Fresh ******
what is this crazy ass camera lmao. Did you throw a stabilizer on it?
The first match was as Pichu, and the second was my crappy Fox. I really need to work on my reactions and edgeguarding.
anyway, critique ****:
I don't like nair to utilt very much when you land in front of a shield. I would suggest trying a rising uair or nair through it after landing, or just opting to roll/spotdodge (very viable options if used correctly)
In general, against marth especially, I would recommend always trying to nair through the shield, but it can be hard to space that because of his DD.
On the subject of rolling, both of you were rolling a lot in neutral. It's a pretty tough habit to break, but definitely worthwhile. The less you have to shield/roll the better.
everytime you shield or roll you're giving up space or control of the stage. Just something to keep in mind.
watch those approaching jolts too, I know how tempting they are, but it's a really bad habit as well. I still fall back into that one every once in awhile and it almost always results in being punished.
You seemed to be getting away with it due to your opponent mis-spacing all his moves though.
for marth, I don't like to go offstage to edgeguard him unless I know I can get away with it (generally via combo, or if he's lost his double jump).
I'm a huge fan of invincible nair from the ledge if I can land it or using the marth slayer (roll to the edge, lightshield, hold down and away toward the ledge)
The other thing you want to do if knock him out of his double jump or his sideB (generally via jolt). For that you just have to look for his recovery patterns or situations where he has to jump.
If you can't get the ledge, it's pretty easy to punish his back to stage options. If you run up and shield near the ledge, he basically has to roll, since you can shield grab any of his aerials if they aren't spaced correctly.
I didn't watch the match as fox, but I play spacies too, so if you want I could give you some advice on it as well.