I have just beaten YW, the final boss is hard hard, but managed to pull it off with Yo-kai around the lvl. 37-43 with determination. I am glad to announce that I will remain a Yo-kai Watch fan for life. This game was an amazing, fresh experience.
You know, I am so glad that I did watch Yo-kai Watch anime back in June. I didn't expect much of a surprise when I watched the first episode, I was pleasantly surprised and got hooked by its comedy culture of Yo-kai, and being relatable to real life situations. I got to love new characters like Manjimutt, Fumika Kodoma, Whisper, Komasan, Inaho, and many other greatly designed characters made by Level-5. I got to love many of Yo-kai Watch's many catchy tunes like Gera Gera Po, Yo-kai Exercise, Uchu Dance, and all other of the YW opening songs. My hype was through and became a big fan of the franchise from there, anticipated waiting for the game to release.
After beating this game, now I seriously want to know more about yokai mythology and learn more about Japanese history. I truly cannot wait to spend 60 hours of my time on side-quests, post game content, and catching all the Yo-kai! I want most of the stuff
like the Yorozumart and the Universal YW attraction to open in the West. I want the franchise to make children in the west happy
people! If I ever have a family, I want my kids to remember YW for their childhood.
Thank you Hino for giving us this imaginative world and concept! Thank you Mark Risley, David H. Steinberg, Level-5 Abby, Disney XD, Hasbro, and Nintendo for giving us the quality the franchise needs! I hope Yo-kai Watch really becomes a true hit, because it truly deserves the rank of being highly popular in Japan in the west, it has tons of true potential of being a success. Keep being the creative geniuses that you are, Level-5!
To those who haven't played it, I highly recommend giving it a try! Don't let the Japanese culture and gameplay shy you away!
Thanks for readinya~