Alot of you compared Ridley to a lion/Tiger/Komodo Dragon(nice) saying that they aren't massive, but theyre still menacing. Well you're right, except I was referring to Samus. Tell me, If a Komodo Dragon came after Samus would she run? Hell no, because she's got a badass powersuit and more balls than everyone in this thread combined.
"Ridley was changed into a giant in SuperMetroid for a reason" 1) Ridley was always meant to be huge. The only reason he wasn't is because of the NES' hardware limitations 2) Ridley's small size
in Metroid was retconned in
Zero Mission (the remake) where if you recall HE WAS HUGE!
Sure Ridley has had his fair share of changes, but he retains his huge factor in every last one of them. Most of you take huge as a relative term so I'll simplify: He's too big to be a playable character. Name one installment where he could fit as a playable character? Let me guess "Metroid 1 and Melee intro" Right? That's all you guys got, and they just barely BARELY count. Hey I'll give those to you. All I have is Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Zero Mission, Metroid Prime 1-3(Omega Ridley is still too big guys), Other M, Brawl, Oh and let's not forget the Metroid Manga. 9 solid examples vs your 2 "iffy" examples.
Has it occured to you that Ridley was intended to be huge? I mean have you seen the mods people made for Ridley in Brawl? Those were about the same size as the Melee intro counterpart you all swear by and they looked like crap. I've yet to see a convincing render of him in Smash bros. Ridley has a dragon anatomy that just doesn't look right shrunk down. You know, It's almost like Nintendo did that on purpose.