So now I've got these questions for you, and want you to answer them with all your seriousness; no jokes, no nothing. I want everyone to answer these.
• Has the speculation really been worth it?
• Will Ridley's inclusion be justified?
• What would the ratio be between people who will like him and hate him if he's confirmed?
• Was it unprofessional on Nintendo's part to not clear the confusion when they had the perfect opportunity to do so?
• EDIT: Do you think it would be worth showing your displeasure with Nintendo?
• Do you think him being a Wii U-exclusive stage boss is really worth complaining about?
• Should DLC be made if he's not playable after the false hype people have made of it?
• Would you forgive Sakurai for turning a blind eye towards the Ridley fanbase?
• Would you question your point of view if he isn't playable?
• What does Ridley represent in your eyes?
• Why do you want Ridley playable?
• Do you think your reason is fair/non-biased?
• EDIT: What do you think of the fans?
• EDIT: Do you wish for all character requests to be treated equally, and not be taken on face/personality value?
and lastly...
• Does Smash truely deserve a playable Ridley after all these years? After fifteen years of desperation, redemption, and unfair prejudice from the detractors?
0. I make no promises. Jokes and nothing are just in my nature.
1. Heck yes. This is one of the most fun communities I've ever been in, and I'm sad to see it closed down in a few days, for better or worse.
2. Depends on how he's included. If he's a freaking flying pinata, then HECK NO! If he's a PC, then I think you already know the answer.
3. I wanna say 50-50 at first, with more coming to love him as time goes by. Fore example I'm still not really a fan of Lucario, but I've come to enjoy his playstyle, despite my initial misgivings about his inclusion over other, more worthy pokemon in my eyes.
4. It depends on if he's playable or not. If he's playable, then it was the most brilliant form of marketing imaginable. If he's not playable, then it was a fan mockery, intentional or no, on par with BBA Megaman in Namco vs Capcom.
5. They'll be receiving strongly worded complaints in my Club Nintendo surveys for both games, and I'll probably whine about it here and there, but I'm not gonna boycott or anything extreme like that.
6. Yes. It would be like Making Bowser, or Gannon, or Dedede,
or K. Rool a stage boss instead of a PC. It's disrespectful to the character, and it's disrespectful to the franchise. (Though poor Sammy is no stranger to Nintendo dissing her games....)
7. YES. This is the only way they could fully redeem themselves after such a PR nightmare. I'd be able to forgive his absense, but I wouldn't forget it, and I wouldn't be able to trust Nintendo fully for a good long while. It'd be nowhere near Crapcom levels of disdain, (They've been crapping on their fans for years now.) but it would hurt my opinion of them greatly.
8. I.... Hmm... Megaman, likely Koopalining Costumes, Pac-Man.... But on the other hand, all these freaking, sword wielding humans.... I really can't say one way or another. You can't make everyone happy, but I do feel like Sakurai is trying to please the wrong people with this roster, and I don't know if I like him for it. (Then again, I could just be a selfish brat.

9. NEVER. Ridley 100% deserves this. If a bunch of fans with too much time on their hands can make a theoretical Ridley work, there's no reason Nintendo can't.
10. He represents one of the the more fantastic sides of Nintendo, that I feel is somewhat underrepresented in this roster. He represents another villain, another Metroid Rep, another sci-fi type character, another heavyweight, and another unique playstyle. He represents a fanbase that's growing by the minute, despite constant oppression.
11. So I can make Retsupuare jokes, natch. That, and the reasons listed above.
12. Everyone has a bias. I've just got nearly 2000 pages of facts, fanart, and well thought out logical arguments and rebuttals. supporting mine. Sue me.
13. I think we're good Nintendo fans from all across the fandoms, who have been pushed to our limits by both teasing and trolling. We're rubbed raw, and I think we deserve a little leeway with our frustration. We, as far as I know for the most part, don't go around attacking detractors, unless they throw the first stone at us. Then they're the ones who attacked the kihunter's nest. They're the ones who asked for it.
14. I'm... Not sure I understand this question. Are you saying should we have characters in not based on popularity? Well, on the one hand, that would mean less Lucina and Greninja, who I don't think deserve slots, but then again, we might not have Megaman, Little Mac, or even Ridley if popularity doesn't factor at all. A balance is needed between popularity, character design, and uniqueness of playstyle. (And historical relevance.)
15. Do you even need me to answer this?