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The Smash Affiliates - Making appearances here and there since 2006

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
I wasn't hating on him. I don't hate him at all. He just makes it impossible to like him.

I will tell you facts.

1) EL isn't good at smash.

2) M2K is disliked by virtually everyone that knows him.

3) EL has a rep as one of the coolest funniest smashers alive.

4) M2K has a rep as one of the biggest jerks that plays smash.

5) EL has a life.

6) M2K has no life. This is stated by M2K himself.

7) EL is respectful and nice unless you provoke him to retaliate in an aggressive manner.

8) M2K is disrespectful and can be cold. He can be mean or rude for no apparent reason.

Inui I wasn't referring to you at all when I was talking about that person he thinks like him. Jason knows you like him. So it can't be you.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey

I think it's Cactuar, then. I know LK genuinely likes him and Ryoko openly hates him.

At any rate, it would be nice if you stopped insulting M2K. =/

You're cool because you play Fire Emblem.

Now go beat FE 4!

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
If m2k were in this thread he would say I'm being honest, not insulting right? I mean that's how he rationalizes his behavior and because he is such an awesome smasher he must be correct.

Anyway, I'll stop now. M2K's behavior and attitude are enough to screw him over. He doesn't need me to insult him or whoop his ***. I'm sure he gets enough of that in high school.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
DrgSupergogeta: dude ur secret is out
WSFL Cactuar: oh ****
DrgSupergogeta: lol..r we talkng about the same secret
DrgSupergogeta: how you d/l horse pron?
WSFL Cactuar: oh thank god
WSFL Cactuar: i thought you meant how i film gay porn to finance college
DrgSupergogeta: ROFLMAO
DrgSupergogeta: but yah i typed in our thread how u r using m2k to get better..whoopsies
DrgSupergogeta: read my posts on the last page
DrgSupergogeta: and type anything if u wish
WSFL Cactuar: lol
WSFL Cactuar: everyone knows that though

^^^^ IM chat between me and Cactuar. Good stuff IMO.


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
Just to clarify. I'm cool with Mew2king. I do consider him a friend regardless of how much of a jerk he is (don't deny it M2K). I consider most people I meet friends unless I make it known that I dislike said persons.

Also, if you would like to browse my dabblings in the gay pornography realm, contact me and I'll send you torrents.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
lol i like how woz makes one lil post and it just send EL crazy and has Inui suckin m2k's **** lol and o yea good grades doesnt keep u from failin at life and bein a ****in loser lol... havin good grades just means u do ur work lol and stop bein a bully to m2k... lol u kno all u gotta do is slam him and its a wrap lol... wut da hell he guna do tech it lol

WoZ Edit: Oh shnaps.

Just to be fair, I'm going to edit out the censor bypasses. But dayum, that was funny.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
By the way, this is Emblem Lord's south park picture:


Apparently, he wanted to look like a pimp black Marth. I call it ******.jpg.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
lolz. Actually I just retyped what I was typing in the hub. I did it to retaliate agasint Jason. Nothing more. He was gunning me, so I gunned him back. Like I said I have no real problem with M2K.

Woz copying and pasting what m2k wrote is his way of saying he disapproves of what Jason said. He enjoys starting drama though so he can't just come out and say, " I think Jason is an ******* and should leave Emblem Lord alone."

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
Emblem Lord is totally trying to make himself feel better by making delusionary statements about my actions.

Here's my South Park pic:

And bah at Sneak not being able to make it on Saturday night.

That Sunday, however, is a smashfest in Central Jersey. Who's up for going?

EDIT: I'm headed somewhere on Sunday, so I can't go anymore.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
Wow Emblem, nice job saying all this crap about me when you hardly know anything about me. In person you blatantly told me for no reason at all that you consider me a nerd and you were acting like some sort of tough guy trying to make me afraid of you. I'm not afraid of you or anyone else, and I am actually a really nice person and not a jerk regardless of what Cactuar says, and I rarely have bad intentions with anything I do. But wow, you just blatantly called me a nerd for no reason at all when I asked to play, then you threatened to kick my *** which you wouldn't do anyway, saying it for no reason just to be a ****, then you go play in the crew battle and almost get 4 stocked by Inui. Then later on the hub I commented how I didn't know how it's possible to be as bad as you, but if I liked you I probably wouldn't have said anything like that, just like you obviously don't like me because of what you said to me, you're inclinded to talk **** about me so I'm inclinded to do the same back. WoZ even agreed that you suck, right after I said it, but I bet he left that part out on purpose. I am a very likable person if you get to know me regardless of what you think, but I dislike people randomly being a **** to someone for no good reason at all.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
I say Emblem Lord sucks all the time.

Hell, look at the freakin' motto.

But for all of TSA, we were doing really worse than usual. You said so yourself about me, Mew2King.

Lastly, Mew2King, it is indeed nearly impossible to like you. I have no idea where you get the impression that you were likeable.

Anyway, let's stop the arguing there.

Mr. Derp

Smash Apprentice
Nov 15, 2006
FORMALLY: Ryu777 ...OLD POST COUNT: around 500
well, M2K did totally blow me off when I asked him twice if we could play at this smash tourney in summer, I'm not trying to make enemies here and I try to be nice to even the people who are jerks to me. so no hard feelings, just play me next time.

Oh, WoZ, I make those southpark things too but I never can figure out how to get pics of them cause the Create a character thing is a flash program, how'd you do it?

edit: nevermind, forgoit about print screen :)


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
I'm not even talking about the crew battle WoZ. You guys were clealy off in the crew battle, but not only is that not an excuse to get ***** as worse as you guys did (which I wasn't even talking about, just mentioning it now anyway since I'm on the topic), but I still think he sucks anyway.

The reason I'm mad is you can't just randomly be a **** to someone you don't even know well, for no good reason at all, then have that person say something back about them, and then make a bunch of long paragraphs about how gay that person he randomly made fun of in the first place is. I only respect people that respect me back.


well, M2K did totally blow me off when I asked him twice if we could play at this smash tourney in summer, I'm not trying to make enemies here and I try to be nice to even the people who are jerks to me. so no hard feelings, just play me next time.
That was probably someone on my screenname and not me. I love playing smash.

Mr. Derp

Smash Apprentice
Nov 15, 2006
FORMALLY: Ryu777 ...OLD POST COUNT: around 500
actually, I asked you inperson at a tournament over the summer, it was the one at the cherry hill library where they didnt make enought time for the 1 v. 1s :p but that was about 4 months ago and owned me, I'd like to see how I would do now though. I'd like to play sometime, i mean, your in cinnaminson and I'm in chrry hill.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
If I took 9 stocks off of TSA on my own, 6 of those stocks being from the top two players in the crew...ya'll were pretty off. =/ I don't think I could beat WoZ when he's playing well.

Jason, you're a nerd. Getting mad at someone saying you're a nerd is like me getting mad when someone calls me fat. Wow, big deal.

You're not that nice to people. You don't go out of your way to be nice or anything. Yes, you are a funny kid when people get to know you, and you can do nice things(you gave me 20 bucks for my birthday when nobody else gave me anything), but it's hard to get to know you because you give terrible first impressions too often.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
Jason I never said anything is wrong with being a nerd. I'm a nerd too. Hell, the majority of the smash community are nerds. I don't mind that you said I sucked. It was how you said it. If you had said, I don't think Emblem Lord is that good that would have been fine. But you are so insensitive and mean that you said I sucked which is just insulting.

By the way. This isn't the first time you have been an *** towards me. You have done it in the hub in the past when we were talking. You come off as arrogant and mean when I was actually trying to be friendly. You always had the same excuse too. It's just a hub or it's just the internet. But the thing is, that in person, you are still the same arrogant jerk you are on the internet.

By the way don't compare your actions to those of WoZ. He is one of my best friends in the world. He does what he does because it's a running joke between us. You are just cocky and rude.

I will agree that I was at fault by flying off the handle at you in PA. But guess what? You said Woz agreed that I sucked. Well, he also agreed that you deserved to be yelled at because you needed to be knocked down a peg. He even told me I shouldn't apologize to you for it when I had actually planned to tell you I was sorry. I'll admit that you didn't deserve it. I'm sorry for coming dwon on you man. I was mostly just pissed because our whole crew was off our game. We are all friends so when I saw us all playing badly it really bothered me.

And who ever said I didn't like you? I'm impartial to you Jason. I just don't like your attitude. I have nothing against you personally. And as for me not knowing you. Well, I may not know little factoids about you, like your favorite food and such, but I think have you pretty much figured out.

I'm guessing you aren't that popular in school and you have little friends. For you smash is an outlet. A way for you to have control and be great at something, which is probably not happeneing for you at school. You have trained long and hard for your skills which in turn has made you over confident. That is understandable. Thing is though, because you have little friends you lack people skills. So your lack of social skills plus your arrogance = a bad combination. You often make bad first impressions or simply don't know how to act in a courteous manner and that gets you in trouble with people. In turn you deal with this by being more reclusive. You hold yourself in your room alone with your games instead of going out and experiencing the world. The more you become a hermit, the less you develop socially, which means more social mishaps.

A vicious circle. But it doesn't end there. You know you are an awesome smash player and you have great knowledge. This is also leads you to have many debates and arguments about the game with others. You seem to be the type that can't stand to be wrong or have your voice drowned out. You will constantly try to be more forceful in debates about your opinion stating them as facts and completely disregarding the opinions of others. This makes people dislike you even more, which in turn isolates you more from others. I'm guessing that goes back to your school experiences. Someone once told that the most horrible thng you can do to a human being is ignore them. To ignore someone is to deny thier very existence. I take it that you want to be acknowledged. If you become the best in smash then people will have to recognize your worth. They won't be able to ignore you.

Look all of that is mostly just speculation based on what you have told me about yourself and what I know about human nature in general. Make of it, what you will. Either way, I suggest you and I squash this beef here and now. I can be your friend Jason or I can be indifferent towards you. The choice is yours. But we should definately work this out. Cactuar is my friend and a part of TSA. As long as you train with him and hang out with him you will end of up seeing me too. So for the sake of avoiding future drama I think we should end this pointless little quabble.

Lastly, I don't think you are a bad person. I think that you probably have a rough time in your everyday life and you don't have a life outside of videogames. This actually makes me pity you. I would like you, except that you make it **** near impossible with your attitude and you complain about how others don't like you and how everyone gangs up on you. I think deep down inside you are a nice guy. It's just you have become so cocky and isolated you just don't know how to relate to others or be courteous.

Solution. Put down your controller every once in a awhile and go outside. Talk to some girls. Chill with some people. Meet some new poeple and form bonds with them. It will do you alot of good trust me.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
wow.... dis guy made a whole friggin essay.. "the philosophy of m2k" lol marcel it wusnt even worth it lol.. quite frankly i dont think any1 gives a **** lol .... u talk about how flooded the thread gets at times and then u make 1000 word posts about absolutely nothin.... dont even worry about m2k or any1 else.. just worry about u and makin urself better as a person and in smash... and u dont always gotta say sorry either...... man up lol

p.s. thanks for the sig muz good stuff i owe u


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2005
Clifton NJ
np, i'm lucky to find that hot graffiti font.
i have a few more sigs to go, looking for some sick vids still
I wonder if ccx got some wiis setup? i played a little tennis and boxing which is pretty fun, i dunno if there is room enough in that store for a 4 player tennis match though heh.

might end up here:

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC

lolz@Ryan. I love you too man. I apologized to Jason because I basically yelled at him for no reason. That's all.
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