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The Only Reason to Come to Erie, PA

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Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2010
Best Thing Erie Has to Offer

Date: January 15, 2011

Games Being Played: Melee, possibly Brawl, but mostly Melee

Setup: 9:00 A.M. -10:00 A.M.
Registration: 10:00 A.M. -11:00 A.M.
Doubles Start: 11:15 A.M.
Singles Start: 1:30 P.M. - 2:00 P.M.

Entry Fees
Venue - $7.50 (includes lunch which means $2.50 goes to all you can eat food and drank)
Singles - $5.00
Doubles - $10.00 (Per Team)

$2.50 off of venue fee for bringing a TV
$2.50 off of venue fee for bringing a Wii or Gamecube


1st - 50%
2nd - 25%
3rd - 15%
4th - 10%

1st - 70%
2nd - 30%

NOTE: Penn State is wierd and won't let us pay you immediately so your winnings will be mailed to you in the form of a check.


Penn State Behrend, Erie PA
In the Reed Union Building (RUB), McGarvey Commons

Address - 5091 Station Road, Erie , PA 16563

Stage List
Starter Stage List:
• Dream Land: Fountain of Dreams
• Past Stages: Dream Land
• Special Stages: Final Destination
• Special Stages: Battlefield
• Yoshi's Island: Yoshi's Story
Counter Stage List:
• Kanto: Pokemon Stadium
• Planet Zebes: Brinstar
• Mushroom Kingdom: Rainbow Cruise
• Past Stages: Kongo Jungle
Starter Stage List:
• Kanto: Pokemon Stadium
• Past Stages: Dream Land
• Special Stages: Final Destination
• Special Stages: Battlefield
• Yoshi's Island: Yoshi's Story
Counter Stage List:
• Planet Zebes: Brinstar
• Mushroom Kingdom: Rainbow Cruise
• Past Stages: Kongo Jungle
General Rules
• Items are set to off.
• Stock and Time are set to 4 stock and 8 minutes respectively.
• Regular sets are best of 3 matches.
• Semi-final and final matches are best of 5
• The Tournament Host is the arbiter of all disputes.
• Blind Picks: the first character selection of a set must be without prior knowledge of the opponent's character selection for both players.
• No player can counter pick a stage he or she has previously won on unless agreed upon by both players.
• Gentleman's clause: any stage may be played on so long as both players agree to it, including banned stages.
• Timed out matches will be determined by the remaining number of lives, then percentage of the current stock. In the event of a percentage tie, replay that match. Any Sudden Death match is strictly not to be played.

Additional Rules for Teams Play
• Life Stealing is allowed
• Set team attack to ON
Redwood Counter Pick System
1. Blind Picks character selection.
2. Stage Striking: Players eliminate stages from the Starter Stage List until only 1 remains, and the players then play the first match on that stage. Players strike stages in 1 2 2 1 order.
3. The first match is played.
4. Winning player of the preceding match bans a stage.
5. The losing player of preceding match picks stage for the next match.
6. The winning player of preceding match picks character.
7. The losing player picks character.
8. The next match is played.
9. Repeat 4-8 for all consecutive matches as necessary until the set is complete.


For all disputes refer to a tournament host.

Note: The Tournament Host reserves the right at any time to make anyone leave the premises of the tournament.

Hope to see you there.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2010
If anyone wants to start a Brawl tourny there I'll just print out a set of rules and get it started but brawl is not on the schedule. Also Brawl+ is highly encouraged

Thank you for your time.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2010
Hey I know this is sort of a low key tournament and I hate posting on my own thread again but I was just wondering how many people outside of Erie actually plan on coming. This may help us estimate how many people we are accommodating and how many people to set up for.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2007
New Jersey
No idea where Eerie is but I have GPS. Though it depends on how far it is for me. Also it depends on how many people actually plan to go to this. But nobody wants Brawl so don't stick it in.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Erie is the very northwest part of PA.

Also, not necessarily true for Brawl, though I don't see a point in debating over it.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2010
Oh shoot I actually think I noticed that State College was doing that but didn't think it mattered too much; not to mention we could only run it on this day for many reasons that you don't care about.

Also, as far as joining the Pittsburgh smash community, I would love to but I don't have the means to get to Pittsburgh, nor the money to pay for transportation, nor the time of day.

I actually didn't expect too big a turnout anyways due to this being my first time hosting a tournament. However, I would like some feedback about whether or not more people might consider coming to another one if I could manage to set one up. Maybe next time in a more accessible location where Pittsburgh travelers don't have to go as far, but I'd much rather keep it here.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2010
Also after more research I found out that the tournament in State College is just Brawl, which is why I didn't care about it. I figure that the people that wanna play Brawl can just go to a Brawl tournament and the people that wanna play Melee can come to this tournament and play Melee.

Cave Dweller

Smash Apprentice
Sep 5, 2010
Pittsburgh, PA
Yo, I'm coming back up to Allegheny College tomorrow and I'll try and be there, doubtful that I'll make it in time for the 1:30 start time though. I might just play friendlies and hang out and such lol.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2010
Luckily I think I'm gonna hold off the start of the tourny just a bit for people to have time to get there. Plus we have all day and all night so we should be fine.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yeah like I'd go but.. lol I'm like in the very southeast of PA. xP

Good luck with this man. You could do it, and don't worry about posting in your own thread. YOU DA MAN, YOU POST IN THREAD.

Yeah do melee, but if some guys want to do brawl side tournies and what not, and there is like NOT that many ppl there, host it too.

Just make sure you got enough for both kind of events. :p
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