>>> is WAY too much, no character beats another THAT badly
I'm thinking >> is too much as it is, if you get beat that badly, that's your problem.
It's all relative. Basically take every matchup you would say is ">>" and now think of it as ">>>" and then now we just have to separate all of the ">"s from your system into "slight advantage (>)" and "moderate advantage (>>)"
Meh have you ever "played well" vs me WOTG?
I'll I ever hear when we play is that you're playing bad. Every single time we play. Ever.
strong troll-fu from sheer lately
Pikachu vs Samus says Hi.
potentially Fox vs. Samus
or Falcon vs. Samus for similar reasons
What are you guy's opinions on Luigi vs Jiggs also I find that this might be that bad..might
Pika vs Samus and Falcon vs Samus are not that bad IMO
Dude we already used those numbers for a bit though, those number arguments already happened and apparently we cared enough to use them
Holy ****ing ****
You people's memories can't seriously be this bad. My mind is being blown right now. Am I the only sane one in this community?
Numbers are cool too. My point was just that there's a reason we had more than just 0, +1, and +2 on the numbers. And yes I remember the numbers btw, how could i forget the debate about Mario being +3 against Fox on DL?
That excuse is garbage. Having a lot on your mind right now is unrelated to remembering past events. Don't try to use the thinly-veiled "I have more of a life than you" rebuttal, that's ****-tier stuff right there. We used the notation for several months at least during discussions and you completely forgot.
I'm sorry if I'm being a dirk but like I said, my mind is being blown
SK someday you'll have a life and you'll understand. Although I'm not really sure AA has a life. Still in school? GTFO.
P.S. I don't really "construct" my posts often either, and probably have done so less than you, not sure why being brought up
P.P.S. Your "idc about Smash, my 7k+ posts are of utter apathy blah blah" is getting really old :|
The "constructing" posts thing is hilarious considering that aa has like all the longest posts in this forum and the BR (yeah I know that in reality you have 10 uber long posts and 7000 1 liners)
Also strong rebuttal of "lol u have 7k posts" haha
these are the matchups that will actually be played, and lower-tier character specialists can work their own matchups out
Pika +2 Kirby
Pika +2 Fox
Pika +1 Falcon, maybe +0, depending on who you ask
Pika +2 Mario
Pika +2/+3 Yoshi
Kirby +2 Fox, maybe +1
Kirby +1 Falcon
Kirby +2 Mario
Kirby +2/3 Yoshi
Fox -1/2 Falcon
Fox +2 Mario
Fox +2 Yoshi idk
Falcon +2 Mario idk
Falcon +1 Yoshi
Mario +1 Yoshi idk (i dont really think it's yoshi advantage, im open to convincing though)
vanilla list with not much controversy
other rules:
jiggs is mediocre across the board
dk is fat
link is pretty good on hyrule but terrible on DL
luigi is terrible but maybe beats samus? idk that b-air is good
ness is not a thing
I think you've overrated pika a bit. like pika/falcon is 0 IMO. I think you've underrated Yoshi a bit too, like Mario/Yoshi is 0 or -1 (Yoshi advantage). Other than that though Mario underrated IMO. Yes I do think Yoshi is better than Fox or Falcon against Mario. deal with it.
Dude it hurts when newcomers know more than people who are nominally part of the community
stop it dude, you're making me grimace
SK I remember the numbers, the numbers are cool
obligatory post on the silliness of AA/SK beef and thinly veiled references to how much better and mature than you I am and how I would never get involved in something so petty
battlecow is the man