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*The 'We Love Sakurai" Club*


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007
Hello and welcome to the "We Love Sakurai" club.

This thread is for discussing Sakurai Greatness. He's the creator of one of the greatest games in the world. He idealized almost everything we love in the Smash Bros series, changed the life of thousands³ persons. Now he's almost finishing his biggest work ever - and he slowly present it to the fans by a website made entirely for us. He's not a samurai but he made the cut.

Fell free to spread all your Sakurai love here. All of you MUST do it at some point.

Sakurai, you are making the best game in the world. You're the man.

- TaurToph
- pirkid
- Thi0s
- shadenexus18
- SolidSonic
- kashikomarimashi'ta (great contribution, thanks!)
- TheOfficialSonicFanboy (Y)
- Shock the Hedgehog
- Patinator
- Mad555 (be welcome)
- Stratocaster (fact!)
- MK-Ultra (im reading your book)
- Lord_Deathborne
- NESJake
- InvincibleAgent
- Marie_54
- RedMage8BT
- RazeveX
- Brawler1432
- i8waffles612
- _Slick_
- Mr. Sunny Patch
- sultanofsurreal
- Crystallion
- prettymanfairy
- moogle_face
- motsalogeL (don't be shy u know u do!)
- SonicSmash001
- AlbelNox
- BraveDave88
- Sky_Maro
- CO18

This is a serious thread. Please treat it as such.


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2006
¿¡ Canada ¿¡

Yay for online. Yay for C. Olimar. Internet Cookies and muffins for stage creator and uploader.

But still. Ahaha. Useless thread. :p


Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2007
"inb4 We Hate Sakurai Club"

Seriously though, Sakurai is awesome for making Super Smash and Kirby =D


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA

"The We Love Sakurai Club" vs. the evil "We HATE Sakurai Club"

Who will be the ultimate victor? Heh....whoever doesn't get closed first. lol.


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2007
I was pondering making the "we neither hate or love Sakaurai, in fact we don't eve know him" club.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2002
Gotemba, Japan
I wholeheartedly believe Sakurai has put so much work in to this game that the delays were inevitable. There are so many new concepts, new characters, new stages. The list keeps growing and growing.

If people want to bash Sakurai I personally feel they are idiots. Were it not for Sakurai there would be no Smash, and this forum would never have existed. Of course that would save many of countless hours of precious life, but its not like we's be doing much else.

Sakurai will come through, and people the all over the world will rejoice.
Oct 16, 2007
In cognito
The question is, why would people post on the smashboards brawl page if all they wanted to do is hate? Isn't hate self-destructive and love is self-rewarding, man?
Spread the love, children. Sakurai has worked for years on this game and I personally it will be the top selling game and highest rated game for the Wii. Period.

Shock the Hedgehog

Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2007
Columbia, Missouri
I can't believe people would hate Sakurai because one character was made into an AT or he posted an update like You Must Recover. He's doing his best to make one of the greatest games that we will ever know. It's also his last game and we should respect him for being put up to the task without notice. (Waaaay back in what? 2005?)


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
........................Mm-hmm. Well. I'm not going to flame or troll here. Sakurai's making the best game ever, huh? Yes.

Sakurai deserves my love? No. The closing of the Hate Sakurai thread made me realize: Forget Sakurai; he's a person. It's Brawl I like!

So I agree with the "We Neither Hate nor Love Sakurai, We Don't Even Know Him" thread, lol.

I'm not gonna oppose this soon-to-be locked thread. I'm just glad no one mentioned "Negative Nancy" in the anti thread... -_-;

I suppose one WOULD need to lift his spirits from time to time... Sigh.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007
Thanks you all for your support.

Also there's no apparent reason to close this thread and we all will be very upset if it is.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
But I've never played Kirby, lol.

I guess this thread MIGHT not get an F-Smash or Youko Punch. I'm feeling better about the delay now, isn't that weird?



Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2007
Knoxville, TN
I never understood the "We HATE Sakurai Club" ... I mean they're hating the person whose game they've been playing for 6 years and they can't wait for his next game. It probably wouldn't be as good if it weren't headed up by him anyway, and it's not like the delay was really his fault either. OH NO ANOTHER MONTH!!!1


Smash Apprentice
Dec 28, 2007
cubelarooso said:
Wow. The amount of Sakurai fanbutts is staggering, even more so than in those thousands of "Don't be mad at Sakurai just because he has no idea what he's doing" threads. There are like, two people here who get it, the rest are acting as if this WAS the "We Hate the 'We Hate Sakurai' Club" Club.

This thread is for venting on Sakurai and all the things he's done wrong. Really, it's not even supposed to be read, simply posted in. If Sakurai's gotten his claws to deeply into your logic-centers that you can't see the truth, just get out. Ignore the thread.Thesheeple repeatedly posting that we have no lives for noticing the OBVIOUS things Sakurai has done wrong are far more pitiful than the people pointing out said things.
Really, YOU are 1/4 the reason I hate Sakurai.

First note, I AM a fan of the Kirby series. I played him in the original for that sole reason, and would still be playing him in Melee if he didn't suck. I also absolutely ADORE Meteos, it can gorge itself on my time. Sakurai IS good at coming up with fun, original games.
However, that ability does not help, and in fact HINDERS, in making a game like Smash.

Second, I am a HUEG fan of Smash. It's dαmn fun, and a great concept (however unfulfilled it may be). But, unlike you people, this love makes me see all the flaws in it, rather than ignore them. Is Smash that I like, not Sakurai, and I have the clarity to realize Sakurai is the one standing between Brawl and The Perfect Smash.

Third, I'm not truly bitter about the delays. It's Nintendo, I actually expected it. Nor is it the UNDENIABLY bad updates in November and December. I only use them as a way to insult Sakurai.
What I'm mad about is the way Sakurai completely ignores his stated purpose. Smash is supposed to be "Nintendo Allstars." No, this isn't a 3rd party rant. I'm not complaining that Sonic isn't a Nintendo Allstar, I'm complaining that Mario, as presented in Smash, is not a Nintendo Allstar. Snake didn't ruin Smash, Sakurai did.

I liken Sakurai to Walt Disney. He takes source material and labels it as still being that source material, the totally ***** it, sequentially, in every orifice possible, and several impossible. He adds unnecessary characters, traits, and ridiculous material.
The difference is that people don't go see Disney movies because they remember loving that story as a kid 200 years ago and would like to see it adapted into a movie. Hell, those stories would probably scar a modern audience. No one cares if it's not faithful to the real version, and so it's not marketed as such. There's a reason they're called "Disney Classics" and not "Old-Dead-Writers-No-One-Remembers-Classics."
But Pokémon isn't a "Sakurai Classic," it's a "Tajiri Classic." Smash IS marketed as being faithful to the games, and people (at least, I did) originally bought for that reason. I enjoyed the gameplay, but it epicly failed in the faithfulness. It's supposed to finally answer the question of "who would win in a fight, Donkey Kong or Samus," but that answer becomes moot when the "Donkey Kong" and "Samus" fighting are not the ones you imagined.

I understand that some characters don't have much to draw from, and he has to preserve balance and difference between the characters, but Sakurai has a ridiculous tendency to omit possible original (in both paradoxical senses of the word) moves in exchange for abilities he thinks "might be cool if they could do."
This doesn't just go for characters, but stages, too. And Pokéball Pokémon to a vast extent. Not so much ATs, as far as we've seen. Very much SSE, as far as we've seen.
Don't forget items. "Oh, I know! We should have an item that [property]. Hmm.. Let's take [item] from [game] and say it has [property]." Or, "Oh, I know! We need an item that [property]. Hmm... Let's make up a new item with [property] and ignore [item] from [game] that already has [property]." It's a simple Sakurai formula, you fill in the blanks.
I "could" write a Vaarsuvian rant about the inexplicable inconsistencies in Smash. "Could" is used loosely here, as it would take me my entire 3-day weekend to type up an incomplete list, and that's without interpretive commentary.

I also have a problem with people bashing the concept of Melee: Online. In 2 years, no one will care about SSE. No one will spend hours browsing their stickers. No one will be focussed on beat their highscore in Coin Launcher. Everyone will be playing multiplayer. And not the useless Bonus or Coin (which, might I add, Sakurai felt the need to buff), but Stock and, situationally, Time. JayceMJ may have been sarcastic when he said Brawl should have only 2 modes, Options and Versus, but he hit the nail on the head. It's all we do in Melee, it's all we'll do in Brawl. Why else do the forums flare with excitement whenever a new character is announced, or even vaguely non-hinted at?
Why, then, does multiplayer get the shaft? I laud Sakurai's addition of co-op, but I'll only be using that until I beat it, as opposed to the infinite replayability of regular matches. Sakurai may have shown improvement in regards to more options with the addition of Melee's stage-select, custom controls, combinitory modes, My Music, and widescreen support, but he still has a ways to go. How about stage hazard control, or applying powerups to individual players, or having degrees of the powerups, or gradiations for other types of customization, or giving different players different stock amounts (you know, a handicap that actually serves a purpose other than making you chronically fragile?). Though that's asking to much of him. This stuff can only be done in 1P mode. Doing it in Versus would require hacking the game. We should be happy he gives up Versus at all.
I hate this fact, but they haven't really thought of everything.
What's more annoying is the fact that while they could have used the delay to add these options, they doubtlessly used it to polish the worthless ones.

The online options, while horrendous, was again expected, what with Nintendo and all, don't have problems that are COMPLETELY impossible to circumvent. Except, we still have yet to have confirmation (that I remember) of playing stock or with someone one the same Wii in "With Friends."

Sakurai also seems to have a vendetta against colors.
"Oh, those curazii geimers. Where wourud thei be without me, Sakurai? AI'rr have to teik exutura taim to puroguram it so thei canu't purei as the seim coror characuter, otherwais thei'rr never be eibure to choose diffurent corors furom eachother if thei have difficuruty terrinug eachother aparut! Thei rove it when their choices are rimited!"
"Oh! What about when peopure are pureiinug teams? Thei'rr never be abure to simpury rememuber who's on their team! I'rr have to foruce them to puray as the seim coror as their parutuner. It mei onury seruve to cause more conufusion when there are two of the seim characuters on the seim team, compuretery igunorinug mai purevious decision, but oh werr. Besides, itu's not leik there are inustanuces we arready have non-coror teams in 1-puraeier mode, or the corors courud easiry appuraid to the symubors, an opution meid more conuvenienut due to the poruturaits nexut we added."
Okay, I'm tired of typing in Engrish. I hope you can read it. Basically I'm complaining about the inability for people to play as the same color character and the continuation of the abominable team-colors, both of which would be easier to NOT program, so it seems they're going out of their way to inconvenience us.
Theres also the fact that he forces players to have a certain signature color based only on the slot number our controller is, rather than letting us pick our own, even if only from a short list of basics, and make it even easier by making it a Name-related thing.
There's also the lack of custom character colors, which while I'll admit would take a bit of programming to get even the most basic of selections, should still be far easier than making a completely non-Smash related minigame.

But of course, "Thar wood b no Smash if not 4 Sakurai." Except the fact that such a project is inevitable, and if it weren't for Sakurai someone else would have picked it up. Someone could actually know what they're doing.
Who? Iunno, a lot of possibilities.
Maybe someone new, guaranteeing that there'd be minimal bias.
Maybe Miyamoto, a designer of far more renown, who we know would pay more attention to Versus (the mode we play) than the one-time and forgettable 1-player mode because he's urged Sakurai to do so.
Point is, there'd probably be Smash without Sakurai, though it probably wouldn't have been named Smash. Even if there wasn't, we wouldn't notice because we wouldn't know. No one here's upset about there not being "Charlie's Thousand Eyes," right? That's because no one in this universe knows what they're missing.

All this is just ridiculous, but what's even more ridiculous is that you can't see it. I'm dismayed at the fact Pat and Agua intend this to be a joke. I know I'm not the only one, but maybe we're rare.
Or maybe you sheeple need to stop being so complacent, and realize that just because we COULD have less, doesn't mean we shouldn't want more.

In summation: Brawl IS going to be fun to play. But is it going to achieve its goal, its purpose? HELL NO.

Don't bother mocking me for taking the time to type this, because I'm am currently preemptively pointing out the fact that you care that I care.

This isn't necessarily done. If this thread doesn't get closed (I'm surprised, but happy, that it hasn't already. seriously, that would just be ****ing anoying) I'll proofread this and add the stuff I in all probability forgot.
So you guys don't endorse this message from the "We Dislike Sakurai Thread"? Do you have an opinion on it? What about paragraph 6 specifically?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007
Ok i've read it all but i'm not gonna answer because everyone have the right to belive in what they think's right. And I, the owner of the biggest Sakurai fanclub will ever obviously support him.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
Thanx for letting me join, but I'm not going to like, I have a love/hate relationship with Sakurai. Lol.
At least your one of the few here man enough to admit that shade. These Sakurai worshipers are an annoying lot, and this is coming from one who has nothing but respect for the man - even though he's tested my patience a tad bit as of late...


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
At least your one of the few here man enough to admit that shade. These Sakurai worshipers are an annoying lot, and this is coming from one who has nothing but respect for the man - even though he's tested my patience a tad bit as of late...
Yes...those fanboys worship the ground he walks on. I'm sorry but I don't follow false gods. lolz.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2008
Puerto Rico
I like to pick on him sometimes but not only is he making a great game(and has made) he is also posting info on it every weekday. You gotta love 'em!


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2007
2nd cardboard box to your right
No, i don't love Sakurai. Nothing against him, it's just i don't love random people i've never met.

Seeing as none of you have either, i am currently pondering why all of you guys are bowing your heads in worship over him...


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2007
No, i don't love Sakurai. Nothing against him, it's just i don't love random people i've never met.

Seeing as none of you have either, i am currently pondering why all of you guys are bowing your heads in worship over him...
People often don't know how to express their appreciation.

I'm sure Sakarai loves all the love for him, but I'm also sure he wants people to be reasonably fond of his work. Instead of bowing to his feet in praise, offering some constructive criticism along with praise can be just as flattering.

Just my 2 pence, not that I disprove of this thread.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007
Geniums don't need no critics. They know what's good for their own work by themselves, and better than anyone else.

Just sit and watch them in action.


Smash Cadet
Jan 7, 2008
MK Ultra is either a brilliant satirist or an incredibly sad, broken individual. I mean Jesus Christ, he wrote a 12+ paragraph essay on why a video game infuriates him. And then buried inside this meandering piece of horrible, banal prose, he uses the word "sheeple" without any irony at all -- in reference to fans of a video game, no less -- as well as a blatantly racist caricature of Japanese people. His opinion is laughably inane and utterly irrelevant.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2002
Gotemba, Japan
People are misinterpreting the word "love" here. Its not like we want to jump in to bed with the guy, or grovel at his feet and worship the ground he walks upon. No, its not like that at all. We just admire the guy and feel a special connection with him because of what he has done. Its no different than loving to watch your favorite athlete play. You probably havent even met the person but you cant help but to react to their greatness. Thats how it is with Sakurai. The Smash Universe is his greatness. It is his gift to the world, and for that we love him.


Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2008
This club sucks. Do you love the fact that he is giving us the most shallow online mode ever? Do you love the fact that he is most probably going to leave out vital characters in favor of ones like Geno or Midna? Lets hope the last point is true but sadly it most probably is.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
If you want a decent online, then play your Halo. Then everybody's happy. Nobody forces you to join, nobody forces you to buy Brawl, you're on your own. Besides, the online might be one of the things the developers didn't flesh out, but that doesn't mean it's crappy. And plus, you can even be glad there's online at all AND co-op. It looks decent and the devs only included it because it was high on demand, so they did it for YOU, the FANS! So stop criticising all the time, you don't have to worship him, but appreciate their work for once.

You know what? Geno and Midna aren't even THAT important, and you know, NO roster will fulfill EVERYONE's wishes, but as of now, Sakurai included high on demand characters and others will follow. The game isn't even out yet, it's still not updated everything and you start complaining about it now? Way to waste your time and breath,


Smash Apprentice
Dec 28, 2007
MK Ultra is either a brilliant satirist or an incredibly sad, broken individual. I mean Jesus Christ, he wrote a 12+ paragraph essay on why a video game infuriates him. And then buried inside this meandering piece of horrible, banal prose, he uses the word "sheeple" without any irony at all -- in reference to fans of a video game, no less -- as well as a blatantly racist caricature of Japanese people. His opinion is laughably inane and utterly irrelevant.
Wasn't me buddy! But the original poster was, I believe, divinely inspired.
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