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The Smash City Pokemon Contest!


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina

Come one, come all, to Smash City's first ever Pokemon Contest held in the Poke Center dome! Do your pokemon have what it takes to put on a spectacular appeal and clinch the win? Will any of our participants make it to the Grand Festival and battle the legendary May or Dawn? Everybody is welcome to participate in the first ever storyboard Contest on the board!

~*~The Basics~*~

Welcome to the first ever Smash World Forums Pokemon Contest! In this battle of writing skills and descriptive powers, entrants can compete to earn a coveted Contest Ribbon!

There are no sign-ups, no player limit, and no restraints!
This is a story-based Pokemon contest. If you were to compare it to a current running contest on the board, I would compare it to a mini-Write With Your Power. The goal of this Contest is to construct a very descriptive and heavily detailed "story appeal" with a single Pokemon of your choice. The appeal can be several paragraphs long, or even pages in Microsoft Word. However, at the end of the competition, the judging panel will determine the winner(s) of the competition based on writing skill, descriptive detail, and your overall originality.

~*~The Rules~*~
  1. There are no sign-ups! To enter the competition, you simply have to post an appeal. There are no limits to the number of players, but please be active.
  2. There are no "I will write a post" posts allowed. If you wish to discuss the game/give critique on player's work, use The Snorlax Room, the PC Social Thread
  3. You may not make edits to your final posts within the thread, so be sure to spell check and look for grammatical errors. Any posts that are seen as "edited" will not be counted and the player will not be judged.
  4. In your appeal, you may use just ONE Pokemon within the appeal. However, you may use an unlimited number of Pokemon for backstory or descriptive purposes. However, there should be just ONE Pokemon performing the act.
  5. You may use any Pokemon from Generation 1 to Generation 5. Be advised that all Generation 5 Pokemon must have respectably logical movesets, as we do not know certain details at this time. Giving Tsutaja an Electric Type Attack will inherently flaw your own score.
  6. Be advised to use your favorite Pokemon. An appeal involving a Moltres may score less than an appeal using a Cherubi.
  7. This is a writing competition, meaning that points will be awarded to the best writers, or those who can most beautifully describe their original appeals. Arceus may destroy the entire world in your appeal, but it could lose to a Magikarp's graceful flops if the appeal is shoddily written.
  8. Any and all posts about this thread, whether within or outside the thread, are strictly FORBIDDEN to predict winners/losers/runners-up/outcomes of this game. Inherently, this is discouraging, and any player who is seen doing so will be punished or disqualified.
  9. Each appeal must be at LEAST ONE page written in Microsoft Word Double Spaced, 12-pt font. They can be as long as you want.
  10. Please keep these appeals PG-13 or younger. No sex, drugs, or excessive violence. This hardly needs to be said, but this is a precaution.
  11. Because the Anime does not follow the 4-move limit, Pokemon may have more than 4 moves.
  12. You MAY and are ENCOURAGED to post in a different (READABLE!) color.

~*~The Judging Panel~*~

As with any contest, the judging panel is composed of the most esteemed members of the Poke Center, myself included. However, there is a slight twist with the judging panel.
As you can tell, everybody has different interests and curiosities. We've shared alot about our personal tastes in the Poke Center, so I'm avoiding judging bias by creating a pool of judges, of which THREE will be selected to judge the final submissions.

The judging pool consists of the following people:

-Spire III

Please do not PM me asking to be a judge, we have enough now.

Your appeals will be judged out of 30 Points. Each sub-category will be worth a total of 10 points. There are 3 sub categories:

Writing Skill and Coherence (10 Points)
Was your story easy to follow? Was the sequence of events adequately described, and free of spelling/grammatical errors? How was your writing, was it interesting or dull? Vivid or bland? Did you write in the English language?

Description of Appeal (10 Points)
How descriptively did you write your appeal? Did you OVER-describe your appeal to the point where it lost credibility? Did you paint a picture in the judge's mind of your appeal?

Originality of Appeal (10 Points)
How was the choice of Pokemon? Was it the correct choice? Did the appeal make sense?Have you seen this appeal performed in the Anime? Was the move choice correct? Did the correct "effect" occur from the move (i.e, did Fire Blast make a snowman, or Blizzard make energy spheres)?

~*~Short Sample Appeal~*~

This is a VERY rough, VERY bland appeal that I drafted very quickly. It's just to give you a taste of what I am looking for. YOUR appeal will be MUCH MUCH longer and MUCH MUCH more detailed.

As I walked to the middle of the stage, I could only think of my grandfather's wishes. "Do good and prosper" he said to me, as he handed me his favorite Pokemon, within the same PokeBall I am holding now. The stage was damp and hot, the ground was covered in shallow pools of misty water. I send out my Surskit who falls to the ground in a shadow of leaf petals and confetti. "Sursky, use Ice Beam" I shouted, as he skated along the ponds, freezing the water that splashes up from below his skating feet. The crystals in the air formed a splenderifirous sight. The audience growled in excitement
Now that you've seen what it takes, GET WRITING!!
I'll announce the deadline at a later date!
(music is Super Monkey Ball OST - Monkey Race Advanced Track)


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
-Reserved Post- (Also for music)

<object width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/SljWL5gsxtc&fs=1&rel=0&autoplay=1&loop=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/SljWL5gsxtc&amp;hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&autoplay=1&loop=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
So let me get this straight, you can write a story about something involving 1 pokemon?

Oh, and I love how the judges are notable members of the CPS.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Rules said:
6. Be advised to use your favorite Pokemon. An appeal involving a Moltres may score less than an appeal using a Cherubi.
What if someone's favorite Pokemon is a Legendary Pokemon? The way it's worded makes it seem using Legendaries would score a lower appeal compared to an entry with a different Pokemon (such as Cherubi) if they were written at roughly the same level?


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
So let me get this straight, you can write a story about something involving 1 pokemon?

Oh, and I love how the judges are notable members of the CPS.
No, you have to write an "appeal" like May, Dawn, Zoey, and other coordinators perform in the Anime, or like you would perform in a Pokemon contest.

What if someone's favorite Pokemon is a Legendary Pokemon? The way it's worded makes it seem using Legendaries would score a lower appeal compared to an entry with a different Pokemon (such as Cherubi) if they were written at roughly the same level?
It was to be taken more as "don't think that using a Legendary Pokemon that can destroy the world would get more points than a simple Pokemon doing something equally as cool.", as in, Pokemon choice does not matter, and picking Legendaries over small Pokemon or Small Pokemon over legendaries isn't the way to go

Just use your favorites :)

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
It was to be taken more as "don't think that using a Legendary Pokemon that can destroy the world would get more points than a simple Pokemon doing something equally as cool.", as in, Pokemon choice does not matter, and picking Legendaries over small Pokemon or Small Pokemon over legendaries isn't the way to go

Just use your favorites :)
Oh okay. That makes more sense. Besides, I don't think destorying the arena of which this is taking place would score very well with the judges. :p


Apr 13, 2008
Oh okay. That makes more sense. Besides, I don't think destorying the arena of which this is taking place would score very well with the judges. :p
I lol'd :laugh:

I'm very excited for this. I'll actually have time to judge this time around as compared to past contests I've partaken in juding on SWF.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Is it me or all the judges past members of Pocket Monsters?

This actually seems pretty interesting.

I might or might not participate in this. I do love how you embedded music in this thread though :)


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
I personally don't think the submissions should be posted in the thread, in the spirit of the competition.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Should our final entry posts be posted in collapse tags? You know, seeing as the posts will be rather large.
Yes, post them in the thread with collapse tags!

I personally don't think the submissions should be posted in the thread, in the spirit of the competition.
This doesn't make sense, it clearly states in the OP to post appeals here.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
Are the writers allowed to determine their own terrain? Or is there a pre-determined one that you would like us to use?


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Are the writers allowed to determine their own terrain? Or is there a pre-determined one that you would like us to use?
You are allowed to determine your own terrain, within the limitations of what could be swapped through the floor. For example, you can have a pool, a field of grass, or a beach, but you couldn't have an amusement park or a skyscraper.

You can also use your Pokemon to create/destroy terrain at will.
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