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Sonic boards, I bring you rare footage of lulz/****/ownage/fail.
Please make sure to read the spoilers last.
First off, I want you to at least consider subscribing to Tails' Youtube, without him I would still not have any footage of myself anywhere.
Y'all know that troll that constantly spews lies about Sonic and denies facts even when clearly displayed to him? Y'all are aware of A2S(namedrop prevention)OMG, right?
Well, I decided I, and many of you, wouldn't have anymore of his BS, so like most of us have already done, we either ignore his posts or put him on our ignore list. Anyway I decided we'd all have redemption now. I went down to California, just to find this guy and finally put him in his rightful place. Since Wi-Fi is lame and he would probably call out some johns, I had to make sure the **** would be 100% legit and he would have nothing else to say but "I'm sorry, I'll never troll the Sonic boards again, please forgive me!" or something close to that.
Turns out he's pretty okay in-person... I guess, some people might say otherwise, but for me, it's meh. Anyway I told him we have a score to settle. He already knew why I came. So with that said, and without further adue, I present to all of you, the match that followed up:
Watch it in high quality, no excuses, it deteriorates from the pwnography.
So as you see, we both made a couple of mess-ups here and there, in A2's case he suicide because he was an idiot and decided not to cypher gimp me but instead try and find some use for that piece of @#$% tool called the F.L.U.D.D. besides a 100-0 Matchup on Ness. That failed epicly as you can see. My spacing was a little bit off, and it caused me to fall right into some killer attacks, I was amazed at how knuckleheaded he was, to think an UP-Smash like that kills people from afar? Eh, anyway.
Fireball camping? meh, useless IMO. I don't know how this can be considered in the Matchup but you know, it's cool, I'd let him do whatever just to show him that mess wouldn't get around.
However I was surprised to see how A2 made Utilt as broken as Snake's. Here's a picture to prove I'm not lying to you:
I was scarred, I thought a MU that was once even, or could arguably be favored into either, would suddenly turn into a nightmare for Sonic. No matter, I would hold my ground against anything he threw at me and return it back, harder.
He sure did love to use FSmash a lot, maybe he was trying to tell me how much range it had with stutterstepping or something... I don't know why he wasn't being smart about it and saving it for the kill, but you know, maybe he's a troll IRL too. I know I am one, so I wouldn't be surprised. Battle of the trolls you could say? Yeah sure why not, unlike him I embrace myself (no you pervert not in that way!).
Second stock, we're both even. He tries to hit me with some of his logic, and like a salad that wasn't a Steak, I said "get that @#$% outta my face, b***t!"
1:40, I charge right into his flames and like a a blue blur who keeps his cool in the most heated of situations, I put it aside... and I went after the core of his arguments headfirst. A steak that's overgrilled is no good I believe.
He then tries to proceed to water down his stuff and make him look like the victim... people don't forget though. I tried to stay on-topic but somehow he grabbed me and threw me into a degenerative discussion... I think nothing of it, recover, and continue from there on out.
After a while things are looking bad. His trolling was so overpowering that I questioned whether or not it would get to the point where he'd call on some mod powers and eliminate me... but I still tried to stay on the main topic and have a little fun on my own at the same time, 'cause the point of this game is to have just that, right?
at 3:10, you can see how I stepped it up and shoo'd away whatever petty point he could throw at me before it even happened. I ain't wearing that 3030+ tag for nothing, and him being the stubborn fool he is, he just went with whatever would work in his favor... Or so he'd thought.
3:26, here we go, now we're back on somewhat level grounds again. Me doing some trolling of myself, but it wouldn't be enough to get me infracted.
3:55 My Nair > You're whatever GTFO aerial you have, silly Mario mainer!
4:21 Another display of how Fireballs are near useless in this MU, and how Nair is way underused by all Sonic mainers/boarders.
5:24 Ah, the CiTH combo, it can be done in-tourney situations! <3
*End of the match* Ah, well I think he got learned here. This fool says how Spring is just a mere toy, I think... well, it's the most useful thing Sonic has in his arsenal. He was so steadfast in his opinion on how stupid the Spring was, he couldn't foresee the objection that would eventually come to bite him in the @#$.
This really isn't A2SOMG, in fact I haven't even went to California ever for anything but amusement parks, this is actually LeoFTW. This was also a tourney match, so it wasn't just some friendly/hoax/prank/set-up to troll. I just thought I'd do this little story for the Hell of it, and make it look real. LeoFTW as some of you might know actually uses Wario, I don't know if he was just testing me or sandbagging when he used Mario, but as you can see, we played out the match, and although it was hard I won and got it across that way that I was serious about this set we have to play. Unfortunately I didn't record matches II and III, but I lost anyway. Oh well, hopefully next time I'll have some more to show.
And for reals now, I do have two more tourney matches against the TOs GF, just to make this post a little bit more worthwhile than one video to put in the archive. You may know her as Kirrrby from AiB, she has a decent Birky, and apparently an okay MK. These are the two matches we played in-bracket. Not my/our best matches, but oh well, we can always use some more vidjas I guess.
My (regular (I did not have the Fire Suit installed on my Wii, that's Tails' costume since he is the one who recorded and uploaded it... from his Wii.)) Sonic Vs. her MK.
My (Super (I sandbagged her MK since I know her as a Birky main, I just used enough Steaksauce to get the win. I never under-estimate any of my opponents, especially not when they're Meta Knight, but I don't know why she didn't go Birky at first.)) Sonic Vs. her Birky
Super sneaky edit:
I'm just going to leave this here for a day or two, once that's taken care of I'll have it changed back to reflect what really happened. the video title and description will look silly if it's only for this occasion and it stays like that forever, doesn't it?.
Nop, I didn't want to change anything, just end the last batch of matches I'll be able to have uploaded in a bang. School's starting back up, and the next tourney I'll be able to have a chance to save matches will be on Labor Day weekend.
You should feel honored, you're the inspiration.
I have no life, to be laughing at one reaction, and go through all that trouble. It's fine though, with all the things I said to disprove of this tall tale, you still have to overreact, glad to see you haven't changed one bit. Made a nice passtime too.
I'm laughing my *** off at the stupidity that happened under the username "Kinzer".
Seriously, think about it. What did you expect to accomplish announcing it blatantly at the Mario boards? If you're trying to get more people to hate you, then you're doing a great job of it. If you want to be smart, you can actually use your head and attempt to not make the same mistakes that I may have made in the past.
I'm glad you enjoyed it too, the purpose wasn't to cause harm, but lulz.
and I think I got that accomplished. That's what I wanted to go after anyway.
But yeah seriously, I'm done posting anything further, I already got everything across. If I go further it just devolves into infractions, so make it into what you will. I honestly don't care what people think of me anymore, I really do not.
Yep, I'm pathetic, what else do you want to get across that people already know (over comment walls or Private Messages of course, I'm tired of loitering this sanctuary with the garbage.)?
And since you brought it up, are you talking about the Vegassmash community? Those are the people around me, if by people around me you were referring to the internet, you are sadly mistaken about how to go about this. Entirely different backgrounds with SWF and the local scene.
As annoying and stupid it may have been to go through all that trouble for just one video, it is still a video archive. So I'm just posting what this thread's about, right?
But you know, let's just drop the subject, I got what I wanted. Thanks for not infracting me. (In fact, If I did get punished, whether or not it was you, I was going to put it in the forum disputes because I planned everything to remain on-topic but get around the global rules. I did nothing wrong.)
Nice one Kinzer. Sorry guys, I was also involved since I do upload our videos.
Anyway wanting to stay on topic, I have a couple of videos I want criticized. Kinzer been a big help criticizing my videos and been helping me try to improve my Sonic via AIM. I want other Sonic mains to criticize my Sonic and what other suggestion I should do to improve my gameplay. One video is a single match while another one is a double match
Both of these matches were friendies that we have at UNLV. I've already know that I should break my habit of doing spring>dair, avoid doing upsmash except when Dedede is trying to recover when doing up b, and watching my spacing. I need to know what other habits I should break especially in teams since I have a hard time in teams.
Your Sonic seems alright. Just cut down on the hyphen up smashes since not many of them hit and only spring when you really need too. The ending was too good.
Tails, I don't remember if I told you, but when playing seriously, you have to learn to adapt.
I'm sure you already have that down fine, but I mean to adapt to your opponent.
I'm not gonna lie, Chis is right when he said that in most normal situations you might want to cut back on the Up-Smash. However there's a saying smashers go by. "If something is working, why stop doing it?" Of course, there are some things you'll need to consider, like how I just told you that even if it worked a majority of the time you can't use USmash too much. You also need to learn your opponents weaknesses, and what to abuse against them. If they don't pick up on something, then by all means use it to win if you have to. That's part of the reason why MUs you aren't suppose to win (most of the time) *coughLucario/Marth/etc.cough*, you do anyway, because your opponent is terrible and you probably had to abuse a flaw/gap/hole/whatever in the opponent's playstyle. Certain things will only work with certain characters/opponents, messing around in friendlies is a good way to figure out just that. I'm not liable for things like people sandbagging or whatever, but then again friendlies are to be taken with a grain of salt.
I'm not sure if you knew about this, but once you shield Ganon's Wizard's Foot, you're immune to the rest of the attack, much like Sonic's DSmash, but better (for you, to punish).
Epic ending, is epic. But this just like what I said to you on AIM how Ganon's frames are pretty bad and how he can really only do any work on you(r face!) if you leave yourself open/laggy enough.
Now as for the doubles match, it's really hard to critique you, probably because you play a bit different in doubles. Let's just see how that goes though.
Hmm... Alright, I understand that in doubles, things can get a little bit frantic, but I want to see better spacing. Sometimes you're just throwing out attacks hoping it works, and sometimes you're not using the right attacks.
This leads up to giving yourself room. At the end where it was just HebrewHammer left, you and Sal had terrible synergy. You were getting in the way of his attacks, and because of that you were afraid to go out and Hit D3 when Sal was trying to recover. Try attacks that send people to your partner, which he'll usually be on the other side of the stage, waiting to attack. That leads up to team combos... in this case, B-Throw to Yoshi U-air. If given the chance, harass from another direction, while HewbrewHammer was busy trying to gimp Yoshi, you could've went after him and make it dangerous to try and do what he intended on doing. Worst case scenario is you end up in a worse position, but your partner's life is made much easier if you do it right.
That's... really all I can say, except when you fight Z, you might want to stop using D-throw on him... He knows how to tech it. F-Throw is quicker, does 1% more damage, and although you don't get as much of a (tech-?)chase potential with F-Throw, it's better than D-Throw in that case.
Thanks Kinzer.
I didn't know that if you shield Ganon's Wizard Foot that you are immune to the rest of the attack. I got to keep that in mind next time he does that to me.
For teams, most of the time I have no clue what to do. I guess that is the main reason why I haven't won one set in doubles at a tournament (which I was hoping to do before the summer ended...which that was a complete failure). My mind is most of the time set for singles and when it comes to double, my mind goes all over the place. I'll try to practice my spacing in teams and not to do d-throw too much in teams especially against Z. I do need a lot more practice in teams compare to singles.
I kinda stopped watching after Charizard spiked you. Even if it is wifi, that shouldn't happen...
In any case, it seems like you throw out moves too randomly and rely on Spin Dash to get inside your opponent's comfort zone. Try working on your ground game a bit more. Shield dashing, walking, spacing with tilts. All that mess. Also, try to fast fall your bairs more often. If you're still in the air while it's finishing, you can get punished. If you land sooner, you can often buffer a shield to make sure that doesn't happen.
I kinda stopped watching after Charizard spiked you. Even if it is wifi, that shouldn't happen...
In any case, it seems like you throw out moves too randomly and rely on Spin Dash to get inside your opponent's comfort zone. Try working on your ground game a bit more. Shield dashing, walking, spacing with tilts. All that mess. Also, try to fast fall your bairs more often. If you're still in the air while it's finishing, you can get punished. If you land sooner, you can often buffer a shield to make sure that doesn't happen.
ahh you should'ev kept watching I endin up winning the match, besideds it lagged so much I could time the spring to dodge the spike, I also do some of the stuff you mention in the match I think
Guys when I talk in my videos. All my crap is off the top of my head. It's not special really. I'm just being myself having fun. But I'm afiraid you guys see me as a joke, instead of a brawl player. I want to earn respect for being a brawl player, not being some dude that just cracks jokes all day.
Somehow, things are better spontaneous than planned.
Although that doesn't always apply, such things like marriage is better off being worked over one-step at a time.
I think that's what Twinkles was trying to say, but I can't and won't speak on his behalf.
I like commentary actually, I'm watching a Let's Play Front Mission III on Youtube right now. Much more interesting to go over things with other people than to just watch it.