Also, Sonic fanbase will start to like Sonic Boom designs and Sonic '06, Metroid Other M will become the best Metroid game, Daisy and Waluigi will become actually important and get above Koopalings' level, Mario will stop using drugs, Slenderman will start wearing a tophat and will grow a mustache, Godzilla will become a pacifistic big guy, Tingle will become the most famous/most requested character in America, Gamera will suddenly become a Ninja and will be a lot younger (get that pun?), Space Pirates will become good guys, Ridley will become Samus' Best Friend 4ever, Metroids will stop killing peoples and instead start learning english and quantum physics, Phazon will be sold in stores as something very safe and healthy, we will get either an official Ridley figure or a Ridley plushie, Wolf will let Star Fox do that, real SOVIET damage will become punny soviet damage while punny american damage will become real AMERICAN damage, Trollface will feel sad, Donkey Kong will hate bananas, Mewtwo will replace Lucario in Sm4sh or Sma5h, competetive "Stop Having Fun, Guys" idiots (not just competetive players because that is an insult to those who are actually nice and not such di- different persons) will abandon competetive rules and stop telling others that they are playing a certain game in a wrong way, Super Smash Bros will become something hardcore with brutal difficulty, Castelvania games will become the easiest games ever, Kaizo Mario hack and just insanely hard Mario hacks will be remade to be insanely easy...oh my, it would be the end of the world as we know it now...
Will any of you stop predicting date of his reveal if he won't be revealed in August and just wait? Or you will continue doing that until he is revealed either by Nintendo or someone who unlocked him?