lol I dont even know whos in your crew. you, bailey, sol, reject, phish-it, and a lot of people that have there names with bar in it. D-bar Z-bar X-bar, ABC-bar.
You guys are a great crew. but you guys are so inactive gosh. lol
and you have 4 more posts than me. ill beat you! lol.
1st - I don't care bout post count so post all you want
2nd - There are really only 2 ppl with Bar in it, RuBar and Bar, XBar basically dropped the 'Bar' outta his name just as i have, but he hasn't made another alias, so as of now he's just going by X, and if you know correctly X = Unknown lol but i don't feel like editing the thread to just take out 'Bar' outta his name
We're not inactive cuz Reject, Coin, Sol, Ky, Phish, Bailey, Libf, Nintendude all go to tourney's and thats 8 members, which means thats more than half the Elite Class, our Elite Class has 14 members
We don't have to go to those Weeklies every friday like you guys have to to prove why we're good or anything like that, we're nice and when we go to tourney's my main focus is to have mad fun, and i make it mad fun for myself and others, hence Murt Murh's and Muro all over the place lol
3rd - The reason why so many ppl had 'Bar' in their name was because there was 2 different crews that merged to make AvalanchE....... The BAR Dynasty and Team 83, the Elite Class in The BAR Dynasty had all taken the name 'Bar' into their name, right up until the part where i was in talks with Sol about Merger.......... you will also notice that some Underclassmen took the name 'Bar' into their names as well, they did that because they wanted to be as nice as all the 'Bars' were, only Elite Class were allowed to take the name into their own because it represented that they have achieved the highest reward for being in the Crew, Eliteness