WOW, haven't posted in here in a while, new AE tripped me up a bit.
@sinz: lulz, wait till you see the render I used. The whole is oversharpened; in some areas it looks ok but in others (particularly near the text and clipping masks), it's noisy and grainy. Text could be more refined, as it's also oversharpened and it's 'menace' quality sort of diminishes. I would also get rid of the large clipping mask on the top left, it's just very...awkward for some reason and makes me wonder why it's there to begin with.
@inryo: overcontrasted, IMO. The text is decent, but I don't really like how it looks 3D, makes it look cheesy. Otherwise, looks pretty good.
@Paperst: Good start, I suppose. I'm usually very blunt and offensive in my critiques so I'm not good at starting people off. Just go on various GFX sites and check out their resources and tutorials.
Nothing from me in the past few months so trying to get back in (plus I owe a gift to a friend so I want it good >.>)
EDIT: and to answer 1UP's question about the SOTW, I will not start it up again since I'll be out of the country for most of the summer and will have limited internet access, etc. Also because I don't like the new AE.