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The Project M BRSTM Thread


Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2012
Canada (Nothing to find here!)
Can you get into Aemceemizuk/asis galvin? If I was planning on uploading my pack (ver3) to brawlvault later, I'll post the song list later. If you're looking for hip-hop mostly on menu/smashvile.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Hey bubba, I've had some problems with your earth wind and fire mixes.

I put september on Yoshis island (brawl) and it randomly switches to the generic YI song when the season changes. It is really weird. Also, it isn't very loud =/.

I put let's groove on Yoshi's island (melee) and it is very quiet. I understand this is because songs on melee stages have their volume cut in half of something. I was wondering what your thoughts on these two things were and if you'd be willing to fix it? I love them, but I want to enjoy them in all their glory. My macbook unfortunately isn't outfitted with the tools i need to do this myself.
I didn't put it on that specific YiB track for that very reason. ANY song will do that if you put it on Obstacle Course (E02). The problem is that when the weather becomes winter, the track will switch to Obstacle Course (Winter) (E07). This has literally nothing to do with my song or any song you place over that track. If you wanted the song on YiB, you could have left it named as what it was in the original download (if you downloaded the BRSTM from my Mediafire package) since it's named to a non-Obstacle Course track already, unless the track it's named to is something you have occupied already. The solution is to rename the BRSTM you have to any YiB song file that isn't Obstacle Course or Obstacle Course (Winter). To be specific, you may use E01, E03, E05, or E06. Even on your Macbook, you should be able to do this as all you are doing is renaming the file.

I'm not particularly sure why September is too quiet for YiB on your setup as people have told me that its volume is fine on my own Wii, but it may have to do with personal preference. However, I am aware that Let's Groove is actually a bit too quiet. I can fix these two songs and re-upload them. I'll post on here when I do that. ;)

Oh, just to be sure, are you having any problem with In the Stone?


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
I didn't use in the stone. Also ,thanks for the tip about the obstacle courses. I'll move them to some where else.


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2011
Locked in a safe floating in the Atlantic Ocean.
Hey, does anyone have a list/link to the different volumes different songs use in each stage? Certain songs come in quiet on certain slots, and I would love to be able to move things around to make sure the ones that need the volume (Final Dunkstination's Lyrics) get it. Is there a code for regulating the volume across all songs?


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Damnit, all those songs i put on are sounding like static garbage...maybe i need to delete them and recopy them :(. I think i corrupted them or something.


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2011
Locked in a safe floating in the Atlantic Ocean.
Try defragmenting your SD card. Fragmentation happens passively when you write files to a device. Imagine the disc as a bookshelf. Most file systems will stack all the files on the start of the disk and expand as you add new files. When you edit a file (copy and replacing files with the same name will do this) and the file size happens to be bigger or smaller than the size before it, the new data fragment will be smacked onto the back of the line, no matter where the file is on the disk. If brawl needs to jump all over the place for different parts of the audio file (on the disc they are all in one piece), as soon as it needs to find the second piece it will garble up and either play the default song on the disc or make the messed up garbage sounds.

If for some reason the normal defragging methods won't work, you can achieve the same result by simply removing everything from the card and putting it back on. If you move hacks around often, I suggest doing this once a week or two.


Still fallin'!
Jan 11, 2013
VIC, Australia
Hey, does anyone have a list/link to the different volumes different songs use in each stage? Certain songs come in quiet on certain slots, and I would love to be able to move things around to make sure the ones that need the volume (Final Dunkstination's Lyrics) get it. Is there a code for regulating the volume across all songs?

I believe that's what you're looking for. I like all my music at the same volume, so I just went and applied the code in there that normalizes all the in-game volumes, but it's of course possible to do each of them individually.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007


Still fallin'!
Jan 11, 2013
VIC, Australia
For those of us who are copy/paste file newbs and dont actually physically write any code, can we do what you did, and if so, how?

I actually copy/pasted the code in, since I have no real clue on how to deal with hex-numbers and the like.
But to just normalise all the in-game music, firs you'll want to refer to standardtoaster's post in the thread I provided:

If you want every song in the game to be the same volume, you can just use this code instead.

Global Song Volume Mod [standardtoaster, Magus]
041CA05C 388000XX

XX is a number out of 127
So, in other words, you'll want to copy and paste that code somewhere (as a text file, normally, but you can save it in Word or anything, as long as you have the text itself there), and then replace the 'XX' at the end with any number up to 127, which then becomes the volume for all the songs when you're playing. I set mine to somewhere between 70 and 80, and it sounds great.

Now, you'll need to download Code Manager if you haven't already. In the event that you've never used the program before, there's a fair few tutorials that can teach you how to use it, but the one that I found the simplest to understand was this one. I don't want to try explaining it myself, because I'm terrible at explaining things in a long-but-detailed manner.

After all that, you should have the .gct file, which, with another program called GCT Fusionizer. This is how you 'inject' a .gct file into the SSBB code file (ie. the Project: M one in your SD card). There's no tutorials for this one, but it's even simpler to use than Code Manager. Unfortunately, it can't inject Japanese .gct files, though I don't imagine that's going to be an issue here, lol.

Just to preface this, though: I don't know of any way to remove the .gct file from the game's code itself, so before doing anything else from here onwards, make a back-up of the original somewhere. Just putting that out there for clarity's sake.
Oh, also, the volume doesn't seem to lower itself when the game's paused. It will, however, still fade after the usual 5 or so minutes of inactivity. So that's good.

1. Start by downloading the program. It doesn't matter where you save it at first, especially if you want to have a back-up of it just in case, but you need to have a copy of the program in the 'codes' folder of your P:M SD card (this is where the .gct file for P:M is. I know that's kinda obvious to all of you, but anyway...).

2. Copy the .gct file that you got from Code Manager. Paste it into the the 'codes' folder on your SD card (where you should have a copy of GCT Fusionizer saved from earlier). It's important that it does here, because the program can only use the stuff that's in the same folder as it is.

3. Rename the .gct file that you just pasted to 'code'. The reason for this is that GCT Fusionizer won't actually recognise a .gct file unless it's named as either 'code' or 'RSBE01/RSBP01' respectively.

4. Open up the GCT Fusionizer program that's in the SD card. If you've done everything right up to this point, then you should see both the RSBwhatever01.gct and code.gct files with an OK next to them. Click 'Apply', and you're all done!

The code.gct file should still be left in the codes folder, though, so you can just delete it after you've applied it.

Well...that was a lot to type up. If something's not clear, though, or if there's an issue, then just ask.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
I have a mac :/ I don't know if I can use code manager. I'll look into it. THanks though for the explanation.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Hey, so I can't find a defrag program. I think im going to do what you suggest and remove everything and put it back.

Also, would your gct file work if im using the standard 2.5b (not the wifi-safe version)?


Still fallin'!
Jan 11, 2013
VIC, Australia
I have a mac :/ I don't know if I can use code manager. I'll look into it. THanks though for the explanation.
I was hoping you wouldn't say that. :(
Err, yeah, I've never used a Mac before, so I wouldn't have the ifrst idea of how to work around that. I imagine there *is* a way, though, you might just have to look hard for it.

I can provide a version of the wi-fi safe codeset (gct, not txt) with the added code, if you want.
You know, that might be a good addition for the OP as well, Mithost. I know people won't come into this topic for the sake of the code (since the thread isn't titled as such), but I imagine there's more people who'd appreciate it being up there anyway.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
So from here, is this step still necessary?
4. Open up the GCT Fusionizer program that's in the SD card. If you've done everything right up to this point, then you should see both the RSBwhatever01.gct and code.gct files with an OK next to them. Click 'Apply', and you're all done!


Still fallin'!
Jan 11, 2013
VIC, Australia
So from here, is this step still necessary?
4. Open up the GCT Fusionizer program that's in the SD card. If you've done everything right up to this point, then you should see both the RSBwhatever01.gct and code.gct files with an OK next to them. Click 'Apply', and you're all done!
Unless I'm mistaking Mithost's words, then no, you won't have to worry about that stuff with GCT Fusionizer. The Normalised Volume code should be integrated in both codesets that Mithost provided.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Sorry to be a nuisance but where do i put this .gct file? In the codes folder?


Still fallin'!
Jan 11, 2013
VIC, Australia
Sorry to be a nuisance but where do i put this .gct file? In the codes folder?
Yeah. Just replace the original P:M codeset that you had in there earlier with the one Mithost provided.
Again, though, make a copy of the P:M codeset that's already in the codes folder and put it somewhere. I know I sound like a broken, lecturing record. I just don't want people to forget that basic stuff like I do. :x


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2011
Locked in a safe floating in the Atlantic Ocean.
If I recall correctly I set them to 90, which is slightly higher than the average. The highest song ingame is 110 on castle siege, when the average is roughly 78-84. The maximum possible value is 127. The code's main purpose is to fix any brstms in the 30-60 range so they are equalized with the average custom brstm volume, and you no longer have to worry about what slot you put what song on.

That being said, I'm not going to keep releasing more codes with volume values that are -10/+10 in either direction. 90 makes every custom brstm audible over the sound effects but doesn't make anything too loud, and any slight changes can be made using the in-game SFX/Music balance slider. However, if there are any other cool music codes (similar to the audio fade Project M runs by default), I wouldn't mind posting them integrated with the P:M codesets.


Smash Lord
Jan 4, 2013
Oh yeah I definitely wasn't suggesting that it be changed for doods. Too much hassle/annoying/do it yourself lol. I also do like that idea of having multiple music codes readily available in this thread. I wonder if this'll make it so I don't have to boost all the brstm's I make now. Also btw, I... (get ready for it) LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE! your avatar. Repede is my favorite character from any Tales game! lol


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2011
Locked in a safe floating in the Atlantic Ocean.
You still have to boost your BRSTM a little bit compared to the relative volume of a normal wav file. You just don't have to do it on a per-song basis, and you won't have to deal with accidentally raising/lowering the volume by too much. I guess if you set the code to 127 and brought it up in-game as well you might be able to get away with it, but that really isn't worth the trouble.

Thanks. I just pulled it from google images, but it's nice none the less. Repede is one of my favourites too, simply because he lacks character development and he is the first character to have a good item thief.


Smash Lord
Jan 4, 2013
His thief was OP!! LMAO! I loved it so much! Have you seen the Tales of Vesperia movie? It kinda gives a little info about Repede as a pup. The movie's not that great imo. Not enough action and schtuff. The best part about it is the end credits lol

Also on subject... sorta... it's stupid that the volumes are so different between tracks. I will happily implement this code. Took forever for me to figure out that Corneria on.... Corneria was at like half the volume of the rest of the tracks. Ended up replacing Corneria's soundtrack with Lylat Cruise lol


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2011
Locked in a safe floating in the Atlantic Ocean.
Brawl's original music files were at different levels, and the programmers probably thought it was easier to just control the output volume with adjustable values than edit the brstms entirely every time they needed it changed. They would be correct in thinking this too, as one value being changed is much, much easier than recompiling anything and losing quality.


Smash Lord
Jan 4, 2013
Haha or they could've just recorded the tracks at the same volume to begin with... Nah not really lol that's a joke argument. As many amazing doods as there were that contributed to the Brawl soundtrack that would've been ridiculously difficult to organize. Also original tunes and blah blah blah stuff.

I'm gonna upload a few more brstm's to my older post thingy soon as well.


Smash Rookie
Apr 25, 2013
So i was curious if any of you put anything for the victory themes. I notice in alot of the packs listed there arent any or any mention of them here (guess their not as important lol). I've been mainly looking for ones for Snake or Sonic. And i've already checked brawlcustommusic and brawlvault, already used some from there.


Still fallin'!
Jan 11, 2013
VIC, Australia
The only Victory Themes I added were ones by The_NZA's request, and they're, admittedly, a little...uh, niche.
It's not that I have any problem with them or anything. I just need something to work with first.

*hint hint*


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2007
So i was curious if any of you put anything for the victory themes. I notice in alot of the packs listed there arent any or any mention of them here (guess their not as important lol). I've been mainly looking for ones for Snake or Sonic. And i've already checked brawlcustommusic and brawlvault, already used some from there.
Sonic: Level clear jingle from Sonic Adventure 2 (link)
Pokemon: End battle victory theme from Pokemon Stadium 2 (link)
Captain Falcon: Race finish from F-Zero GX (link)

I've also replaced the normal results screen music with the results theme from Meteos.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
For snake I put in goldeneye and for sonic i put "all i do is win win win no matter what.

On brawl vault do an advanced search and look for "victory" and make it exclusive to audio files. You'll find a slew of good ones.
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