in ssb isai is broken Also it's tech skill curves aren't near as extreme for most bottom tiers in melee the learning curve kills them before they can stand up. I really think pichu has a high learning curve as in understanding how to play as him in all ways. but I learned how to play m2 when lori told me why his pichu wa good because m2 and pichu are a lot a like. I understood what he meant as in how they play with how they use projectiles for them most part and their up-bs. how they did what they do. kindof waiting around keeping a bit of pressure on at all times till you could get a hold of them.get what you can not just one thing.
ssbm's control/movement changes so many things it seems unreal to win as a slowish charcter. think about an impossible to pressure sheild with huge sheild, who can tank anything, kill in like 6 hits,good edge gaurd/ edge options, good overall range, ew solid grab combos, and do an air grab to beat sheilds.
bowser is good it's true the problem is how extreme the movement and control is think if you added all those things together in ssb? bowser would be broken you can't pressure his sheild he can tank anything,and quickish kills. their combos won't ever start without mindgames. also if you gave him melee movement he would straight up be banned he totally outranges all but 2 people and once they get in LOL's lasers wouldn't be a 100% answer to bowser either.
it's simplely the movement that largely effects it that and control. if they fall down when i'm pichu I folow them with a jolt and keep pressureing till I get them off the edge or get an up-smash. namely FFers.
melee is extreme in control and movement.