9 - Z25 - Anyway:
Trisscar Deadbananas andra I haven’t played with you before so hello.
But what’s your mafia experience like? Are you veterans? And how do you feel about the size of the game?
Spak I’ve seen you around the boards before but this is also my first time playing with you, so the same questions above are what I want to ask you.
3DSNinja how do you feel about the game after the last one?
10 - Laserguy - There were a bunch of new people in Oasis. Why did you feel it was important to ask these sort of questions this game but not last?
16 - Xivii - Do you know trisscar? Also how many scum do you think there are?
20 - Pythag - my general rule of thumb irl is 1 mafia for every 3 players, 16 players, I'm looking at 5 'mafia' roles.
Now, that could be 3 maifa and 2 third party roles, but that's how I would setup my IRL games. (I think it's been a while since I've played anything but The Resistance IRL)
36 - Bessie - Why not? His gambit caught scum.
(I assume this refers to Sorcerer’s 11 which I did not play but I read some of it.)
Setup, if this were my former site, I would guess 3 mafia and one or two independents (we had indies in a lot of our games). However, this isn’t my former site so I’m still thinking about it.
I don't do RVS.
38 - Pythag - yeah but I'm terrified of him being scum.
40 - Handorin - Vote: Pythag
Only one of like, 2 people here old enough to know that I'm always scum, but has not accused me yet, therefore trying not to draw attention to himself. Therefore scum.
Pack it up, gang.
42 - Xivii - Bessie’s town
44 - bessie - So is this a serious vote or RVS?
47 - 3DS - Sup, I got a Shadow this game, he is helping me out. he wants me to vote Pythag for now, cause his RVS feels forced, and he also doesn't know why I gave thoughts on Sabrar
48 - Z25 - A shadow? Like a person or message? Also why role claim(?) day one?
55 - Laserguy - Town lean on Mala. Was thinking the same on 3DS but not sure anymore given the new info.
58 - Jackrito - If he is doing RP after last game props to him because playing mafia while RP is hard.
60 - Pythag - So, you examined your last game, where you almost immediately claimed neighbors, and said "yeah, claiming unprompted is a good move" so you replicated it in this game.
Why did you do this?
and wtf is a shadow?
63 - Laserguy - Curious. You didn't really ask anything like this of us in chat at all. We barely talked in the neighborhood, even in pregame. And you didn't interact with BoomFrog until much later in the day phase. I don't doubt that you could have inferred this information in other ways as the course of the game developed, it is just interesting to me that in this game you felt the need to be very upfront about asking for player histories, whereas in Oasis you didn't seem to concerned about it.
66 - Laserguy - Have I played with this version of you before? Is this... Wakizashi or something?
Leaning Town on Xivii.
70 - Trisscar - Anyway I'm Town Vanilla. I'd be amused if that was the general power level of every player here, but it might be unlikely, hard to tell with current description.
71 - Trisscar - like your pfp btw, also ello, my experience involves a lot of learning social deduction through osmosis and Youtube, and I'm not a fan of looking at the way people played in other games, just feels inconsistent and unreliable, as well as slightly cornering.
73 - Boomfrog - So why did you claim?
Vote Trisscar
Why bring up last game neighbor chat now? It's completely irrelevant to the current game. Do 16 people really need to read about it?
84 - Handorin - Vote: Jackrito
Cares too much publicly about something out of game (mentor). That shouldn't be up to public debate, and is instead a host issue. Stated they don't want things to be crazy because of it, but practically only derails things by bringing attention to it multiple times.
93 - Laserguy - Hmm... okay. I buy this. It's too weird and specific to be a fabrication. I don't care for how this is implemented but that's more of a post-game discussion. I kind of feel that what you are describing probably can't easily fit as a mafia role, though, so I'm going to say you're Town for now.
Don't like this. Throwing shade. The mentor being claimed is an in-game role with specific powers, and Handorin ought to have realised this if they had been reading the thread. I give this a scum lean.
Vote: Handorin
95 - Sabrar - Disagree with using this for your conclusion, you don't have your timelines correct. Ninja claimed role-related mentor in #76, after that Jackrito only replied to my question before Handorin accused them. Before #76 I also assumed that it was an out-of-game issue,
96 - Boomfrog - Trisscar is making an obvious noob scum mistake and I hope you realize that and vote with me.
100 - Pythag - I think LG's latest post looks pretty town.
-referring to 93
101 - Ranmaru -
3DSNinja I have a question addressed to you in my
#72. Please answer it.
102 - Sabrar - What? At that point I haven't even posted. I assumed you would say it was a joke for some unknown reason but you just don't know? Did you confuse me with someone else, similar to what you did in Oasis? Please tell me how your mind works because I won't be able to evaluate you otherwise if you keep pulling this.
106 - Boomfrog - Why did you pick these names to review? Please remember to be honest, don't make up a reason afterward
107 - Mala - Ninja, when you say they come in the thread, do you mean they would control you or they would come onto the thread as their own and you both could post? I'm inclined to believe you for now and agree that how you describe your role feels more town to me.
Trisscar, why claim role then immediately dissapear afterwords. I saw you had exams and wanted sleep but the day is long so you could of easily waited till you knew you could be on more to drop your role.
111 - Boomfrog - So you commented on me, but I also had not posted yet.
114 - Trisscar - Re: Claiming and then leaving
I wanted to see how many maf would bandwagon on someone they thought they could force out early.
waves at Boomfrog
- 2hrs after question, one vote
115 - Trisscar - Also I claimed right before bed because I am unfamiliar with the time limits of these things, but am aware they exist, and would rather not cause Osie to need to poke me about it if I can avoid it.
Also I dislike the minimum posting requirement since I think it just spams the game, while still understanding that it's probably there so people don't just go silent the entire time. So I'm attempting to hit quota.
116 - Trisscar - Also I have two final exams still and would very much rather not be feeling pressure from both those AND this game at the same time.
117 - Z25 -
Ranmaru i know you’ve asked questions and posted a little bit your not as active as before. Which I know you said you were going to decrease posts but still that’s big change. What’s your thoughts at right now?
120 - Boomfrog - Really? Your prediction was that you would be immediately attacked for your claim only by scum? Why does an early claim of VT make someone "easy to force out early"?
121 - Trisscar - Nah, just that only scum would be trigger happy enough to immediately vote me after saying so. Not to mention that as vanilla town, i have no threatening abilities and therefore am only worth taking out as a vote against maf. Therefore using the vote as a way to get rid of me is probably a better use of maf's time than using any night-killing things.
Therefore the most efficient course of action is to label me as a "noob maf" and get town to off me themselves as soon as possible.
123 - Deadbananas - Personally I am worried there could be a claim vig of some sort though not positive. If there was im guessing itd be limited use.
129 - Xivii - Fake scumhunting. These questions were already asked and waiting

130 - Xivii - Unvote: Ranmaru
Vote: Pythag
If Ranmaru is town, he will not be able to resist becoming active no matter how much wants to use a different style.
131 - Trisscar -
Pythag I mean tbf that is in fact the current meta in a few mafia-likes for good reason. You get much more out of straight claims than you do analyzing behavior and it's possible factors. It's easier to catch someone out if they have to unequivocally state something, than if they can simply imply.
Course the behavior analysis is still
useful, it's just not the easiest or first method of social deduction games as I've seen so far.
133 - Logic - I was hoping my post earlier would draw even a little bit of attention....
Logic is flying way under the radar today.
Time to catch up I guess?
134 - Pythag - A play style still involves play, which has been noticeably absent.
What's your timeline for when you start finding it scummy?
- to Xivii about Ranmaru
135 - Trisscar - hhhhh... hm
Okay so we (as far as I'm aware) do not have a role list or number of players on teams to check against, and from what I've been told this particular subset of Mafia doesn't have quite as much of the powerful abilities that say, Town of Salem has.
This means we can't just say "we have no room for this role, therefore one of these people is lying".
Nor are we overly likely to catch someone out in one night with exact proof they are not who or what they say they are, though I could be underestimating various roles there.
136 - Pythag - I don't mean to be aggressive, but what kind of response were you expecting?
The post that said you hadn't read, and we might get content out of you 5 hours later?
148 - Pythag - I guess I didn't see that as role fishing.
155- Jackrito - You would be surprised. scum can do whatever is needed to subvert the norm expectations to their adv. I can figure out Logic to a degree though if he posts more.
157 - Z25 - This is very true, but scum would be unlikely to alright claim vanilla day one and try to get away with it. Im thinking it’s more a bad mistake then anything else.
Still we have two supposed town claims out now and one seems to be a possible power role. Which isn’t good, scum now has a decent start on info.
Unless one of those two claims is a lie ( or both?). Still this is making for a bit of a confusing start
163 - Triss - I suppose I could vote Boomfrog or Handorin...hm
Eh sure
Vote: Boomfrog
167 - Xivii - His first big read list. If he doesn't have one by near day end or if it is lacking, then we should assume he's scum.
169 -Pythag - Since we have a big post about likes, I'll just state this is a really good response. I like it.
Boom, are you still convinced that Trisscar scumslipped?
173/174 - logic, poking around 3DS reactions
175 - Boomfrog - So, your first explanation was made up after the fact and was not actually why you claimed. So:
1) Why did you claim?
2) Why did you make up a justification for claiming?
3) Since you said I was scummy right away why did you only vote me after being pressured to?
176 - logic - I'm down with the conclusion not so much the role fish tho
180 - logic - I guess rolefishing more info on the claim is just going to be nai here so many are asking for more details.
I feel like those things should be left to resolve themselves but I guess we will see what you all get from it?
184 - logic - No I dont think "fit in" fits for them.
They are here and feel very open and honest.
And I said that's how your post made me feel because it did.
190 - logic - I guess my thinking is it's part of a role?
Not one I've ever heard of but so out there I doubt it comes from mafia.
That and the player comes across as very genuine e to me.
Something to think about and revisit later maybe?
192 - Mala - Logic seems to be trying to solve the game and feels town.
Trisscar is being hedgy which is typical of scum IMO.
Letting themselves get bullied into voting allows them an easier out later if questioned and is scum indicative.
Vote Trisscar
199 - You purposely didn't vote me to see if that would cause me to become more aggressive? That was a calculated and planned move? Because it feels like you are doing things and then making up reasons afterward. Does my increased aggression mean I am more likely to be scum? Would it be unreasonable for a townie to be suspicious of you at this point?
203 - Mala - Logic appears to be actively working on going through the game and trying to solve and has been giving his takes. Jack has also had solid takes on other players in the game. Triss IIRC has only role claimed to apparently set a trap, saw boom jump in but only really pushed him mentioning his name once, then went off on some tangent about everyone role claiming before giving up an apparent other trap for boom by voting because he wanted to appease someone? He also states the second trap for boom to be aggressive, presumably for the purpose of catching scum, was not as high a priority as appeasing someone who wanted him to vote.
205 - Sabrar - I think BF's push on Trisscar has merit and Trisscar's reaction to it feels forced. 'Forcing someone out early' just doesn't happen when barely a day has passed, so that reasoning has no base. Claiming later that the best mafia action is precisely what BF has been doing is also very post hoc.
I like Logic's entrance though more explanation from him would be welcome. Could you clarify #173? Why do you think me wanting explanation for Ninja's actions is 'nothing'?
206 - Trisscar (5) -
Pythag (2) -
BoomFrog (1) -
Handorin (1) -
Not voting: Bessie, Deadbananas, LogicoftheVI, Malakandra, Spak,
207 - Laserguy - When was the last time you saw scum make an unforced claim on D1? Townies love to claim, for good reasons, pointless reasons, stupid reasons. The fact that claiming VT is objectively bad for Town makes this more likely to be coming from Town rather than less.
Logic feels Townie to me.
Boom's tone feels off.
208 - Handorin - Not to mention that both of the names floated were voting for them.
210 - Jackrito - I just want to say as someone who plays on same sites as Triss I think they is a potential culture issue here, his posts are still pretty bad though. I can see him doing this whole trap thing by claiming Vt and playing for reactions I have seen from town and done myself. I just wish he would stop being over the top about things and as I said the game he posted for ref was a terrible example.
211 - Boomfrog -
LaserGuy Yeah, there no harm in revealing now, my original push on Triss was mostly bluster. My reason I gave you was supposed to be code for "I have no reason, help me pressure vote someone to see what happens". Message obviously not received, but it seems to have worked anyway. My follow up questions have been ligit. What do you think of Trisscar's reaction and my follow ups?
212 - Jackrito - Like Laser said Boom feels off compared to last game he feels way more agrro early here. In Oasis he was more passive and not sure this time he has jumped on Triss without mercy and keeps pushing it. I'm not sure if this is his normal playstyle or he just is really sure Triss is scum but bothers me a bit.
On that note Laser feels pretty good to me this game the fact he is doing a lot more interactions and not hiding behind big posts is a good look
213 - Jackrito - Like I said before this is town Logic atm but I need to see if he can keep it up because he has some clear scum tells which creates a issue because he knows them also and has tried to work on them. Dropping bad habits is not easy though so we will see.
214 - Trisscar I have as null because although it seems like bad town play, Jack says he's not a newbie. Yet twice he's edited his posts, which makes me consider it's likely he is playing dumb. I kept my vote on him because he actually never town telled.
Yet, I think we should look else where right now. I'm looking at Deadbananas.
#61 #123 This is the only game content he has in this game. The first one a question, the second is IIOA. He's not voting, or pushing a scumread, and nor does he follow up on his question to 3DS, which shows he's trying to seem like he's doing something when he's not.
220 - Sabrar - Now you're doing the same thing you're accusing Trisscar of. His reactions are poor but you giving the same 'it was all a trap' excuse is worse. -5 points from Gryffindor.
222 - Boomfrog - I think you can see the nuance that there is a difference. I left hints that what I was doing was exaggerated. And a pressure vote to get a reaction is a pretty normal play. And I was just doing it to generate reactions, not necessarily catch Trisscar specifically.
He is trying to justify a VT claim as a "trap" and further explained that every specific thing I've done is exactly what he expected scum to do. That is a ridiculous explanation. Do you really think our actions are equivalent?
229 - Bananas - Z, is boom usually an aggressive player as scum? You sound like you played with him before it why I'm asking.
241 - Sabrar - That happened late D2, this is early D1 so I don't think the two are comparable.
I have a town-lean on Jack currently based on a quick re-read because his start this game is completely different from Oasis. There he came in with opinions, questions, seemingly moving the game forward. Here I don't think he has any significant content in his first dozen or so posts. That would actually give me scum-vibes but I find it unlikely that he would change his playstyle so quickly and if he truly hates RVS (#78) then it makes sense.
253 - Handorin - I appreciate and recognize the weirdness, but as an infrequent poster myself, I had to sympathize.
255 - Boomfrog - More or less rude then ignoring direct questions? I'd like to actually figure out your alignment. It would help me a lot of you actually answered my questions in a straightforward way.
264 - Boomfrog -
Z25 You need to factor in that I am well aware that I'm acting differently and it is intentional. Anyway...
This Trisscar push isn't generating anything new so it's time to move on. I am left with a scum-lean, I really don't like the post-hoc justification for everything and will consider coming back here at day end. However, it's pretty unlikely that I actually picked scum out of the blue D1. If Triss is town then the most suspicious slots on the wagon are
Handorin and
Malakandra , they both jumped on with a very "me too" attitude. Mala has added their own points and has shown they are paying attention and care about the push. Handorin has not. All their posts since jumping on have been empty filler.
Vote: Handorin
I'd still like to hear
Xivii and
bessie 's thoughts about Trisscar
271 - Spak - Kinda suspicious of the instant write-off here... It should register a null if it's a noob play imo, not town. Nothing about an instant D1 claim screams town to me.
At this point, I'm suspicious of LaserGuy (I didn't comment on a lot of his stuff, but I found myself disagreeing with him on a lot of counts as I was reading through which was a bad sign) and Triss. Triss seems to be getting enough attention at the moment, though, so for the moment I'll:
Vote: LaserGuy
278 - bessie - Ok… let’s say you are being truthful about your role, and you are town. So you have a person mentoring you, I assume with some experience playing mafia. I don’t like that all your content is their content, you have used this as an excuse not to have any reads or opinions of your own. And even if you have a SuperDGamesHBCVetran mentoring you, they’re just reading the same content as the rest of us and their reads can be right or wrong.
291 - Laserguy - Newbie Town is an archetype. There are a large number of people who, in their first few games in mafia as Town express very similar sorts of behaviours. Specifically, I would put the following as fairly standard hallmark features of newbie Town: 1) claiming early and unnecessarily; 2) assuming that anyone who tunnels them must be mafia and responding as such; 3) responding very awkwardly to pressure; 4) generally maintaining a low level of consistency. I have never seen a player with <5 games of experience expressing these behaviours not flip Town.
You can have a Town lean for your efforts.
326 - Boomfrog - My bad, I hadn't seen your #311 when I posted. Then I'll just say, I find this an ridiculous plan from a hypothetical scum team, and that scenario is even less likely then 3ds getting a perfect power by chance. What is the mafia's plan here? 3ds has proven that he doesn't have the wherewithal to pull off a complicated scam. No mafia mate would trust him with pulling off such a bizarre claim. And he's promised to pull sometime outside the game into thread sometime around D3. If he can't do that then he's prepared his own noose with zero reason. Therefore it's very likely he really can perform such a ridiculous feat. I am very confident that you are wrong and should reconsider.
Side note to everyone else: this is town sabrar. He really doesn't like it when mods do things in a way that he doesn't agree with. But if he is on a large mafia team (4+) he'd know 3ds isn't mafia and wouldn't be so riled up about this scenario.
456 - Pythag
486 - Z25 - Also townread Pythag, glad we actually agree on something
496 - Laserguy - There's also the problem that I actually think there's a reasonably good chance you are mafia (#327, #370), so I'm not super inclined to wagon with you at the moment.
519 - You mentioned Ro Laren as a different person in another game. Unless you've come out as Ro Laren in another game, I don't believe it.
541 - You are for sure tilted because Ran once again failed to leave you alone D1. I tried to follow your points but you two are all over the place. It's not unreasonable that Ran didn't answer your points clearly. Ran's posting style this game fits exactly what I expected from Ran after Oasis. There was a lot of talk about his style being overbearing and it's a natural evolution for him to try and hold back D1 this game. Of course old habits die hard and now here he is coming out with his normal style of ridiculously unfounded confidence in a D1 read.
Ranmaru I had Xivii as mostly null before your guys interaction, but his frustration with your behavior feels genuine and he wouldn't be sincerely frustrated if you were actually right that he's scum. I think this is most likely town Xivii and you should look elsewhere for a D1 push. I agree he's been disengaged and your original read made sense, but your fight feels very TvT. And side note, your D1 reads are usually wrong. Everyone's D1 reads are usually wrong. No one should EVER be confident enough to trade lynches over something D1. There is simply never enough information to make such a confident decision.
Also, big townie points for Pythag for saying everything I was thinking about trying to diffuse the situation. And small townie points for Z25 and LaserGuy for arriving at the same conclusion.
544 - Handorin - gold
- Bananas town if scum have claim vig (123), unless type of player to tmi excessively, check reads, scumreads lhf
- Trisscar prob town, wink emoji too smug towards Boomfrog, but 131 belief in trueclaiming benefiting town, oh lord they were basing it on ToS
- Boom overly aggressive, bad questions, scummy, hate the triss push, hrmmmmm, not scum with laserguy (trying to pocket them?), “I am the most important player, you are all ignoring my questions all the time, why isn’t everyone backing me up, blah blah blah,” seems to be genuinely trying to help with breaking up Zen/Ran fight
- Ranmaru expected to be more active, misread statement from 3DS, reasked question about it instead of going back, “nor does he follow up on his question to 3DS, which shows he's trying to seem like he's doing something when he's not” - why he reasked the question, projection onto probs town!bananas, self-conscious about not being seen as faking work, main push is for lack of content, gross, performative, “I asked you a question” instead of just repeating or rephrasing the question with a ping, push on Xivii is probably town, this fight is so stupid, cobalt, Laser thinks he could be scum during fight (496), ttps://smashboards.com/threads/basic-mafia.447409/ relevant meta if time, what the **** is 519
- Mala not scum with 3DS, “for now” common new player phrasing, townread too easy?, acts more experienced than implied, like stuff about logic, disagree with triss conclusion but thought process is good
- Sabrar, background, helpful, not scum with 3DS (exhausted with them), push on 3DS later, kind of weird route for scum to take, still background
- Pythag, early stuff bad, answer too long, “terrified of him being scum” common scum wording, 3DS shadow push on them good, seems chiller? later, made or reused meme, 134 question weird, pushing town to fight?, not scum with logic, nailed em, A+, counts votes before voting, 456 really good
- Handorin, strong out the gate, vote reasoning seems off, confident, **** flingy, 10/10 meme game
- Laserguy, townread on Xivii but not bessie, good questions, towny, citrus, good logic and boom reads, good triss logic/defense, that newbie stuff and spak read, swoon
- Xivii, townread bessie at good time, v active early, asked newbie question about number of mafia, likely trap/attempt to clear, convinced self to vote pythag in 129, soulread that “cool, vote: ranmaru,” town frustration or caught for wrong reasons frustration?
- Bessie good tone, first question good, lack of followup?, follow-up ok, trying to coax 3DS instead of bully, op of performative
- 3DS, a mess, shadow reads good
- Logic wants attention, likely not with 3DS, paranoid about rolefish from mala, towny unless mala scum, revisits thoughts, nerves or genuinely try to solve, leaning towards genuine
- Jackrito posts are bleh, kind of defends triss but not real, words bounce off skull. Good laser, boom, logic reads, maybe just hedgey?
- Spak, pushes Laserguy because of dif reads, could be play to push strong player, probs just town, low poster, remember to check back on opening posts
Town: Trisscar, Xivii, logic, mala, ranmaru, bessie?, pythag, spak
Other: jackrito, Sabrar, Boom, Handorin
Confirmed town: Laserguy, 3DS