Videos And Shoutouts
Scar vs Gotm
Scar vs Zoso
1 2 3
Scar vs Eggm
1 2
Scar vs HBK (partial)
Scar vs Reno
1 2
Scar vs SwiftBass
1 2 3 4 5
Scar vs Eggm 1 2 3 4
SwiftBass vs Eggm
ChiboSempai vs Tenno Tensai
It's literally taking YouTube 1 hour to put up each match. Needless to say I'm frustrated, I hate this computer.
Reik - Great seeing you as always, you are an AWESOME kid and probably the best teams Falco ever. Next time we need to play friendlies so you can combo me across the stage multiple times per match. <3
Eggm - God **** dude, you are way too good. You are one of the few people that I play and I really feel helpless against. I'm gonna get Cactuar Falco practice and since he has the potential to be better than everyone in the world by actually trying for 5 minutes, I'll learn how to actually think I have a chance vs you. Much love, get the van.
SwiftBass - Our set was awesome man, you get WAY better every time I see you and I have no idea how. That chaingrab > waveland regrab > usmash is killer. Green greens? I was expecting Stadium.
Reno - Congrats on your placing man, there was stiff competition and you got the job done. Next time someone talks **** on you like that kid I'll definitely step it up and tell him to **** off haha but at least you/HBK/Hazz could have handled it on your own.
HBK - **** dude. Honestly, most intense set I have ever played in my life. I couldn't believe you could just whip out a sick fox like that, fast, technical, smart... good **** man. Now we're tied 1-1, I'll see you in brackets in two weeks and we'll settle it.
Cactuar - Whatever man, do what you want and the love will follow.
Hazzard - You are too good and way too cool, you and HBK are so scary in teams, that's the second time you've taken me out of winners.
Zoso - GOOD **** BRO, way to make it down from CT, and you had a pretty tough bracket so no worries, it's a shame Cactuar didn't sandbag you though. Falcon dittos FTW, it was awesome seeing you and next time you're going to tech-chase me to hell, I can just feel it.
Zanguzen - ZANG! Man I've only met you twice but you are awesome as hell, I hope there's a next time so I can knee you.
Sensei - I love you, I'm so glad you're in TSA otherwise I never would have had like an awesome CF to look up to. Infinite time dittos on YS a must as always, I REALLY HOPE I SEE YOU AT CoT3!!
Vanz - All I have to say is that I'm glad I didn't have to play you. You are good enough to beat anyone there and I know it. I had the feeling that you were going to knock me out hahaha.
Tenno tensai - Good to see you again, it's been a while, I was wondering where all the former Titans had gone.
Gotm - Your Fox is the biggest piece of **** I've ever seen. You're getting way better, the Menthol break was exactly what I needed, Mansmann blows, but you're a piece of ****.
Pakman - Blue Lazer will get 'em next time, you played really well as always, I think this time I didn't pull my weight as much as usual. You're amazing.
copy cat - TSA love, good to see you every time. I miss you guys, wish the scene were as strong as it was when I first got into Smash. I hope I see you guys soon.
Eazy - LOL. The closest you're gonna come to beating me was that vicarious win through Keitaro. I'll **** you next time, much love.
G-money - I was impressed watching your Marth in teams, we should play friendlies sometime.
Keitarou - lol I'm posting that match online. How awful.
Shakugan - Same as tensei, I missed you guys, hope you're all at CoT3.
TradeMark - Good **** in friendlies, your peach is nice, maybe we'll meet in brackets next time.
Jfox - JPEACH! haha Way to **** my **** in friendlies, you should have gotten top 3.

I'll go to a Tuesday fest soon, don't worry about it.
Moo - MOOOOOO! I knew I'd met you before but I didn't know you were you! Yoshi is cool, goddammit don't make me drop my controller again. The look on Eazy's face after you ***** him was the funniest thing I'd ever seen. come to more tournies, if you didn't face Cactuar first round you would have *****. He's a jerk for getting 2nd in his pool, not like Hazzard would have been much easier...
Chibo - ChiboSempai! Good work picking Leonidas, he would totally beat Maximus's ***. Good times as always, way to squeeze into the back seat with 2 TVs, I can only imagine how tough that was.