Just got around to it. Whipped it up kinda quickly. But itd work.
[COLLAPSE="Tingle Moveset"]Neutral B - Rupee Throw
Throws a rupee as a projectile. Has trajectory and can be charged to go further. Color is random, but only for decoration.*
B<> - Noggin Bonk
Brings down his abnormally shaped and sized head in front of him for an attack similar to Olimar's.
B^ - Tingle Balloon*
Blows up his signature red balloon, after it's blown he can jump 4 times and each time it gets deflated more.*
Bv - Plumet
Tingle dives downward with his head first.*
A - headbutt, kick, punch
A<> - Tingle Roll
Does a front flip. Damage is caused if touched, weird range because of his head.*
A^ - Rupee Scatter
Tosses a wave of rupees upward of various colors, press twice to do it again consecutively, waves may have different amounts of rupees, however this doesn't affect hit boxes.
Av - Whoops.*
Tingle falls over. Doesn't cause self harm, because self harm sucks. Damages anybody standing in the ground close to him, and knocks them on their butts.*
A dust cloud appears as tingle is attacking an opponent that he has grabbed.*
If thrown, he'll roll backwards and throw them, with decent knockback, and throw rupees at them sort of like mewtwo does.*
Shield: Covers his eyes*
Taunt 1: Tingle, Tingle, Koolooh-Limpah!
Taunt 2: Makes the grin he does after throwing Rupees in the pond in FP:TRRL
Taunt 3: Tingle accidentally drops a rupee and ecstatically picks it back up.*
Entrance: Flies in by balloon.*
Weight: 1/5, same as Olimar
Height: 1/5, a tiny bit taller than Olimar
Speed: 3/5, a bit slower than Fox
Fall speed: Slightly floaty*