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Things I Like - The Mafia Game - Game Over


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
I realized I didn't actually answer your main point. I didn't realize that most of the Chaco wagon had jumped to the wam wagon. I was focused on trying to figure out which town read to follow, not which scum read to be repulsed by.
To be clear, this is the problem. Boom was focused on his townreads and people he wanted to townread him back (scum motivation), and didn't care about where his scumreads were voting (town motivation).


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Right. Easy to miss when scanning EXISTING notes. Not easy to miss when writing notes. That means the notes really existed before toDay. Either sync made fake notes from day 1 with the intention of posting them for town cred or they are real.
One last thing. This is wrong. Scum!Hydras take notes not just to post them later for towncred but to better get their heads in sync, so they look town and consistent in their posting in the thread.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Synchronicity Synchronicity The "are you asking Frozen" question wasn't really about that, it was me asking you want you were trying to do, because it looked like you were doing something nonsensical. Boom doesn't seem to have gotten that either, but is pretending he understood what I was saying or something by calling it a reasonable follow up question?

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Boomfrog is up there because I don't think scum switches onto Somi last moment like that if they know that slot is innocent. He could have voted Somi ealier, since he was one of the last to switch votes from you on the final two wagons. Willing to re-eval later.
doesn't scum!boom have real motive to just guarantee the misyeet knowing somi is town and if wam is scum? forcing the somi misyeet provides WAY less info to town then being forced to bus wam D1 and giving us a papertrail to parse


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Also, the notes thing wasn't even mostly about you, it was about whether Laser would look at them and think "ah yes, Syn must be town here." I could maybe see some of it with the Bessie notes, specifically the progression on Kary, Sabrar, Chaco (and that's helped by you guys talking about that just before I made my post, but Laser couldn't have seen that or factored it into his reads).

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Why wouldn't scum!fonti want to pocket you to reduce pressure on her slot?
ultimately I don't think fonti would feel very pressured by me attacking her slot, her only experience playing against me was flashyeeting me at EoD quick and easy essentially just because she said to. this is really the backbone of my reluctance to believe im in scum!fonti's pocket, why would she pick my slot over appealing to essentially any other slot that she would probably feel more threatened by as scum? imo I'm a top candidate for misyeet push to scum!fonti


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Why was I before? Specifics please.
It is so late for this.

Vibes. Felt like you were on the same page at the same time as me with Somi, Mala, Laser, Frozen. Really liked the way you admitted you were wrong on the Kary case. Liked you pushing Boom to vote Somi with everyone swapping over.

I can look into it more tomorrow. I'm not sure if I want to be defending you.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
It is so late for this.

Vibes. Felt like you were on the same page at the same time as me with Somi, Mala, Laser, Frozen. Really liked the way you admitted you were wrong on the Kary case. Liked you pushing Boom to vote Somi with everyone swapping over.

I can look into it more tomorrow. I'm not sure if I want to be defending you.
Not Frozen, Chaco.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2020
It is so late for this.

Vibes. Felt like you were on the same page at the same time as me with Somi, Mala, Laser, Frozen. Really liked the way you admitted you were wrong on the Kary case. Liked you pushing Boom to vote Somi with everyone swapping over.

I can look into it more tomorrow. I'm not sure if I want to be defending you.
When were we ever on the same page on Frozen? Also those seem to all be things from after you already had a town read on me. I'd like to know why you town read me before your "if you don't yeet any of these people we'll win the game" post.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Vote malakadra

He should not be town reading me at this point. I really haven't earned it. Fonti and syncro and maybe Chaco have reason to consider me at least neutral but everyone else should be scum reading me at this point. Kary is town for actually doing it. Mala is scum for not doing it. DH is suspicious for being wishy washy about it. He should have voted me when Kary did. I'll need to read LG's full posts above that I only skimmed to see my evaluation there.
is this scum!boom trying to pressure flip using his own lack of pro town play this game and using it as a weapon to deflect attention from the fact that he isn't playing particularly pro town and impugn slots attempting to sort him?


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Nah, I will say more.

There seem like an over-focus on obscure things related to other games and people's reactions to those games and along with their followup questions (or lack thereof) from Syn through Day 1. I thought and still think that's likely from Bessie's influence, and I was expected a much smaller and less aggressive influence from Bessie based on her more lurkery approach in Sumting. The activity difference can be explain by Bessie's difficulty in keeping up through that game because of something that may have changed now, but the aggression shouldn't have changed from that. Additionally, I had and have a lot of trouble telling the difference between Xivii and Bessie writing, so unless Xivii is writing /everything/, that means they're having major influences on each other, which is town indicative. I


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
When were we ever on the same page on Frozen? Also those seem to all be things from after you already had a town read on me. I'd like to know why you town read me before your "if you don't yeet any of these people we'll win the game" post.
I'm sorry, I think there's a small chance you're pushing me more when I'm tired to commit to a townread on you and convince myself of it, so I'm stopping here for tonight.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
When were we ever on the same page on Frozen? Also those seem to all be things from after you already had a town read on me. I'd like to know why you town read me before your "if you don't yeet any of these people we'll win the game" post.
Actually, looking back, I'm pretty sure this was the moment where I decide to roll with townreading you:
Mala, somi, and Laser are all looking bad right now.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
alright all caught up

Vote: Boomfrog

synch wagon is tempting but idk if it's better than going wam/boom at this juncture, need to sleep on it though I'm super tired and getting mentally lazy

updated reads

good guys prob:

1. Fontisian (Replacement for Gorf)
2. Kary
7. Pythag
4. Chaco

5. Dark Horse
12. Malakandra

can go:

3. LaserGuy
10. Synchronicity (Xivii and Bessie Hydra)
8. BoomFrog
13. Wam


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
We're not masons. I think it's towny for you to ask? I'm not clearing him for role reasons, I just feel like he's town.

Mala is just generically scummy. You made a point earlier about him rescinding his vote if he actually gave a **** about hammers, and I agree that's scummy. I do think his eod screaming felt towny, even though I'm not supposed to trust my feelings there. I kind of hated him ending up on Frozen, felt kind of lile how I just couldn't argue him into voting Frozen in Midnight because he didn't want to be there. He made this huge point Yesterday about logic versus feels with Wam v. Somi, and I kind of hate it? The stuff before he realized he'd be the deciding vote, because iirc we talked about how to lay out the causes of those feelings and the logic stuff the day before, and he didn't apply any of that, he just made a show about his logical conclusions versus his feelings. I liked his start of day, I think. Like, I understand the feeling of "****, we let the scum get away, and it's my fault for being indecisive, we need to kill him" and it felt genuine.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2020
this looks awful from the guy who said they probably wouldn't be around at deadline, what changed?
So I'm uk based so the deadline was 11pm Friday night. I was meant to be having a nice meal with the other half and got in trouble for checking my phone and doing that vote!


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2020
currently ISOing sabrar because he's a town homie and deserves it

early in the game he attacks wam a lot, calls him out for sheeping early and never really comes off until he gets sketched out by me and swaps his vote to me

he also "attacks" LG early when he takes chaco's side in that 1v1 if you can call it that

I'm noticing @BoomFrog is liking almost every ****ing one of Sab's posts and I'm starting to feel very weird about it. almost feels like an attempt to subconciously pocket, I don't ever remember you expressing a strong sabrar townread at all D1 which makes all these likes feel TMI. What's with this pattern bro? if you were so into everything sab had to say, why not more direct engagement with the slot in an attempt to coalition build with him? funnily enoughly, you even like a lot of other people's posts that are directly engaging with sab's posts, like I saw that a couple times on a few fonti posts around the middle of the day

he's addressing boom here, is sab on to a partial solve linking boom/wam?

wow the more I keep reading the more I realize sab never really "let go" of wam

more aggro against laser

did we ever actually get an answer to this?

more wam pressure and the ever present boomfrog like

scum fishing for info to make sure they don't accidentally TMI now that a know townie has info re: daychat?

given above whats your take on this now Synch?

#611 to #615 is an interesting back and forth between wam and sab, and then wam literally bails by annoucing he "wont be around for deadline," comes off like a pressure dodge, wanting to cut the convo short

Wam Wam what did you like about this post other than sab saying "you don't really want to vote wam" and anchoring another slot to scum selection that doesn't include you

this post makes me want to kneejerk flashyeet wam so ****ing hard

boomfrog playstyle inconsistency callout?
stalling answer here?

I could definitely see LG and boom pulling the trigger on a bus here, these votes are both swapping to wam as momentum is looking to shift there and like they don't want to be off the wagon if wam flips scum. the one liner reasonings also come off half baked and wanting to shirk responsibility. I'm not really one to talk overtly sheeping fonti at EoD but I hope yall can see my point, however hypocritical, that boom is essentially light sheeping sabrar (no idea why sab is more obvtown to him than fonti at this point, possible TMI?) and laser is just saying "well not what I wanted but I guessss I'll vote with yall." Ultimately I think LG's looks better as he would look better on scum flip not expressing hesitation to switch there but both just feel grimy

late aggro aimed at laser. LG spooked and cosigns an NK on sab hearing **** like this maybe?

@BoomFrog did you ever respond to this?
It's a meta read but sabrar has found me scummy day 1 in every game we have played where I have been town. There are degrees in there but I dont think hes ever had a town lean on me day 1 when I am town.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2020
Not sure where I was going last ngiht with the sabrar sync questions.clearly down some rabbit hole that made sense to me at the time but not now!

I'm going to re read it tonight but to me the biggest issue with sync notes is that I feel they have been scrambling to explain what chaco found.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Chaco Chaco

I don't see anything towny in the Xivii notes that explains Laser's change of heart. I do see some in the Bessie notes, specifically:

The "early feelers to cast suspicion on the slot" being about their slot. Feels like something town!Bessie would be concerned with (not that I've ever seen town!Bessie).

The "putting out early feelers to cast suspicion on the slot" was repeated about something you said to Kary, so that was weird and potentially a sign they just threw these notes together without really thinking them through?

Continuation of the Kary suspicion and the whole "X may have seen what I saw" again feels like something town!Bessie might right.

This argues against a Laser/Syn team a bit, and iirc was something they mentioned Yesterday.

This actually feels kind of tmiy.

Continuation of them trying to figure out Sabrar (mostly townreading him) via his approach to Kary, progression seems solid.

Again with the using the Kary read to read someone else.


Yeah, I think Laser clearing them for this is terrible, but it makes me want to kill Laser more than it makes me want to kill Syn.

I'm not sure about the names thing. Like, yes, Syn obviously went back and modified the notes, which is sketch, but the "shotgun scumreads" section is the part to modify? The placement itself feels super weird, since it's in the middle of talking about Gorf stuff, but, eh, it's not damning.
Cause I think the Bessie notes are real. I don’t think Xivii’s are. Once again I’ll pose the question, when has Xivii EVER been 10 pages behind in a game?

Synchronicity Synchronicity A baseless attack would be indicative of what you’re saying, here, but attacking points that not only call out the slot I have experience with, but another coinciding slot, debunks what you’re saying. If I eat half of a pie, I still know what kind of pie it is correct?


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Potential scum team:
Synchronicity, Laser, Mala/Boom

DH and Pythag don’t fit here imo, and Wam can’t coexist in a laser scum team either.

Do note the only person that Laser has truthfully pushed this game has been me. 3 man scum team most likely so why are you hellbent on me? When there would be two others if his hypothesis was correct? Showing a complete lack of game solve.

Im down for Sychron and Laser as of right now.
I put Mala Boom cause they’re the ones who fit this team best.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
#HBC | Kary #HBC | Kary what happened to your Chaco read?
What happened to your Frozen read end of Day 1?

I think Chaco is just town at this point, the way he said "I could've got laser yeeted if I wanted" felt real and his insistence on this notes scumslip feels genuine from him.

I could be convinced to go for Kary as well I think. There's nothing wrong with their play but it seems shallow. They seem competent enough to be digging deeper into motivations then they seem to be.
#HBC | Kary #HBC | Kary why did you like this post?
It's funny how gross it is. I had just called them out for the 'congratulations on Day 1' post. Boom turns around and shades me with a weak generic reasoning. Felt like maybe they didn't want the attention from me, but also felt like it could be them giving the answer they think Xivii wanted to hear. Either way it's sketchy from Boom imo, I still dunno how I feel about Boom-Xivii as a potential team.
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