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The official meta knight match up discussion thread!


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
I've seen some posts before on this that failed to do much on explaining the match up, and figured I should make one that everyone on the DDD boards can get into.

The DDD vs. meta knight is a struggle that I just cant seem to get past, as well as some of my other D3 buds.

I want discussion to get to the bottom of breaking this match up to be even or maybe in DDD's favor somehow.

Post your damage racking methods, strategies, and personal exp. against meta knight if you have any please.

Because this seems to be the only problem DDD has, next to maybe olimar ._.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
Mks not that hard. I used to have problems with him but not so much anymore.

Just waddle dee to force him to approach. Ftilt/dtilt/inhale his ground approch and shield grab his aerial approach.

Bair goes through all of his aerials, if he shuttle loops just shield/ air dodge the first part of it then bair him as hes coming around.

B reversals **** mk as theyll be expecting bairs and will shield camp if ur in the air then you just B reversal an inhale and suck them up.

Up tilt and down smash always go through his nado. If you dont have enough time to do that just shield upwards to shield the entire thing and grab him.

Bair goes through it at a certain angle through the air as well as inhale if u suck him up while in the air.

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
Mks not that hard. I used to have problems with him but not so much anymore.

Just waddle dee to force him to approach. Ftilt/dtilt/inhale his ground approch and shield grab his aerial approach.

Bair goes through all of his aerials, if he shuttle loops just shield/ air dodge the first part of it then bair him as hes coming around.

B reversals **** mk as theyll be expecting bairs and will shield camp if ur in the air then you just B reversal an inhale and suck them up.

Up tilt and down smash always go through his nado. If you dont have enough time to do that just shield upwards to shield the entire thing and grab him.

Bair goes through it at a certain angle through the air as well as inhale if u suck him up while in the air.
You make MK sound a little too easy. I don't play any good MKs but from what I know I'll respond. Please correct me if I'm wrong... Why are you forcing an approach on a char that has an easy time approaching. He can just shield the waddle > dash > commence ****. Ftilt sounds good, but can't dtilt be shield grabbed? And can't he just short hop dair, nair, fair, w/e if you inhale? Does bair really go through ALL his aerials? I'll have to test that. B reversal actually sounds like a great idea.

I don't think that covers all of MKs advantages, but thanks for the advice. I'll use all of it. =)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2008
I don't think this character should ever be underestimated. If he's not "that hard" to fight chances are the player using him isn't that hard, because the character certainly has the potential to be more than just fairly hard to fight for anyone. There's gonna be a lot of Meta scrubs but don't let that fool you into thinking you've got the character all figured out I say.

Anyways a lot of MKs I fight have a tendency to really try to abuse his grab range (with good reason!) I noticed, even the hair-pullingly good ones, so inhale or a short hop using dair are good reactive things to do against him. All manner of MKs like to get fancy off stage so I say if you're ahead don't feel any shame in inhaling them with you into oblivion. It's not totally reliable, but I think getting a Waddle Doo out there as quickly as possible is a good idea. Using Waddle Dee toss gratuitously is good of course, and if you get Doo out there it'll do two things. Either give them a distraction, or give you something to aim towards because if they get caught in that beam attack of his then you know what to do if you're close by. So if a Doo comes out I say stick around it. I think 90% of the battle is foresight myself. Heh, good luck though against the good ones that get all unpredictable.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2008
ABusing your multijumps for mindgames and using dair for spacing really helps. Also, I find that using the dair can catch MK out of his shuttle loop nicely, but you have to predict it in advance.


Smash Rookie
Aug 17, 2008
A tough matchup, but not as difficult as characters like Falco.

MK loves to approach, so your Shield is your best friend. If MK doesn't want to approach, make him approach with tilts/WDT. Learn how to dodge/counter the Tornado + Drill Rush and you should be fine.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
You make MK sound a little too easy. I don't play any good MKs but from what I know I'll respond. Please correct me if I'm wrong... Why are you forcing an approach on a char that has an easy time approaching. He can just shield the waddle > dash > commence ****. Ftilt sounds good, but can't dtilt be shield grabbed? And can't he just short hop dair, nair, fair, w/e if you inhale? Does bair really go through ALL his aerials? I'll have to test that. B reversal actually sounds like a great idea.

I don't think that covers all of MKs advantages, but thanks for the advice. I'll use all of it. =)
Dedede has too many defensive options if you play your game correctly it is very difficult for him to effectively approach u.
You still throw waddle dees at a certain distance regardless, it's not very smart to not use your projectile lol.
Of course if hes close enough you don't want to throw it since hell punish if you miss.
Dtilt and inhale are actually your best options, dtilt comes out way too fast for him to shield grab if hes running at u, ftilt works at a distance, dtilt and inhale are your best options if hes really close as well as shield grabbing of course. You're not gonna be standing there spamming inhale obviously so no his shed aerials arent a problem at all.

Mk isnt that hard once you know how to play him. I play the 2 best mks in my state very often, its not like i **** them but i go about 50/50 with one and win about 60% vs the other.

I believe m2k even said this matchup is even on the meta boards(I dont think its even but more like 55/45 or 60/40)


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Tijuana, México
If you can space well and know how not to get humiliated by the nado, you'll do fine. I think it's possible.

EDIT: lol look at me, in the D3 and MK forums. I wonder if the IC guys miss me.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
The problem is that DDD Has enough lag on ALL his attacks (even the shield grab) that he can be punished for him. His large size and inability to stop it make tornado spam quite the problem for him too.

Oh and that meta WAS a piece o ****...


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
really...I feel like this match up is salvagable..

But I just cant find a way to beat a defensive meta knight. The ones with good spacing who dont leave themselves open much.
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