Noipoi's Dreams and Desires for the Year of our Lord 2024:
. If there are remakes of B/W, please let them be more like HG/SS and ORAS. No more BDSP remakes.
. TTYD needs to sell. Like,
really sell. Also I don't want it to release too late into the year. First half of 24, please.
. Announce Metroid Prime 4. I'm not even a Metroid fan, I just need to know this game still exists.
. New Donkey Kong game (cope)
. Mario Wonder dlc with more levels, preferably tougher ones.
. Super Mario Odyssey 2, baybee! Or really any new sandbox Mario. It's been almost 7 years since the last one, it is time.
And speaking of it being time for certain things...
. Reveal the next Nintendo console by the end of the year. I love the Switch with all my heart, but it's getting old. I think it's about time for a new generation to start.
. WIth the announcement of the next console, reveal that a new Super Smash Bros is in the works. Don't show it off yet, just say enough to get the juices flowing. Chaos ensues