Smash Ace
HAT is a smasher that lives insanely close to the venue.... i used 2 talk to him about housing me for pound 2... but i couldnt make it last time.... so since i couldnt come last time i asked him again and he said it was ok ^_^brian, aziz, jesus, tec9, jash, dionis, ron
EDIT: cool thanks branden, but who's HAT?
damit jesus... its BRANDEN lol..... and suure.... i just forgot which pics i was gonna use >.>brenden can u make me my sig with N oready PLZ!!!
quit life.... well since i no longer live at my house... idk if we will b able 2 play again.... however i have asked my grandma 2 let me live with her and she said yes ^_^... but idk i might b able 2 set something up >.>GET AT MY SIG... also ... i wanna play the rest of the crew already =( ... its been soooo long
EDIT: y the *** do ppl want to leave.... at least u ppl get attention when ya play.... most ppl dont know wtf a Zro is lol...... ya need 2 suck it up.... ppl get buzy and watnot.... so weeklies r just hard 2 set up sometimes >.>