up a bit. Not the best recover, but it can work in many situations. Does 5%.
Back Aerial: Hammer Flip ~ Paper Mario does a half backflip with his hammer extended. This move can fling foes behind him. Does 8%.
Forward Aerial: Hammer Slam ~ Paper Mario swings his hammer of his head and falls downwards for a few seconds, spiking any opponents caught under his hammer to the ground. Does 10%
Down Aerial: Ground Pound ~ Paper Mario does his iconic ground pound move. It deals good damage and knock-back to anybody caught underneath it. Does 12%.

Paper Mario's grabs are quite unique and require a different approach.
Grab: Paper Grab ~ Paper Mario latches onto opponent, turning them into a sheet of paper (the opponent's appearance doesn't change, it looks like it is printed on a piece of paper)
Pummel: Crumple ~ Paper Mario squishes the newly paper-ified opponent a little bit with each press of the button, slowly crumpling them into a ball, as well as doing 1% of damage with each crinkle. It takes 7-8 presses to turn them into a crumpled ball of paper. They must be a paper ball or they cannot be thrown. The challenge is crumpling them up before the escape your grasp.
Forward Throw: Trash Toss ~ Paper Mario hurls the crumpled opponent forward. Good for tossing off ledges. If they hit the ground, they are dealt 9%.
Back Throw: Litterbug ~ Paper Mario carelessly tosses the crumpled opponent over his shoulder. When they hit the ground they are dealt 8% damage and are un-crumpled.
Up Throw: Trash Bounce~ Paper Mario flings the crumpled opponent into the air. When they hit the ground they take 10% damage and are immediately un-crumpled and un-papered.
Down Throw: Paper Crush ~ Paper Mario slams the crumpled opponent on the ground and proceeds to squash their crumpled remains with his hammer. When Paper Mario initially slams them down it does about 5% damage - but his hammer does 10% with great knockback, and also un-crumples them.
The opponent can automatically un-crumple themselves by mashing buttons, if they ever need to save themselves from impending paper doom.

Now, his specials is where it gets exciting.
Neutral Special: Partner Cycle ~ Paper Mario cycles through his partners. (Goombario, Kooper, Bombette, Parakarry, Lady Bow, Watt, Sushie, and Lakilester)
Side Special: Partner Side* ~ Paper Mario's current partner uses their side attack.
Up Special: Partner Up* ~ Paper Mario's current partner uses their up attack.
Down Special: Partner Down* ~ Paper Mario's current partner uses their down attack.
Final Smash: Star Beam ~ Paper Mario's summons all seven Star Spirits and unleashes a powerful beam of star energy that can easily KO opponents. It cannot be aimed like Lucario's Aura Storm - it is always a vertical beam, but it can be moved back and forth. If an opponent is touching the beam, they will be dealt 3% damage every second. The beam is also partially solid, it works as a wall, so by moving back and forth you can push characters off of some stages.

Taunt 1: Faces the screen and gives a thumbs up.
Taunt 2: Turns sideways (paper thin) and then normal again.
Taunt 3: Changes depending on the partner.*

*Wondering about the partners and their abilities? Well here they are.
Paper Mario will always have a partner closely following him. It is hard for Mario and his partner to be separated; even if a partner falls of a ledge they will teleport back to Mario. They only way to kill a partner is by attacking it (as they are immune to any stage hazards such as spikes). A partner is easier to kill than Nana (from the Ice Climbers), but Paper Mario has eight to go through so he should be good for most of the battle. The partners can be cycled through by using Paper Mario's neutral special - this is achieved fairly quickly and uses the 'jumping out of Mario' animation used in the game. If all the partners die, Paper Mario is basically screwed - so managing your partners' health is of upmost importance when playing as Paper Mario. Its important to note that healing items affect both Paper Mario and his partners.

Side Special: Headbonk ~ Goombario jumps in the air and lands a short distance from Paper Mario, damaging any opponents in that spot. Does 8%.
Up Special: Multibonk ~ Goombario repeatedly bonks Paper Mario, launching him into the air (recovery move). Does 5% to opponents touched by this move.
Down Special: Charge ~ Goombario takes a few seconds to charge up. Goombario will have a red tint while charged, which wears off after a few seconds. If a headbonk is achieved while charged, it will deal 12% instead with higher knockback.
Special Taunt: Goombario grins and hops on the spot twice.

Side Special: Shell Toss ~ Kooper climbs into his shell, and Paper Mario kicks him forwards in the direction he is currently facing. Does 9%.
Up Special: Dizzy Shell ~ Mario sits on Kooper's shell, which spins around rapidly, lifting Mario and Kooper into the air (recovery move). This also has a slight vacuum effect on nearby opponents. Does 6% to opponents touched by this move.
Down Special: Power Shell ~ Kooper goes into his shell, and does a more powerful but less ranged version of 'shell toss'. Does 12%.
Special Taunt: Kooper smiles and waves at the screen.

Side Special: Bomb ~ Bombette lights her fuse and walks a few steps forward before exploding. Good damage and high knockback explosion. Does 10%.
Up Special: Power Bomb ~ Bombette explodes right underneath Paper Mario, launching him upwards (recovery move). Anybody caught in the explosion will be dealt 8% damage.
Down Special: Body Slam ~ Bombette Lunges forward, slamming into the ground and damaging opponents. Does 7%.
Special Taunt: Leans forward slightly and winks at the screen.

Side Special: Sky Dive ~ Goes into shell and swoops down from above. Does 9%.
Up Special: Air Lift ~ Grabs Paper Mario by the arms and lifts him upwards. Controllable like Pit's Wings of Icarus, but a bit slower (recovery move). Does 2% damage to anybody touched by Parakarry's wings.
Down Special: Shell Shot ~ Climbs into shell and spikes down from above, dealing a good amount of damage. Does 11%.
Special Taunt: Takes a letter out of his bag, reads it, and then puts it back.

Lady Bow:
Side Special: Smack ~ Floats forward a bit and slaps opponent. Does 3%, can be spammed pretty easily.
Up Special: Fan Smack ~ Sweeps Paper Mario up into the air with her fan (recovery move). Will also sweep up any opponents. Anybody swept by her fan (including Mario) take 2% damage.
Down Special: Outta Sight ~ Makes herself and Paper Mario invisible. They cannot move while invisible, but cannot be seen or damaged and can be walked through. This lasts a maximum of 8 seconds.
Special Taunt: Winks and makes a kissy face while fanning herself.

Side Special: Electro Dash ~ Charges herself up and rushes forward, electrifying anybody in her path. Does 8%.
Up Special: Turbo Charge ~ Electrifies Paper Mario from below and launches him upwards (recovery move). Does 5% to anybody who touches watt at this time.
Down Special: Mega Shock ~ Zaps opponents nearby. Does not do damage, but can paralyze opponents.
Special Taunt: Flashes brightly, lighting up the stage for a brief second.

Side Special: Squirt ~ Sprays water in the direction she is facing; functions just like FLUDD or Water Gun. Does 1% damage for every two seconds of being sprayed.
Up Special: Tidal Wave ~ Summons a large wave from below that lifts herself and Paper Mario upwards. (recovery move). The wave can also lift opponents. Does 3%.
Down Special: Belly Flop ~ Flops onto the ground below her, damaging opponents nearby. Does 7%.
Special Taunt: Smiles and flops at the ground three times.

Side Special: Spiny Flip ~ Tosses a spiny in front of him. The spiny walks around, dealing 5% to anybody who touches it, until it disappears after around 10 seconds.
Up Special: Cloud Nine ~ Paper Mario climbs into Lakilester's cloud and is lifted upwards. (recovery move).
Down Special: Hurricane ~ Blows a gust of wind around him that can push opponents away.
Special Taunt: Grins and waves at the screen.

Victory Fanfare: An orchestral version of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mdpDdwNRUg
Victory pose 1: Jumps up in the air, and then turns to face the screen and gives a thumbs up.
Victory pose 2: Closes his eyes and wags his finger at the screen.
Victory pose 3: Adjusts his hat and then gives the 'peace' sign to the screen.

If he does a taunt on a Paper Mario stage, he will have Goombario use 'Tattle' on an opponent. It will be like the Codec messages that Snake had in Brawl - complete with using the exact textbox and font from Paper Mario.
Up-B: Paracarry lifts him slightly and moves him forward, anyone caught in front will be kicked by Mario.

Side-B: throws a hammer in an arc similar to the axe in castlevania, can be briefly charged to do a low bounce off the ground once.

B: Lady Bow charges the slap, and can be released to cause good damage, with no knockback

Down-B: Bombette/ Bobbery gets pulled out and explodes after a few seconds. Can be held to diminish some time or thrown overhead. The bomb walks forward slightly and explodes on contact or after the time is done.

Dash: quickly rolls up into a tube and rolls into the opponents feet.

AAA: jab, kick, hammer smack.

Side a: side hammer swing, spins opponent and knocks them back.

Down a: kooper appears slightly behind mario and slides in front.

Up a: spike helmet, or goombario jumps up and bonks the person above. He comes back down and disappears when he hits ground.

F smash: hammer. Can get up to 2 additional strikes if action command is done correctly.

D smash: spin/dizzy attack

U smash: Holds up Watt and shocks the player above. Lightning bolts go to his sides to initially protect, but has huge lag

Final Smash: 2 ideas.
Showstopper: large stars rip through the back of the level like its a canvas causing massive damage to those hit. 6 stars total.

Star beam: PM jumps off the screen like Snake and has a time limit to select as many opponents as possible. After that, the Star beam from the first game blasts the opponents selected.
Size - 4/10 – He is slightly smaller than regular Mario
Strength - 5/10 – He has decent strength
Speed – 6/10 – He is slightly faster than regular Mario
Weight - 2/10 –Being made of paper, he is extremely light
Entrance – He flies onto the stage as a paper airplane and then unfolds
Taunt 1 – He will turn on his side and float to the ground
Taunt 2 – He will pull out a random sticker and then put it away
Taunt 3 – He will face the camera and give a thumbs up
Victory 1 – He will spin around and wave his finger reminiscent of his victory pose in Paper Mario
Victory 2 – Kooper will fly him onto the screen ending with him giving a thumbs up
Victory 3 – He will roll onto the screen as a scrunched up piece of paper and then will unfold revealing himself
A – Slap – He will perform a quick slap
A + A – Slap + Hammer – He will perform a small hammer swing
A + A + A – Slap + Hammer + Hammer Pound – He will slam his hammer onto the ground
Dash Attack – He will spin around while moving forward like he does in Paper Mario
Forward Tilt – Tail Sticker – He will use the tail sticker and attack swinging his tail
Up Tilt – Block Jump – He will jump upwards like he’s hitting a block
Down Tilt – Low Kick - He will perform a low kick
Forward Smash – Hammer Throw – He will charge up and then throw his hammer forwards at an angle
Up Smash – POW Block Sticker – He will use the POW block sticker to jump up and hit a POW block stunning enemies around him
Down Smash - Hammer Slam – He will slam his hammer onto the ground
Neutral Aerial – Paper Float – He will lay on his side and float down to the ground
Forward Aerial – Chillhammer Sticker – He will use the chillhammer sticker to spin around launching Ice forwards that will freeze opponents
Up Aerial - Burnhammer Sticker - He will use the burnhammer sticker to throw his hammer upwards while it is alight damaging opponents
Down Aerial – Hopslipper Sticker – He will use the Hopslipper Sticker to fall towards the ground homing in on the nearest opponent and bouncing off them
Back Aerial – Boomerang Sticker – He will throw a boomerang backwards that will come back to him
Grab – He will call Tippi to grab the opponent
Pummel – He will hit them with his hammer
Forward Throw – Spike Helmet sticker – He will use the Spike Helmet sticker and ram into the opponent
Up Throw – He will call Carrie who will carry the opponent upwards
Down Throw – He will throw the opponent to the ground and use thudley to ground pound them
Back Throw – He will call lady bow who will sneak up behind the opponent and launch them backwards
Neutral Special – Kooper – Mario will call kooper who will retreat into his shell allowing paper Mario to hit it and send it across the floor causing opponents to trip as well as small damage
Side Special – Paper Airplane – He will turn into a paper airplane and will start flying, this can be moved upwards slightly but that causes it to stop earlier than usual
Up Special – Parakarry – He will call Parakarry to lift him up into the air and will damage opponents with his wings
Down Special – Bombette – He will call bombette and she will charge up and then explode, disappearing
Final Smash – Star Beam – Paper Mario Calls the 7 Star Spirits and they will fire a beam down at the stage straight down the centre, anyone caught in this will receive large damage and knockback
Victory Theme – Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Battle Victory Theme
Extra Details – He uses some Pixls in his regular attacks as well as randomly during gameplay.
He uses Thoreau when picking up an item
He uses Barry when Shielding
Cudge when using hammer attacks
And Slim when dodging, Air-Dodging and Rolling
Paper Mario is just as his name implies - paper. What does this mean for the character? Well he is incredibly light and incredibly evasive. This will mostly cater to his B moves. Also, please note that my move set won't highlight his partners AS much as past ideas, as those require a little more knowledge of the game. Mine will focus on more shallow traits he represents that make him unique.

Neutral B - Flip

Being the most primary puzzle ability in Super Paper Mario, and subsequently big to in game mechanics in following games, I feel it should be his most important special move. All this move does is allow Paper Mario to flip. As in the game, people in the other dimension cannot see him. He is able to move wherever he pleases and cannot attack until he switches out. So to the player, he looks virtually invisible. Although this is the case, he can still be damaged if the player can find him. Simultaneously, if the B button is just pressed instead of held, PM will just flip, causing opponents to phase through him his they are attacking. Like in Super Paper Mario, when you flip, there is a meter for how long you can do it. If PM exceeds this, he'll go into a shield break type animation

Side B - Airplane

As the name suggest. I'm sure this is common to be had on Paper Marios moveset. However, many don't see how intricate it is. Firstly, he becomes a paper airplane. He could gain momentum by doing a tiny hop before and he would glide in one direction with little mobility. If he hits the ground, he stops and is vulnerable. If he hits opponents, they'll get caught in it, building damage, and shot out. It also is worth mentioning that his hitbox becomes extremely smaller, so although he is vulnerable, he is hard to hit. Can be applicably in recovery.

Up B - Super Jump

Used in Paper Mario 2 and Super Paper Mario (although Luigi uses it) , Mario folds himself into a spring and builds up tension. When lets go, he springs high into the air. It takes time when trying to recover, but the height achieved is well worth it.

Down B - Partners

Paper Mario has had many partners in his games over time. Instead of compiling a move set based on all of them, I figured on having one move to highlight and tribute them all would be all the more fun (and in Paper Mario's style, quirky) to implement. You would have a G&W type move (Judge) that would be a random attack by one of your partners. This could include:
  • A koopa shell being fired​
  • A bob-omb being placed down​
  • A rare one where a goomba reads about your opponent​
  • Flurrie, where she blows your opponents away (FLUDD type move)​
  • Barry, providing a shield​
And so on. Note that these are random, and like G&Ws judge, hard to implement and truly. I kinda thought that it'd be interesting if you could bring up a menu as Paper Mario does when he fights that scrolls left and right and choose from that what to do. But i digress

Now Basic Attacks.

Side Smash - Hammer (and have the cool little countdown timer too like in PM:TTYD; when it reaches the third beep, the attack is at it's strongest)
Up Smash - Jump Punch (Very simple, very basic, but also one of the most common sprites you see in the game)
Down Smash - POW block

Dash attack - Spinning Run from Paper Mario 1
Jab - 3 Hole-punch: Basically a punch combo, but with a clever name xD

Final Smash: You Struck First!

As it implies, it would require you to have the Smash Ball and be next to an opponent. When done correctly, the text 'You Struck First' would appear and the curtains would go down. You go into the stage fight in Paper Mario 1 and 2. You're foe would have 1hp left and Paper Mario would decide (random) what to do. It could vary from Showstopper to just jumping on the opponents head. When defeated, it switches back to the actual stage and the opponent gets KO'd. It would be about as fast as Peaches Final Smash but wouldn't ruin the flow all that much, as when you return everyone can see what their doing.
Down B: Partner Swap
One of four partners follows Mario. A hit can cause the partner to burst into stars and quickly reappear behind Mario. Down B swaps one partner for another quickly.

B: Partner's Special Move

Goombella: She jumps high in the air toward the near opponent, flips upside down, and falls with homing ability toward her target. If she connects, she springs back in the air (although not as high) and repeats her attack. She can be knocked away with an attack.

Koops: Mario jumps on the koopa, sending him in his shell a set distance forward. He then spins in place for two seconds. Can be suspended in the air. At the end he bursts into stars and appears behind Paper Mario.

Madame Flurrie: Chargeable. Mario squeezes her causing her to blow a gust of wind. Deflects projectiles, puts out fire, and can move foes.

Admiral Bo-Omb: Mario kicks him forward. He can do damage and bounce. When he is stationary, he flashes red for seven seconds and then explodes. High attack and knock back. Cannot swap partners when he is out.
AAA Combo - Ms.Mowz slaps opponent rapidly.
Walk Attack - Sushi squirts water.
Run Attack - Vivian uses veil on Mario while Mario spins with his hammer.
Up Tilt - Barry shoots a sound wave up.
Down Tilt - Mario swings his hammer.
Up Smash - Lakilester throws a spiny egg.
Side Smash - Madame Flurrie shoots wind hurting/pushing opponents away.
Down Smash - Watt paralyzes enemies in electrivity.
Down Air - Ground Pound with Thudley.
Neutral Air - Flips through dimensions with flip.
Forward Air - Meteor Smash enemies with hammer.
Up Air - Parakarry flies upward to attack and flies out of sight. Cannot use again until Parakarry is off screen.

Neutral Special - Hammer - The longer you charge the more damage the swing does. But you cannot hold onto this charged move.
Side Special - Kooper - Kick Kooper forward. (Air is Parakarry)
Down Special - Admiral Bobbery - You place Admiral Bobbery on the ground and the next time you down special he explodes.
Up Special - Paper Airplane - You transform into a paper airplane and glide the rest of the way.
Final Smash - Star Spirits - You summon the star spirits and they create a beam of energy.

Pummel - Lady Bow smacks opponent.
Forward Throw - Goombario headbutts.
Back Throw - Throws back and uses shooting star.
Up Throw - Uses thunder.
Down Throw - Uses sleepy sheep.
Taunt 1 - Swings finger back and forth.
Taunt 2 - Flips back and forth.
Taunt 3 - Goombella whispers in Mario's ear.
Win - Mario tips hat.
Lose - Claps.
Final Smash- I think the earth tremor star power would be the best choice for an original move, but peach beam, supernova and showstopper could be used as well.

Neutral Special- Ultra Hammer: Paper Mario Twists his entire body and charges his ultra hammer. There is a meter that looks like the meter from TTYD, which is similar to little mac's power meter. The meter charges quickly as you hold down the special and resets completely when the special is released. The meter can reach its max charge in about 1.5-2 seconds. If the hammer is released when at max charge, the damage will be significantly higher ( I think about 30% damage with knockback between the falcon punch and mr. G&W's judge at 9). If you delay using the ultra hammer while the meter is at max charge, the hammer will be released and do pitiful damage (1%, no knockback)

Side Special- Koopa Throw/ Bomb -throw. Basically, Paper Mario would use either koops/kooper's shell dash or bombette's/bobbery's special.

Down Special- Watt/Superguard Paper mario would use Watt to counter an attack. He could also use the superguard to counter an attack. Either move would work. They would both basically work as a copy of marth's counter

Down Special- Vivian/Lady Bow. Paper Mario would have either of these characters drag him into the shadows and then reappear for a brief attack. This move is similar to meta knight's cape and greninja's shadow sneak

Up Special: Ultra Jump. Mario twists his entire body and springs upward. This moves utilizes the same meter that the ultra hammer would used and does more damage and jumps higher when timed correctly with a full meter. The move itself would work similar to fox's fox fire move

Neutral Jab- One Punch, AA- Punch + Kick AAA- Punch + KIck + Hammer

Dash Attack- Mario uses Dashell to ram in the enemy quickly.

F- Tilt- Vivian's Shadow Fist

D- Tilt- Mario hits the floor with a sticker

Forward Smash/ Down Smash/ - A simple hammer smash from 64/TTYD. I think it would act similar to mr. game and watch's forward smash.

Up Smash- Kersti appears and rams upwards.

Neutral Air- Barry surrounds mario for a brief second to deflects projectiles and deals damage for a brief second

Down Air- Thudley's Ground Pound

U Tilt- Mario uses sushie to spray water into the air.

Forward air-Paper airplane attack

Back Air- Flurrie's wind blow

Up Air- Lakilester appears and throws a spiny upwards. The spiny will fall back down onto the stage and deal more damage to foes, but can be defeated as easily as a pikmin.

Grab- Thoreau obviously. I think this grab range would need to be the highest in the game, in order to reflect how thorau worked in super paper mario. Since Thoreau is not connected to Paper Maio's body, Thoreau can't be used to tether recover, which is unlike other characters with long grabs.

Throw- Throreu throws the opponent in any direction

Pummel- Thoreau Squeezes the opponent

Helpless animation- Mario falling to the ground like a sheet of paper. Based on the animation when paper mario hits his head on the sealing with an ultra jump in ttyd.

Roll/Crouch- Paper mario rolls his entire body into a tube and rolls around. Based of the tube mode ability from TTYD

Taunt 1- Something with Tippi/ Tiptron
Taunt 2- Something with Kersti
Taunt 3- Mario faces the the screen and does the "appeal" thing from the first two games.
Paper Mario!!
Entrance: Paper Mario flies in as a Paper Airplane
Jab: 1st Hammer Swing, then 2nd Hammer Swing
FTilt: Vivian uses Shade Fist a little in front of Paper Mario!
UpTilt: Goombario or Goombella (Random but same attack power) use Headbonk!
DownTilt: Paper Mario pulls out a sticker from beneath the ground in front of him!
Dash Attack: Spin Dash from Paper Mario 64!

SideSmash: Paper Mario uses Ultra Hammer while twisting himself up!
UpSmash: Paper Mario uses an Item and the Item's appearance hits for massive damage! (Weak Hit=Mushroom, Decent Hit=POW Block, Full Power Hit=Thunder Rage)
DownSmash: Tube Mode activates and hits on both sides!

NAir: Paper Mario does a Stylish trick! Hits on all sides!
FAir: Lady Bow uses Smack once to hit quickly and do decent knockback!
BAir: Parakarry does Sky Dive for a finishing blow!
UAir: Lakilester (aka Spike) appears above Paper Mario while holding a Spiny above himself!
DAir: Paper Mario uses his Spin Jump for a Spike and travels downwards!

Neutral B: Paper Mario uses his Super Guard which is a Counter Attack that has an animation involving Barry!
Up B: Paper Mario uses Spring Jump! This is chargeable and does damage!
Down B: Paper Mario can hold and then throw either Admiral Bobbery, Bombette, or Boomer horizontally, which then arcs down (The damage is the same for each)
Side B: Kooper or Koops use Shell Toss and then return like a boomerang!

Grab: Like Olimar, Paper Mario sends out a buddy to grab, the buddy being Thoreau!
Pummel: Thoreau jabs the opponent in his or her gut
DThrow: Kersti holds Paper Mario and Paperizes the opponent
UThrow: Paper Mario holds the opponent over his head and can walk around like DK with the opponent and throw him in any direction!
FThrow: Paper Mario allows the baby Yoshi from TTYD to use Gulp and spit the opponent out in front of Paper Mario to set up a combo!
BThrow: Paper Mario throws the opponent backwards into Watt who uses Electro Dash!

UpTaunt: Paper Mario straightens his cap and gives a thumbs up!
SideTaunt: Paper Mario slightly lowers his cap and wags his finger at you!
DownTaunt: Tippi and Kersti float over Paper Mario's head and he gives an intrigued look (The one where looks surprised and points his finger at his mouth) and looks around for the opponent (The one where puts his hand to his forehead and goes on his tiptoes)

Custom Moves to make up for ones I couldn't use:
Custom SideB: Paper Mario sends out Flurrie or Sushie to use Gale Wind or Squirt to push the opponent away! (both have equal power)
Custom Down B: Paper Mario teleports by flipping dimensions from one area to another like Greninja's Side B!
Custom Custom Neutral B: Ms. Mowz comes in and uses Love Slap and then Tease to make the opponent Dizzy (requires timing of Love Slap to connect with the opponent first)
Custom Up B: The baby Yoshi appears and Flutter Jumps with Paper Mario on his back for a distance and when B is pressed, he does a Ground Pound!
Custom Up B #2: Parakarry carries Paper Mario for a bit and then does Shell Shot at the end when Paper Mario gets off as a projectile!
Paper Mario summons the Star Spirits!, Pure Hearts!, and Crystal Stars! to trap an opponent in it's wrath to use Peach Beam!, Supernova!, and ends off with the Pure Hearts all coming together into the opponent to make the killing blow!!!

Winning Animations:
-All the Pixls dance around Paper Mario like at the end of a chapter in Super Paper Mario!
-Paper Mario holds up a Crystal Star like his end of chapter animation in TTYD!
-Paper Mario swings his hammer around triumphantly and then holds it in front of himself!

Extra Animations:
Helpless: Paper Mario flails his arms around while falling to the floor flipping around vertically!
Hit: Paper Mario flinches backwards like he does when he gets hit in his battles!
Ledge Attack: Paper Mario rolls across the floor from the ledge in Tube Mode!
Neutral B:
1) Mario spins around holding Watt in front of him. Not a lot of range but deals electric/burning damage that is nothing to sneeze at.
2) Yoshi Kid pops out and gulps an enemy in front of him, similar to Yoshi's neutral B. However, instead of laying them as an egg, he spits them back out, dealing low damage but being a fair launching move.
3) Mario hits using Cudge as a hammer, dealing moderate damage.

Forward B:
1) Mario flings Bombette forward. She doesn't fly very far and the windup is a bit long but her damage output is spectacular.
2) Koops flings forward and hits for moderate damage. If the shell doesn't hit anything, holding B will keep him in place until it is released, very similar to how he behaves in TYD.
3) Barry places a protective field around Mario during a small dash ahead of him, dealing moderate damage and acting as a shield against projectiles.

Up B:
1) Mario jumps onto Spike/Lakilester's cloud and shoots upward quickly. Small damage output but good recovery.
2) Mario grabs hold of Madame Flurrie's... hand? She blows a strong gust of wind downard, propelling them up. Good recovery. No damage, but opponents underneath will be pushed downwards.
3) Carrie zips up with Mario holding on. No damage output but fantastic recovery.

Down B:
1) Bow turns Mario intangible for a a bit, making him invulnerable & immobile with semifast windup
2) Vivian pulls Mario underground, making him invulnerable, immobile and invisible, very quick windup but not usable in the air.
3) Slim turns Mario sideways, making him all but invisible for a small time. Able to be attacked but also able to move around.
A - Bow comes out and slaps the opponent. Seeing as I believe I read somewhere that all A combos have a finisher, Bow will retract back into Mario and then he will finish off with a hammer blow. Low damage an knockback for the slaps. Medium/low damage and knockback for the hammer.

Up tilt - A simple upwards swing of the hammer over PM's head. Sort of like G&W's flag move. Medium damage, decent knockback.

Forward tilt- Jabs the hammer out a la G&W's chair attack. Decent damage and knockback but quite laggy.

Down tilt - Swings the hammer around low down. Knocks opponents up but has low damage.

Dash attack - Mario's Spin move in the original game. Kind of like Peach's dash in terms of knockback and damage but a little bit laggier when ending but a little bit faster in starting.

Up Smash - picks up Bombetter/Bobbery and holds her/him over his head. Very powerful move as starting lag is low, but if mistimed can be deadly as there is high ending lag.

Forward Smash - a charged hammer swing. Fairly powerful killer move.

Down Smash - Ground pound. Jumps slightly before crashing down to Earth. Not as powerful as other ground pounds but is harder to predict.

Neutral air - Strikes a jumping pose and his entire body becomes a hit-box, especially strong at the feet. Kind of like G&W's Parachute Melee attack, but with Paper Mario's style. Good combo finisher.

Up air - Lakilester shoots a spiny straight up. Nice short hop aerial if the opponent is on a platform. Not especially damaging, however.

Forward air - PM swings his hammer down. Meteor Smash, great kill move but has medium start lag and, if timed badly, bad landing lad.

Down air - Barry makes a spiky barrier underneath PM. Not a meteor Smash but it's fairly decent in its damage.

Grab - Thoreau is thrown out like a grapple to grab the opponent.

Grab attack - Simple hammer attack. Low damage.

Up throw - A very unique throw indeed. Parakarry picks the foe up and carries them up until the opponent either mashes out or Parakarry takes them off the top blastline. Easier to break out of at lower percentages and if used carelessly could just end up taking the opponent to safety. Deadly at high percentages though.

Forward throw - PM throws the enemy forward slightly before Watt comes out and zaps them away. Fairly powerful.

Back throw - PM throws them back and then does a golf like swing away. Lower knockback but decent damage.

Down throw - A chaingrab move. Flurrie comes out and body slams the opponent, knocking them up.

Neutral Special - Koops/Kooper is kicked away. Not especially powerful but can be used to grab items just like in the game and return them to Mario.

Forward Special - Bombette/Bobbery is sent forward to attack. Can be remotely detonated. Powerful move but high starting lag.

Down Special - A counter. Like Marth's, it does a set damage, but the damage is fairly high with this one. Vivian pulls Mario down but leaves herself open to attack. If attacked, she uses Shade Fist almost instantly. High ending lag, however, so if a foe uses a ranged weapon on Vivian, PM is stuck unable to move for a few frames.

Up Special - Spring jump. This move is charged, high vertical recovery with low horizontal gain. If overcharged, doesn't go as far as perfect, just like in the games when battling. High power if caught off the start of the move, but low if at any other point. When landing, there is high lag.

Final Smash - Tink comes out of PM's pocket and flies away, the Seven Star Spirits then appear and general everyone except PM's butt gets kicked happens.

Up Taunt - Kersti and Tippi fly out and around Mario.

Side taunt - PM adjusts his hat before looking like he is about to run off, just like he does when he wins a battle in TTYD.

Down taunt - the classic turn to the camera thumbs up from our favourite paper plumber. Can be used for tattle info on PM's stage.
Paper Mario

Weight: 1.5/5
Height: 2.5/5
Speed: 2.5/5
Jump: 3.5/5
Power: 3/5
Range: 3/5
Throw: 3.5/5

All of Paper Mario's special moves can be chained together (with proper timing) up to three times in any order, kind of like Marth's Forward B special. After using a Step 1 move, the next special will be the Step 2 move of the Special you inputted, and another input will chain into a Step 3 move.

For example, you could do any of the following combinations and more: B>-B-B^ OR Bv-B>-Bv OR B^-B^-B.

These combos would produce Watt-Barry-Airplane, Dashell-Koops-Kersti and Carrie-Parakarry-Bobbery respectively.

Neutral B – Teamwork Counter

Step 1 – Bow – Paper Mario becomes incorporeal for a split second, making him invincible to all attacks.
Step 2 – Barry – A spinning spike shield appears briefly around Paper Mario, damaging and repelling enemies at close range.
Step 3 – Bobbery – Paper Mario places Admiral Bobbery on the ground, who walks forward for a 3 seconds before stopping and exploding. If someone touches Bobbery during his walk, he will immediately stop and prepare to explode. Great knockback.

Forward B – Teamwork Shot

Step 1 – Watt – Watt swoops from behind Paper Mario and flies forward, damaging any opponent he strikes once, before disappearing. Can hit multiple opponents.
Step 2 – Koops – Paper Mario fires Koops forward by jumping on him, traveling the same distance as Watt, before launching back towards Paper Mario, pulling any opponents he hits closer to him. If the player holds B when summoning Koops, he can be held in place at the furthest distance from Paper Mario and fired backwards when B is released (you cannot chain after doing this). While B is held, Paper Mario can move freely, but cannot attack until B is released. If Koops does not make contact with Paper Mario on his return trip, he will continue moving in the same direction until he goes off screen.
Step 3 – Thoreau – Paper Mario shoots Thoreau forward, grabbing one opponent and returning him to Paper Mario. This is a long-distance grab attack that can connect in mid-air, but it cannot be used as a tether.

Up B – Teamwork Boost

Step 1 – Carrie – Carrie appears beneath Paper Mario's feet, and Mario jumps a short distance off of her. Touching Carrie damages enemies.
Step 2 – Parakarry – Parakarry appears and lifts Paper Mario a short distance into the air. Parakarry's flapping wings can damage enemies.
Step 3 – Airplane – Paper Mario folds into an airplane and flies forward with a slow descent. While in this form, Paper Mario can angle his trajectory somewhat, similarly to Brawl's glide mechanics. Flying into enemies does continuous, minor damage and knockback.

Down B – Teamwork Power-Up

Step 1 – Dashell – Dashell flies around Paper Mario, spinning his body, giving him a speed boost for 7 seconds.
Step 2 – Goombella – Goombella kisses Paper Mario, reducing all damage taken by 1% for 6 seconds. If Paper Mario is hit by any attack that only does 1%, he takes no knockback from the attack.
Step 3 – Kersti – Kersti flies around Paper Mario, boosting all damage done by Paper Mario by 2% for 5 seconds.

Jab – Paper Punch – Paper Mario punches with his right hand.
Jab Combo – Paper Kick – Paper Mario punches with his left hand and then kicks.
Dash A – Paper Tube – Paper Mario rolls into a tube and hits the enemy. Hits low to the ground.

Forward Tilt – Spin Smash – Paper Mario swipes his hammer in front of him like a baseball bat.
Up Tilt – Head Rattle – Paper Mario lifts his hammer up into the air and spins it for multiple hits.
Down Tilt – Quake Hammer – Paper Mario hits the ground with his hammer. Hits anyone standing on the ground within a limited radius of Mario for minor damage.

(All of Paper Mario's Smash attacks also make the wind-up noises the Hammer makes in PM64 and TTYD when charged. If the attack is released with the correct timing, the attack does its maximum damage and knockback. If the attack is released after, or the attack releases on its own, it will only do the damage and knockback of an uncharged Smash.)

Forward Smash – Hammer Smash – Paper Mario raises his hammer above his head and slams it into the ground.
Up Smash – Spring Jump – Paper Mario compresses his body before springing up with an raised fist. Paper Mario jumps higher the longer he charges the attack.
Down Smash – Super Hammer Spin – Paper Mario holds his hammer like a baseball bat, before swinging and spinning in place, hitting both in front and behind him.

Neutral Aerial – Star Spirit Spin – Paper Mario spins in place, showing off his paper-thin . Little stars fly out on contact.
Forward Aerial – Sticker Star Strike – Paper Mario kicks forward with his foot. Glitter flies out on contact.
Back Aerial – Pure Heart Punch – Paper Mario swings his hand backwards. Little hearts fly out on contact.
Up Aerial – Crystal Star Crash – Paper Mario raises his first above his head. Sparkles fly out on contact.
Down Aerial – Super Stomp – Paper Mario does a quick spin in midair, doing minimal damage, then ground-pounds. If it hits, Paper Mario bounces off the opponent. Meteor Smash.

Ground Attack – Origami – Paper Mario folds himself around until he is standing upright.
Ledge Attack – Fold Over – Paper Mario folds himself upwards and then back onto the stage.

Grab – Paper Clip – Paper Mario grabs his opponent with one hand.
Grab Combo – Paper Cut – Paper Mario strikes his opponent with his free hand.
Forward Throw – Paper Spin – Paper Mario spins into his opponent a short distance before launching him.
Back Throw – Paper Flip – Paper Mario spins around a few times before tossing his opponent in the other direction.
Up Throw – Paper Shredder – Paper Mario spins in place, sucking his opponent in, before launching them straight up.
Down Throw – Paper Flatten – Paper Mario throws his opponent on the ground, then rolls over them as a paper tube.
Down Throw (midair) – Paper Crane – Paper Mario bounces off his opponent's head, launching them downwards.

Up Taunt – Paper Mario waves his hands above his head, like when using the Appeal command in TTYD.
Down Taunt – Paper Mario gets on one knee and prays, as sparkles fly upwards around him.
Side Taunt – Paper Mario spins in place, making the spinning noise from PM64.

Victory Pose A – Paper Mario gives a double-thumbs up with one hand, then the other.
Victory Pose B – Paper Mario waves with both hands as the spotlight shines on him, with an invisible audience throwing him coins and flowers.
Victory Pose C – A paper airplane flies in, which folds into a boat, a tube, and finally into Paper Mario, who poses with arms outstretched.

Costumes – Mario colors, Luigi colors, Wario colors, Waluigi colors, Ice Mario colors, Fire Mario colors. (Mr. L alternate costume)

Entrance – A paper airplane flies into the stage and lands nose-first before unfolding into Paper Mario.

Idle Animation – Paper Mario will drink a Honey Syrup, check his e-mail on his Mailbox SP, or start snoring with a snot bubble forming.

Final Smash - Art Attack

Paper Mario holds up the Crystal Star map, causing the seven Crystal Stars to fly out, all meeting together at the center of the map, overlapping each other. Paper Mario then turns sideways using the Pixl Slim, rendering him invincible and invisible for the duration of the Final Smash.

Now the Crystal Stars become a cursor which the player moves with the control stick. As the cursor is moved, a magical, rainbow-colored line appears behind it - this line drawn by the cursor is solid and cannot be passed through by other players. If a player touches the cursor, they will take minor damage and be pushed away.

If the cursor makes a closed area with its line, the inside of the area will explode and all players inside will take damage. The smaller the area, the higher the damage and knockback will be.

This Final Smash lasts for 20 seconds, or after seven closed areas have been made by the cursor. Each time an area is closed, the color of the cursor changes: it starts white, then turns green, yellowish-brown, red, blue, orange and finally multi-colored. Each time the player closes a circle with a player inside, words will flash up on screen: first Nice, then Good, Great, Wonderful and finally Excellent.

After the time limit or use limit has run out, the Crystal Stars fly off into the sky and Paper Mario returns to the fight.
jab: slaps foes with slipper
strong side: hammer strike
strong up:
strong down:

side smash: spin hammer
up smash: minature spring jump
down smash: ground pound
dash attack: dash attack from dashel

neutral air: spins hammer around once
forward air: throws sumbrero
back air: throws wrench
up air: spins around similar to tornado jump
down air: throws snow ball

grab: throua (surprise surprise)
pummel: smacks with bone
forward throw: yoshi swallows then spits them up
back throw: throws them into a bomb left by bobbery
up throw: get thrown up by jet of water from sushie
down throw: flurries pounds foes

neutral special: barry, works as a close range temporary shield that damages foes (like nyaru's love)
side special: shell shot, shoots koops across the stage and he returns to mario
down special: veil, vivian pulls mario into the shadows allowing him to doge moves
up special: parrykarry, mario is lifted up by the mailman

final smash: show stopper, massive crystal stars come bursting through the stage at random places

and of course on his stage he can use smash taunt where either goombario, goombella or tippi will tattle on opponents
NB with every hammer attack, the hammer is randomized etween the hammer (common), the super hammer (uncommon) and the ultrahammer (like, really rare) from ttyd. Of course, the ultrahammer is far more potent than the super hammer, etc.

Neutral A: Hammer. A small combo of some plain hammer swings.
Forward A: Bow: Lady Bow slaps opponents with her trademark fan. Good for combos.
Up A: Thudley: Mario Summons Thudley the Pixl that ground pounds over opponetns. Powerful but kinda laggy.
Down A: Spike Helmet: Mario uses the spike Helmet sticker and gets the spike hurts every opponent that comes from above.

NAir: Multibounce: If used on an opponent, launches PM upwards and meteor smashes the opponent. Otherwise, it will not be useful, save for slowing PM's fall for a tad.
Uair: Watt: Summons Watt above his head. Watt electifies opponents. A move that is both powerful and fast.
Fair: Flashlight: Uses the Flashlight thing from Sticker Star. Charges up with time. When fully charged, the flashlight can stun grounded enemies (like a shield break) or renders aerial foes helpless. Otherwise, it does some minor damage.
Dair: Basin: Throws the Basin Thing from Sticker Star downwards. A powerful projectile to say the least.
Bair:Gale Force: Flurries blows strong gusts of Wind behind Mario and pushes opponents aways. Useful for edgeguarding but not a damaging move.

Grab: Thoreau: Mario launches the Thoreau Pixl from SPM and the latter catches the opponent.
Pummel: Mario summons Kersti while she hits the opponents with her spikes.
FThrow:Billard Ball: Hits with the Billard Ball thing from Sticker Star that send opponents flying. The ball continues Rolling so it is also a rather potent projectile. One of the only projectile throws.
BThrow: Hammer punch: Mario hits the Opponent with his hammer backward. Similar to Dedede's.
UThrow: Uses the little Yoshi from TTYD that kicks the opponents upwards.
DThrow: Power Bounces: PM jumps on the enemy several times. Just like in the original Paper Mario games, if the Player press the A button at the right times, PM jumps on Mario more times.

Side Smash: Hammer Throw: the badge from TTYD. Mario throws his hammer, and the distance covered gets longer the longer the button is held.
Up Smash: Hurlhammer: the Sticker from Sticker Star. He throws it upwards with tremendous force (enough to throw it out of the screen)and some time later, the hammer gets back down. The longer the button is held, the bigger the hammer wil be once it comes down.
Down Smash: Shell Toss. Mario summons either Koops or Kooper and the latter uses shell toss.

Neutral B: Barry: Mario uses Barry to counter any projectile. It also damages opponents. Similar to Nayru's love.
Up B: Lakilester + Plane: Lakilester carries Paper Mario upwards for a short times and then, PM folds into a plain and can gain some horizontal recovery. Loosely similar to Mr. Game & Watch's Up B.
Down B: Explode: Mario uses Bombette or Bobbery. The living bomb then starts to walk around for a bit before exploding.
Side B: Tidal Wave: Mario Summons Sushi, and the latter launches a big Stream of water toward enemies.

Shield/ Dodge: Mario uses Slim to Flip and become untangible. (Or Dottie so he shrinks instantly, disappearing.)

Final Smash: Too much possibilities. My favorite being Supernova, from TTYD;
Taunt 1: Kersti flies around Mario.
Taunt 2: Tippi orr Tiptron get on Mario's hat like in their sleeping animaion in SPM.
Taunt 3: Mario does the "victorious battle" pose from one of the games. My favorite being TTYD.
Special Taunt: Goombella Tattle. Of course.
Paper Mario
A: Bow comes out to do Slap, 2% per hit
A>: Quick hammer swing, 7%
A^: Does a quick jump, 6%
A\/: Paper Mario Kicks Kooper/Koops a short distance (about bowser sized), 5%
SMASH>: Paper Mario summons a Scissor Sticker, does good damage but subpar knockback, 12% uncharged, 20% fully Charged
SMASH^: Paper Mario Summons Thudley who goes up and crashes down, great range and power, 13% uncharged, 19% Charged
SMASH\/: Paper Mario has Bobbery and Bombette come out on each side and explode, extremely powerful, but a tad hard to hit, 15% uncharged, 22% Charged
Dash A: Paper Mario does his spin from Paper Mario, 6%
Nair: Paper Mario summons Barry who creates a spiky shield for him, 7% Damage
Fair: Paper Mario Does a quick hammer swing with Cudge, 8%
Bair: Paper Mario has Sushi spray water behind him, 6%
Uair: Paper Mario has Lakelester throw a spiny above him, 9%
Dair: Paper Mario does a Power Bounce style ground pound ala Ultra Boots, 10%, will bounce him back up if it hits
Grab: Paper Mario has Thoreau Grab an opponent
Pummel: Paper Mario has Thoreau grasp tighter, 1% per hit
F Throw: Paper Mario has Fleep flip opponent into another dimension quickly and then sends them off, good kill move 9%
B Throw: Thoreau holds the opponent in front of a fan sticker and blows them away 6%
Up Throw: Mario has Watt Electrocute the enemy and sends them up 8%
Down Throw: Thoreau just slams the enemy into the ground and sends them forward 7%
(not doing customizations yet)
B: Bowling Ball Sticker: Paper Mario holds out a Bowling Ball Sticker and rolls it towards hits opponent, 7% per ball, balls have a slight bounce, max distance 3/4 Final Destination
Side B: Boomer: Paper Mario Summons Boomer, and has him fly forward in a straight line to detonate, can detonate early tho for mindgames, max distance 1/2 of Final Destination, explosion 8%
Up B: Parkarry: Parkarry Grabs Paper Mario and Flys him upward. If hit, Parkarry will Drop Paper Mario, Very Versetile Recovery However, can be cancelled with b, no damage
Down B: Veil: Vivian will drag Paper Mario on the ground for short invinsibility, can travel about 1/3 of Final Destination, cancels at Platform edges and cant work in the air, cant use for about 7 seconds after, No Damage
FINAL SMASH: Supernova: The Paper Mario Player must Mash A as fast as they can to deal massive damage. No Knockback, but extreme damage if sucsessful. Min 25% 1/2 Sucsessful 40% 3/4 Sucsessful 60% Max 80%
Up Taunt: Has Tippi Fly around him.
Side Taunt: Wags his finger like after battles in Paper Mario
Down Taunt: Has Gombella come out with be book, nothing will happen normally, but on a Paper Mario stage, she will use tattle
Dodge:Flips into Background quickly
Roll: turns into paper roll and moves away
Speed 7/10 Paper Mario is reasonably fast, but is no speed demon, a little on the floaty side
Power: 7/10 Paper Mario hits reasonably strong, and can combo well to an extent.
Weight: 1/10 Paper Mario is extremely frail, and can easily be KOed around 80% tops
Size 2/10: About the size of Pikachu
Recovery 7/10: While with Parkarry Paper Mario may be versatile for his recovery, getting hit in it will cost him dearly
Uniqueness: 9/10 By using Partners, Stickers, and Pixls, Paper Mario becomes a unique summon character who can hold his own in battle
Victory Screen 1: Looks at a treasure map and then looks at the screen
Victory Screen 2: Dusts off his overalls and looks at the screen
Victory Screen 3: Uses a Jelli Ultra after the battle to heal up
Defeat Screen: Sadly claps with a fatigued look
He is fast and strong, but he is very light (duh).


Neutral Special (Tattlers):
Custom 1:
Custom 2:

Side Special (Shell Toss):
Paper Mario summons Koops, who jumps into his shell and rolls forward for mild damage, but doesn't disappear when he hits an enemy, which is great for free for alls. At the end of the attack he spins in place for a bit. (9% Intial; 3% Spinning)
Custom 1 (Dizzy Shell):
Custom 2 (Shell Toss):

Down Special (Bombs Away):
Custom 1:
Custom 2:
Up Special (Parakarry Flight):
Custom 1 (Carrie Me Home):
Custom 2 (Super Jump):

Final Smash Papercraft Mario: Paper Mario gets on Papercraft Mario and mows down enemies in front of him before finishing by throwing the Mario of the stand.

Forward Smash:
Down Smash: Paper Mario spins in place with his hammer, contorting his paper self
Up Smash: Paper Mario puts this on

Tilts and Jab Combo
Forward Tilt: Vivian appears and uses Shade Fist
Down Tilt: Sushie is summoned to use Squirt, but with much less range
Up Tilt:
Jab Combo: This uses the Slaphammer

Neutral Aerial:
Forward Aerial:
Back Aerial:
Down Aerial:
Up Aerial:

Thoreau appears and gives Paper Mario an extended grab range along with a tether recovery.
Pummel: Paper Mario whacks the enemy with his hammer (3%)
Forward Throw: Thoreau throws whoever he is holding forward (7%)
Back Throw: Paper Mario hits the enemy with his hammer like this:
Down Throw: Paper Mario jumps on the enemy, sending them upwards (8%)
Up Throw: Thoreau throws whoever he is holding upwards (7%)


Shield: Paper Mario uses his Guard move when he shields
Spotdodge: Paper Mario uses Paper Mode.
Jump Height:Normal
Archetype:Glass Cannon
:GCA: Swings hammer :GCA: swings again :GCA:swings one last time sending opponent flying
Dash :GCA: Paper Mario spins while swinging his hammer
:GCU: Paper Mario does an uppercut that looks like his jumping animation
:GCR: Smacks the opponent with a slaphammer
:GCD:Paper Mario uses the iron jump to jump and land sending out a small shockwave
:GCCU: Paper Mario uses a spike hat sticker and jumps upward(if held becomes shiny)
:GCCR:Pulls out a iron hammer which twists Mario back the more he charges(if held becomes switches to ultra hammer causing massive damage and knockback)
:GCCD:Paper Mario pulls out a quake hammer and smashes the ground creating a large shockwave
:GCA: Paper Mario stretches his feet downward which can sweetspot if the feet hit the opponent
:GCU:Paper Mario does a spin in the air which attacks enemies on both sides
:GCR: Paper Mario throws a hurlhammer forward which moves in an arc
:GCL:Paper Mario smacks behind him with his wooden hammer
:GCD:Paper Mario does a butt-bounce, but if he lands on an opponent, he bounces like in Toon Link's down-air from Brawl
:GCB: Appeal- Paper Mario would put his hands in the air and face the crowd(you), as stars fly into him. If you appeal 5 times, Paper Mario gets a buff to all his attacks and he gets stronger partners (This buff lasts for 30 seconds).
:GCU::GCB: Paper Mario jumps on Baby Yoshi who flutters upwards. While Baby Yoshi flutters, if it connects with an enemy, each kick from the flutter would do 3% and could hit up to 6 times, earning 18%.
[After Buff]- The Partner switches to Flurrie whom Paper Mario holds onto. She flies diagonally and does 24% damage if you hit someone while doing the attack. She would also slam downwards doing a body slam after flying. The attack would be like Ike's aether.
:GCR::GCB: Paper Mario would jump on Koops who go into his shell and would be sent out a good distance from him. The attack would do 8% if hit, but if you're hit by the sweet spot(The farthest Koops goes out) it would do 20%.
[After Buff]- Koops would be replaced by Bobbery as Mario throws him forward. Bobbery would then walk forward until touching someone where he would who explode and do 30% damage.
:GCD::GCB:Paper Mario would tuck into a stunned position, and if someone strikes him, he would get pulled underground by Vivian, and the opponent would get burned and fly back with 8% damage.
[After Buff] Vivian would be replaced by Ms. Mowz who would jump at the attacker knocking them away, and then would walk up to Mario and use Smooch, healing him by 10%.(Attack would do 10% damage)
Grab-Paper Mario throws out Thoreau who traps an opponent in a box and brings them close to Paper Mario.
Pummel-Paper Mario bashes the opponent with Cudge.
:GCU:Paper Mario places Boomer down who blows the opponent into the air
:GCR:Paper Mario uses Thoreau to throw the opponent forwards
:GCL:Paper Mario uses Thoreau to throw the opponent behind him
:GCD:Thudley appears in the sky and drops on the opponent
Final Smash
Bingo!- A lottery appears on the screen where you must press A to stop the wheels. Matching at least two Mushrooms will restore the players health.(2 Mushrooms=100%, 3 Mushrooms=Full Heal) Matching Flowers will put Paper Mario in his buff mode.(2 Flowers=Buff mode for 30 seconds, 3 Flowers=60 seconds) Matching stars will drop stars on the stage like Ness' Final Smash.(2 stars= normal amount of stars, 3 stars=double the amount of stars) Finally, matching Sprites will give you all of the above!(2 Sprites=100% heal, buff mode for 30 seconds, and stars/ 3 Sprites= Full heal, buff for 60 seconds, and double the stars). However, if you don't match two of any type, nothing happens, like a missed Final Smash.
Paper Mario Colors
2.Red/White(Fire Mario)
Paper Luigi Colors(Alternate costume)
5.Paper Luigi Costume
6.White/Green(Fire Luigi)
8.Mr.L costume
:GCU:Paper Mario Faces the screen and gives a thumbs up
:GCL::GCR:Paper Mario grabs his hat and tilts it forward like when he wins a battle in TTYD
:GCD:Tattle- Goombella pops out beside Paper Mario and gives information about the opponent
Example::4tlink: HP: 120 ATK: 20 DEF:10
A shorter and younger version of Link. He may be shorter, but he is faster so watch out!
Side Notes
Entrance-Paper Mario jumps out of a paper pipe
Victory-Paper Mario gives a thumbs up to the player
Victory theme-First 17 seconds of this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1qSnOhYWUA
Wii-Mote SFX-Does Paper Mario's jump sound
Stage Music
Battle Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPYki-9eO4Y
Rawk Hawk Battle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-lmaPnnD4g
Doopliss Battle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tx6h2lDw4I
We Believe in You: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOlPX8MrqhY
*Spoilers for Super Paper Mario*: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvmfyJw1IOU
Assist Trophies
Count Bleck-Opens cape and sends out shockwaves like Tabuu
Doopliss-Runs at enemies and uses Head Missile on them(Flies at them head first) and can shapeshift into shadow versions of the fighters.
Stats: Paper Mario is light like Mr. Game & Watch. His other stats are pretty balanced, like regular Mario.
Neutral Combo: Two punches and a hammer swing.
Side Tilt: A hammer swing thar reaches farther.
Up Tilt: A punch upwards.
Down Tilt: A low sweep with his hammer, can make the enemy trip.
Side Smash: Sushie appears and jumps forwards, damaging enemies by slamming into them.
Up Smash: Vivian appears and punches upwards with a flaming fist.
Down Smash: Watt appears and circles around Mario, damaging enemies that come into contact with her.
Neutral Aerial: Barry appears and forms a barrier around Mario.
Forward Aerial: Mario uses a POW Block sticker and kicks a POW Block in front of him.
Back Aerial: Mario uses a Tail sticker to grow a tail and spin, damaging enemies with his tail.
Up Aerial: Carrie appears. Mario uses her to jump a third time and damage enemies if he jumps into them.
Down Aerial: Cudge appears and Mario performs a ground pound.
Grab: Mario uses Thoreau to grab enemies from a distance.
Pummel: Mario headbutts the enemy.
Forward Throw: Mario kicks the enemy forwards.
Back Throw:Mario jumps in front of the enemy and kicks the enemy back.
Up Throw: Mario delivers a powerful punch that sends the enemy into the sky.
Down Throw: Mario throws the enemy to the ground and sits on top of it.
Neutral Special: Hammer
A hammer attack. If it is charged for some time, Cudge appears and the move deals double the damage.
Variation 1: Headbonk
Goombario/Goombella appears and uses the headbonk attack. It hits enemies from a distance but deals less damage.
Variation 2: Smack
Lady Bow appears and smacks the enemy. Does less damage than the hammer but is faster.
Side Special: Shell Attack
Mario kicks Kooper/Koops forwards to deal damage inside it's shell.
Variation 2: Shell Sticker
Mario uses the shell sticker from Sticker Star and kicks a shell forwards. It is kicker but weaker than the first move.
Variation 3: Yoshi Egg
Yoshi appears and throws a egg forwards. The egg isn't affected by gravity and is much faster than the shell, but deals very little damage.
Up Special: Parakarry
Parakarry carries Mario upwards. Mario is invincible during this move.
Variation 1: Lakilester
Lakilester carries Mario upwards. Mario is not invincible during this move, but you can throw Spinies downwards by pressing the special button.
Variation 2: Flurrie
Flurrie appears and creates some fog for Mario to ride on. Carries Mario much farther but he doesn't have any of the benefits from the other moves.
Down Special: Bomb
Bombette/Bobbery/Boomer appears and explodes after some time.
Variation 1: Dizzy
Fleep/Ms. Mowz appears and makes the enemy dizzy.
Variation 2: Piccolo
Piccolo appears and cures Mario of any effects such as being dizzy or buried.
Final Smash: Mega Star
Mario uses a Mega Star and transfroms into a giant 8-bit Mario. He can damage enemies just by touching them in this state.
Extras: Mario's spot dodge animation is shinkring with Dottie's power, his front dodge animation is using Dashell to run past the enemy and his back dodge animation is using Slim's power to become invisible and appear at a different spot. One of his taunts involves Tippi, Tiptron or Kersti appearing and talking to him.
Paper Mario Moveset

  1. Neutral-B: could be one of his partners' moves (Goombella/Goombario, Koops/Kooper, Bobbery/Bombette). This move could be switched with a taunt that puts him in his thinking state for 2 seconds (kind of like Samus's taunt in Project M). (Varying %)
  2. Side-B: could be his Fire Drive Badge. (8-10%)
  3. Up-B: could be him crumpling down like an accordion to initiate a spring jump (vertical) into airplane fold (horizontal) followup. (6% for spring jump, 8% for glide attack)
  4. Down-B: could be him leaning forward, looking angry. When his foes attack him in this state, he spins around with a text reading "great" (pretty much a counter with little lag). This is pretty much like a counter, but with less lag and more strict timing. (25% more damage and knock-back given from attack countered)


  1. Side Smash: Power Smash Badge enhanced hammer swing. It's pretty slow, but has high knockback. (20-30%)
  2. Up Smash: Hammer Throw; it's a set distance, not like Snake's mortar. (15-20%)
  3. Down Smash: Quake Hammer. It's quick and has good horizontal range on both sides, but has low vertical hitbox. (10-15%)

  1. Neutral-Air: Watt's electricity. It's a multi-hit move that has low range, but covers all directions. It's kind of like Game&Watch's neutral-air. (5-8%)
  2. Forward-Air: Lady Bow smacks her opponents with her fan multiple times. (6-12%)
  3. Back-Air: Sylish move. It's a nice, solid, and quick move with good knock-back. (10%)
  4. Down-Air: Spin jump stomp. Has a laggy start-up, but has quick downward movement and a strong and guaranteed spike. (13%)


  1. Dash-A: He uses his tube transformation. If you want a little more variety, you can make it his boat transformation since his roll will be his tube transformation anyway. (12%)
  2. Neutral-A: Hammer spin combo. He turns once, turns twice, and then releases a 3-hit spin. 5 hits total. (3-15%)
  3. Side-A: Tail sticker. Just slaps his foes with it. (10%)
  4. Up-A: Spike helmet. Does a nice little hop while wearing it too. (8%)
  5. Down-A: Platform flip as seen in TTYD. It's quick and can trip foes. (4%)


  • He grabs with Thoreau and pummels by jumping on them. (1-2%)
  • Note: His footstools cause damage and stun more than regular footstools. I'm not talking about his grab pummel, I'm actually talking about his actual footstool. (3%)

  1. Forward Throw: Thoreau throws foe (8%)
  2. Back Throw: Sticker peel (8%)
  3. Up Throw: Raises opponent up with both hands and uses thunder bolt item. (12%)
  4. Down Throw: Vivian pulls opponent under shadows with "veil" to deal fire damage). (10%)


  • His shield could be Barry for a few milliseconds (deals damage). It then reverts back to a regular shield. New shine anyone?:4fox: (3%)


  • His sidestep dodge could be him using the pixl, Slim. His roll dodge and dash attack could be his tube transformation.


  1. Side Taunt: He faces the screen and puts his thumb up.
  2. Up Taunt: He appeals to the crowd and a few star points come to him. This actually makes the crowd favor him a little more, regardless of the amount of kills/deaths he has.
  3. Down Taunt: He closes his eyes and puts one of his hands on his chin. He's pretty much in his thinking state. Now, what's special about this taunt is that it allows him to switch partners for his Neutral-B special move. He can switch from Goombario/Goombella, Kooper/Koops, and Bombette/Bobbery. This is kind of like Samus's taunt in Project M.


  • His final smash could either be Art Attack or Supernova from TTYD. (% Varies)
Paper Mario is an all-star character who's 1st game was nearly 15 years ago. He would be perfect for smash despite being alike Mario. He is from RPG series and would be a very unique character. Plus, there's Link and Toon Link, so why not Mario and Paper Mario?
Entrance: Flies in from the side in Paper Airplane mode, then unfolds to become Paper Mario.
Jab Combo
Ⓐ Smashes his hammer down quickly
ⒶⒶ Whips his hammer back up
ⒶⒶⒶ Smashes his hammer down again with a more powerful hit

Forward Tilt
Ⓐ▷Whips his hammer forward, similar to the Fire Drive Attack.

Down Tilt
Ⓐ▽ Performs his Superguard attack. Since it is his superguard, it has super armour and is a great K.O. move. He spins around a bit after though, so it can leave him vunerable if he misses.

Up Tilt
Ⓐ△Does a flip and kicks in the air.

Dash Attack
Ⓐ▷▷ Spins around and goes forward very fast, from Paper Mario 64. It's like Mega Man's Top Spin, but it has slightly farther range and doesn't carry opponents along with it. It's sort of like a hit and run.

Air Attacks
Neutral Air
Ⓐ Puts his feet together for a jumping attack. Anyone who gets hit under his feet will get pushed down and receive a lot of damage.

Forward Air
Ⓐ▷ Paper Mario does his belly stylish moves hitting some opponents in his animation and does a little damage.

Back Air
Ⓐ◁ Paper Mario does some back flip while moving behind like his stylish move and doing some damage. Because he moves behind, it can't be used well after a neutral air.

Down Air
Ⓐ▽ Does a Ground Pound attack. He flips around and stalls, then quickly launches himself down, making this a powerful and high-knockback move.

Up Air
Ⓐ△ Holds Barry (pixl) up in the air and carry's enemies.

SMASH Attacks!

Forward Smash
Charges a hammer smash, and you can hear the familiar 4 beeps when you use this attack. It travels in a half-arc in front of him, and is very very powerful.
Down Smash
Uses his Super Hammer attack, spinning his hammer around. It has very high sideways launching power.

Up Smash
Uses Hammer Throw and throws his hammer directly above him, hitting fairly high aerial targets with a strong smash.

Special Moves!

Neutral Special

Side Special

Goombario: Chases down opponents and hits them with a nasty headbonk.
Koops: Uses Shell Toss and uses his shell form to race around the stage, hitting ground targets.
Lakilester: Uses Spiny Flip and throws Spiny Shells at enemies.
Flurrie: Blows enemies with wind, similar to Mario's FLUDD move.
Watt: Slowly flies around and damages anyone who touches him.
Vivian: Uses Fiery Jinx, taking a second, then damaging all enemies with fire. This can be blocked with a shield of dodged. If you get close to here, she uses here shade fist to punch

Up Special

Down Special
When the button is let go, it uses whatever button is being held down at the time. The Mushroom heals 10 damage.
Honey Syrup will make Mario perform attacks much quicker, and charge smash attacks faster.
The Courage Shell will halve all damage that he takes for 10 seconds.
The Volt Shroom will make an electric barrier around Paper Mario, that will causes small bits of damage to enemies when they touch it. It does not disrupt movement or attacks, and it lasts 10 seconds.
The Boo Sheet will give Mario the clear/invisible effect for the 10 seconds it's active.
And the Power Punch will make Paper Mario big for 5 seconds.
As soon as you start using the special, you have to wait 10 seconds to use it again. It's available right after most items wear off, but you can't use the same item for another minute. Any item you use is now gone for 60 seconds.

(I know DLC fighters don't get custom moves, but I wanted to make some anyway. I hope they get customs in the future)
Custom Special Moves #1
Neutral Special

Side Special

Kooper: Uses Shell Toss, like Koop's but goes faster, albeit with less damage.
Bobbery: Walks forward about to explode, and causes an explosion after a while or when someone touches him. When he explodes, small bombs from his Bomb Squad attack fly out, causing mini explosions with mini damage.
Lady Bow: Uses fan smack. She turns invisible and appears in front of enemies, smacking them with the fan 5 times. It holds them in place, just like the fan from Brawl!
Ms. Mowz: Uses Tease and just creates 4 clones to run around. They don't do anything other than that, but it could confuse the person playing! (and is programmed to confuse CPU's)
Sushie: Belly flops around the stage to attack.
Yoshi: Flutter Jumps around ground pounding enemies. (The yoshi randomly changes colours like in the real game)

Up Special

Down Special
Fire Flower will spawn in front of Mario and shoot small fireballs out in waves forward. They do little damage but there is a lot of them that launch around!
Dizzy Dial will make a spiral appear and spin around Mario for a second, and anyone who gets caught in the big spiral will have their control mixed up for 5 seconds, like the Skull Kid assist trophy.
Sleepy Sheep will make 5 sheeps run and jump forward, and if they hit an enemy, they will fall asleep! Time of course depends on their damage.
The Pow Block functions just like the pow block item, instead Mario just jumps and hits it right away.
Thunder Bolt will create an instant thunderbolt in front of Mario. It's like Pikachu's thunder, except it's instant and won't give much knockback.
Shooting Star will make stars rain down from the top of the screen for 5 seconds. There isn't that much of them, but the damage will about 5-10%. It doesn't give very much knockback but it can make it seem like it causes chaos!
The same rules apply to this one as the regular one.

Custom Special Moves #2
Neutral Special

Side Special
Tippi: Stays in place, but uses a reticle to line up with enemies and attacks them with it.
Fleep: Floats around slowly, uses an attack that does repeated damage.
Carrie: Carries Mario around without letting him fall.
Dottie: Makes Paper Mario Tiny.
Piccolo: Shoots Music Notes that will slow down the enemy when it hits, like the stopwatch item, only it lasts for less time.
Thudley: Floats around, Ground Pounding enemies for Mario.

Up Special

Down Special


Mario makes each Star Spirits, Crystal Star, Pure Heart, and Royal Sticker appear in circles around him andthis tune plays, and then he pretty much uses his Sweet Treat special. He throws multiple random projectiles of these special items as you aim with a reticle that you can move around. You press A to throw and they travel in a slight arc, but still are easy to hit and control with. When it starts and the items are around him, that damages enemies as well with lethal damage.


Up Taunt: Waves his arms in the air smiling, as a spotlight is over him, confetti is falling, and a crowd cheers.

Side Taunt: Gives a thumbs up toward the screen, and the text

Down Taunt: Goombella appears in front of him flipping through here tattle log, and Mario looks over her shoulder.
On the Battle Stage, it would be a codec like your idea, but that's something for Smash 5, not Smash 4 DLC. It's too much for 1 DLC.
Grab: Uses Thoreau to grab enemies from far away and pulls them in. He uses a Mushroom Sticker to hold them down.
Pummel: Uses the Eekhammer and whacks the enemy a bunch of times with his hammer
Up Throw: Uses a Spike Helmet sticker to through the enemy up by thrusting the spike upward.
Forward Throw: Uses the Slaphammer sticker and smacks the enemy forward.
Backward Throw: Throws Boomer behind them, and when he explodes, they launch behind Mario.
Down Throw: Jumps on enemies 5 quick times, and each time the text appears in it's order: Nice, Good, Great, Wonderful, Excellent! finishing at the last on with a strong jump.


    • While Swimming, Mario is in his Boat Mode.​
    • While running, Dashell will appear behind Mario, as well as a smoke trail.​
    • His dodge makes him go into Paper Mode, with Slim flying above him. If the camera is turned, Mario leans to the side of the stage in his dodge. (Otherwise the would actually hit Mario easier!)​
    • His Rolls makes him go into Tube Mode​

♫ Music!
Battle! (Paper Mario 64)
Battle! (The Thousand-Year Door)

Attack of the Koopa Bros.
Crystal King

Rawk Hawk Rock
X-Naut Fortress
The Smorgs!
The 65th Super Fun Quirk Quiz
Rogueport (Already in the game!)
We Believe in you, Mario!

4 Heroes Unite
Mr. L, Green Thunder!
Lineland Road
The Ultimate Show

Rampaging Din
Megasparkle Goomba

Gosh this is a lot of songs... Well the Paper Mario series does have awesome music, they could include all of them!! ...right?

Battle Stage
At first glance it totally just seems like a flat stage. It is similar to final destination, but with WAY more intense changes and differences! You can fall off the edge in the, and it is closer to the bottom blast lines. Also, the background changes regularly.
The cardboard stands and background photos will change to areas from Paper Mario games! It can be random versions of these:

1. Rogueport
2. Rogeport Sewers
3. Glitz Pit
4. On top of the Excess Express (complete with fast moving rocks!)
5. X-Naut Fortress
6. Toad Town (64)
7. Flipside
8. Lineland Road
(No Sticker Star areas since it has it's own part on 3DS) (also console versions)
These have no effect on gameplay and are here for fun.

There are also a wide range of Hazards in this stage! Here is the list, spoiler'd to have a smaller space

Audience: These characters can appear in the seats watching the fight. They don't have that much effect, but one thing is that when a smash attack connections to someone, or even just a strong attack, they will go wild and have so much excitement!
They also have other effects too. They can throw items! They can throw rocks or empty soda cans that deal 5 damage if they hit, and can throw Mushrooms that heal 5 damage! They can throw it at anyone, but usually throw healing items at people who have high damage and/or fight a lot, and throw damaging items at people who don't fight with low health.

Boo: Sometimes, a boo will fly out and fly into someone, giving them a clear effect for 25 seconds.

Shy Guys: Sometimes they will jump out from the audience and walk toward an edge of the stage. If he makes it there, a big stage light will fall on whatever side he goes to. You can stop him by knocking him off the stage before he gets to the edge. It is extremely powerful and can K.O. at low damages.

X-Nauts: If someone has a high lead, they will have a ton of rocks and throw them all at who is winning, dealing 5 damage each. Up to 50 damage can be received if you do not get away from it!

Fog: This can appear onstage and make it so you can't see who is on the ground or what is happening.

It's the smallest chaotic stage.

Ω form obviously is pretty much the same thing, without hazards.

Kirby Hat, and I am pretty sure Artsy Omni made this in his Kirby Hat Project.
Kirby will his paper hat and his flat state.
Last edited:

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
I was wondering when this thread would show up. I'll be definitely supporting Paper Mario, though I will be VERY dissapointed in Nintendo if they somehow manage to turn this guy into a clone of Mario. He's way too different to be a clone so hopefully he should be just fine. =)


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Not here for these clone characters

Why do you keep posting this?

Anyway I love Paper Mario. I just hope they base his moveset off the classic RPGs rather than Super Paper Mario. Nothing wrong with the Pixels, just nostalgic I guess.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
People who think Paper Mario is a clone is either trolling, ********, or hasn't played a single one of the games.

Was considering making this thread myself if it didn't come up, glad he was liked enough to get it from someone though after a while. This character is very sadly overlooked because of Toad and Bowser Junior, two characters he has a moveset advantage. Not to mention, he can just get his own franchise and you Mario kiddies can get your Toad or your Bowser Junior. (I remember even posting a large shpeal about Paper Mario vs Toad vs Junior assuming he'd be in the Mario series, and I showed he deserves it more than either of them, but he doesn't even need that, in fact he does better on his own).

Quite literally not a single reason to not to put him in. His character is popular, some of them want him in SSB4, his franchise is great and growing, now landing on its fourth console, and like I said before, he has so many options, almost all of them purely unique, it is ridiculous. And imagine, Paper Mario items, stages, and assists. THIS is what Nintendo is about, bringing in the series' that can really bring something to the table. This paper dude has it all.

Definitely in my top three favorites of them all, only behind my Ghirahim, followed by Pretty Palutena. In terms of chances of being in, I'd put him above Ghirahim, perhaps a bit below Palutena. But chances are, we will get him. He's grown enough now and is getting a new release soon in a time period relevant to SSB4's development.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
How many character threads have you made now Habanero? Because I'm seeing your name a lot on this board. lol

Anyways, I like the idea of Paper Mario. Unlike the other Mario characters, Paper Mario brings a whole new series to the game that has been seriously neglected.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
How many character threads have you made now Habanero? Because I'm seeing your name a lot on this board. lol.
I like to "fill in the gaps" so to speak for stuff. In this case, characters that don't have a thread yet despite being mentioned a fair amount. Except for Sheriff and Caeda, those were more of a personal choice.

Oh, and I technically made 5 character threads as of now.


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
I want Paper Mario Badly.
But he needs a unique moveset, based on his unique abilities from the Paper Mario games, namely partners, hammers, and folding capabilities. Also, ignore the crapbag incarnate that goes by the name Super Paper Mario(Dun Dun Dunnn).

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
That game was tolerable to me. What were the main criticisms to it, might I ask?

I do definitely agree that it was the weakest of the three so far, just curious.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
As long as Paper Mario represents his own series, his inclusion should be okay. I was thinking that his logo should be his signature hammer.


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
That game was tolerable to me. What were the main criticisms to it, might I ask?

I do definitely agree that it was the weakest of the three so far, just curious.
It took almost everything the 1st 2 Paper Mario games were, threw it on the ground, and spat on it.
Super Paper Mario crushed me. I love the real Paper Mario Games. When I found out one was coming to the wii, I was so excited. I wondered "What new partners will be included?", "What kind of new battle mechanics will be incorporated? "Maybe you'll be able to have 2 partners out at once!".
It was a good thing i used a free rental coupon. The beutiful battle system was gone, and the prtners were stupid batches of squares, not awesome takes on classic minions, as I have come to expect.
I hated it immediately.

As long as Paper Mario represents his own series, his inclusion should be okay. I was thinking that his logo should be his signature hammer.
I agree entirely.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Ah, so it was the fact it took away what defined the Paper Mario series and did so well. I agree with you, but the traditional Mario platformer plus RPG aspect was fresh. Granted, it made everything really really easy, but most of the charm of the characters were still there.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Ah, so it was the fact it took away what defined the Paper Mario series and did so well. I agree with you, but the traditional Mario platformer plus RPG aspect was fresh. Granted, it made everything really really easy, but most of the charm of the characters were still there.
Personally I liked Super Paper Mario quite a bit. It was not the turn based RPG I was wanting, but it was certainly a Paper Mario title that did not fail to deliver. Ironically, even though Paper Mario fans may not have cared for it as much, it still stands as the best selling Paper Mario title to date.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Huh, I didn't know that. Glad I'm not the only one that enjoyed it. And now that I think about it, all of them were pretty easy, so I suppose it wasn't worse in that aspect. :laugh: I just remember the undead dragon boss took me a few seconds because I did the high jump with Luigi on him and kept bouncing on his head until I dealt all the damage that was needed. Though that who chapter was really cool, where you went to the Underwhere and the Overthere. :D Also enjoyed the twist at the end with who the Final Boss was and who Count Bleck was.

Still never beat the second 100 trial pit in that game, it was hard for me when I got there at the time..


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Also enjoyed the twist at the end with who the Final Boss was and who Count Bleck was.
The final boss made me so angry. It is the only time a game has managed to surprise me with a plot twist I did not see coming, and in a Mario game no less. :\

I'm excited to see what Sticker Star brings. I've been thinking that now Toad Town has returned, it should be a Paper Mario stage if we get one.


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2011
Buckhannon, West Virginia
A couple things:

1. Super Paper Mario was brilliant. It wasn't an RPG, but it was brilliant. I'm sorry if some fans were tricked into buying it, but it was good.

2. Paper Mario. Hm. It's a neat idea and all, but there are other, separate characters that I'd like to see first. And, when it does come time to see Paper Mario show up, I need him to be selectable from Mario's slot. Something about multiple versions of characters having their own slots IRKS me.

It's funny, I'm a tremendous fan of the Paper Mario series, but I just am not to thrilled about the idea of Paper Mario being included right now. Odd.
Mar 15, 2008
Paper Mario should get a glide via paper airplane, be able to swim without sinking with his paper boat, and roll dodge by twisting into a roll of paper. :3


Smash Apprentice
Jun 27, 2012
I think he would have his own move set like the hammer and he could also use one of his friends that would help him in the fights. I can't remember any of them. But he would not be a clone like dr mario


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I think we should put a moveset on the OP. If nothing else it might get us less CLONE cries.


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2012
Stockholm, Sweden
I think we should put a moveset on the OP. If nothing else it might get us less CLONE cries.
Here... I made this moveset in only 3 minutes...

Forward Smash: Hammer

Neutral Special: Hammer Throw or Hammer Spin

Forward Special: Spin Dash (when you press Z button in Paper Mario)

Up Special: Spring Jump (the ability when you get the Ultra Boots in Paper Mario: TTYD)

Down Special: Spin Jump

This moveset already proves that it's actually more difficult to make Paper Mario a clone.

Gliding: Paper Airplane


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Paper Mario is a great idea. I prefer him over Toad, Bowser Jr., and Waluigi.

Have his down B cycle through partners. Each partner can have a signature move used with the B button.

That way classic Mushroom Kingdom residents (goomba, koopa, ect.) can make an appearance.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
How will that work for Kirby?
Switch the B specials then. Down B for cycling through partners. Toward B for an attack.

Have Kirby also have the same partner that Paper Mario had when sucked into the pink blob. Therefore, Kirby would have that partner's B move and the effect of an identical partner in tow.


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
They can just get rid of regular Mario and replace him with Paper Mario. I've never been interested in playing as Mario in any of the Smash games but I'm really hoping for Paper Mario.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
That raises an interesting question: what would Kirby turn INTO after copying Paper Mario? Would he turn paper and receive all new animations to compliment his moveset? Sounds like a ton of work but would be pretty cool.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Basically Kirby would wear Mario's hat and have more simple textures to mimic the art style of the Paper Mario games.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
They can just get rid of regular Mario and replace him with Paper Mario. I've never been interested in playing as Mario in any of the Smash games but I'm really hoping for Paper Mario.
If that ever happened, Nintendo could end up digging into a deep hole. Basically, Mario has to stay, but Paper Mario can still enter the fray if he represents his own series.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2012
Would paper mario be part of the mario column ? Or mario spinoff colomn?? Or maybe a different column entirely? Cuz im having trouble fitting him into my roster.


Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Paper Mario moveset that was submitted into a MYM a long time ago

There are plenty of options to use. Such as using his Paperplane to either glide as previously mentioned or as an Up B. You can use the ability to turn 3D and become Paper thin as a defensive move for a Down B. His rolls can be him rolling into a tube like previously mentioned, and instead of swimming around in the water, he could instantly fold into a boat when in contact with water to move freely (it could potentially sink after time, really doesn't matter). Another possible recovery is that he can scrunch up and spring up like in the games. His dash attack could be spinning on the heels of his shoes and moving forward (I think a badge did that in a game? or was that a type of boot?)

Badges and partners can be integrated in addition with paper items. And perhaps stickers from his new game can be added. There's just so much to pick from.

Edit: Paper Mario would be better off not possessing the Mario icon and having his own.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Paper Mario does seem like an alternate universe. I can see some sort of storybook icon.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I'm not a big fan of the partner idea. It does not seem like something Sakurai will do.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
How do you know he wouldn't do that? Seems perfectly possible to me, it is an interesting new mechanic that he can mess with.
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