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Things To Think About Before My Tourney


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
Save for the last 3 months, I have to say I am the most traveled Florida Smash player.

And as of late, the Florida smash scene has totally pulled a 360 on me and become really gay/annoying.

Things to think bout:

1) Exarch and SmashMac being on the power rankings.

Who have they beat?

Exarch can't even say Col Bol, cuz Colin beat him in the losers bracket in the same tourney Exarch beat Colin.

LOL @ SmashMac(no offense)

2) Who the hell are all these random Jiggz players?

I played HBox the gigz before he started placeing top 5 and I destroyed him.

If I can beat someone, there is no way they are above sub-par.

3) Linguini's over rated. BIG TIME.

All you have to do is not attack him and he freaks out.

No offense to Emilio, but stop over estimating him.

Tipman FTW.

4) Chops choking like crazy.

5) Random good *** newcomers.

I see alot of SEFL players that are stepping it up late in the Smash life.

I'm assuming that's what's going on with CFL Jiggz players too, but I doubt the CFL hype.

Ugh, I thought I had more to rant about, but I am smoking a fat crip blunt as I write this so maybe I'll write more later.


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
I didn't lose to Colin in the loser's bracket that tourney. I played him once, and beat him. I lost to Chops and Xif, who I always lose to.

You're thinking of Xif who lost to him in winners and losers that tournament.

Also Hbox beat Speedn yesterday and Raistlin beat QDVS.

SFL has their falcos, CFL has our Jigglypuffs.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
this quite true but you dont have alot experience against characters so you choke and only rely on your smarts and all that.

All you have to do is not attack him and he freaks out.
why is this statement so true?

its ok I took him to tipman's house and tipman is teaching him the ways of paitance and owning campy foxes.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
That's my biggest problem son, choking.

I'm better than everyone ever at this game.

It's just keeping my mind in the game that's my problem.

I have a short attention span, if you will.

And Linguini only stands in place and then he owns when he gets that first hit in.

The kids good, but not pro, or top 10 for that matter.

Then again, this states top 10 is ultra flawed.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
That's my biggest problem son, choking.

I'm better than everyone ever at this game.

It's just keeping my mind in the game that's my problem.

I have a short attention span, if you will.

And Linguini only stands in place and then he owns when he gets that first hit in.

The kids good, but not pro, or top 10 for that matter.

Then again, this states top 10 is ultra flawed.
you wanna mm pete, $10 at your tourney? I dont have that same problem anymore, thanks to tipppppyyyyy


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
well I use my smart and im experienced so technically I think alot faster than you and a combination of knowing what im doing against characters. but yea you are smarter than most smasher cuz you know what to do to get better and how to play the game right haha


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
LOL, you kids are hilarious.

I smashed with Tipman for one night and now I can beat Fox.

Yeah I'm down.

Make it $5, so if I do lose we can do 1 more, or vice versa.

Oh, and so you know Emilio.

I don't hate you, I just think Chops has turned you into a cocky little 15 year old.

Plus you're over rated!

@ Chops: I only know how to play against 5 characters: Fox, Marth, Peach, Falcon, and some what Falco.

And I only know how to play vs those 5 for 2 stocks, then I n00b out.

Lol, Riddle destroyed me wit Link.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
yea but you can also get alot better at the match ups remember that and learn differetn tactis that way you can switch it up and adapt quickly so you can own people by rock paper scissoring their minds to confuse them. I dint make emilio cocky he did it himself hahaha.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2007
Lol @ Pete being smart.


I think it's easy to mistake Guini for overrated simply because he clearly plays better under pressure -- so he doesn't beat people by the larger margins he could if he stayed hungry for an entire match.

I think he developed that way because of the Space Animals that raised him.



Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
I wish I played better under pressure instead of playing 20 times worse. :(

Thats a hell of a good problem to have.


Smash Ace
May 11, 2006
SEFL representing samus in the sunshine state
am i over rated doodah? And the reason you have such a short attentino span is cuz you get high before every **** tourney, and sometimes in the middle when you are waiting after you got knocked out of winners in the quarter-finals which you always seem to.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2003
Play Project: M! Florida
things to remember

1. im better than everyone in this topic
2. SE sux
2b. SW rox
3. I made *****s, got made *****s wit me
4. SmashMac and Cheese > DooDah(Dash?)
5. Linguini is very good

cant think of anything else right now, maybe ill post back later


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
Emilio you're like Chops # 2.

Its not so much cockiness as it is annoyingness(not that Chops is annoying).

I'm not the only one who sees it either.

I must admit, though, that you have came back down to Earth in the last couple tourneys I've seen you at.

But yeah, no hate, I think you're taking this the wrong way, son.

All I said is you're over rated.

I'm tired of seeing scrubs suck your **** like you've placed top 5 in a tourney ever(a big one).

I'll still beat up people who try to trash you, but I wish people would keep the d!ck sucking to a minimum.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
Emilio you're like Chops # 2.

Its not so much cockiness as it is annoyingness(not that Chops is annoying).

I'm not the only one who sees it either.

I must admit, though, that you have came back down to Earth in the last couple tourneys I've seen you at.

But yeah, no hate, I think you're taking this the wrong way, son.

All I said is you're over rated.

I'm tired of seeing scrubs suck your **** like you've placed top 5 in a tourney ever(a big one).

I'll still beat up people who try to trash you, but I wish people would keep the d!ck sucking to a minimum.

I place top 5 at every tourney in the past 3 months, even the ones where everyone is at, so dunno what your talking about. Ill do it again just for you at your tourney.
w/e i could care less if you have hate against me I just hope to god you win this mm or you will become the laughing stock of florida.
man, im done posting here, and yeah im sure it's just you, cameron, and (former) sighrax that think im cocky, im cool with everyone else.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye

I just told you I have no hate towrads you.

Look Guini, you went from some scrub, to playing with Chops for a week and thinking you're God.

I don't hate you, lol.

If I did, then everyone else in Florida would too.

Why do you think everyone hates CashMooney?

Look let's start over son.

I still want the MM, but I don't want some1 who places top 5 at BIG tournaments not being my little buddy.

Edit: And why would I be the laughing stock of Florida?

Cuz I said you're over rated?

I already destroyed you by 5 stock out of 8 last time we played.

Infact, I'm gonna leave it at that!

No money match.

I own you.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
how is he chops #2? Not my fault I own all the sefl scrubs without even trying.see doodah is cool usaully sometimes annoying with his annoying honey comb creature like behavior(not that he's that annoying just a little). but over all he just wants to be good thats all. emilio is still my left nut he stays in his place usaully I think


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida

I just told you I have no hate towrads you.

Look Guini, you went from some scrub, to playing with Chops for a week and thinking you're God.

I don't hate you, lol.

If I did, then everyone else in Florida would too.

Why do you think everyone hates CashMooney?

Look let's start over son.

I still want the MM, but I don't want some1 who places top 5 at BIG tournaments not being my little buddy.

Edit: And why would I be the laughing stock of Florida?

Cuz I said you're over rated?

I already destroyed you by 5 stock out of 8 last time we played.

Infact, I'm gonna leave it at that!

No money match.

I own you.
alrighty, looking forward to our mm.:laugh:


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
how is he chops #2? Not my fault I own all the sefl scrubs without even trying.see doodah is cool usaully sometimes annoying with his annoying honey comb creature like behavior(not that he's that annoying just a little). but over all he just wants to be good thats all. emilio is still my left nut he stays in his place usaully I think
Omg I don't know why I LOLed at this so hard.

<3 Chops and Emilio(on Christmas)
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