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The One-and-only-London-Thread thread - Updates on first post


Smash Master
Oct 30, 2006
London , Silver Street

an analysis on getting better

The problem with playing against humans is that if the humans aren't trying to learn then you'll eventually hit a "Brick Wall" where you simply can't get any better because no one is learning anything new.

So a "better" way to get better at this game is simple: Play against tournament-level players. This allows you to learn about Human mind games, Human DI, Human strategies etc. etc. If your friends are not adapting to you, then you'll need to go to where you can see a lot of different ideas on how people play. Play to win, but after each match review what happened and try to think of ways to improve your game.

The "best" way is to gather a few friends who are really serious about learning the game very well, and play with them, try out new combos and strategies, identify the weaknesses in your game and find ways to overcome them, etc etc.

I could go on about this all day, but if you REALLY want to train on top of the highest mountain peak all by yourself to master the supreme art of smash, then do the following:

Don't just limit yourself to playing VS. Matches. In general, yes you should play VS. Matches, but when you do so you should ask yourself the following questions: Am I doing enough damage? Am I KOing others enough? Am I getting KOed too much? Are my moves hitting when I need them too? etc. etc.

If you need to do more damage: Play Stamina matches until you know how to deal damage

If you need to KO more often, or you are getting killed too much: Play Super Sudden Death until you know how to knock your opponents out

If the action is moving too fast for you: Play Slo-Mo matches until you get a feel for what's going on, and then once you can learn to see all of that you'll have less trouble when you start playing at normal speed.

If you REALLY have trouble focusing on the whole game: Stop playing, watch the computers fight, and try to notice as many details of the fight as you possibly can. Seems wierd, but it helped me to train myself to keep track of the whole stage whereas before I would just zone out during the match.

(On that note, go to youtube and look for SSBM matches. There's also a thread on this board that shows you where to look for match videos. This way you can look at how humans play and try to read their mindgames. This won't automatically make you good at mindgames, because you also need to learn how to come up with your own mindgames as well. Doing this only gives you one half of the equation.)

If your aerial game is weak: Try to win a match using ONLY aerial moves
If your grabbing/Throwing game is weak: Try to win a match using ONLY grabs and throws
If your ground tilt/neutral game is weak: Try to win a match using ONLY tilts or neutral attacks
If your smashing game is weak: Try to win a match using ONLY smash attacks
etc. etc. The idea here is to train yourself where you're weak so that you can be a more versatile player with whatever character you have.

Keep in mind that if you use the methods in the last paragraph then you should also try a few matches where you use as many different moves as you can. You DO want to incorperate all of these moves into your fighting style. You do NOT want to pigeon hole yourself by only knowing how to use aerials.. or only knowing how to use smashes.

Yes, some moves are generally useless. Learn to use those too. More options = Deeper mind games. If you are only using a handful of your options, then your opponent will have no trouble predicting you.

When playing against the CPU, remember these things:

It's not that smart. It's not that human either. It won't play any mindgames, it certainly won't care about YOUR mindgames, it won't know about advanced techs, and the high-level DI is horribly stupid.

As for the CPU's strategy, here's what I've noticed: Lower levels are less aggressive than Higher levels. Note that I didn't say dumber, I said less aggressive.

By aggressive I mean that they will attack more often and they will run towards you more often. Level 1s tend to stand still and look at you, while Level 9s will pretty much always be chasing you down.

Both a high level and a low level AI will do crazy stupid things like kill themselves when they're trying to chase you. The main difference is that, since the high level AI is more aggressive and moves more often, it is actually more likely to kill itself first.

Also, CPUs in the higher levels will use Powershielding, but from a coding standpoint that seems to be more of a special case and I'm not really sure how that fits in. There may be other differences but honestly... who cares? It's just the CPU, anyways.

Just... don't make the mistake of thinking that pwning the CPU = pwning other human players. It doesn't work that way. Humans don't play like the CPUs and the CPUs don't play like Humans. You won't learn about mindgames. You already know that the CPU is going to run towards you and attack you with Random Move X, while occasionally using Random Special Y, while perfectly Powershielding every projectile unless they are stuck in lag, so there really isn't much in the way of guesswork.

All in all...

You're better off just playing against other players. If you have other players to play with, then it becomes a lot easier to set up "controlled experiments" like "What happens if Mewtwo's Shadowball hits Samus's Charge Shot midair?" and other stuff like that. And since it's easier to set up these experiments, you'll have a lot better luck when it comes to developing combos and strategies that actually work.

The only things you can reliably train for "by yourself" are techniques like Wavedashing, Shieldgrabbing, etc that don't rely upon the other player "messing up" AND you can train yourself to time your own moves correctly so that they hit every time. You can't even reliably learn something like Powershielding this way because you'd have to depend on the CPU trying to shoot you.

No combos because of wierd DI. No mindgames since it does the same thing over and over. Heck, you hardly get anything at all.

Find some friends so you can all help each other train. If you don't want to do that or none of your friends wanna play smash, then go to a few tournaments and play against some real people.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2006
London, England
Hmmm thanks Edwin, Good bit of advice, There are a few aspects of my game that I need to improve, Some are technical aspects but generally improving in certain matchups. I do check out a lot of vids even when Im here at Uni so I can pick up stuff and keep note of it o put into my game. I cant really get better my myself so Ill try and make more fests and stuff but Im broooke right now so if there any happening around or after Xmas then I should be there. And I have on friend up here who isnt too serious about the game but he is getting a lot better though, hes a Sheik/ Y Link player. He may not know the advanced techs of the game that well but ever since I started playing him a lot his mindgames have been improving. But yeah hopefully you can catch me at a fest some time soon

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
seems like you take the game way to seriously lol.
remember smash is a game not a sport.
dont really care if i lose to Kman, EVEN IF I LOSE TO CHRISBOI :O and not really bothered if i win lol
I have a life outside of smash so i dont fully concentrate on it.


Smash Master
Oct 30, 2006
London , Silver Street
seems like you take the game way to seriously lol.
remember smash is a game not a sport.
dont really care if i lose to Kman, EVEN IF I LOSE TO CHRISBOI :O and not really bothered if i win lol
I have a life outside of smash so i dont fully concentrate on it.
its not that i take the game to seriously because ppl say i like to sandbag also i would like to add that i know its a game but i just look at smash at an intelligent aspect if i didnot i would have quit ages ago .its the truth i like how smash gameplay works. smash has somewhat grew on me and so on you thats why we wouldnt have joined smashboards am i right ?

true but what life is this? lol
i dont really know what you mean but if its an insult all i can say is this i make it out of pools and you play as much smash as i do so .


Smash Ace
Jul 26, 2006
London, UK
i dont really know what you mean but if its an insult all i can say is this i make it out of pools and you play as much smash as i do so .
I think Crisboi's comment was aimed at P Pro after he said he has a life outside of smash! An on that note that means that chris is dissing p pro so i believe that deserves a money match where p pro will have to repeat pdots actions at PACMEN BJ imo!:laugh:

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Great news everybody. There is a chance that chrisboi Disgusting humiliating defeat against PDOT which left him permantely ashamed and upset might be on youtube tomorrow


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2006
i dont think im going this saturday


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
Might be able to make this. Where he hell has Craig gone? His internet has died or something.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Yeah it has sadly:( but he might post tommorow because i think he is going to Pauls house to put some stuff up on youtube like the legendary Chris vs PDOT MM (which PDOT won i must repeat)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2006
Just to let you know, there's a smashfest at craigs this weekend. what dyou guys think about doing another pacman BJ around the 16/17th?

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
I still havent spoke to craig yet about it. Why a MM crew battle anyway lol since when do crew battles invovle money. Isit going to be 4 vs 4 because i heard Chrisboi got kicked out of IWR cos he aint that good loool.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2006
who the **** is iwr?

edit: oh right i always knew you as team scrub coz of habbit :p lol

errm sure i guess, as for money i doubt it lol but a crew match sure.


Smash Master
Oct 30, 2006
London , Silver Street
Another Pacmen around 17th, and I shall be zere.
thats a monday (17th)

another pacman BJ2 should be on the 15th DEcember

who the **** is iwr?

edit: oh right i always knew you as team scrub coz of habbit :p lol

errm sure i guess, as for money i doubt it lol but a crew match sure.
did not have to swear, i will teach you some manners fox hunting season is coming
no MOney what you scared scrubz
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