No matter how much syke tries to cramp my style, im still gonna continue to post about this stuff, because im not catering to anyone by writing this stuff. That said, im happy to discuss whats been going on.
So without any further ado...
Mary jane- Part 3: Saying goodbye.
It was a cold, Thursday afternoon, I was walking around, looking for a familiar place in an unfamiliar suburb. A chilly breeze was blowing, and like an idiot i forgot to bring a jumper. It was freezing! Eventually i came across a familiar park, and i breathed a sigh of relief because i realised i had reached my destination. Northbridge is a really nice looking suburb, but it's not the nicest place to be in the evenings. You hear stories about people who have been mugged and attacked there all the time. I guess for a little while i was relieved, but then i remembered what i was there for, The many hours of work i had put into what i was planning..
Mary-Janes house.
You may think it was stupid of me, but she didnt know i was coming. She could have been out clubbing, or there could have been a party on or something. i really wanted to see her, but wasnt expecting her to be at home. It was a shot in the dark, i guess it would have been smarter if i'd called or something, but i didn't and just sorta turned up. It was getting dark and no lights were on, I thought it was worth a try and knocked anyway. There was no response and my heart sank a little. I turned to leave,
"who is it?" i heard from the balcony above
"It's Andre" i said.
Close to three seconds later the door had swung wide open and there she was, smiling at me.
"Hey there Mary-Jane" i said.
"What are you waiting for? come in!" was her reply.
I was actually suprised that she was at home that night, but it seems i caught her on the only night that week she was at home. I got lucky. Really lucky.
So we went into her room for a while and chatted about the move while she finished packing. I decided to help her out, and i helped her pick out what she was going to wear to the airport the next day. after that we went upstairs and i said hello to MJ's Mum. (parents are seperated. the dad is living over in melbourne, which is why he is never a part of these stories). She offered me some wine, and what kind of a guest would i have been to decline?
I figured it was time to show MJ her parting gift, so as her mome went off and ordered some indian food, i pulled out the album i wrote for her. There were 9 pieces of music on the CD, it was called Songs for Sarah (for some reason

), The last time she left me behind, i wrote her a piece of music, so i decided to step my game up this time around, She was really suprised that i did something like that, so we listened to it together. she was really happy, and it was the most rewarding thing, watching her expression as the music was playing.
"This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you so much!"
And we were in each others arms for a little while.
The music stopped playing, and the mum came along, saw us.
"aww, thats so cute. you want another wine Andre'?"
"Not if its too much trouble" i smiled
The thing that sucks is that despite all this, nothing changed. i guess i wasn't expecting anything to, but this is how it's always been. Things could have worked out, but there's always some reason, something that cant be helped that pulls one of us away.
"You really mean a lot to me, and its great that i have the chance to see you again before you leave."
and neither of us needed to say anything, I guess we both realised that if we started anything then, it would be doomed to fail. we agreed that it was better not to take it any further then that for now.
The indian food arrived and we went out to that balcony again, and then mum put the cd back on for some reason. we chatted about how people have changed. like how guy who was in our year in high school who we both remember got a 15 year old pregnant, and how so many people we used to know are now addicted to drugs.
"it's really nice to see you haven't let yourself go like everyone else." i said
The conversation continued late into the night, i figured she was getting tired, but she offered to give me a ride to the station. before that we got her mum to take a photo of us though. it's a really nice photo and hopefully ill be getting it sent to me pretty soon.
She took me to the train station where i said
"I had a really good time tonight.. it sucks to see you go, but please have a great trip. I'll stay in touch"
"Take care Andre'. and thank you so much for everything. I'm really going to miss you!"
And we embraced for a few minutes.
"i'll see you again, sarah. Don't you worry about that. Take care of yourself"
"you too"
I got out of the car, shut the door, and waved goodbye as she drove off into the night.
She flew out for brisbane last night.
And before anyone mentions the fact that she didnt respond when she tried to contact her, there's a reason for that. i epicly failed, i didnt copy her number properly from my old phone into my new one, so she didnt recieve any of my messages.
Well, there that is. She's gone, I'm still here. it feels.. i dunno, bittersweet.
But i think this story is over for now