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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
I resent your voice message, Chris!

My phone was on until 9pm when I went the **** to sleep.

So if you're gonna tell me I suck, at LEAST cite the proper reason: the fact that my sleeping patterns are as senseless as Sheik's grab game.

But, for now, you are forgiven. <3



Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
Its the lake folks on papa nakas account

Hi alan!

Jooohny boy! or anyone near CMU for that matter

if anyone is stopping by or near that cool joint where we smash can you pick up my little black phone charger

yeah that'd be greeeeeat mmkay


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
That was dumb. He raged so hardcore at that.

And I was the one who had to deal with it for the next hour.

I mean, yeah, Fiddlesticks is pretty **** good now, but...

Also, I won't be at smash today :(

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
Sample of a text message if I had done this

Gerald: "I won't be able to go to Duq today."

H&G: "Loser :p"

I was considering awarding a dollar to the first one to 4, or JV4-stock Logan's Fox, Falcon, or Marth.

Guess he chicken'd out since I kinda put a hit out on him.

Wuss XD

Loser :p

Chicken :O

*Insult followed by a smiley. ALWAYS END WITH A SMILEY!!!!!!*

Taki, please don't go Puff.

Fox, Marth, Falcon, heck, even Shiek.

Just not Puff.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
That was dumb. He raged so hardcore at that.

And I was the one who had to deal with it for the next hour.

I mean, yeah, Fiddlesticks is pretty **** good now, but...

Also, I won't be at smash today :(
Fiddle's been top tier for awhile, but it's not like he's convincingly better than the rest of the top tiers, he's just the best caster. He's also soft countered by simply investing in wards/clairvoyance and getting merc treads, so there's no real reason to ***** about him unless you ***** about Jax, TF, Sivir and Alistar as well.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Fiddle's been top tier for awhile, but it's not like he's convincingly better than the rest of the top tiers, he's just the best caster. He's also soft countered by simply investing in wards/clairvoyance and getting merc treads, so there's no real reason to ***** about him unless you ***** about Jax, TF, Sivir and Alistar as well.
Jax, TF, and Alistar are all getting nerfs lol (yeah yeah, Fiddle's silence is getting nerfed, I know, but it's not much). And yeah, I know you can soft counter Fiddle, but the thing is we had a way worse comp than you guys (practice game, lolz) so farming was tough enough as is. Our team was built around teamfights, too, and since you had Sivir/Fiddle and we didn't, we auto lost all of those. So he raged. Fiddle was basically a hard counter to our entire team, lol.

And no one rages about Sivir because she just pushes. It's not very rage inducing, like TF/Teemo/Fiddlesticks/etc are xP


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Jax's debuff is good, totally approve of it and it will keep him viable, but make him more reasonable.

TF's debuff is garbage. He'll probably end up a little bit worse off because of losing destiny's slow, but that new passive is so stupid and blue cards restoring mana is just O_O. I think the end result of that debuff is just that he'll be a little less scary to the entire map 2 seconds after he goes mia because running will still be an option, but he'll be outputting way more damage and harassing much harder early. Certainly a different feel for TF, but I'd be surprised if he weren't still the best character in the game after it.

Alistar's debuff is fairly pedestrian. It will have very little impact on him, but it's a step in the right direction I suppose. He's still being allowed to be the best tank/initiator in the game without ever needing to buy a tanking item.

Teemo is hard countered by merc treads :laugh:. God, he's soooo bad right now because of that one item. Should get better for him with the patch with this note though:
"# Split all Slows with multiple effects into separate buffs. This will cause immunity or reduction to the slow to have no effect on the other portion of the spell."
I still think he'll be on the lower end of viability, but jeez, I dunno how anyone can rage about him right now as the most obvious boots choice accidentally reduces the damage from his ult by 40% (not even counting the magic resist).

Sivir should make people rage harder. If Sivir ever gets rolling, she is essentially unkillable (veil + spell sheild + ult that increases her run speed + passive that increases her fleeing dodge change = good ****ing luck) and automatically gives her team ridiculous map control. She is countered by a few early game matchups (Ashe and Trist) that can keep her from getting rolling, but she's just so much better at farming and pushing than everyone else that it always surprises me that people aren't raging harder over her.

My feeling on fiddlesticks is just that fear should be removed as a game mechanic cause it's ******** and they should just give him some other ability in place of his fear. There are only 2 things that fear right now (JitB and fiddle's fear) and the mechanic is stupid as balls and completely unfun, so they should just axe it.

It was fun playing with you guys, but that nerd rage was too much for me at the end there :p.

Todd Bonney

Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2005
Its the lake folks on papa nakas account

Hi alan!

Jooohny boy! or anyone near CMU for that matter

if anyone is stopping by or near that cool joint where we smash can you pick up my little black phone charger

yeah that'd be greeeeeat mmkay

I asked someone to look for it by the door where you had it. He said he didn't see anything. :ohwell:

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
Well, it seems that Rob has already filled in for me, so it needs not be said.

What the heck: *Deep breath*



aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Jax's debuff is good, totally approve of it and it will keep him viable, but make him more reasonable.

TF's debuff is garbage. He'll probably end up a little bit worse off because of losing destiny's slow, but that new passive is so stupid and blue cards restoring mana is just O_O. I think the end result of that debuff is just that he'll be a little less scary to the entire map 2 seconds after he goes mia because running will still be an option, but he'll be outputting way more damage and harassing much harder early. Certainly a different feel for TF, but I'd be surprised if he weren't still the best character in the game after it.

Alistar's debuff is fairly pedestrian. It will have very little impact on him, but it's a step in the right direction I suppose. He's still being allowed to be the best tank/initiator in the game without ever needing to buy a tanking item.

Teemo is hard countered by merc treads :laugh:. God, he's soooo bad right now because of that one item. Should get better for him with the patch with this note though:
"# Split all Slows with multiple effects into separate buffs. This will cause immunity or reduction to the slow to have no effect on the other portion of the spell."
I still think he'll be on the lower end of viability, but jeez, I dunno how anyone can rage about him right now as the most obvious boots choice accidentally reduces the damage from his ult by 40% (not even counting the magic resist).

Sivir should make people rage harder. If Sivir ever gets rolling, she is essentially unkillable (veil + spell sheild + ult that increases her run speed + passive that increases her fleeing dodge change = good ****ing luck) and automatically gives her team ridiculous map control. She is countered by a few early game matchups (Ashe and Trist) that can keep her from getting rolling, but she's just so much better at farming and pushing than everyone else that it always surprises me that people aren't raging harder over her.

My feeling on fiddlesticks is just that fear should be removed as a game mechanic cause it's ******** and they should just give him some other ability in place of his fear. There are only 2 things that fear right now (JitB and fiddle's fear) and the mechanic is stupid as balls and completely unfun, so they should just axe it.

It was fun playing with you guys, but that nerd rage was too much for me at the end there :p.
Halve the duration on his fear and it's legit.

The Alistar nerf is just them showing that they know he's OP.

Sivir needs nerfed, BAD.

TF actually sucks pretty bad early/midgame. His spike is GONE. Completely gone. The new passive is only good once leveled up, which makes him a very solid endgame character and makes physical DPS TF decent. If he goes into a fight with gold card he won't do any good damage, if it's red he gets a slow and a little more damage, and blue does the most while restoring mana which means no CC. His DPS is really nerfed hard now, he can still gank well if fed, but he is now no longer the best map control/DPS/team fight/CC champion all at once with gold card. He isn't even the best at any of those, lol. His one big saving grace is, he can stay in lane for a long time, making him a very solid solo mid against characters who aren't great at harassing. He now loses to the better solos though (Sivir, Nidalee, hell even Karthus). There's now a reason to replace him on your team, too, which is important.

Also, to everyone else: you're all nerds, give it up.

Edit: Teemo is very underpowered for a ranged carry, but, he still makes people rage. It's 'cause he's so short and not intimidating I think.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
sivir's range debuff will hurt. she already loses to long range carries, this will make it that much worse.

you are brutally underestimating the new tf passive. 90 damage every 4th attack at no cost at level 1 is unbelievably stupid. attack 3 creeps, and suddenly your opponent is looking at eating well over 100 damage at no mana cost.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
sivir's range debuff will hurt. she already loses to long range carries, this will make it that much worse.

you are brutally underestimating the new tf passive. 90 damage every 4th attack at no cost at level 1 is unbelievably stupid. attack 3 creeps, and suddenly your opponent is looking at eating well over 100 damage at no mana cost.
You are brutally overestimating it. Yes, it hurts, and it's supposed to. In fact, it's pretty great because he's kind of a hard counter to Sivir and Nidalee now, lol, which they needed. But most of the standard ranged carries or mages can really hurt him if he tries to harass with it through their range. If he's not hitting creeps, he's not getting gold. Also, bear in mind that Wild Cards are now weaker, as is Pick a Card. Wild Cards was one of the best harass spells in the game before, and much more dangerous than the new passive is. It's the reason he's so good at solo mid. Now, it's still pretty strong, but not as it was before, so even though he got the new passive, his harass is a lot worse around midgame compared to how it was (gold card -> hit a few times -> wild cards does significantly less damage now, before he could take off half your health with it). The only broken mechanic we could find with the new passive was rushing sword of the divine. The ASPD + the passive on it makes for ridiculous pushing at early levels. He can dominate midgame with it now, I bet. Towards endgame grab a Mejai's and Guinsoo's and, assuming you get a few kills/assists, he becomes pretty ****. He's still one of the best endgame champions. Don't get me wrong when I say that you overestimate it and such, I mean, he's still REALLY good. He's just not banworthy anymore. There's a reason for certain teams to not have him over other characters, which is huge.

I missed the Sivir nerf, lol. While it sucks since I like playing as her, she really needed it.

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
*Insert text about ANYTHING but Smash*

Melee is so ****
Brawl is just like "What's the point?"
I despise all johns.

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008

What do you guys think of this "Smash Bros. Melee" game?

Anyone here played it?

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008

The composition
Fit to see it be
In slumber


Of glory blazing
The centerpiece


For the testament
Of love’s requitence


I simply long to be

Let's hope everyone doesn't follow you this time.

Thanks, Swift!
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